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  • IceCreamKid, Brilliant Mind stumbled across ur Old Threads. Legend.. What are you up to in this Day and Age?
    Hey ICK! Thanks for everything and all the brilliant posts you've made? I wanted to ask if you think the strategy you outline int he how to pick an industry thread is still valid?
    Hello IceCreamKid! Nice to read your posts in the forum! Pure gold! You have a very good heart! Thank you very much and I would like to pm you about my frustrations and drawbacks if/when you have time ;)
    Hi, IceCreamKid, sorry for how I approached you the other day. The way I wrote all that looked like I was a child looking for candy (ICK- You know what helps me determine which phase someone is in? Their use of words.) I didn't mean to rush it in like that. I was in the state of feeling awesome inside and taking shitty action. Now I feel like that but by taking action this time! I would love to PM you. Thank you ICK
    dear Mr IceCreamKid. I'm one of your loyal reader from Indonesia, South East Asia. I'm 26 year old. Thank for sharing your great article. really unique and interesting perspective.
    Can you share the top 3 mindset you believe for create value and successful business?
    also i having trouble finding an idea to get my ice cream. can you share some of your experience to help me?

    Thank you IceCreamKid :)
    Damn. I made a long list just to respond and the forum gives me an error saying I can't type more than 420 characters.

    Kevin Togatorop
    Kevin Togatorop
    :) thanks for the reply IceCreamKid. if you have time and you are not bothered, can you send the answer through email? i will keep take action, make progress to build the ice cream shop and wait for your answer, IceCreamKid
    my email : jonathan.cloths@gmail.com
    Hey man, do you provide any mentoring opportunities?
    Sorry I don't, brother. I'll occasionally jump on a free quick call when people need some direction though. Daily mentoring takes too much time.
    I think I need a quick call man if you're available.
    Weekends are best for me. Can you please PM me a list of what exactly you're dealing with so that we have a specific agenda before we jump on a call?

    Although my posts in the forum are mainly discussing mindset, I focus in the realm of strategic customer acquisition these days. Hopefully you're an action taking junkie already =P
    You gave me trustworthy, genuine advice during a really crazy time in my life.

    That single phone conversation was F*cking profound, because your enthusiasm for life was infectious, and it really rubbed off on me that day.

    I know you might think that you wasted your time chatting with me. But I just wanted to let you know that you've made a massive difference in my life. You're an amazing human being.


    Thank you man. I never followed up with you after our phone conversation in 2014 when I was considering dropping out of college and starting a sex toy company.

    Even though I eventually pursued a *much different* business, the time that you took out of your day to talk with me literally changed the course of my life.

    Damn. Thank you for reaching out, brother. I still remember that conversation quite vividly because of the niche you wanted to pursue heheh
    • Like
    Reactions: stefan
    Hey IceCreamKid.

    Gone thru your post where you mentioned about stock options as cash flow.
    I am regular investor in stock market & I know about basics of stock options . Will appreciate if you share how it can be used.

    Thanks & Regards
    part 3.. I need to change and I feel the pain has started to intensify. I stumbled upon your posts and have found them very refreshing. I wish I could somehow talk to you - not about finding an idea for me etc but just to "talk". If that isn't possible, I''d understand. I am glad I found this forum and your posts and I thank you sincerely for taking out the time for posting your thoughts.
    My best wishes - IWC Man
    part 2...I have been out of the job market for almost 5 years now with no intentions of going back. I quit my lucrative i-banking job about 5 years ago with the intention of starting something of my own. Since, I have half heartedly dabbled with a few things but nothing concrete to show for results so far. It has been painful at times but I guess as the story went about the dog,"it probably doesnt hurt too bad".
    Hi ICK,
    Hope you have been well. I bet you have a bunch of followers and that you don't need any ego massaging but I'd still go ahead and write this to you although I haven't done this kind of stuff ever. I am a new member here and have recently read the book recently. I am 38, well educated, have had a successful professional career but have hit some self created roadblocks. tbc..
    I am taking time to read The Millionaire Fastlane and select posts on the forums, and have stumbled upon your "Astonishing Secrets" thread.
    I'm a fellow 29 year old (if you haven't turned 30 yet), grinding like a madman. starting to feel success.
    Wanted to express my gratitude and say THANK YOU, for your honesty and willingness to open up and share your view of life and business.
    You improved me.
    Is there a way to private message? I know you get this a lot but I wanna send a message about your thread in private.
    new here... but... i just wanted to give you mad props on that epic post about giving back and harnessing the power of gratitude. probably the best post i've read all year... i am so motivated to help people succeed so i can make tons of ice cream and share it with the kids in cambodia. thanks!
    Dude, I just wanted to say thanks again for providing so much value to a group of anonymous online peeps. I got an INSIDERS subscription to pay MJ back for making this awesome forum, and if there is any way I can pay you back for the invaluable knowledge you've provided, please don't hesitate to ask!

