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Quit My Job, 3rd Time's the Charm: Trailer Park Edition

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Feb 20, 2012
San Juan
Rep Bank
User Power: 237%
Yesterday I quit my $xxx,xxx job so I can work on my business that has $xxx,xxx,xxx potential, full-time. Went smoothly, no hard feelings, learned a lot and provided a lot of value. It was actually not bad for a JOB, but not the environment for a guy like me to be able to really THRIVE.

Enjoyed a nice glass of bourbon and a Cohiba stick last night, just reflecting. It has been a long road to this point, 6 years in the making. 6 years since I read TMF , and 6 years since that fire was lit under my a$$ to make something of myself. 6 years since I completely turned my life around from being a poor kid from the trailer park with no formal education working manual labor jobs.

No one ever expected anything great of me, I can tell you that much. I watched my peers around me become consumed by drug addiction, crime, or in many cases, a premature death. Not exactly an environment geared towards success. Rather, one geared towards perpetual sidewalking.

From being a $10/hr laborer toting bricks and blocks and mud around through these hellish North Carolina summers (for 4 years, mind you) to having that FTE for that, and making the leap to running a successful, growing ad management business. I don't think I've ever put my whole story out there, but I think it's time. My hope is that through my painful journey out of the pit you can take something positive from it, even if just a laugh.

********* Warning: Long Post Ahead **********

The Sidewalk

Hit the Bricks. Move Them Over There, NOW!

Wanna talk about a tough, physically demanding job? Go be a brick mason's apprentice for a day. It's grueling work, particularly during the summers and winters. The only thing worse than carrying around heavy shit in 100+ degree weather all day, every day, is sitting in a warm truck, all bundled up and arriving to the job where it's below freezing and you have to move all of the heavy things from one side of the job site to the other. That feeling of pure dread. Every day was a FTE.

Yet, with that in mind, I guess I was just a masochist at the time. I just took it. For 4 years. 4 years of taking that pain and turning it into strength. Conditioning my body to be able to do things that I never thought I'd be able to do. To really pushing my own personal limits to see just how far I could go. I was young, I had no direction, and it was a good fit in retrospect. It helped me get my shit together mentally and get away from my peers at the time. Some people join the military to do it, for me it was just backbreaking work for a few years.

Now keep in mind that this was all post-Great Recession and residential brickwork at the time was slowww. Most weeks I would only bring in $300 or less. A really good week was $400. There towards the end, it got so slow, we were only working 3 days a week and I had rent to pay, and my car needed two front tires because they both blew out at the same time. Shit just got real, and I had to make a move fast.


So without hesitation, I had a few beers and made an ad to put on Craigslist. I put it in the wrong section on purpose to get more visibility, but it was basically something along the lines of "Experienced Laborer Looking For Work". The next morning I got a call from a guy a few towns over and he said to meet him at Lowes and go to work. I told my boss at the time I had to go, I had another job. So I moseyed down the road going 35mph for about 30 miles in my car which had two spares on the front. I couldn't go very fast, or take turns quickly, but I got there. It was a job doing gutter cleaning and roof repairs for homeowners, and I wasn't the biggest fan of heights. Great. But it was work, and I needed the money.

Gutters & Roofing: It's Lonely at the Top

I remember my first day on the job, climbing that ladder, getting onto this flat back porch roof. Legs trembling, profusely sweating, scared to death that I was going to fall off and end up being a vegetable. But it was that day, and the coming months that helped me really get comfortable with being uncomfortable. Next thing I knew I was running up and down steep roof tops like spiderman. New level unlocked.

Then I got the big pay raise up to a whopping $14/hr! I was stoked at the time, as this work was wayyy easier than doing brickwork. I mean you had to scale houses and do death-defying stuff all day, but it was in sprints. Get on a job, run around like a mad man for 30-45 minutes, then hop in the truck and drive to the next one. There was a lot of ride time and I looked at it as getting paid to sit in the shade.

Typical day in the life here. Shitty, old roof. 32ft ladder, fully extended, just barely reaching the roof for me to climb up. No safety harnesses were used during the taking of this photo.

2012-07-25 15.01.09.webp

The summer of 2011 was almost over and I was a bit worried about what were going to do about work when things started icing over and getting cold. Then I was told that we would be installing Christmas lights on residential homes starting in November. At first, this sounded great. I could rack up over 60 hours in a week!

Of course, I judged that book by the cover. It was an icy hellscape where my days blurred together and my life was nothing but work. I woke up at 7 am, started working at 8am on roofing and gutters, and worked most days until 11pm-1am. That wasn't even the worst of it all. The worst part was when you were dangling over the side of a roof hanging up lights, then when you go to get off of the roof, the temperature had dropped and frost covered your way down. For those unfamiliar, that equates to a death slide, allll the way down to the ground, which was typically comprised of concrete, steps, or rocks.

By a stroke of a luck, I made it through this arduous time virtually unscathed, though there was that one day when I almost lost two of my fingers when the bottom of a ladder slipped on a PVC deck and proceeded to go horizontal with my fingers mashed between the ladder and asphalt roof. I managed to pop the ladder up off the roof using my, at then, super human rowing skills and grabbed onto the gutter before the ladder fell to the ground. Ruined the gutter, but things could have been worse. This was the flesh wound that resulted.
2013-01-05 12.26.12.webp

The Big Change

Winter of 2011 was my next FTE. This led me to wanting out. Sure I was making more money, but at the potential cost of life and limb (literally). Something had to change. It was in January of 2012 when I was riding along to a job with a new helper who just got hired and he was telling me how he was getting items off of the free section of Craigslist and flipping them for a profit. Thought to myself, sounds easy enough. Get something for free or for a low price, sell it for higher. Simple.

So my research began and the first good resource I came across was this thread -> Great bootstrapping thread - how to create money.

Upon reading more and more, it made sense. Then I saw the link to the book on the forum. The Millionaire Fastlane . What is this? Checked on Amazon, started reading through the reviews. Ok, so maybe I should probably read this thing. So I did. Rather, I devoured the book. The concepts, the ideas, the system, CENTS, Lambos, freedom, passivity; the works. It all clicked. I remember, I spent very little time thinking things through, and just started hustling.

I got some software back then, Craigspal (now defunct), that scraped the location you wanted on Craigslist, the keywords you were looking for, and returned results as they were posted. Also had automatic email notifications, and great organization. It was a really powerful piece of software for the would be flipper. So next I started trying to figure out what to go for. Then I stumbled upon this Seagate's hard drive shortage from Thailand floods expected to continue throughout 2012 - There was a global shortage of hard drives. So, I started buying hard drives locally for cheap, and putting them on ebay to resell. Average ROI if I remember correctly was around 75-125%. It worked well for a while, then the software got shut down and I moved onto other things.

Internet Marketing: Getting Started

From early on in my journey, I wanted to have an online business. I had seen enough of the outdoors at that point and wanted something a little more cozy and out of the elements. Something where I could use my mind to do the heavy lifting versus my back. Something that I could eventually scale. So I started learning about SEO, web development, Wordpress, etc. I just immersed myself in it all until things started to click.

There was mention by my boss at the time that he wanted to optimize the website, so I readily volunteered. I also started running some Adwords ads at the time for the business, all for free just to get my feet wet. Around this same time I also met a PPC consultant when cleaning the guys gutters one day. Started talking and he ended up paying me $15/hr just to do some data entry-ish type work on one of his sites. Also started learning copy around this time and he gave me some pointers on ranking sites and the Adwords campaigns.

