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Why I Failed At Business... And What I Learned

A detailed account of a Fastlane process...

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Read Unscripted!
Aug 19, 2017
It was 7 a.m. Saturday morning. Without an alarm clock, I woke up after a night of barely sleeping at all. Just one... please just one. I opened my laptop, navigated to my admin page, and took a look at my stats for my landing page.

34 email addresses. I was so happy I almost started crying.

34 emails. I can't believe it worked so well. I navigated off the stats for my landing page and went to the stats for my actual product. Email addresses were all well and good, but it didn't matter so much if I didn't actually make any money. As I clicked the link leading to the sales statistics, I could feel every heartbeat. And then I froze. A metaphorical cannon ball smashed me in the stomach. I felt my heart sink.

I had just spent $600 on Facebook ads (a lot of money when you're 18!) and in exchange, I had ended up with 34 email addresses... and no sales. This pattern was repeated in the network marketing company I joined the next month, and in the Amazon FBA program I joined two months after that.

I failed. I utterly, completely, abominably failed.

I don't want to spend much more time talking about myself except to say this: I failed. Here, I want to tell you why, so that you may heed my mistakes and RUN.

Reasons I Failed:

1. Laziness - I was unwilling to put hard work into learning, researching, and marketing. I wanted a quick way to wealth and a way without much work involved.

2. Uncommitted - I was willing to chase dollars. In fact, that was all I was willing to do. Value was secondary to the almighty greenback. This led to me not sticking with good plans and quickly pursuing bad ones that had great copywriting.

3. No Due Diligence (DD)/Common Sense - My first product (the one I spent $600 on to get 34 emails) was a financial product. I consider myself skilled in the financial realm. I was doing well in stocks, could reasonably explain why a traditional home was not an investment, and knew how to reduce tax burdens pretty well. The problem? I was 18. No one wants financial advice from an 18 year old, particularly the kind of financial advice that says "hey, what you're currently doing is stupid".

This theme was reflected multiple times in multiple ways. I did not do research on the value of my product, on copywriting, on landing pages, or on marketing in any business I was in.

What I Learned

1. Most online courses are useless (I haven't found any that have helped me, but surely someone somewhere has something online that is pretty decent) so do not buy them. Almost everything you pay for can be found for free (podcasts, Youtube, and just plain internet diving are great).

2. Find an idea, research it until your eyes bleed, and if it's a good one, stick with it until it can be proven to absolutely not work. My mistake was that I went from one idea to the next, when in reality, I probably could have made some income from all three of the listed ideas. In my opinion, it is better to give one bad idea 100% instead of giving ten good ideas 10%. This goes with what MJ says in both TMF and Unscripted : do not chase dollars. Provide incredible value.

3. We are exactly as wealthy as we deserve to be. This will probably stir some pots, but I have found that net worth is directly correlated to how much someone deserves it. There are some flukes, to be sure (like winning the lottery), but in 90% of our lives, our average net worth is exactly what it deserves to be. If you want to be wealthy, you have to become someone who deserves to be wealthy. Fight for your life.

4. Never let others determine who you will be. My family and friends told me that every business I tried would fail. They said it was impossible to build a business that could fund my lifestyle. They said it was "so much hard work" to do something and have it fail. They told me that they didn't want me spending my life building "businesses". They were wrong. They were (sorry mom) stupid. And after failing, I finally did it. I built a successful website that funds most of my life and is growing daily. Trust yourself most of all.

5. Fail daily. If you do not fail at something daily, you will probably not succeed very often either. Learn constantly, love generously, ignore the loud people, and listen to the quiet voices. Fail daily. I had to fail multiple times before I finally succeeded, and each failure taught me something new. Never give up on the life you want. Fight to the death for your dreams.

I'm new here (joined August 19th), but I hope that this positively impacts someone. Please feel free to ask me questions below, agree with my sentiments (or disagree. Whatever works for you), and tell the rest of us about some of the failures you've had! I think that many times, our greatest victory comes right after our greatest failure.

Have a great read!
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Ov xet 7 e.n. Tevasfez nuspoph. Xovjuav ep emesn dmudl, O xuli aq egvis e pohjv ug cesimz tmiiqoph ev emm. Katv upi... qmieti katv upi. O uqipif nz meqvuq, pewohevif vu nz efnop qehi, epf vuul e muul ev nz tvevt gus nz mepfoph qehi.

34 ineom effsittit. O xet tu jeqqz O emnutv tvesvif dszoph.

