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4 Super-Effective Sales Email Follow Up Templates

Alex Edson

Bronze Contributor
Speedway Pass
Feb 1, 2018
Phoenix, AZ.
Ina recent blog post about the best sales email subject lines, we shared the findings of a research study which revealed that 80% of successful sale transactions require an average of 5 follow-ups after initial contact.

Yet, 44% of salespeople never follow-up after their first outreach!

So, without further delay, here are my picks for the top 4 super-effective sales email follow up templates:

Follow-Up #1):
I can only imagine that you’re super busy, so if you’d prefer to call me with any questions that you may have, my cell is 555–555–555.

Don’t hesitate to call at any time.

Looking forward to connecting again soon!

Sent from my iPhone


Follow-Up #2):
I’m writing to follow-up on my previous email.

If it makes sense to talk, please let me know how your calendar looks.

If not, may I ask you for the appropriate person for me to talk to?

Thanks for your help.




Follow-Up #3):
I’ve tried to reach you a few times but still haven’t heard back … which tells me one of three things:

#1). You’re not interested and I should stop bothering you.

#2). You’re interested but haven’t had the time to respond yet.

#3). You’ve fallen and can’t get up (and in that case, let me know and I’ll call someone to help you!) …

Please let me know which one as I’m starting to worry!


Follow-Up #4):
I wanted to reach out to you one last time.

If I don’t hear back from you, I’ll assume the timing isn’t right.

My information is below should you have any questions.

Cell: 555–555–5555
Office: 555–555–5555

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Bronze Contributor
User Power
Value/Post Ratio
Aug 17, 2012
New Jersey
Follow-Up #3):
I’ve tried to reach you a few times but still haven’t heard back … which tells me one of three things:

#1). You’re not interested and I should stop bothering you.

#2). You’re interested but haven’t had the time to respond yet.

#3). You’ve fallen and can’t get up (and in that case, let me know and I’ll call someone to help you!) …

Please let me know which one as I’m starting to worry!

I've literally heard this word for word before, so this looks like you just did a quick google search for email follow-ups and are recycling other people's content (which is what I assume you're doing in all of your other garbage low-value "threads" plainly disguised as a lead tool for your site).

I've read your intro thread, if all of that information is true I think you have a lot of value to offer to people here. Hopefully you stop seeing this forum as a lead channel and use it as a chance to connect/help others, because it's easy to see through what you're doing.

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