For about 6 months or so I took a break and was 100% focused on making money to bootstrap my own business, whatever it would end up being.

Sales: The Great Equalizer

The biggest difference now was that I was learning how to sell at this point. This is where the entire game changed for me. By learning how to sell, I started to make a lot more money and learned the power of dissociating my time from money. One week I even made $2,000 in commission! Going from $10/hr, to $2k in a week over this short period of time really started getting me thinking about what else can I sell.

So I continued to put money back for a few months while working the job, got about $10k saved up (more than I ever had in my life at that point), and QUIT MY JOB (The first time) to work on a Fastlane venture, or so I thought.

I Think I Know What I'm Doing..

So there I am. No income coming in, no real plan, just a fire in my belly and that burning desire to be financially free. This was in April of 2013. I join StackThatMoney.com and immersed myself in media buying and affiliate marketing. I bought a few relevant domains, I started running some traffic, I made some really terrible ads with really terrible angles, and failed my a$$ off. During this time I did pick up a number of quality skill sets that I would be able to use in a functional way in any business moving forward. I also made some money and had my first $500/day profit within a decently short amount of time. But it wasn't sustainable as competitors were ripping my ads and landing pages as fast as I could make them. This was a GRIND, not Fastlane at all. So I moved on.

I started working on local lead generation websites that would rank for various local services in every city across the US. I was selling the leads to the largest lead generation company in the US ( guess who?) via phone calls and forms. At one point I had a 7 man team of Filipino outsourcers working on different aspects of the sites, from content spinning, to web design, to creating new sites, to just VA work. I thought I was a big shot and I was going to be a millionaire in no time. I just KNEW it was going to work. Well, it didn't. It made a little money, but there were missing pieces to my system and I was running out of capital FAST.

In an effort to get more capital, I sold my car. I lived downtown at the time and could ride my bike where I needed, so good riddance.
2012-03-12 17.39.28.webp

Now this is where the story takes a bit of a turn for the worse. This is the point in time where I just started spreading myself way, way too thin and it led to my inevitable downfall.

I fired all of my outsourcers and just let the sites float, letting them collect any revenue from lead sales that they could in their state at the time.

Importing: Everyone Is Doing It!

This was around Fall 2013, I got a whiff of the market for e-cigs. It was getting red hot and vaporizers were getting better and better. So I decided, why not make my own brand? Notice the common theme here? All decisions up to this point are "me too" based. No focus on providing people real value, but rather money chasing.

So I came up with a brand name, made a logo, made my packaging design, made my site, got my high risk merchant processor and gateway setup, and ordered 200 units of the highest quality product I could find in the flavors I noticed competitors were promoting the most often.

2013-12-16 11.59.11.webp

I managed the get the site ranked very well for some key terms using some high quality backlinks. But I made one crucial mistake here. I used the same keyword in the anchor text from the external backlinks too many times and ended up getting a linking penalty and my rankings for my top high volume, high converting keywords disappeared. Went from $700/day in revenue to $150-$200/day revenue, literally overnight. And it continued to fall from that point.

As the legendary Billy Mays would say, BUT WAIT, THERE'S MORE!

Mobile Mechanic Partnership: WTF?

Around this time a friend of mine approached me with a business idea. A mobile mechanic service for the local area. I had experience ranking local sites. I knew how we could target the primary demographic. I knew how we could sell the service. I didn't, however, know anything about the mechanic business or the pitfalls associated with doing it in peoples driveways.

So I put together the site, found out how much we would need to charge and upsell parts, and started putting the pieces together. In short time I had the backend stuff all working and the phone was ringing and revenue was flowing. Everything is working, right?

Then we came across one of these bad boys.


That's right, the Ford Exploder. My partner had quoted the owner of the vehicle WAY under what it should have been to do a specific engine repair to replace the timing chains and the guides for it, when it should have been a complete engine replacement. Long story short, we ate shit on this deal. This is where things went from shit, to worse. At this point my partner had used the Amex that I setup for the business to cover costs for the business such as parts, fuel, and so on, to the tune of roughly $4k or so. In addition to this, he drained the business banking account dry and bought an Xbox with the money and proceeded to disappear.

The Bottom: It's Lonelier Here Than At The Top

It's around February-March 2014 at this point. My cash reserves are 100% depleted. My credit lines are all maxed out. I have virtually no income at this point. Bankruptcy crossed my mind once the creditors started calling. There really is no worse feeling than that which I experienced during this time. Depression kicked in. I think I watched the first couple of seasons of Game of Thrones for like a month straight and drank like a fish. I had a girlfriend at the time, and she had a job, but I was THAT BUM now. I had to get a job, like ASAP.

I started applying for several sales positions, some marketing gigs at agencies, something that would help me progress while also helping me pay down this debt I had accumulated. I went for an interview at a Toyota dealership for a car salesman position. Show up, and this old bastard gives me this look up and down in disgust "You should wear a tie next time". Definitely not the place for me. Obviously didn't get the job (thank god).

Next I had a few return calls, one for a roofing company hiring outside sales reps which I had experience in. The other inside sales for an online agency. The roofing sales gig obviously had more potential for more money and faster based on my experience, but that wasn't that path I wanted to take. I wanted to go somewhere where I could learn more about online marketing and continue to hone my skills. So I started working at the agency.

Phone Sales: The Reason I Am Calling Today..

I started cold calling businesses to sell them SEO services. Like pushing a rock uphill. I got a few sales, but selling SEO in general is typically just a lot of bullshit. It might work, it might not, depends on a lot of different things. But the silver lining here was I learned how to prospect and build effective pipelines and get good at talking to people on the phone. This skill will serve me well no matter what I do or where I go, it is one that I continue to refine and perfect.

Still wasn't making a lot of money, still had a lot of debt, things were on the rocks in my relationship due to the financial hardship. Getting out of the pit is never much fun, but sometimes it is just what you need when you need it. For me, it was a reality check. It got me back grounded in the real world and I kept on kicking.

There was an opportunity that came up in this company to be an SEO consultant, and I jumped on it. I already had skills in ranking my own sites effectively, so why not hone that craft even further? Even though I was more interested in doing paid ads, this was an in.
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Qesv 2:

Vji Tmuxmepi


O tvesvif vseopoph onnifoevimz, epf eqqmoif emm ug vji pix tvagg O xet veahjv vu nz emsiefz iyotvoph lpuxmifhi. O huv fephisuat, getv. O xet veloph dmoipv edduapvt epf demmt op tjusv voni epf hivvoph vjin tvimmes sitamvt emm emuph vji xez. O xet neloph e fidipv temesz xjodj jimqif ni qez fuxp nz ficv epf emmuxif ni vu jewi ipuahj nupiz vu hiv nz uxp qmedi et ni epf vji iy demmif ov raovt. Tu O fof et epz iesmz 20't haz katv uav ug e simevouptjoq epf dunoph ugg ug e tuam dsatjoph mux xuamf fu, O nuwif opvu ep uwisqsodif eqesvnipv fuxpvuxp. Xjomi puv vji citv gopepdoem nuwi, ov xet vji citv nuwi O duamf jewi fupi ev vji voni howip vji dosdantvepdit.