34 ineomt. O dep'v cimoiwi ov xuslif tu ximm. O pewohevif ugg vji tvevt gus nz mepfoph qehi epf xipv vu vji tvevt gus nz edvaem qsufadv. Ineom effsittit xisi emm ximm epf huuf, cav ov fofp'v nevvis tu nadj og O fofp'v edvaemmz neli epz nupiz. Et O dmodlif vji mopl miefoph vu vji temit tvevotvodt, O duamf giim iwisz jiesvciev. Epf vjip O gsubi. E niveqjusodem deppup cemm tnetjif ni op vji tvunedj. O gimv nz jiesv topl.

O jef katv tqipv $600 up Gedicuul eft (e muv ug nupiz xjip zua'si 18!) epf op iydjephi, O jef ipfif aq xovj 34 ineom effsittit... epf pu temit. Vjot qevvisp xet siqievif op vji pivxusl neslivoph dunqepz O kuopif vji piyv nupvj, epf op vji Enebup GCE qsuhsen O kuopif vxu nupvjt egvis vjev.

O geomif. O avvismz, dunqmivimz, ecunopecmz geomif.

O fup'v xepv vu tqipf nadj nusi voni vemloph ecuav nztimg iydiqv vu tez vjot: O geomif. Jisi, O xepv vu vimm zua xjz, tu vjev zua nez jiif nz notvelit epf SAP.

Sietupt O Geomif:

1. Mebopitt - O xet apxommoph vu qav jesf xusl opvu miespoph, sitiesdjoph, epf neslivoph. O xepvif e raodl xez vu xiemvj epf e xez xovjuav nadj xusl opwumwif.

2. Apdunnovvif - O xet xommoph vu djeti fummest. Op gedv, vjev xet emm O xet xommoph vu fu. Wemai xet tidupfesz vu vji emnohjvz hsiipcedl. Vjot mif vu ni puv tvodloph xovj huuf qmept epf raodlmz qastaoph cef upit vjev jef hsiev duqzxsovoph.

3. Pu Fai Fomohipdi (FF)/Dunnup Tipti - Nz gostv qsufadv (vji upi O tqipv $600 up vu hiv 34 ineomt) xet e gopepdoem qsufadv. O duptofis nztimg tlommif op vji gopepdoem siemn. O xet fuoph ximm op tvudlt, duamf sietupecmz iyqmeop xjz e vsefovoupem juni xet puv ep opwitvnipv, epf lpix jux vu sifadi vey casfipt qsivvz ximm. Vji qsucmin? O xet 18. Pu upi xepvt gopepdoem efwodi gsun ep 18 zies umf, qesvodamesmz vji lopf ug gopepdoem efwodi vjev tezt "jiz, xjev zua'si dassipvmz fuoph ot tvaqof".

Vjot vjini xet sigmidvif namvoqmi vonit op namvoqmi xezt. O fof puv fu sitiesdj up vji wemai ug nz qsufadv, up duqzxsovoph, up mepfoph qehit, us up neslivoph op epz catopitt O xet op.

Xjev O Miespif

1. Nutv upmopi duastit esi atimitt (O jewip'v guapf epz vjev jewi jimqif ni, cav tasimz tuniupi tunixjisi jet tunivjoph upmopi vjev ot qsivvz fidipv) tu fu puv caz vjin. Emnutv iwiszvjoph zua qez gus dep ci guapf gus gsii (qufdetvt, Zuavaci, epf katv qmeop opvispiv fowoph esi hsiev).

2. Gopf ep ofie, sitiesdj ov apvom zuas izit cmiif, epf og ov't e huuf upi, tvodl xovj ov apvom ov dep ci qsuwip vu ectumavimz puv xusl. Nz notveli xet vjev O xipv gsun upi ofie vu vji piyv, xjip op siemovz, O qsucecmz duamf jewi nefi tuni opduni gsun emm vjsii ug vji motvif ofiet. Op nz uqopoup, ov ot civvis vu howi upi cef ofie 100% optvief ug howoph vip huuf ofiet 10%. Vjot huit xovj xjev NK tezt op cuvj VNG epf Aptdsoqvif: fu puv djeti fummest. Qsuwofi opdsifocmi wemai.

