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  1. whatsgoodsam

    Youtube Channel Feedback: Money is a Spiritual Tool

    Hey Guys, And yes, mostly guys. I have yet to come across some women in the Forum... but I wanted to get some constructive criticism on my most recent YouTube post > "Money is a Spiritual Tool: 3 Steps to Reprogram Your Money Mindset". I'll start by saying I'm still very new to video editing...
  2. MJ DeMarco

    How This Gum Brand Did $1M With Just 3 TikToks

    If you enjoy the article, support the newsletter (subscribe via link below) and the author.
  3. ThomasTLM

    $300k on IG Reels - tells his audience to copy him. Thoughts?

    What is everyone's opinion on this video? How I made $333,213 posting IG reels so you can just copy me When I first saw the video title, my first thought was "It violates commandment of entry and/or it is a kind of video for money chasers." But then I watched the video and this guy doesn't...
  4. Johnny boy

    Purchasing a trendy B&M business...

    I am looking at a business for sale. It is in the entertainment space. A selfie museum. Metro area, downtown close to everything. Should make about 150-170k this year on the low end. 420k in revenue 250k in expenses The rent is 100k a year as part of those expenses. Right now it is...
  5. K

    Looming redundancy, am I risking too much for my e-commerce business?

    Hi all! Series of events from this year: March 2024: Had an idea for a product, this transformed into an idea for an e-commerce business. The product is a unique board game that will target the South Asian diaspora (upwards of 18M people globally). The idea for the game was born out of a...
  6. Cameron Akhtar

    Failing Forward: Nuclear Nextdoor Karen Meltdown

    This is how I accidentally started a comment war on Nextdoor with my first business failure. The Idea: My idea was to sell a discount card that would offer customers discounts at local businesses in my home town, like ice cream shops and cafes. My intention was to provide value to the customer...
  7. dkt91

    Starting Over At 32 - Rebuilding My Empire

    I started my first business thanks to MJ's writings many years ago when I was 17 years old, and it was a life-defining decision. I made many mistakes along the way and should have followed some of MJ's advice more closely, especially the commandment of control. Essentially, we got...
  8. N

    Niche Evolutions Blogging and Youtube Journey

    I have been a member on this forum for a few years now on and off. I'm creating this progress thread as a way for me to get things off of my mind and into something that perhaps will provide more value both to me and the readers here. I started a youtube channel in the food/baking niche about a...
  9. MJ DeMarco

    The Social Media Duality: Tool of Destruction? Or Growth?

    I'd like to reiterate that social media is a TOOL. This thread advocates deleting social media. My agreement depends on how the tool is used. You can use social media to hammer you over the...
  10. mikecarlooch

    How To Post Video Content Without Imposter Syndrome

    Note - this is an idea I just got, and wanted to put it on here just so I can be reminded of it. I'm personally in a niche where I do not feel like an expert and don't want to give people advice on social media, and I was thinking how I could go about building an audience without doing this. I...
  11. T

    [SELF-DEVELOPMENT] Ignite Your Potential: Daily Dose of Motivation

    MINDSET (to instagram page) I am currently running a daily motivational content video on Instagram and it's doing better than I have imagined. Going through Instagram to get motivational content, almost all of them had cars as their background clips and I had...
  12. H

    Good and honest offer for influencers

    Hello. We have an good and honest offer for different kind of influencers but admin had remove it without reason. So I removed my message. Good luck.
  13. Fox

    How I got to 169,000 Instagram followers

    I haven't dropped a new thread in a while and wanted to give back on something... So here is how I have grown on IG over the last year. This will be for normal style content you can build an "expert" following with. So, not random flexing content - but instead something you can get paying...
  14. ChryslerCreates

    Making Money on TikTok

    Hey guys, after my 2 failed attempts, I'm getting back to you. I have been looking into the new AI technologies and have Created a few videos. This is about health and fitness. However, with facts that you do not hear at every corner. I have now after a week 500k views and 7k subscribers. I...
  15. U

    Bodybuilding Instagram page

    Hello All, I know most of Instagram is overwhelmed by anything that has to do with bodybuilding but I've been thinking a while of creating my own bodybuilding/health page. Why do I think I could be a helpful Instagram "influencer". - I got 7 years of boxing experience, during that time I used...
  16. Mikeeyy

    How dopamine destroys your life and kills your Fastlane dreams.

    So what is dopamine? Well dopamine is a chemical in our brain that is released when we do something pleasurable such as eating, socializing, sex etc. Now dopamine is good in controlled amounts. But when you have a dopamine over load it can cause lots of problems in your life. The human brain is...
  17. Absar

    Absar's Redemption: Journey to Self-Control & Discipline

    Hey Everyone, I’m here since January and have learned A LOT since then. But I still am a lil pus** who's addicted to social media, watches p*rn/j*rks off, Procrastinates, and wastes time. @farahead's progress thread inspired me to create a progress thread of my own for accountability and...
  18. Chilolo

    I need help with my YouTube channel what on earth should I do?

    Hi.I need help. I spent the entirety of a Month editing a video (MAY 3rd to JUNE 2nd). Somewhere along the way I decided to watch some Alex Hormozi. The video is now titled "Alex Hormozi’s content strategy (REVEALED)". The part that really hit home for me was. The following. Speak on "your"...
  19. Mänty

    Rediscovering Real Life: A Reflection on Loneliness

    Have you noticed, that even with social media and the possibility to connect with people all around the world, people in this generation are lonelier than ever before. Social media actually drives us apart from real social interactions with real people. People nowadays are very self centered...
  20. adnanazmi

    How to Scale your Social Media Channels?

    Hello everyone, I'm reaching out for your insights and recommendations on how to boost the frequency and efficiency of my social media posts across platforms like TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube, with an emphasis on quality and minimal effort (efficiency). Consistency is crucial in this game, as...