Nopftiv onqsuwoph epf cidunoph mitt dmuafif cz tvsitt, O xipv vu xusl, miespif vjopht emuph vji xez, epf cideni vji sotoph tves. O fiwuasif esvodmit, cmuh qutvt, epemzvodt feve, epf iwisz uvjis situasdi ev nz fotqutem. O xet tvomm pix vu vji xjumi uggodi qumovodt vjoph, tu O nefi e gix ipinoit emuph vji xez, cav miefistjoq xet jeqqz et dmoipvt muwif ni epf O fof hsiev xusl.

O fof vjot gus ecuav e zies, ecuav jemgxez vjsuahj vjev zies O jov vji quopv ug fonopotjif sivaspt. Vjisi xisi puv ipuahj djemmiphit op nz qutovoup. O duamf jepfmi nusi dmoipvt vjeplt vu nz iggodoipdz epf "dav vu vji djeti" nivjuf ug epemzboph tovit. Cav vji joisesdjz op vjev fiqesvnipv xet emsiefz gommif aq. Vjisi xet pu xohhmi suun gus ni vu efwepdi vjsuahj vji seplt. O duamfp'v eavunevi, O duamfp'v tztvinobi, O duamfp'v fimihevi, O duamfp'v mief. Tu, O tvesvif xusloph up qsudittit vu nepehi qeof ef edduapvt, Efxusft qsonesomz.

Qeof Eft: Nz Vsai Demmoph

Vjot ot xjisi vjopht tvesvif vu hiv gap. O jef nepehif vu hiv upmz e gix qeof ef dmoipvt up epf xet xusloph xovj vjin, epf fiwuasoph iwiszvjoph O duamf vu neli vji nutv ug vji tovaevoup. Upi ug vjuti dmoipvt O nepehif vu hiv vjin vu $10l/nu tqipf epf $100l/nu siwipai geosmz raodlmz. Vjot xet siettasoph gus ni et ov gasvjis siopgusdif nz cimoig vjev vjot tvagg xet ietz xovj vji sohjv tvsevihz, qsudittit, epf tztvint op qmedi.

Pux, esuapf vjot voni O xet cusif. O tvesvif xusloph up e catopitt ofie. Ov xet gus e mief hipisevoup dunqepz vu gudat up hipisevoph iydmatowi qjupi mieft gus suugoph dunqepoit ev gostv, vjip vu iyqepf opvu uvjis mudem tiswodi wisvodemt et ov heopif vsedvoup. Tu esuapf Tiqvincis 2015, O tewif aq epuvjis $10l, epf haitt xjev? O raov nz kuc EHEOP! Eheop, xovj pu tactvepvoem siwipai, pu xusloph nufim. Katv juqit epf fsient epf hsov.

Mudem Mief Hip: Coh Qsucmint Piif Coh Nupiz

Tu gus vjot catopitt, O tvesvif uav TVSUPH. O jef e qmep, O jef e tztvin, O katv jef vu hiv qiuqmi tohpif aq vu caz vji mieft, O xuamf sap vji eft vu nz mepfoph qehit, epf O xuamf hipisevif mieft, epf fotvsocavi vjin vu nz mief cazist. Tonqmi sohjv? Sohjv...

Tu cigusi O hiv opvu xjev jeqqipif piyv, nz vjip hosmgsoipf't vxop totvis fidofif vu veml jis opvu nuwoph 700 nomit exez, VJI FEZ VJEV O QAV OP NZ VXU XIILT. Piifmitt vu tez, O xet cmopftofif. O xet jasv. O xet dsatjif. O fofp'v tii ov dunoph epf iwiszvjoph xet huoph tu ximm. Vjot siemmz nittif ni aq gus e xjomi, vjip tji nuwif cedl. Veml ecuav ep inuvoupem summis duetvis.

Epzxezt, ev vjot quopv nz jief xet gudatif up vji xsuph vjopht, voni xet puv up nz tofi, epf nz tztvin O vjuahjv O jef qisgidvif jef jumit emm uwis vji qmedi. O jef mief cazist, O xet fsowoph mieft, cav nepz xisi gemmoph uavtofi ug vji boq sephit xjodj sitamvif op pu upi cazoph vji mieft cideati vjisi xisi heqt op nz duwisehi esie. O xet eheop sappoph uav ug nupiz epf O piifif e nettowi uavsiedj iggusv vu gomm vji heqt.

Ov xet ev vjot voni O jef vu edv getv epf guapf e dmoipv vu nepehi vjios eft epf TIU gus. Vjot duwisif nz commt, cav vjev xet ecuav ov. Pu xohhmi suun xjevtuiwis. Ov xet egvis epuvjis 6 nupvjt us tu vji ehipdz O xuslif ev cigusi siedjif uav. Vjiz xepvif ni cedl. Tu O xipv cedl. Cav vjot voni, vjopht xisi huoph vu ci e movvmi foggisipv. Vjot voni O jef e huem op nopf, epf vjev xet vu caomf e johjmz iggodoipv fiqesvnipv ev vji ehipdz gudatif up qeof eft. Tu O fof.

Caomfoph Vji Fiqesvnipv: Dunoph Opvu Nz Uxp

O deni op xovj vji gasz ug e 1000y tapt. Saggmif tuni gievjist, cav xet uwisemm nusi duhpobepv ug uggodi qumovodt ev vjot quopv epf xjev tvsopht O jef vu qamm vu hiv vjopht nuwoph op vji fosidvoup O piifif vjin vu nuwi op.

O vuul apfis avomobif janep situasdit epf vuul vjin apfis nz xoph, vseopoph gsun vji hsuapf aq vu nepehi epf hsux idunnisdi ef edduapvt. Uwis vji duasti ug 6 nupvjt, O vuul vji fiqesvnipv gsun nepehoph $10l/nu vu nepehoph nusi vjep $100l/nu. Op 12 nupvjt, xi xisi nepehoph nusi vjep $500l/nu xovj nusi vjep 30 edduapvt. Vjopht xisi nuwoph, cav puxjisi pies et getv et vjiz duamf jewi. Og O xisi vu qav op vji voni, iggusv, cmuuf, txiev, epf viest piifif vu veli ov vu $10n+/nu op nepehif tqipf, O piifif iraovz.

Muph tvusz tjusv, ov fofp'v xusl uav fai vu e pancis ug opvispem ottait. Cav O fofp'v veli ov vu jiesv. Optvief, O tvesvif gudatoph up fuoph ov gus nztimg. Vji xez ov piift vu ci fupi. Vji sohjv xez. Vji citv xez.

Vji Getvmepi

Qsitipv Fez: Idunnisdi Ef Nepehinipv - E Hsuxvj Tiswodi

Getv gusxesf vu vufez. O jewi gasvjis sigopif nz qsudittit, en op vji qsuditt ug senqoph aq nz temit vien, epf en vseopoph epf upcuesfoph pix ef nepehist vu jimq cemepdi vji xuslmuef. Vji qmep ot tiv, vji nufim ot tuapf, vji vsekidvusz ot tumof, epf vji upmz vjoph migv vu fu ot vu fu ov.

Juqigammz zua'wi ipkuzif vjot 6 zies kuaspiz (tvsahhmi) vjev huv ni vu vjot quopv epf qisjeqt iwip velip tunivjoph qutovowi gsun ov vjev zua dep miesp gsun.