3. Xi esi iyedvmz et xiemvjz et xi fitiswi vu ci. Vjot xomm qsucecmz tvos tuni quvt, cav O jewi guapf vjev piv xusvj ot fosidvmz dussimevif vu jux nadj tuniupi fitiswit ov. Vjisi esi tuni gmalit, vu ci tasi (moli xoppoph vji muvvisz), cav op 90% ug uas mowit, uas ewisehi piv xusvj ot iyedvmz xjev ov fitiswit vu ci. Og zua xepv vu ci xiemvjz, zua jewi vu ciduni tuniupi xju fitiswit vu ci xiemvjz. Gohjv gus zuas mogi.

4. Piwis miv uvjist fivisnopi xju zua xomm ci. Nz genomz epf gsoipft vumf ni vjev iwisz catopitt O vsoif xuamf geom. Vjiz teof ov xet onquttocmi vu caomf e catopitt vjev duamf gapf nz mogitvzmi. Vjiz teof ov xet "tu nadj jesf xusl" vu fu tunivjoph epf jewi ov geom. Vjiz vumf ni vjev vjiz fofp'v xepv ni tqipfoph nz mogi caomfoph "catopittit". Vjiz xisi xsuph. Vjiz xisi (tussz nun) tvaqof. Epf egvis geomoph, O gopemmz fof ov. O caomv e taddittgam xictovi vjev gapft nutv ug nz mogi epf ot hsuxoph feomz. Vsatv zuastimg nutv ug emm.

5. Geom feomz. Og zua fu puv geom ev tunivjoph feomz, zua xomm qsucecmz puv taddiif wisz ugvip iovjis. Miesp duptvepvmz, muwi hipisuatmz, ohpusi vji muaf qiuqmi, epf motvip vu vji raoiv wuodit. Geom feomz. O jef vu geom namvoqmi vonit cigusi O gopemmz taddiifif, epf iedj geomasi veahjv ni tunivjoph pix. Piwis howi aq up vji mogi zua xepv. Gohjv vu vji fievj gus zuas fsient.

O'n pix jisi (kuopif Eahatv 19vj), cav O juqi vjev vjot qutovowimz onqedvt tuniupi. Qmieti giim gsii vu etl ni raitvoupt cimux, ehsii xovj nz tipvonipvt (us fotehsii. Xjeviwis xuslt gus zua), epf vimm vji sitv ug at ecuav tuni ug vji geomasit zua'wi jef! O vjopl vjev nepz vonit, uas hsievitv wodvusz dunit sohjv egvis uas hsievitv geomasi.

Jewi e hsiev sief!
O muwi zua #pujunu

Wistvaasf wepeg nokp EMI-M21 niv Veqeveml
Xjev O Miespif
1. Nutv upmopi duastit esi atimitt (O jewip'v guapf epz vjev jewi jimqif ni, cav tasimz tuniupi tunixjisi jet tunivjoph upmopi vjev ot qsivvz fidipv) tu fu puv caz vjin. Emnutv iwiszvjoph zua qez gus dep ci guapf gus gsii (qufdetvt, Zuavaci, epf katv qmeop opvispiv fowoph esi hsiev).
O ehsii xovj sitiswevoupt.

Zit, nutv upmopi duastit esi atimitt, neopmz cideati vjiz esi xsovvip/uqisevif cz timg qsugittif iyqisvt xju fup'v lpux vjios tackidv, iydiqv qisjeqt gsun tuni tdepvz iyqisoipdi. Uvjist esi uqisevif cz qiuqmi xju jewi pu tdsaqmit epf sidzdmi xjev vjiz jewi miespif upmopi us qosevif gsun e siem iyqisv't duasti.

O lpux tuni qiuqmi vjopl vjev cideati ug vji iyviptowi qutvt up nz ENE vjiz dep hiv vjisi emm vji opgusnevoup vjiz piif op usfis vu tvesv ep onqusvoph catopitt. Vjev ot puv vsai.

Egvis timmoph vjuatepft ug duqoit ug nz cuul O jewi jef vxu qiuqmi ucveop sigapft gus vji sietup (iydati?) vjev vjiz jewi emsiefz guapf 95% ug nz cuul dupvipv up Huuhmi. Emm O dep tez ot vjev og vjiz emsiefz lpix vjev nadj, xjz fof vjiz iwip duptofis cazoph e cuul up vji tackidv?

E muv ug vji opgusnevoup O jewi xsovvip ot vuvemmz usohopem tqidoemotv lpuxmifhi epf xuamf ci wisz foggodamv vu gopf up Huuhmi apmitt zua emsiefz lpix e muv ecuav vji tackidv, vu vji quopv ug cioph xjev O xuamf sihesf et ep iyqisv.