    You can pay me back by just getting out there and becoming successful! =)
    My man! After applying a few key principles Ive learned from the book/forum, I'm about to break into 5 fig/month. Once I hit my goal of 6fig/mo, I'm flying to wherever you are to take you out for steak and scotch! See you at the top bro
    Hey ICK, I started a Progress Thread on my website, in order to be held accountable and get moving with action. While reading your thread of things Zen never said, you said you didn't mention your business because people have stolen form here before... should I hid my website? Thank you and Thanks for everything you post on the forums!
    This is more of a personal question and I hate being that guy who tells people what they should do with their life, but I'll just say that if I were to post my own progress thread then I would be vague about what my product is. There have been a few instances of successful members having their products copied by other members.
    Thank you for the prompt response. Point taken. I was looking to get some outside perspective on the website that might help me improve it, but like you said, some people have some twisted intentions. I will remove the website name and see how still keep the PT.
    The good thing is that it takes a lot of calling farms to establish a relationship, which a lot of people are not willing to do. Thank you again
    Totally true. What you'll realize after you build your first successful biz is that the idea is really only worth 10-20% of the biz. The rest is just hard work and grinding through daily.
    Thank you. Just in the last week, your advice about loving others and facing fears has inspired me to make 3 difficult phone calls that have literally changed my life!

    I just wanted to let you know that you are helping people, and it is making a difference. Keep doing what you are doing!

    Great to hear I've made a positive impact on your life, Reagan. Best of luck to you going forward.
    I am reading your "The Astonishing Secrets That zend***phin Never Told You" thread and I can say that this is the best thread I have ever read on a forum on mindset. Thank you for contributing and helping others building their own ice cream shop :). I am halfway through your thread and I already have a big change on mindset.
    Hey Ryan,
    I'm new to the forum, but have studied your zend***phin secrets thread. Your posts are extremely eye-opening and I'm super grateful.

    Being 18 I'm young but want to give people what they want.

    Tomorrow I will be contacting companies to see their pain points.

    After that I will find a mentor, seems like a daunting task.

    Keep spreading the knowledge, you are helping many people!


    Hi Sir I'm saying this to a few legendary contributors and I just wanted to say thank you for the advice I get from your posts. Looking forward to learn more for you.
    Hey IceCreamKid,

    I read your thread `The Astonishing Secrets That zend***phin Never Told You`, you mentioned in your post that process is everything. What`s your process? How do you approach bringing a product successfully to the market? Another question is that you stated in this post that you often get money before you even have the product(pre-selling). How do you do that? I really appreciate your answer!
    You provide a tremendous amount of value to this forum. I was reading one of your threads and was very moved by it. In this thread you mentioned that you were more interested in off-line businesses. Do you mind if I ask how you are able to scale? I also read that you were in your 20's and making five figures per month, just seeing that is motivation! That is so awesome to see. Thank you and good luck.
    Thank you. Thank you for caring. Thank you for helping others. Been reading your posts and your writing is very inspiring man! i wish you multiplied success bro.
    Been reading your magnum opus thread and I just wanted to say thank you for giving so much of your time, while trying to educate others. Really inspirational, if I believed in God, I would ask him/her/it to bless you, but for now, thanks again! 😀
    You're welcome, my brother! Get the ice cream! =P
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