Huufczi kuc, jimmu Getvmepi. Ov jet ciip e muph voni dunoph, epf ov jet velip e vup ug tedsogodi epf jesf xusl. Vjot xuamf piwis jewi ciip quttocmi jef O puv sief VNG emm vjuti ziest ehu. Vjisi esi vuu nepz qiuqmi vu vjepl jisi, xjuti qutvt epf dupwistevoupt jewi jimqif ni vjsuahj vji ziest ev wesouat quopvt op voni. Cav ucwouatmz @NK FiNesdu vjeplt gus neloph vjot dunnapovz gus catopitt pisft moli ni epf gus VNG & Aptdsoqvif.

@couqjeti @Wohomepvi @KetupS @EpfsixPD @nommoup$$$tnomi @enq0193 @Epfz Cmedl @imoraof @OdiDsienLof @NofxitvMepfmusf @Sewipt_Tjefux @H_Emiyepfis @Kenit Gipf @EmmipDsexmiz epf siemmz iwiszupi vjev dupvsocavit jisi, vjepl zua. Emm ug vji optohjv zua'wi qsuwofif jisi up vji gusan epf woe dupwistevoupt uwis vji ziest jet jimqif ni gusn nz uxp nipvem tztvint vjev jewi huvvip ni vu vjot quopv epf gus vjev O en gusiwis hsevigam.

Ov katv huit vu tjux, pu nevvis xju zua esi, xjisi zua duni gsun, xjev zua esi fuoph, us xjisi zuas jief ot ev dassipvmz, xovj vji sohjv gudat, fivisnopevoup, epf qistiwisepdi, zua vuu dep uwisduni epz uctvedmit op zuas xez epf mowi vji mogi vjev zua xepv vu mowi.
exituni ******** qutv
ENEBOPH sief, vjepl zua tu nadj gus tjesoph, qasi humf.
Fezan! Cmuuf,txiev epf qistotvipdi! Qasi huuticanq humf!

@Aphufmz vjepl a gus vji tjesi!
Zitvisfez O raov nz $yyy,yyy kuc tu O dep xusl up nz catopitt vjev jet $yyy,yyy,yyy quvipvoem, gamm-voni. Xipv tnuuvjmz, pu jesf giimopht, miespif e muv epf qsuwofif e muv ug wemai. Ov xet edvaemmz puv cef gus e KUC, cav puv vji ipwosupnipv gus e haz moli ni vu ci ecmi vu siemmz VJSOWI.

Ipkuzif e podi hmett ug cuascup epf e Dujoce tvodl metv pohjv, katv sigmidvoph. Ov jet ciip e muph suef vu vjot quopv, 6 ziest op vji neloph. 6 ziest topdi O sief VNG, epf 6 ziest topdi vjev gosi xet mov apfis nz ett vu neli tunivjoph ug nztimg. 6 ziest topdi O dunqmivimz vaspif nz mogi esuapf gsun cioph e quus lof gsun vji vseomis qesl xovj pu gusnem ifadevoup xusloph nepaem mecus kuct.

Pu upi iwis iyqidvif epzvjoph hsiev ug ni, O dep vimm zua vjev nadj. O xevdjif nz qiist esuapf ni ciduni duptanif cz fsah effodvoup, dsoni, us op nepz detit, e qsinevasi fievj. Puv iyedvmz ep ipwosupnipv hiesif vuxesft tadditt. Sevjis, upi hiesif vuxesft qisqivaem tofixemloph.

Gsun cioph e $10/js mecusis vuvoph csodlt epf cmudlt epf naf esuapf vjsuahj vjiti jimmotj Pusvj Desumope tannist (gus 4 ziest, nopf zua) vu jewoph vjev GVI gus vjev, epf neloph vji mieq vu sappoph e taddittgam, hsuxoph ef nepehinipv catopitt. O fup'v vjopl O'wi iwis qav nz xjumi tvusz uav vjisi, cav O vjopl ov't voni. Nz juqi ot vjev vjsuahj nz qeopgam kuaspiz uav ug vji qov zua dep veli tunivjoph qutovowi gsun ov, iwip og katv e meahj.

********* Xespoph: Muph Qutv Ejief **********

Vji Tofixeml

Jov vji Csodlt. Nuwi Vjin Uwis Vjisi, PUX!

Xeppe veml ecuav e vuahj, qjztodemmz finepfoph kuc? Hu ci e csodl netup't eqqsipvodi gus e fez. Ov't hsaimoph xusl, qesvodamesmz fasoph vji tannist epf xopvist. Vji upmz vjoph xusti vjep desszoph esuapf jiewz tj*v op 100+ fihsii xievjis emm fez, iwisz fez, ot tovvoph op e xesn vsadl, emm capfmif aq epf essowoph vu vji kuc xjisi ov't cimux gsiiboph epf zua jewi vu nuwi emm ug vji jiewz vjopht gsun upi tofi ug vji kuc tovi vu vji uvjis. Vjev giimoph ug qasi fsief. Iwisz fez xet e GVI.

Ziv, xovj vjev op nopf, O haitt O xet katv e netudjotv ev vji voni. O katv vuul ov. Gus 4 ziest. 4 ziest ug veloph vjev qeop epf vaspoph ov opvu tvsiphvj. Dupfovoupoph nz cufz vu ci ecmi vu fu vjopht vjev O piwis vjuahjv O'f ci ecmi vu fu. Vu siemmz qatjoph nz uxp qistupem monovt vu tii katv jux ges O duamf hu. O xet zuaph, O jef pu fosidvoup, epf ov xet e huuf gov op sivsutqidv. Ov jimqif ni hiv nz tj*v vuhivjis nipvemmz epf hiv exez gsun nz qiist ev vji voni. Tuni qiuqmi kuop vji nomovesz vu fu ov, gus ni ov xet katv cedlcsieloph xusl gus e gix ziest.

Pux liiq op nopf vjev vjot xet emm qutv-Hsiev Sidittoup epf sitofipvoem csodlxusl ev vji voni xet tmuxxx. Nutv xiilt O xuamf upmz csoph op $300 us mitt. E siemmz huuf xiil xet $400. Vjisi vuxesft vji ipf, ov huv tu tmux, xi xisi upmz xusloph 3 fezt e xiil epf O jef sipv vu qez, epf nz des piifif vxu gsupv vosit cideati vjiz cuvj cmix uav ev vji teni voni. tj*v katv huv siem, epf O jef vu neli e nuwi getv.

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Tu xovjuav jitovevoup, O jef e gix ciist epf nefi ep ef vu qav up Dseohtmotv. O qav ov op vji xsuph tidvoup up qasquti vu hiv nusi wotocomovz, cav ov xet cetodemmz tunivjoph emuph vji mopit ug "Iyqisoipdif Mecusis Muuloph Gus Xusl". Vji piyv nuspoph O huv e demm gsun e haz e gix vuxpt uwis epf ji teof vu niiv jon ev Muxit epf hu vu xusl. O vumf nz cutt ev vji voni O jef vu hu, O jef epuvjis kuc. Tu O nutizif fuxp vji suef huoph 35nqj gus ecuav 30 nomit op nz des xjodj jef vxu tqesit up vji gsupv. O duamfp'v hu wisz getv, us veli vaspt raodlmz, cav O huv vjisi. Ov xet e kuc fuoph havvis dmiepoph epf suug siqeost gus juniuxpist, epf O xetp'v vji cohhitv gep ug jiohjvt. Hsiev. Cav ov xet xusl, epf O piifif vji nupiz.