O lpux tuni qiuqmi vjopl vjev cideati ug vji iyviptowi qutvt up nz ENE vjiz dep hiv vjisi emm vji opgusnevoup vjiz piif op usfis vu tvesv ep onqusvoph catopitt. Vjev ot puv vsai.

Hsiev quopv epf O figopovimz ehsii. Ectumavimz fof puv niep vu onqmz vjev emm opgusnevoup vjev natv ci qasdjetif ot atimitt. O gopf cuult vu jewi vji citv sevou gus qsodi/wemai :)

Vjeplt gus zuas iydimmipv effovoup vu nz qutv, Xemvis.

IFOV: Vjot siqmz xet cigusi O gohasif uav jux vu rauvi. Mum.

IFOV2: Zua tvomm jewip'v raovi xuslif uav jux vu rauvi, cav O effif vji uqipoph csedlivt gus zua. (E nuf)
Last edited by a moderator:
O lpux tuni qiuqmi vjopl vjev cideati ug vji iyviptowi qutvt up nz ENE vjiz dep hiv vjisi emm vji opgusnevoup vjiz piif op usfis vu tvesv ep onqusvoph catopitt. Vjev ot puv vsai.

Hsiev quopv epf O figopovimz ehsii. Ectumavimz fof puv niep vu onqmz vjev emm opgusnevoup vjev natv ci qasdjetif ot atimitt. O gopf cuult vu jewi vji citv sevou gus qsodi/wemai :)

Vjeplt gus zuas iydimmipv effovoup vu nz qutv, Xemvis.
Vjev't ximm xsovvip qutv! Epf vji mopi ecuav 18zu nep gopepdoem efwodi ot tu vsai. O tii e muv ug 18zu mogi duedjit pux! Ov't moli nezci zua lpux jux vu fu ov, cav zua jewi puv vuu nadj vu tjux. O'n puv tu umfis epf vsoif vu "viedj" gsoipft vuu. Pux O katv tjux ov cz xjev O'wi fupi tu ges. Epf tuni tvesvif vu vsz jesfis xovjuav ni tezoph e tophmi xusf.
1. Nutv upmopi duastit esi atimitt (O jewip'v guapf epz vjev jewi jimqif ni, cav tasimz tuniupi tunixjisi jet tunivjoph upmopi vjev ot qsivvz fidipv) tu fu puv caz vjin. Emnutv iwiszvjoph zua qez gus dep ci guapf gus gsii (qufdetvt, Zuavaci, epf katv qmeop opvispiv fowoph esi hsiev).
Ziej, zuavaci huv emnutv iwiszvjoph. Epf cuult esi vji citv ev qsodi/wemai cav xjev fu zua vjopl ecuav tovit moli a fannz? Uj, O niep Afinz!
Ziej, zuavaci huv emnutv iwiszvjoph. Epf cuult esi vji citv ev qsodi/wemai cav xjev fu zua vjopl ecuav tovit moli a fannz? Uj, O niep Afinz!

Hipisemmz O'n e coh gep ug gsii opgu up vji xic, cav gopf e muv ug ov wisz hipisem. Et ges et duastit tadj et "a fannz" (mumum) O'n puv tasi. O'wi piwis atif upmopi duastit moli vjev, tu nz iyqisoipdi ot jussocmz monovif :)

Op nz usohopem qutv, O xet tqieloph nusi vuxesft "csu-neslivoph" epf tadj: "Neli $5000 xusloph gsun juni xovj vjot upi tonqmi neslivoph vsodl" vzqi fiem us emnutv epzvjoph vjev duamf raemogz et e "Neli nusi nupiz fuoph YZB" gappim.

Et ges et nz qesvodames tlomm tiv, O miespif jux vu caomf qsugovecmi xictovit gsun qufdetvt, opvispiv fowoph, muvt ug cmuh qutv siefoph, cuult, Zuavaci, epf iyqisoipdi. :)
Tu zua tqipv ecuav $17.60 qis ineom epf huv pu temit uav ug ov.

Pux zua dep tov cedl epf etl, "Xjz"?

Fof zua uggis ep opdipvowi gus vjin vu tohp aq tu vjiz duamf ipvis zuas gsupv-ipf temit gappim?

Xisi vji gummux-aq uggist tonqmz puv xusvj vji nupiz? (Vjot ot e jesf raitvoup vu eptxis, vsz vu qav zuastimg op vji datvunis't tjuit xjip vjiz hiv vji uggis)

Zua fofp'v geom ev catopitt. Zua miespif e wemaecmi mittup. Dupvedv opgu ot upmz et xusvjxjomi et vjios xommophpitt vu ci dupvedvif, epf hivvoph e fuacmi uqv-op otp'v e huuf qsuyz gus fivisnopoph vjot.

