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  1. ambitio

    The Climb to Success: A Story of a Confused Young Guy Who Tries to Become an Entrepreneur.

    Hello everyone, in this thread I will document my process. As of right now I have absolutely no experience in business & entrepreneur things. My current goal looks like this: Find a need I can fulfill, then scale the idea and sell it to 50 people. A simple two step process.(I hope so...) I...
  2. antorsnt

    Be part of this forum is already a success story

    Hi folks ! I am glad to be part of this epic forum, which certainly gathers many people with great ambitions, which is thrilling! I am 26-year old French guy who works as an aerospace engineer, because I did all what was necessary to do so, including years spent at working for a diploma. I...
  3. KushShah9492

    Should I start a new business or grow my current one?

    I have been working on a business my dad setup a few years ago, in which I am struggling to develop some interest. I don't really know what my passion is so there's no other way around it. I have never faced the struggle of starting a business from ground up since the current business I am...
  4. lantonio90

    Should I quit?

    Hi all, I set up a sports nutrition company in 2015. I had never run, set up or even managed a company before doing this, and took the plunge after my F U Moment when on a '2 weak' (notice I didn't say week) family vacation in Portugal from my corporate Microsoft recruitment job. I was doing...
  5. F

    The night is dark and full of terrors...

    I’ve attempted to write this post several times in the past few weeks. Every time I stopped, but the issue just keeps coming back. I just had a hard time being honest with myself, but this time, I've managed to write most of what's been bothering me. The truth is, I’ve never felt more alone in...
  6. Kaan.Hisi


    First of all I want to say thank you to Mj Demarco. You opened my eyes and now I see the world with a different view. I am 21 years old and currently living in Germany. I go to college, but it doesn´t feel right. Before I red the Millionaire Fastlane, the bad feeling was already there. Now it...
  7. JWM

    If you think you're struggling to win...

    So I've been at this entrepreneur thing for over a year, plus the couple of years before that fixing my mindset and habits. It's been tough, I've learned a lot and I've had many challenges along the way. A couple of weeks ago I bumped into an old high school friend who owns a local cafe with...

    I don't know what to do. Need Advice.

    Hey I'm SWSSMSS, I've lurked the forum for a while after reading TMF a few years back but I've run into some problems, and I feel like you guys would be the best to ask... I'm in my last semester of college for a computing and informatics degree, and I've been working at a marketing startup for...
  9. PizzaOnTheRoof

    How To Stop Seeking Permission/Validation?

    I'll try not to get too sappy, but this is something that I have struggled with forever. I can never start or buy anything before it is validated by other people. Whether it's starting a business or making an expensive purchase, I always have the urge to seek out other people's opinions before...
  10. A

    Is a software based solution possible to help people find a career they love?

    Four years ago I was working on a startup idea which was to create a social network for people who have similar passions so that they connect, support and share their knowledge, experience and resources with each other and help each other grow. While I was working on that idea I realized that...
  11. Tom.V

    Quit My Job, 3rd Time's the Charm: Trailer Park Edition

    Yesterday I quit my $xxx,xxx job so I can work on my business that has $xxx,xxx,xxx potential, full-time. Went smoothly, no hard feelings, learned a lot and provided a lot of value. It was actually not bad for a JOB, but not the environment for a guy like me to be able to really THRIVE. Enjoyed...
  12. E


    I have one question for you: How does a baby go from crawling to walking? The answer is through change. If there is one thing that I want you to remember, it’s that change is a process. Do me a favor and put one finger in your ear. Really. Put one finger in your ear. Now say out loud, “CHANGE...
  13. Envious


    I've always been a chronic procrastinator, I thought something was truly wrong with me. I gave up on everything I ever tried and beat myself up about it so bad that a slow sink into depression was inevitable for me. I saw a therapist which helped me get out of the depression and got a lot of...
  14. Riaan


    Hi Everyone. Just joined the forum. I bought the Audiobook about 2 years ago and while listening to this and some other inspirational/Entrepreneurial podcasts, i decided last year February to leave my job of 6 years in Operations for a manufacturing company and pursue property. I knew a friend...
  15. Yashar

    Feeling lost and looking for direction

    Hey everyone. I'm a 21 year old guy who lives in Switzerland. I broke up my apprenticeship in IT 3 years ago so I could pursue a fastlane plan (At that time didn't even know what the fastlane actually was). I wanted to develop an app. I had an Idea, started working a little bit but then didn't...
  16. AdrianL

    The impact of not knowing yourself

    I’m going to start off with a highlight of a thought that came to me a couple of days ago: One of the main parts of doing good business implies helping others. If I don’t know myself well enough, to be able to help myself, and have no clue of how to get to know myself better, how can I expect...
  17. Lex DeVille

    Do You Work Your a$$ Off So Your Kids Don't Have To Struggle???

    A video hit my FB feed this morning (no politics). Guy was ranting why Trump won and how the working class doesn't care about political games. How they only care about family and how they work their a$$ off so their kids don't have to struggle. So I was wondering how ya'll (who have kids or are...
  18. AccurateJ

    Affiliate Marketing

    I read The FastLane Millionaire and I know affiliate marketing is not the fast lane way. With that being said, I wanted everyone's opinion.. I was thinking of joining an affiliate marketing program ONLY to learn how to market online. I have no idea what I want to do in business and I do not...
  19. corius

    My struggle is my life, My struggle provides GIFTS!

    This post has been a long time in my head. Fear has held me back from posting this. I joined this forum last year with completely in the wrong mind set. I joined thinking I will find some secret to getting rich easy. Hoping someone would give me the secret key and unlock the door for me. I want...