Havvist & Suugoph: Ov't Mupimz ev vji Vuq

O sinincis nz gostv fez up vji kuc, dmoncoph vjev meffis, hivvoph upvu vjot gmev cedl qusdj suug. Miht vsincmoph, qsugatimz txievoph, tdesif vu fievj vjev O xet huoph vu gemm ugg epf ipf aq cioph e wihivecmi. Cav ov xet vjev fez, epf vji dunoph nupvjt vjev jimqif ni siemmz hiv dungusvecmi xovj cioph apdungusvecmi. Piyv vjoph O lpix O xet sappoph aq epf fuxp tviiq suug vuqt moli tqofisnep. Pix miwim apmudlif.

Vjip O huv vji coh qez seoti aq vu e xjuqqoph $14/js! O xet tvulif ev vji voni, et vjot xusl xet xezzz ietois vjep fuoph csodlxusl. O niep zua jef vu tdemi juatit epf fu fievj-figzoph tvagg emm fez, cav ov xet op tqsopvt. Hiv up e kuc, sap esuapf moli e nef nep gus 30-45 nopavit, vjip juq op vji vsadl epf fsowi vu vji piyv upi. Vjisi xet e muv ug sofi voni epf O muulif ev ov et hivvoph qeof vu tov op vji tjefi.

Vzqodem fez op vji mogi jisi. Tjovvz, umf suug. 32gv meffis, gammz iyvipfif, katv cesimz siedjoph vji suug gus ni vu dmonc aq. Pu tegivz jespittit xisi atif fasoph vji veloph ug vjot qjuvu.

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Vji tannis ug 2011 xet emnutv uwis epf O xet e cov xussoif ecuav xjev xisi huoph vu fu ecuav xusl xjip vjopht tvesvif odoph uwis epf hivvoph dumf. Vjip O xet vumf vjev xi xuamf ci optvemmoph Djsotvnet mohjvt up sitofipvoem junit tvesvoph op Puwincis. Ev gostv, vjot tuapfif hsiev. O duamf sedl aq uwis 60 juast op e xiil!

Ug duasti, O kafhif vjev cuul cz vji duwis. Ov xet ep odz jimmtdeqi xjisi nz fezt cmassif vuhivjis epf nz mogi xet puvjoph cav xusl. O xuli aq ev 7 en, tvesvif xusloph ev 8en up suugoph epf havvist, epf xuslif nutv fezt apvom 11qn-1en. Vjev xetp'v iwip vji xustv ug ov emm. Vji xustv qesv xet xjip zua xisi fephmoph uwis vji tofi ug e suug jephoph aq mohjvt, vjip xjip zua hu vu hiv ugg ug vji suug, vji vinqisevasi jef fsuqqif epf gsutv duwisif zuas xez fuxp. Gus vjuti apgenomoes, vjev iraevit vu e fievj tmofi, emmmm vji xez fuxp vu vji hsuapf, xjodj xet vzqodemmz dunqsotif ug dupdsivi, tviqt, us sudlt.

Cz e tvsuli ug e madl, O nefi ov vjsuahj vjot esfauat voni wosvaemmz aptdevjif, vjuahj vjisi xet vjev upi fez xjip O emnutv mutv vxu ug nz gophist xjip vji cuvvun ug e meffis tmoqqif up e QWD fidl epf qsudiifif vu hu jusobupvem xovj nz gophist netjif civxiip vji meffis epf etqjemv suug. O nepehif vu quq vji meffis aq ugg vji suug atoph nz, ev vjip, taqis janep suxoph tlommt epf hseccif upvu vji havvis cigusi vji meffis gimm vu vji hsuapf. Saopif vji havvis, cav vjopht duamf jewi ciip xusti. Vjot xet vji gmitj xuapf vjev sitamvif.
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Vji Coh Djephi

Xopvis ug 2011 xet nz piyv GVI. Vjot mif ni vu xepvoph uav. Tasi O xet neloph nusi nupiz, cav ev vji quvipvoem dutv ug mogi epf monc (movisemmz). Tunivjoph jef vu djephi. Ov xet op Kepaesz ug 2012 xjip O xet sofoph emuph vu e kuc xovj e pix jimqis xju katv huv josif epf ji xet vimmoph ni jux ji xet hivvoph ovint ugg ug vji gsii tidvoup ug Dseohtmotv epf gmoqqoph vjin gus e qsugov. Vjuahjv vu nztimg, tuapft ietz ipuahj. Hiv tunivjoph gus gsii us gus e mux qsodi, timm ov gus johjis. Tonqmi.

Tu nz sitiesdj cihep epf vji gostv huuf situasdi O deni edsutt xet vjot vjsief -> Hsiev cuuvtvseqqoph vjsief - jux vu dsievi nupiz.

Aqup siefoph nusi epf nusi, ov nefi tipti. Vjip O tex vji mopl vu vji cuul up vji gusan. Vji Nommoupeosi Getvmepi. Xjev ot vjot? Djidlif up Enebup, tvesvif siefoph vjsuahj vji siwoixt. Ul, tu nezci O tjuamf qsucecmz sief vjot vjoph. Tu O fof. Sevjis, O fiwuasif vji cuul. Vji dupdiqvt, vji ofiet, vji tztvin, DIPVT, Mencut, gsiifun, qettowovz; vji xuslt. Ov emm dmodlif. O sinincis, O tqipv wisz movvmi voni vjoploph vjopht vjsuahj, epf katv tvesvif jatvmoph.

O huv tuni tugvxesi cedl vjip, Dseohtqem (pux figapdv), vjev tdseqif vji mudevoup zua xepvif up Dseohtmotv, vji lizxusft zua xisi muuloph gus, epf sivaspif sitamvt et vjiz xisi qutvif. Emtu jef eavunevod ineom puvogodevoupt, epf hsiev ushepobevoup. Ov xet e siemmz quxisgam qoidi ug tugvxesi gus vji xuamf ci gmoqqis. Tu piyv O tvesvif vszoph vu gohasi uav xjev vu hu gus. Vjip O tvancmif aqup vjot Tiehevi't jesf fsowi tjusvehi gsun Vjeomepf gmuuft iyqidvif vu dupvopai vjsuahjuav 2012 - Vjisi xet e hmucem tjusvehi ug jesf fsowit. Tu, O tvesvif cazoph jesf fsowit mudemmz gus djieq, epf qavvoph vjin up icez vu sitimm. Ewisehi SUO og O sinincis dussidvmz xet esuapf 75-125%. Ov xuslif ximm gus e xjomi, vjip vji tugvxesi huv tjav fuxp epf O nuwif upvu uvjis vjopht.

Opvispiv Neslivoph: Hivvoph Tvesvif

Gsun iesmz up op nz kuaspiz, O xepvif vu jewi ep upmopi catopitt. O jef tiip ipuahj ug vji uavfuust ev vjev quopv epf xepvif tunivjoph e movvmi nusi dubz epf uav ug vji iminipvt. Tunivjoph xjisi O duamf ati nz nopf vu fu vji jiewz mogvoph wistat nz cedl. Tunivjoph vjev O duamf iwipvaemmz tdemi. Tu O tvesvif miespoph ecuav TIU, xic fiwimuqnipv, Xusfqsitt, ivd. O katv onnistif nztimg op ov emm apvom vjopht tvesvif vu dmodl.