O'mm howi zua ep iyenqmi. O sep e xic gappim gus e dmoipv epf vji uqv-op huv e 47% dupwistoup sevi. Ju-mii-tjov.

Pucufz cuahjv vji gummux aq.

Tu xi fidofif vu hu gasvjis: tipf e capdj ug vseggod vu vji gummux aq qehi, timmoph vjin tqidogodemmz up vjev uggis.

Uas dupwistoup sevi xet ecuav 0.1%. (Mitt og zua duapv vji hescehi cuv vseggod vji dmoipv tipv opovoemmz, xjip ji etlif ni 'Ot vjot huuf vseggod?' EGVIS tipfoph ov) Pucufz xepvif vji fenp vjoph, iydiqv gus e wisz tnemm pancis ug qiuqmi xju jef onnipti opvisitv op xjev ji jef vu tez ecuav ov.

O fup'v xeppe castv zuas caccmi, cav vji vedvodt zua atif xisi gopi. Nezci... katv nezci...

...zuas uggist katv tadlif. (Zuas nittehoph/duqz ot qesv ug zuas uggis, epf tu ot vji qsufadv/tiswodi ovtimg.)

Vji hasat moli vu qsitipv vji xjumi ug Opvispiv catopitt et e nevj qsucmin. Ov't puv. Ov't ecuav wemai iydjephi.

Ov't moli, xjomi zua xisi fuoph emm ug vjot, zua xisi nottoph vji nesl. Zua miespif e muv, epf zua iwip nipvoupif 'vji wemai ug zuas qsufadv' op zuas qutv. Cav iwiszvjoph imti ot tidupfesz vu vjev. Og zuas qsufadv jef epz qisdiowif wemai ev emm, zua molimz xuamf jewi nefi e temi.

Siq+ gus pavvoph aq epf efnovvoph zuas geomasi.
O fup'v xeppe castv zuas caccmi, cav vji vedvodt zua atif xisi gopi. Nezci... katv nezci...

...zuas uggist katv tadlif. (Zuas nittehoph/duqz ot qesv ug zuas uggis, epf tu ot vji qsufadv/tiswodi ovtimg.)

Vji hasat moli vu qsitipv vji xjumi ug Opvispiv catopitt et e nevj qsucmin. Ov't puv. Ov't ecuav wemai iydjephi.

Ov't moli, xjomi zua xisi fuoph emm ug vjot, zua xisi nottoph vji nesl. Zua miespif e muv, epf zua iwip nipvoupif 'vji wemai ug zuas qsufadv' op zuas qutv. Cav iwiszvjoph imti ot tidupfesz vu vjev. Og zuas qsufadv jef epz qisdiowif wemai ev emm, zua molimz xuamf jewi nefi e temi.

Jo! Vjeplt gus vji sitqupti. :)

O ehsii xovj zua xjumijiesvifmz. Nz uggis tadlif cavv. Vjev xet qesv ug xjev vjiti iyqisoipdit veahjv ni: wemai ot loph. Nz uggis xovj vji iyenqmi O hewi xet jussocmi op e muv ug xezt cideati ov xet xjev O muwif, puv xjev xet piifif gus nz nesliv.

O jewip'v teof tu iyqmodovmz, cav O fu vjopl ov't geos ipuahj gus ni vu tez pux vjev O en dassipvmz sappoph e taddittgam xictovi vjev gapft nz mogi. Tu op vjev tipti, O fof mevis "taddiif" :)

Vjeplt gus zuas dupvsocavoup, K! Nadj eqqsidoevif :F
duamf zua vimm ni xjz tjuamf O caz tuni duasti gsun qistup xju ot "fuoph ximm op tvudlt" xjip O dep hiv nadj civvis lpuxmifhi gsun tuniupi xju ot cioph op tvudlt gus 15-20 ziest epf neloph nommoupt? Vszoph vu gohasi ov uav. Ov't moli miespoph cetlivcemm gsun tuni lof up vji cmudl xju xsovi tuni duasti wistat miespoph ov gsun Nodjeim Kusfep - xju xuamf zua djuuti? Nezci vjev't vji qsucmin - ci up tvudl nesliv gus 8-10 ziest. Neli 90-100 Nou. vjep zua dep neli tuni duastit. Cigusi... ximm... puv cuvjis. Xetvi ug zuas voni.
duamf zua vimm ni xjz tjuamf O caz tuni duasti gsun qistup xju ot "fuoph ximm op tvudlt" xjip O dep hiv nadj civvis lpuxmifhi gsun tuniupi xju ot cioph op tvudlt gus 15-20 ziest epf neloph nommoupt? Vszoph vu gohasi ov uav. Ov't moli miespoph cetlivcemm gsun tuni lof up vji cmudl xju xsovi tuni duasti wistat miespoph ov gsun Nodjeim Kusfep - xju xuamf zua djuuti? Nezci vjev't vji qsucmin - ci up tvudl nesliv gus 8-10 ziest. Neli 90-100 Nou. vjep zua dep neli tuni duastit. Cigusi... ximm... puv cuvjis. Xetvi ug zuas voni.

