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Listening to Intuition

Anything related to matters of the mind


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Dec 21, 2015
Hi ladies and gentlemen!

So, I am terribly exhausted, but decided to pop in and share what I've experienced today.

If you haven't yet labelled me as strange/loco you'll definitely do so after this post lol.

As some of you know I am a hardcore salesman turned into a pussycat who is afraid of making any calls at all, due to belief that I am no good and my English has deteriorated. And all of this led me to considering an option of outsourcing customer service...

Deep down there's a voice that tells me to pick myself up and answer every-time a customer calls. Then, there's another voice that tells me my English is rotten and I should hide under the mop while watching others making calls for me...

So, I have shortlisted candidate for picking up customer calls and making calls whenever necessary. At first I thought it'll make me more relaxed, but it didn't happen - I, for some reason, am fuarkin' anxious and my mood just crashed - it literally crashed seconds after I spoke to a candidate. Not because he was bad. He was a great fit BTW. It just crashed and my conscious can't pick it up why it happened...

Then, I just lied on my bed thinking WTF had just happened and a tought entered my mind:

Forget recruitment. Go have a rest, hit the gym tomorrow morning, get refreshing shower and call all those 17 missed calls back with a confidence. This voice tells me that my previous consideration of outsourcing calls is F*cking ridiculous and it will crash my self-confidence even more, because as I mentioned in my other post, the only method to fix lack of self-esteem is by doing things we fear worst. This is the voice that is in a 'I don't give a F*ck if I fail' mode.

Sometimes I feel I may be bipolar, due to fluctuating moods. Other times I think I might have great sense of awareness.

Anyways, I know most of my post doesn't make sense and I sound like some nutcase, but I'll proceed and hit Create Thread button anyways!

Drop a reply if you've ever felt like this so we can both be insane, because being insane alone is not fun, lol.
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Dec 8, 2016
Boston, MA
I don't think you're bipolar. People diagnosed with bipolar disorder display a different set of characteristics: a manic state lasting at least a week or more, followed by a depressed state lasting a week or more. If you've ever experienced a bipolar person, interacting with them in either state is like dealing with two entirely different people.

We all have that inner doubt demon that relentlessly tells us we suck, we can't do this or that, we're worthless, we're a loser, we're short, fat, ugly, etc.

Don't let it win. "Crush it in your mind vice" (to steal from 30 Rock). Keep beating it down and proving it wrong, and eventually this will build the confidence to denounce that voice the moment it presents itself. It sounds cliche but it works.

Everyone alive on this planet deals with the same issue (except perhaps sociopaths). If they say they don't, they're lying.

As for intuition: my understanding of intuition is a bit different than yours. In my experience it is a feeling in your gut. I can't quite put words to it but it's gotten me out of hairy situations in the past. If I had to guess, intuition is one's subconscious picking up on cues and attempting to alert the conscious mind of danger. I've never regretted listening to this "feeling." I do, however, have a few regrets resulting from ignoring it.

BTW, as a friend's mother told me long ago, "everyone is a a little f*cked up (crazy)."
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Jul 28, 2013
Haha, languages are hard, add sales on top of it and wow...
No wonder you are nervous.
I'm the same way calling places in a second language.
I find it is best to just take charge of the call and say my side of things rather than get into a back and forth
I aim to get them LISTENING, thats all, then I prompt yes or no answers,
It makes it easier.

Good rest helps too of course
And stop acting like a pussycat, you don't need to put on that mask just to get people to "like" you, be yourself

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