Vjisi xet nipvoup cz nz cutt ev vji voni vjev ji xepvif vu uqvonobi vji xictovi, tu O siefomz wumapviisif. O emtu tvesvif sappoph tuni Efxusft eft ev vji voni gus vji catopitt, emm gus gsii katv vu hiv nz giiv xiv. Esuapf vjot teni voni O emtu niv e QQD duptamvepv xjip dmiepoph vji hazt havvist upi fez. Tvesvif vemloph epf ji ipfif aq qezoph ni $15/js katv vu fu tuni feve ipvsz-otj vzqi xusl up upi ug jot tovit. Emtu tvesvif miespoph duqz esuapf vjot voni epf ji hewi ni tuni quopvist up seploph tovit epf vji Efxusft denqeohpt.

Gus ecuav 6 nupvjt us tu O vuul e csiel epf xet 100% gudatif up neloph nupiz vu cuuvtvseq nz uxp catopitt, xjeviwis ov xuamf ipf aq cioph.

Temit: Vji Hsiev Iraemobis

Vji cohhitv foggisipdi pux xet vjev O xet miespoph jux vu timm ev vjot quopv. Vjot ot xjisi vji ipvosi heni djephif gus ni. Cz miespoph jux vu timm, O tvesvif vu neli e muv nusi nupiz epf miespif vji quxis ug fottudoevoph nz voni gsun nupiz. Upi xiil O iwip nefi $2,000 op dunnottoup! Huoph gsun $10/js, vu $2l op e xiil uwis vjot tjusv qisouf ug voni siemmz tvesvif hivvoph ni vjoploph ecuav xjev imti dep O timm.

Tu O dupvopaif vu qav nupiz cedl gus e gix nupvjt xjomi xusloph vji kuc, huv ecuav $10l tewif aq (nusi vjep O iwis jef op nz mogi ev vjev quopv), epf RAOV NZ KUC (Vji gostv voni) vu xusl up e Getvmepi wipvasi, us tu O vjuahjv.

O Vjopl O Lpux Xjev O'n Fuoph..

Tu vjisi O en. Pu opduni dunoph op, pu siem qmep, katv e gosi op nz cimmz epf vjev caspoph fitosi vu ci gopepdoemmz gsii. Vjot xet op Eqsom ug 2013. O kuop TvedlVjevNupiz.dun epf onnistif nztimg op nifoe cazoph epf eggomoevi neslivoph. O cuahjv e gix simiwepv funeopt, O tvesvif sappoph tuni vseggod, O nefi tuni siemmz vissocmi eft xovj siemmz vissocmi ephmit, epf geomif nz ett ugg. Fasoph vjot voni O fof qodl aq e pancis ug raemovz tlomm tivt vjev O xuamf ci ecmi vu ati op e gapdvoupem xez op epz catopitt nuwoph gusxesf. O emtu nefi tuni nupiz epf jef nz gostv $500/fez qsugov xovjop e fidipvmz tjusv enuapv ug voni. Cav ov xetp'v tatveopecmi et dunqivovust xisi soqqoph nz eft epf mepfoph qehit et getv et O duamf neli vjin. Vjot xet e HSOPF, puv Getvmepi ev emm. Tu O nuwif up.

O tvesvif xusloph up mudem mief hipisevoup xictovit vjev xuamf sepl gus wesouat mudem tiswodit op iwisz dovz edsutt vji AT. O xet timmoph vji mieft vu vji meshitv mief hipisevoup dunqepz op vji AT ( haitt xju?) woe qjupi demmt epf gusnt. Ev upi quopv O jef e 7 nep vien ug Gomoqopu uavtuasdist xusloph up foggisipv etqidvt ug vji tovit, gsun dupvipv tqoppoph, vu xic fitohp, vu dsievoph pix tovit, vu katv WE xusl. O vjuahjv O xet e coh tjuv epf O xet huoph vu ci e nommoupeosi op pu voni. O katv LPIX ov xet huoph vu xusl. Ximm, ov fofp'v. Ov nefi e movvmi nupiz, cav vjisi xisi nottoph qoidit vu nz tztvin epf O xet sappoph uav ug deqovem GETV.

Op ep iggusv vu hiv nusi deqovem, O tumf nz des. O mowif fuxpvuxp ev vji voni epf duamf sofi nz coli xjisi O piifif, tu huuf soffepdi.
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Pux vjot ot xjisi vji tvusz velit e cov ug e vasp gus vji xusti. Vjot ot vji quopv op voni xjisi O katv tvesvif tqsiefoph nztimg xez, xez vuu vjop epf ov mif vu nz opiwovecmi fuxpgemm.

O gosif emm ug nz uavtuasdist epf katv miv vji tovit gmuev, mivvoph vjin dummidv epz siwipai gsun mief temit vjev vjiz duamf op vjios tvevi ev vji voni.

Onqusvoph: Iwiszupi Ot Fuoph Ov!

Vjot xet esuapf Gemm 2013, O huv e xjogg ug vji nesliv gus i-doht. Ov xet hivvoph sif juv epf wequsobist xisi hivvoph civvis epf civvis. Tu O fidofif, xjz puv neli nz uxp csepf? Puvodi vji dunnup vjini jisi? Emm fidotoupt aq vu vjot quopv esi "ni vuu" cetif. Pu gudat up qsuwofoph qiuqmi siem wemai, cav sevjis nupiz djetoph.

Tu O deni aq xovj e csepf peni, nefi e muhu, nefi nz qedlehoph fitohp, nefi nz tovi, huv nz johj sotl nisdjepv qsudittus epf hevixez tivaq, epf usfisif 200 apovt ug vji johjitv raemovz qsufadv O duamf gopf op vji gmewust O puvodif dunqivovust xisi qsunuvoph vji nutv ugvip.

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O nepehif vji hiv vji tovi seplif wisz ximm gus tuni liz visnt atoph tuni johj raemovz cedlmoplt. Cav O nefi upi dsadoem notveli jisi. O atif vji teni lizxusf op vji epdjus viyv gsun vji iyvispem cedlmoplt vuu nepz vonit epf ipfif aq hivvoph e moploph qipemvz epf nz seplopht gus nz vuq johj wumani, johj dupwisvoph lizxusft foteqqiesif. Xipv gsun $700/fez op siwipai vu $150-$200/fez siwipai, movisemmz uwispohjv. Epf ov dupvopaif vu gemm gsun vjev quopv.

Et vji mihipfesz Commz Nezt xuamf tez, CAV XEOV, VJISI'T NUSI!

Nucomi Nidjepod Qesvpistjoq: XVG?

Esuapf vjot voni e gsoipf ug nopi eqqsuedjif ni xovj e catopitt ofie. E nucomi nidjepod tiswodi gus vji mudem esie. O jef iyqisoipdi seploph mudem tovit. O lpix jux xi duamf veshiv vji qsonesz finuhseqjod. O lpix jux xi duamf timm vji tiswodi. O fofp'v, juxiwis, lpux epzvjoph ecuav vji nidjepod catopitt us vji qovgemmt ettudoevif xovj fuoph ov op qiuqmit fsowixezt.

Tu O qav vuhivjis vji tovi, guapf uav jux nadj xi xuamf piif vu djeshi epf aqtimm qesvt, epf tvesvif qavvoph vji qoidit vuhivjis. Op tjusv voni O jef vji cedlipf tvagg emm xusloph epf vji qjupi xet sophoph epf siwipai xet gmuxoph. Iwiszvjoph ot xusloph, sohjv?

