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Andy's Favourite One-Liners

Andy Black

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May 20, 2014
I love collecting quotes and boiling thoughts down to one-liners.

I've had this list for a few years and always meant to expand on each. They're not organised, and I need to attribute them. I'll do this over time.

Thought I'd drop the list in here in case some of them resonate with you.

Let me know if you have questions about any, and what your favourite are.

  1. What's the best that can happen?
  2. I am enough. Because I say I am. (Craig Desorcey)
  3. You have to eliminate to focus.
  4. Pick a direction. Get started. Keep going.
  5. Hell yeah, or no. (Derek Sivers)
  6. If it’s not a hit, switch. (Derek Sivers)
  7. If you can make it free then you can vaporize your competitors’ business model. (From "Free" by Chris Anderson)
  8. There are no f*cking secrets.
  9. If it’s not a B2B play then it’s a B2C play, and you’re the C.
  10. The biggest lie is that it’s not that simple. It is that simple. (From some movie I can't remember)
  11. What if you already know enough? (Craig Desorcey)
  12. You don’t need to be on any lists brother, it’s already within you. (Craig Desorcey)
  13. Who can you help?
  14. If money was no object, what work would you be doing? (Craig Desorcey)
  15. What’s stopping you? (Craig Desorcey)
  16. Don’t automate too soon. Welcome the high friction, it sharpens your sword.
  17. Engage the market in hand-to-hand combat.
  18. Move faster dammit.
  19. I am speeed. (Lightning McQueen)
  20. Avoid "Yes, but."
  21. Overthinking is the art of solving problems you don’t already have.
  22. Hurdles are stepping stones in disguise. (Blaise Brosnan)
  23. If you’re not encountering new problems then you’re stuck.
  24. Don’t ask how. Focus on what needs done and why.
  25. There are a million different ways how.
  26. Ask a silly question, get a silly answer. (Andy Black Snr)
  27. Ask better questions.
  28. If you’ve nothing nice to say, say nothing. (Grandma Black)
  29. 10% will pay 10 times as much. (James Schramko)
  30. 20% will pay 4 times as much. (Perry Marshall)
  31. 80/20 squared is 64/4. Which 4% of your customers accounts for 64% of your profits? (Perry Marshall)
  32. I’m doing it anyway.
  33. Stop asking for permission. Just f*cking do it already.
  34. Levels of value:
    I’ll show you how.
    I’ll work with you.
    I’ll do it for you.
    I’m doing it anyway.
    I’ve already done it, do you want it or not?
  35. Sales happen when you get the right people to the right offer at the right time.
  36. What’s better than low hanging fruit? Apples already falling out of the tree.
  37. Feed the starving crowd. (Gary Halbert)
  38. Darken the page. (Gary Halbert)
  39. Figure it out.
  40. If you're still talking about the same thing a month later, then you’re a wantrapreneur.
  41. Find out if it’s got legs, or needs a bullet.
  42. The internet is just one big lead generation machine.
  43. Consider product-founder fit. (Dan Norris)
  44. Your About You page should be about them.
  45. Everyone’s tuned to WiiFM (What’s in it For Me?).
  46. Are you an action-taker or course-taker?
  47. Wisdom is earned.
  48. Stop trying to impress an invisible board of MBAs. (Derek Sivers)
  49. You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help enough other people get what they want. (Zig Ziglar)
  50. You have to give to receive.
  51. If you complete the transaction then it won’t come back to you in other ways. (Craig Desorcey)
  52. Give thanks.
  53. Talk to everyone.
  54. Enjoy the journey.
  55. You can’t break tackles at marathon pace. (Blaise Brosnan)
  56. Are they street-smart? (Blaise Brosnan)
  57. Be wary when someone tells you how great you are and how much they look forward to working with you. You’re being set up. (Blaise Brosnan)
  58. How you do anything is how you do anything.
  59. They aren’t a customer till they have a custom of buying from you.
  60. Businesses exist to create customers. (Peter Drucker)
  61. If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go in a team.
  62. If you want to go fast and far, go in a small team.
  63. If your only growth strategy is to increase prices then you’re a consultant not an entrepreneur.
  64. The fun is in the squiggly bits on the map.
  65. A stream with no rocks is a stream with no song.
  66. It’s all part of the rich tapestry of life.
  67. Keep moving.
  68. Woohoo it’s Monday! It’s like New Years Day every week.
  69. Woohoo, one in a row!
  70. Don’t make them think. (The title of a book on website design)
  71. Get buyers to your page and gtf out of their way.
  72. Go on the B of Bang. (My athletics coach when I was a teenager)
  73. If you're comfortable you’re not moving fast enough.
  74. Procrastination stops you starting. Perfectionism stops you finishing. Both are fear of shipping.
  75. Ship.
  76. Start (@Vigilante)
  77. Stop looking where you’re going. Look where you want to go. (Any advanced motorbiker)
  78. Keep doing the right thing and the results will follow.
  79. Nothing’s so f*cked up you can’t f*ck it up more. (Me when managing mission critical IT systems)
  80. It’s not repeatable until someone else has done it.
  81. Stop building stuff.
  82. Business is about building relationships.
  83. Dump it. Delegate it. Defer it. Do it. (Blaise Brosnan)
  84. It’s not about what *you* want.
  85. Be wary of people who say “you need to”.
