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  1. Cyprien

    launching a new OKR SaaS and needing (a lot of) help

    SAAS / APPS 
    Unfortunately, I have to ask your help! I am in the process of creating a SaaS for OKRs. As I am French, I am targeting the French market, specifically young companies that develop software. Currently, I don't have a product yet; I am in the market research phase. But good news, I have...
  2. CatsCoffeeCake

    Miscellaneous AWS questions

    - Working on the services for SageMaker and Bedrock - Was testing out AWS Bedrock for foundation models and had promising results in chatting with documents, for example, uploading a Word doc, and then having the AI (Meta Llama 3 was good as well as Claude 3 Sonnet) - Bypass the guardrails which...
  3. Markymath

    Professional Mountain Biker's Fastlane Journey

    Making this thread to track my journey. 07/15/2024 I've been a member of this forum since 2017 when I first read The Millionaire Fastlane. That book changed my life by transforming my mindset and making me value my time more than ever. I've been a professional mountain biker full-time since I...
  4. teteie

    Swimming out to sea

    Guess we're keeping with the swimming titles for now :D Last Sunday I posted an intro here (TLDR: Software Engineer based entrepreneur living in Portugal) Moving to an execution themed thread makes more sense now. 2 main advances this week. 1. Webapp As per my mentioned struggles in the...
  5. Sadik

    Building a Software Product business: Third attempt

    My previous SaaS project failed. Reasons -> 1> I got entrapped into best tech stack v/s just building something and pushing it out. Wasted a lot of time on setting up the perfect tech stack which killed the time I could give and killed motivation as building software doesn't pay until you push...
  6. D

    I am launching my first SaaS product to put my foot in the door of the SaaS industry

    Hello everyone. I’ve been here for a while, but this is my first post. I’ve read "The Millionaire Fastlane" twice in the last couple of years. I am officially launching my first SaaS today and would love to hear your honest critique: Sentimetric It took quite a long time to finish - about 6...
  7. P

    SaaS Founders: Issues with Analytics?

    Hey fast-laners! I'm currently conducting a survey: do you all mind talking about any difficulties your business has had when creating visualizations for your company’s product or website analytics data?
  8. Jeannen

    [Video] How I made an app and sold it for $65,000 last year

    Hey! Last year I made a post about selling my first AI app after learning to code a couple of months earlier. I learned video editing 2 weeks ago and turned the story into a video: (Don't mind the cringe-ish guru thumbnail, kind of mandatory on Youtube now) I would still HIGHLY recommend...
  9. J

    Part 1: Working on getting my 3rd paying customer

    I read Fastlane last week, and I had already been building an app for a couple of months. Third iteration after a couple of failures. The app went live yesterday and I got my first customer, and today I got my second. Now comes the harder part, continuing to get more customers. I've been...
  10. A

    The road so far..

    Hello all! Been lurking for about a year and I have yet to introduce myself. Didn’t really know what to say yet. I’ve been a software developer for over two decades now. From the start, I was dreaming of becoming a game dev. The game industry here was (and is) close to non-existant, and I was...
  11. S

    Looking to start my own SAAS business

    Hello everyone, I enjoy reading the posts on the forum so decided to join. I had a cleaning company for over 11 years but just sold up as I needed a change and in 2025 i will be ready to launch my SAAS business. When I started my cleaning company in 2012 I started using a job management...
  12. Fit Tech Goat

    My Progress so far.

    I started to learn about business first when I was 14 years old from guys like Andrew Tate, Iman Gadzhi, and Hamza. I learned some things from them, but I started being interested in books about entrepreneurship, which led me to MJ Demarco's books. I read them and learned a lot more things than...
  13. intotheabyss

    Am I the only one who has lots of browser tabs opened? Time to optimize the web browsing experience.

    Hello to the Fastlane Community! I noticed that I always have loooots of tabs opened in my browser and it started to bother me a bit. It happens during both - professional research and personal browsing. My main motivation to leave things in the opened tabs is: "It is interesting, but I don't...
  14. Rikz

    How do I find saas startups to work with?

    I am a self-taught full-stack web developer about to complete my masters and am looking for saas startups who are looking to hire so I can work to improve my collaboration skills. I have already built quite a few MVPs for founders but now looking for some long term opportunity. Currently looking...
  15. DeNero

    AMAZING Influencer Marketing Strategy that Led to $100,000 MRR - for SaaS & Ecom Founders

    I came across this brilliant post from David Park @Davidpark96 on Twitter, and thought it would be very valuable to many people if I share it on here too. This was his brilliant Influencer Marketing strategy that added $100k in MRR to his business, enjoy: "How we added $100,000 MRR with...
  16. L

    Is this useful?

    Hey everyone! My name is Larry, and I'm dipping my toes into the SaaS industry. I have an idea for a business management software that includes EVERYTHING, e.g. HR, payroll, file storage, messaging, CRM, etc. The idea is to make an efficient program for businesses to increase their workflow...
  17. A

    From Restaurant Tech Support to Transforming SaaS: My Journey of Building HelpDesk Teams and The Power Behind Them

    Hello Millionaire Fastlane community! I'm excited to be part of this incredible forum and share a bit about my journey from being a tech support agent in a major restaurant chain to venturing into the world of SaaS and Helpdesk team management. Quick Story: I cut my teeth in the fast-paced...
  18. O

    Identifying Chrome Extensions Opportunities For New Software Entrepreneurs

    (if this isn't allowed, let me know. The website is free and doesn't ask anything of the users) Hello all. I've built a web scraper that goes through the Chrome Extension store and returns information regarding Chrome Extensions. Analyzed, this data can be revelatory for people who are...
  19. A

    The Path I am on

    Hey, This is my first post ever on here. Ive read all of MJ's books, finding Rat Race and Fastlane the most interesting. A little about my own path and anything that can help on that path would be great! I am graduated from a top uni in Australia, with an Economics Degree. Half way through...
  20. sethmckilla

    Product Roadmaps for Indie Hackers

    While building out my last product, I found it really frustrating to easily gather user feedback without having to add another bloated tool to my stack. My idea is to simplify this process by basically being able to turn your GitHub (GH) issues / project board into a public facing roadmap...