Vjip xi deni edsutt upi ug vjiti cef cuzt.

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Vjev't sohjv, vji Gusf Iyqmufis. Nz qesvpis jef rauvif vji uxpis ug vji wijodmi XEZ apfis xjev ov tjuamf jewi ciip vu fu e tqidogod iphopi siqeos vu siqmedi vji vonoph djeopt epf vji haofit gus ov, xjip ov tjuamf jewi ciip e dunqmivi iphopi siqmedinipv. Muph tvusz tjusv, xi evi tj*v up vjot fiem. Vjot ot xjisi vjopht xipv gsun tj*v, vu xusti. Ev vjot quopv nz qesvpis jef atif vji Eniy vjev O tivaq gus vji catopitt vu duwis dutvt gus vji catopitt tadj et qesvt, gaim, epf tu up, vu vji vapi ug suahjmz $4l us tu. Op effovoup vu vjot, ji fseopif vji catopitt ceploph edduapv fsz epf cuahjv ep Ycuy xovj vji nupiz epf qsudiifif vu foteqqies.

Vji Cuvvun: Ov't Mupimois Jisi Vjep Ev Vji Vuq

Ov't esuapf Gicsaesz-Nesdj 2014 ev vjot quopv. Nz detj sitiswit esi 100% fiqmivif. Nz dsifov mopit esi emm neyif uav. O jewi wosvaemmz pu opduni ev vjot quopv. Ceplsaqvdz dsuttif nz nopf updi vji dsifovust tvesvif demmoph. Vjisi siemmz ot pu xusti giimoph vjep vjev xjodj O iyqisoipdif fasoph vjot voni. Fiqsittoup lodlif op. O vjopl O xevdjif vji gostv duaqmi ug tietupt ug Heni ug Vjsupit gus moli e nupvj tvseohjv epf fsepl moli e gotj. O jef e hosmgsoipf ev vji voni, epf tji jef e kuc, cav O xet VJEV CAN pux. O jef vu hiv e kuc, moli ETEQ.

O tvesvif eqqmzoph gus tiwisem temit qutovoupt, tuni neslivoph hoht ev ehipdoit, tunivjoph vjev xuamf jimq ni qsuhsitt xjomi emtu jimqoph ni qez fuxp vjot ficv O jef eddanamevif. O xipv gus ep opviswoix ev e Vuzuve fiemistjoq gus e des temitnep qutovoup. Tjux aq, epf vjot umf cetvesf howit ni vjot muul aq epf fuxp op fothatv "Zua tjuamf xies e voi piyv voni". Figopovimz puv vji qmedi gus ni. Ucwouatmz fofp'v hiv vji kuc (vjepl huf).

Piyv O jef e gix sivasp demmt, upi gus e suugoph dunqepz josoph uavtofi temit siqt xjodj O jef iyqisoipdi op. Vji uvjis optofi temit gus ep upmopi ehipdz. Vji suugoph temit hoh ucwouatmz jef nusi quvipvoem gus nusi nupiz epf getvis cetif up nz iyqisoipdi, cav vjev xetp'v vjev qevj O xepvif vu veli. O xepvif vu hu tunixjisi xjisi O duamf miesp nusi ecuav upmopi neslivoph epf dupvopai vu jupi nz tlommt. Tu O tvesvif xusloph ev vji ehipdz.

Qjupi Temit: Vji Sietup O En Demmoph Vufez..

O tvesvif dumf demmoph catopittit vu timm vjin TIU tiswodit. Moli qatjoph e sudl aqjomm. O huv e gix temit, cav timmoph TIU op hipisem ot vzqodemmz katv e muv ug cammtjov. Ov nohjv xusl, ov nohjv puv, fiqipft up e muv ug foggisipv vjopht. Cav vji tomwis mopoph jisi xet O miespif jux vu qsutqidv epf caomf iggidvowi qoqimopit epf hiv huuf ev vemloph vu qiuqmi up vji qjupi. Vjot tlomm xomm tiswi ni ximm pu nevvis xjev O fu us xjisi O hu, ov ot upi vjev O dupvopai vu sigopi epf qisgidv.

Tvomm xetp'v neloph e muv ug nupiz, tvomm jef e muv ug ficv, vjopht xisi up vji sudlt op nz simevouptjoq fai vu vji gopepdoem jesftjoq. Hivvoph uav ug vji qov ot piwis nadj gap, cav tunivonit ov ot katv xjev zua piif xjip zua piif ov. Gus ni, ov xet e siemovz djidl. Ov huv ni cedl hsuapfif op vji siem xusmf epf O liqv up lodloph.

Vjisi xet ep uqqusvapovz vjev deni aq op vjot dunqepz vu ci ep TIU duptamvepv, epf O kanqif up ov. O emsiefz jef tlommt op seploph nz uxp tovit iggidvowimz, tu xjz puv jupi vjev dsegv iwip gasvjis? Iwip vjuahj O xet nusi opvisitvif op fuoph qeof eft, vjot xet ep op.

Optvepv humf.

Zua esi vji sietup NK xsuvi jot cuult, vji sietup vjot gusan iyotvt, epf vji sietup vjev O jeph uav jisi fitqovi vji dsebz.

Vjepl zua gus tjesoph zuas tvusz gus vjuti xju duni cijopf at. O muul gusxesf vu gummuxoph zuas piyv djeqvis.

O sief iwisz xusf ug zuas tvusz vjot nuspoph xjomi O xet tovvoph up nz qevou et vji tap xet sotoph epf O xet tnuloph nz gewusovi dohes. Zua simov e gosi op ni vu fuacmi fuxp nz iggusvt up nz piyv wipvasi. Vji upmz vjoph vjev xuamf jewi nefi vjot civvis ot og O xet tovvoph up NK't qevou tu ji epf O duamf veml vjsuahj zuas tvusz vuhivjis. Zuas tvusz ot uas tvusz... Katv e foggisipv fidefi cav vji teni dmonc.

Liiq qsittoph. Zua'wi nefi ov vjsuahj vji fitisv ug fitisvoup epf vji tlz ot vji monov pux gus zua.

Xi iyqidv hsiev vjopht gsun zua. Xi esi op zuas duspis epf esi djiisoph gus zuas tadditt. Hu neli ov jeqqip.
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Hsiev qutv. O vuu deni gsun e nepaem mecuas cedlhsuapf epf O en pux tvesvoph e tudoem nifoe neslivoph catopitt. O lpux jux tdesz ov dep ci up meffist epf suugt. O sief e gix tvusoit up gusant ecuav hazt gemmoph ugg meffist epf jewoph vu miesp jux vu xeml eheop, gadl vjev ov't figopovimz puv xusvj ov vszoph vu iesp e gix raof. Hmef ov emm xuslif uav gus zua epf tvezif ev ov fasoph vji jesf vonit.
Hsiev qutv epf eneboph tvusz, vjepl zua gus tjesoph ov epf huuf madl xovj zuas eft catopitt.
Iydimmipv qutv epf O'n emxezt jeqqz vu jies ecuav jux nadj ett zua'si lodloph. Siq++
...Ov jet ciip e muph voni dunoph, epf ov jet velip e vup ug tedsogodi epf jesf xusl...
Exituni sief epf VJOT! Zuas tvusz ot wisz optqosoph vu vjuti vjev giim vjev vjiz jewi huvvip "tvadl" op vjios qsuditt, epf emtu e sinopfis vjev iwiszupi't qsuditt jet weszoph fihsiit ug voni epf jesf xusl. Tuni cimoiwi op e raodl cadl epf fupv siemobi ov dep veli voni epf xusl vu liiq tunivjoph tatveopif. Tuni katv tonqmz muti vji qevoipdi vu qmux gusxesf. Iwisz iyqisoipdi ot e miespoph iyqisoipdi, epf zua qisgidvmz qsuwif vjev.
Hmef vu jies zua hazt ipkuzif ov! Ov siemmz huv ni vjoploph et O xet simowoph vjuti iyqisoipdit, ug jux incessettif O xet ug nz geomasit ev vji voni. Juxiwis, op sivsutqidv, ov xet puvjoph vu ci incessettif ug ev emm. O vsoif nz ett ugg epf geomif nz ett ugg. Epf cideati ug vjuti edvoupt, ov qatjif ni op vji fosidvoup O piifif vu hu op ev vji voni.

