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  • Not to hijack the thread about that guy's Excel speadsheet, but interested in your unreleased tool to save massive amounts of employee time. If that is still a viable tool, you can probably convert your Excel spreadsheet into a web app "in 3 minutes": turn excel spreadsheet into web application - Google Search
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    Reactions: Bekit
    That is awesome! Thanks for sharing! I built the spreadsheet in like 2009 so I'm not sure if it's obsolete by now. It was for a very specific use case so it could be that no one needs it now. But this is a great idea if I come up with another spreadsheet idea! Thanks @disarli !
    Hello Bekit,

    I would like to order some copy for my new project, it may be reoccurring. Please let me know if you have capacity.

    Sorry I missed this! I just now looked at this page on my profile. I figure you got your copy needs sorted after all this time, but let me know via DM if you need anything and I do tend to see those right away.

    I joined basically because of you. So thank you!

    And I also wanted to know, where did you learn how to write? Like, what was the process and influence that lead to your current writing style and capabilities?
    Sorry for the delay - apparently I haven't visited this part of my profile in four years. Whoops! :eek::clench:
    Where did I learn write? Good question. A huge contributing factor was reading a LOT. Another factor was writing a lot. Another factor was telling a lot of stories to younger children. You'll really learn what kinds of things will hold attention that way.
    Hi Bekit, how is everything going?
    I truly like your advice and how detailed you are
    I am considering different platforms in order to understand which is the best, simpler, and not extremely expensive website I can get. Do you have any recommendations about it?
    And do you have any reading recommendations about how to fully start and operate an online business?
    Good morning Bekit, I have a quick question, What would be your pricing for zoom calls to help with ads and how much zoom calls a week/month?- And Thank You once again!
    Thank you for all the information you gave me! And thank you so much for your time, Hope you have a safe flight back to Colorado!
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