  86. Want to be known as The XYZ Guy? Help people with XYZ
  87. Stop asking people to PM you ffs.
  88. Be so good they can’t ignore you. (Steve Martin)
  89. Catch them when they’re good.
  90. Praise in public. Criticism in private.
  91. It’s my fault. (Any leader who wants their staff to fix problems)
  92. Stop following the herd if you want to see less arseholes and smell less BS.
  93. The lad who washed your windows didn’t need an MBA, a business plan,or a website.
  94. If no-one’s paying you then you don’t have a business, you have a hobby.
  95. The single most important skill an entrepreneur can have is to control the silence. (Blaise Brosnan)
  96. It’s the extra twist that makes all the difference. (Blaise Brosnan)
  97. Sometimes a problem shared is two people with the same problem.
  98. In a two sided marketplace, start by getting the people who want to give their money to someone.
  99. Give people what they want.
  100. If everyone’s selling shovels then who’s left to dig for gold?
  101. Not everyone who can do can teach.
  102. Teaching is a skill itself.
  103. When you give a few books away it leaves space on your book shelf for new books.
  104. “I don’t have time” is a polite way of saying it’s not as important as what I’m doing right now. (Blaise Brosnan)
  105. Be curious, not furious.
  106. Be the type of person people want to buy from.
  107. People refer you if you turn up on time, have manners, do what you say you’re going to do (or let people know if things slip), and you’re competent. (Dan Sullivan)
  108. Your lack of planning is not my emergency. (Me supporting mission critical IT systems)
  109. Price it so you'll be delighted if they said Yes.
  110. Prioritise quantity of time with your family and quality of time with your business.
  111. Do what others don't think to do, don't know how to do, or don't want to do.
  112. Once is a mistake, twice is a decision.
  113. You don’t need a website, you need sales.
  114. It’s the job of the business owner to ask good questions, and get someone else to answer them.
  115. A project managers job is to pass a test.
  116. Time management is a myth. It’s all about prioritisation. (Blaise Brosnan)
  117. You can get money from customers or investors, but not both.
  118. Your infrastructure needs people, processes, and technology, in that order.
  119. Learn the skill. Sell the skill. Scale the skill.
  120. The most important formula in business is R+R=Profit. Repeat Business plus Referrals equals Profit. (Blaise Brosnan)
  121. Good things happen when you move at pace.
  122. Money can't be in two places at once. (Blaise Brosnan)
  123. You don't learn until you launch. (Dan Norris)
  124. Tell me what you've done and I'll tell you who you are.
  125. The person who'll run with the ball is the person who catches it.
  126. You can complete a project by dropping it. (Arianna Huffington)
  127. You can go slower than you think.
  128. Start simple and then add complexity if necessary. (Shane O’Leary)
  129. You can't invoice for input. (Blaise Brosnan)
  130. You can't steer a parked car. (James Schramko)
  131. Business is simple. Help people. Get paid. Help more people.
  132. Money is proof you helped your fellow man. (MJ DeMarco)
  133. Take what other people say with a pinch of salt. Whenever I hear “You should”, “You need to”, or “It’s best to” then I always wonder “Hmm... is that really true? What if I did the opposite?
  134. Never worry about numbers. Help one person at a time and always start with the person nearest to you. (Mother Theresa)
  135. You can’t sell to someone who needs something but doesn’t want it.
  136. Fulfil demand that’s already there before generating more demand.
  137. What will you do to make a sale this week?
  138. Find out asap if the person in front of you sees the value in what you do, or just the cost. (Blaise Brosnan)
  139. Spend your money on diesel and coffee. (Blaise Brosnan)
  140. You're selling the wrong product.
  141. Help the people in motion. (Amy Hoy)
  142. If you’re providing a marketing service then your clients don’t pay you, their customers do.
  143. Sales is a screening process. (Blaise Brosnan)
  144. Who already has your clients? (Jay Abraham)
  145. Sales cures all.
  146. The person who speaks first loses.
  147. State your price then stfu.
  148. Landing pages don't convert. People do.
  149. They’re not clicks, they’re visitors
  150. If you’re calling it traffic then you still don’t get it.
  151. Show, don’t tell.
  152. Your market is a demonstrated cashflow, not a demographic. (A Tropical MBA podcast)
  153. People listen to experts, they follow leaders. (Dan Gallappo)
  154. Who’s got my money? (Grant Cardone)
  155. Have a fallback position. (Me supporting mission critical IT systems)
  156. Are they searching with a cup of coffee in their hand, or their credit card?
  157. You don't get rich saving $5/day. Spend $5/day on ads instead and see where that takes you.
  158. You don't make money, you earn money.
  159. Money already exists. It flows around us. Hence the words cashflow and currency. Your job is to get some of it to flow through you. (Grant Cardone?)
  160. Don't say different things to the same people. Say the same thing to different people.
  161. Your step's too short
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Mar 15, 2018
Great list! I vote for instant gold thread.

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