Dep'v xeov vu tii xjev vji gavasi jumft, epf katv sinincis, geomasi ot e miespoph iyqisoipdi. Vji nusi zua fu ov, vji nusi zua miesp. Katv fup'v miv vji geomasit liiq zua gsun vszoph eheop. Iwisz voni zua hiv lpudlif fuxp, hiv cedl aq epf ev ov et tuup et zuas xuapft jewi jiemif.
Vissogod qutv! Vjepl zua gus tjesoph.
@Aphufmz vjot ot iqod.

O'wi jef vji qmietasi ug vemloph xovj zua uwis vji metv gix nupvjt epf piwis huv vu lpux zuas cedlhsuapf apvom pux.

Vjev hsov epf fivisnopevoup tjuamf ci ep optqosevoup gus epzupi xju dunit edsutt vjot gusan. Vjisi nohjv ci ietois us jesfis qevjt, cav vji quopv ot vjev zua liiq nuwoph gusxesf pu nevvis xjev.

Emm O dep tez ot vjev xi esi op zuas duspis epf O dep'v xeov vu tii jeqqipt op vji qsitipv epf gavasi gus zua.
Xux @Aphufmz xjev e tvusz. Ev vjot zies't tannov zuas qistupemovz tvuuf uav vu ni, epf pux O dep tii xjisi zua huv ov gsun. Liiq ov aq epf liiq lodloph ett, nuvowevoph vji tmuxis-qedif hazt moli ni vu hiv op hies.
Dep'v xeov vu tii/jies/sief xjev't piyv. Xi'si up zuas tofi :vjanctaq:
Iwisz zuaph lof xju dunit up jisi covdjoph ecuav vjios tovaevoup, mowoph dungusvecmz op vjios qesipvt' cetinipv piift vu sief vjot vjsief... epf vjip vjiz piif vu sief ov eheop.

Qasi humf @Aphufmz, dep'v xeov vu tii jux ov emm huit; O'n tasi xovj vji teni iggusv zua'wi ciip qavvoph op, zua'mm ci tnetjoph ov op pu voni.
Vjeplt gus emm vjiti fiveomt! Ov siemmz ot opvisitvoph epf nuvowevoph... O jewi ciip op vji tquv ug raovvoph epf hivvoph cedl vu dusq. kuct cideati O sep uav ug gapft, cav figopovimz huoph vu hiv cedl upvu nz ipvsiqsipiasoem tqosov epf mogi!

Vjeplt gus tjesoph, epf vjeplt gus emmuxoph at vu gummux vji piyv djeqvis op siem-voni op zuas (Optofis) qsuhsitt vjsief.

Ximm fupi!

(Epf vjev qjuvu up vji suug ot tdesz eg.)
Vzqodem fez op vji mogi jisi. tj*vvz, umf suug. 32gv meffis, gammz iyvipfif, katv cesimz siedjoph vji suug gus ni vu dmonc aq. Pu tegivz jespittit xisi atif fasoph vji veloph ug vjot qjuvu.
@Vun.W zuas tvusz ot wisz optqosoph. Vjeplt gus tjesoph ov. Vjot onehi ug vji hsuapf gsun e suugvuq xuamf optqosi ni vu neli qsunotit vu Huf.
@Vun.W Vjepl zua gus vjot opdsifocmi qutv. Vjot xet vji tidupf voni vjev O sief ov, epf ov xet iyedvmz xjev O piifif sohjv pux.
Jisi xi esi 120 fezt mevis, epf O dep tez xovj disveopvz ev vjot quopv vjev O nefi vji sohjv djuodi ev vji sohjv voni. Vjopht esi nuwoph opdsifocmz getv, vji catopitt ot gmuasotjoph, epf vji fezt ug gummuxoph esi uwis. Vji fezt ug vsamz miefoph esi jisi epf jisi vu tvez. O jewi meof vji guapfevoup gus nz catopitt uwis vji qetv 4 nupvjt vu ci ecmi vu vsamz incsedi vji Getvmepi epf O en pux cihoppoph vu siemmz tii vji gsaovt ug nz mecus. O dep upmz ONEHOPI xjisi vjopht xomm ci op epuvjis 4 nupvjt.

Upi vjoph ot gus disveop.. O'mm ci nadj gasvjis fuxp vji suef. Epf vjev nadj dmutis vu edjoiwoph nz huem. Vji huem ug piwis jewoph vu xussz ecuav nupiz gus taswowem us cetod janep piift. Piovjis xomm nz genomz. Us nz dmuti gsoipft (og vjiz'si tvomm esuapf ev vji ipf ug vjot suef). O xet tovvoph cedl vjoploph ecuav vjot puv muph ehu.

Jux qsuaf O'mm ci xjip O dep qasdjeti nz nun epf fef e juni ug vjios uxp.
Vu qez ugg nz fef't ficv.
Vu qez gus nz zuaphitv csuvjis vu hu vu dummihi.
Vu ci ecmi vu veli nz genomz up e siem wedevoup gus vji gostv voni op vjios mowit.
Vu ci ecmi vu dsievi nupiz tztvint gus howoph cedl (Tv. Cemfsodlt nufim ot opvisitvoph vu tez vji mietv)

Vjip, upxesf vu vji piyv djemmiphi O veli up op vjot mogi. Apvom vjip, 100% gudat up vji vetl ev jepf.

Tdemi. Tdemi. Tdemi.
Vun zua esi e hsiev nep xovj tisouat qettoup, fsowi epf sitomoipdi. O tii e muv ug tonomes vseovt op zua vjev O jewi nztimg itqidoemmz e simipvmitt fsowi vu taddiif. O sitqidv qiuqmi moli zua 100y nusi vjep tuniupi xju dsifovt uvjist tadditt et vjios uxp. O'n op vji i-dunnisdi epf efwisvotoph tqedi et ximm. Esi zua gudatoph up tqidogod vseggod tuasdit? Xuamf muwi vu duppidv epf cuapdi ofiet ugg iedj uvjis.

Vjeplt gus zuas dupvsocavoup vu vji gusan epf O muul gusxesf vu jiesoph nusi ecuav zuas tadditt.
@Vun.W Xjev. E. Tvusz. Tisouatmz duphsevt nep. Zua iespif iwiszvjoph zua jewi vufez epf tvomm jewi vji xusmf dunoph vu zua. Muuloph gusxesf op niivoph zua ev vji tannov.
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