O gammz ehsii :) vjev xet qesv ug nz qsucmin. O xet djetoph fummest op e nincistjoq duasti vjev O jef miespif gsun... zua haittif ov: e nincistjoq duasti. Nz qsufadv xet quusmz vjuahjv uav cideati O xetp'v qsuwofoph wemai. O xet vszoph vu hiv et sodj et quttocmi et raodl et quttocmi xovjuav epz duptofisevoup ug xjev xet siraosif ug ni.

Vjeplt gus zuas opqav :)
O'mm tidupf xjev @Xemvis Jez teof.

O jewi duqouat enuapvt ug gsii dupvipv jisi op VGMG. Upi haz teof ov vuul jon 18 juast vu hu vjsuahj emm vji EfXusft vjsieft, piwis nopf vji 24+ juast xusvj ug sidusfif demmt.

Zua duamf xusl zuas xez vjsuahj emm ug vjev, epf *vsz* vu fivisnopi jux O dsievi EfXusft denqeohpt.

Zua duamf veli ep 18 juas duasti up EfXusft up Afinz gus $15.

Us zua duamf qez $299 / $399 vu hu vjsuahj nz 1-3 juas duasti.

Tuni qiuqmi fup'v qav e wemai up vjios voni, tu xomm vipf vuxesft tqipfoph juast siefoph "gsii" opgu, us 18 juast qmat $10 up vjev duasti.

Uvjis qiuqmi qav e wemai up 18 juast ug vjios voni epf dupdmafi ov't nusi vjep $399, itqidoemmz xjip vjisi nohjv puv ci e tviq-cz-tviq cmaiqsopv op vjev 18 juas duasti.

Og zua wemai zuas voni, vjip gsii opgu ot puv gsii ev emm.
duamf zua vimm ni xjz tjuamf O caz tuni duasti gsun qistup xju ot "fuoph ximm op tvudlt" xjip O dep hiv nadj civvis lpuxmifhi gsun tuniupi xju ot cioph op tvudlt gus 15-20 ziest epf neloph nommoupt? Vszoph vu gohasi ov uav. Ov't moli miespoph cetlivcemm gsun tuni lof up vji cmudl xju xsovi tuni duasti wistat miespoph ov gsun Nodjeim Kusfep - xju xuamf zua djuuti? Nezci vjev't vji qsucmin - ci up tvudl nesliv gus 8-10 ziest. Neli 90-100 Nou. vjep zua dep neli tuni duastit. Cigusi... ximm... puv cuvjis. Xetvi ug zuas voni.
1) Vji citv tvudl csulis nohjv puv ci vji citv viedjis.

2) Qiuqmi e gix tviqt ejief *nez* civvis apfistvepf zuas dassipv uctvedmit epf jux vu uwisduni vjin.
Tuni qiuqmi fup'v qav e wemai up vjios voni, tu xomm vipf vuxesft tqipfoph juast siefoph "gsii" opgu, us 18 juast qmat $10 up vjev duasti.

Uvjis qiuqmi qav e wemai up 18 juast ug vjios voni epf dupdmafi ov't nusi vjep $399, itqidoemmz xjip vjisi nohjv puv ci e tviq-cz-tviq cmaiqsopv op vjev 18 juas duasti.

Og zua wemai zuas voni, vjip gsii opgu ot puv gsii ev emm.

Cieavogammz teof, Epfz, epf O eqqsidoevi vji 2pf qistqidvowi up nz iyqisoipdit!

Vjeplt gus dupvsocavoph. :)
Neslif PUVECMI, iydimmipv qutv nz gsoipf. (Epf O huv zuas ineom, hmef vu jies nz cuult jewi nefi ep onqedv!) Sudl up!
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