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Idea: SAAS that helps to really engage with clients through social media

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Apr 4, 2018

I just listen to the entire UNSCRIPTED in under a week and it was one of the best books I ever read!

Now, I value your time so let's keep it short. I have a business idea that originates from Gary Vaynerchuk's The Thank You Economy concept.

Problem: Your company uses social media accounts (facebook, twitter) to talk with your potential or existing customers / build awareness / etc. But you don't really engage with your customers. You just post some random posts every once and then and/or reply to some comments.

Imagine what would be possible if you could know that this customer John who purchased from you the other day will become a father soon. Or that this other customer Marry is more and more interested in traveling lately. How deeply could you interact with those people, engage in a meaningful way, and convert customers into promoters?

Solution: The solution could be a SAAS platform that analyses social accounts of your clients daily and uses natural language processing APIs to understands their intentions. Then, it notifies you about opportunities to engage with customers.

- the platform would depend on facebook/twitter/instagram/pinterest APIs. A risk is mitigated by using many social platforms instead of relying solely on one.
Entry - it's not a 2 days project, but it's doable within a couple of months. I'm a software engineer BTW.
Need - I'm a little bit worried because to my surprise I couldn't find such platform in existence. I'm looking for soft proof that it would be valuable.
Time - eventually I could dissolve this business from my time by hiring some customer support people.
Scale - software products are very scalable and the market is huge.

I'm looking for some criticism from more experienced Fastlaners as well as soft proof from business owners if such platform could be valuable.

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Sounds like a privacy invasion really and something that wouldn't be appreciated in 2018. It's like your company read my most intimate posts and are making congratulations just to make a buck?

Congrats on your pregnancy xyz! (two seconds later)
Check out our website to see what we're currently offering.

To be fair, this is a concern in marketing. There are people currently working on analyzing life changing events like marriage and pregnancy to offer better services.

I'm starting to think the world doesn't need more software though. :) Maybe hardware, but not software. I'm probably wrong though.

Hiten Shah says we haven't reached peak SaaS. It should be vertical/industry focused though.

I mean it seems like everyone is releasing software now.

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