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24.11.23 - This is more for me to keep track of my personal progress than get views.
I've posted once before on Fastlane, but that was under different circumstances. In the last ~1.5 yrs since that first post, I've experienced quite a few things that have provided sufficient incentive to decide to not follow a pre-ordained path.
When I first read Fastlane about 1.5 years ago, I was a 2nd year engineering student who had just quit being part of the Men's Rowing team, because I realized that there was no point in me continuing to pursue something that I did not enjoy. Yes I enjoyed the physical discipline, but something about how I thought differently than my teammates didn't sit well with me. A big part of it was that I really didn't care for regattas (rowing races), nor for going to parties every Saturday night outside of the main season, to get drunk on cheap beer and vodka, and then wake up late on Sunday, have to catch up on my hw, and repeat the same insanity week after week (sounds a little familiar, doesn't it...?).
So in essence I engaged in a mini 'F*ck this event' & quit the team but still continued with school, the only difference being that I changed engineering majors (from Chemical to Civil). It was at that moment that my older sister introduced me to MF (millionaire fastlane ), which she learned about from her ex-husband (who by all accounts is currently a successful CENTS-abiding entrepreneur, however I can't say I know for sure because of their rocky break up). Either way, the book was shown to me at a transitional time where I had an abundance of energy (think going from 20+ hours of training/week to minimal exercise), and wasn't too certain where to direct it. I was absolutely engrossed and re-read probably 3-4 times. But I can't say I really acted on it or did anything of substance. Yes, I simply continued to do school, engage in consumerism (eating out often, wasting money on clothes that I didn't need, etc.). Just like Gary Patel said to Clooney/Cody in MJ's book, I focused on an image. And as a part of this action-fakery, I decided that since I wanted to pursue 'business' now, I needed to engage in some sort of 'sexy' industry that could bring me 'wealth'. Despite reading MF, I still thought wealth was having nice shit ie rampant consumerism. Aside from that, I was sick of being stuck in Wisconsin for my whole life, so I decided to apply for an internship with a construction company in Miami, FL, to surround myself around the '1%' and the 'ultra-wealthy'. While I was doing these internship applications, I was also doing an extended, 9-month internship with a construction company in Wisconsin.
Let me tell you, I was completely delusional in thinking that an internship in Miami would somehow be different than an internship in Wisconsin. Yes, I obtained the Miami internship to work for a construction company that builds houses and the interiors of apartments for extremely wealthy people, aka true global producers (in fact, two of the company's clients are Peter Thiel & Todd Boehly (I F*cking kid you not)). However in both internships two things, above everything else really stuck out to me - the F*cking mediocrity of having a cushy 8h/day job (the breakroom gossip/drama, the lack of any work which adds any significant large scale value, and soul-selling for weekends) and the lack of asymmetry - ie all of this time and effort is put into build this building for a measly 10-20% profit which is split amongst everyone in the company, as well as the lack of abiding by CENTS - especially Time & Scale - you have to continue overseeing construction if you want to keep making an income + you have to have a massive company of 100s-1000s of people in order to achieve national & then global scale - not really something I want to do. There are other ways to add value on a global scale, which abide by all 5 requirements of CENTS, and don't take 30 years to create a massive construction company.
In the time frame from ending my internship in Wisconsin, doing a semester of school, and moving to Miami to do the internship there, a learned a few extremely important lessons & grew my internal locus significantly:
- personally, I need to exercise execute daily for optimal mental clarity & focus, especially via swimming - when I swim daily I maintain an insane level of focus and the mediocre mindsets & frivolous distractions of everyone else do not hinder me from following my own inner voice and the advice of people like MJ DeMarco, Gary Patel, Peter Thiel, etc.
- working for the Miami construction company and building residences for people like Peter Thiel & Todd Boehly really ignited a fire in me, in two ways - (1) what are the asymmetric actions that people like Thiel & Boehly engaged in to be able to own multiple $30+ million homes across the globe, while people like those at the construction company are the ones slaving away to build them, for pennies, compared to what Thiel & Boehly have earned through their systems? & (2) if they can provide so much value, globally, in an asymmetric manner, then why the F*ck can't I? let me tell you, it's not about their connections nor their parents nor their GPAs nor their colleges - it's their systems and the use of Controlled Unlimited Leverage rather than Uncontrolled Limited Leverage, and the CENTS framework.
- there is absolutely no F*cking (I'm sorry for all of my french, but this Scripted system is absolutely ridiculous) point in channeling all of your youthful time and energy into a system which doesn't yield asymmetric returns and allow you to divorce your time from money
- everywhere in the US, be it Miami or Wisconsin, is full of the 99% - financial fakers trying to display their nonexistent wealth by maxing out their credit cards to make 52 payments of $399/mo. to 'afford' some stupid F*cking car & sell their soul to go get drunk every weekend - my life is worth more than that - I had to learn this the hard way ... one day during the internship I stood up too fast and lost consciousness, fell flat on my face, broke a tooth, and had to stay ~28 hours at Mt. Sinai hospital in Miami Beach - although the reasons for the loss of consciousness weren't serious (simply too much caffeine + dehydration + lack of electrolytes/salts in my diet), the consequences were - (1) the fact that I pushed myself so hard to the point of a literal collapse in a stupid internship for $20 F*cking per hour & (2) the fact that I am going to have to pay a nice, fat insurance deductible, money which is going to be taken from my savings which originally was to be used to pay off college, rent, etc. - F*ck that. if I am going to be collapsing and losing consciousness, I'd rather it happen while engaging my efforts into a system which abides by CENTS and has the actual probability to obtain my Escape Number
so after this hospital episode as well as just genuinely thinking significantly about the mediocrity of the slowlane system and deciding to actually F*cking act on MJ's advice in order to add value on a global scale, live a life worth living, and write my own life story, not someone else's, here are my next action steps (please note, future Victor - it is your own responsibility and under your own accountability whether you just say you'll do this or whether you actually execute through the failures and keep trying, just like with swimming, until you obtain true Unscription via Global Producerism & Fastlane Entrepreneurship) =
- right now I'm wrapping up the internship in Miami and about to leave to go back to Wisconsin, as I have two more semesters of school left ... except I'm not going to follow the pre-ordained path that everyone else is ... a few things are going to change, with some non-negotiables remaining:
1) continue to swim/exercise execute daily for mental clarity + focus as well as optimal health and a lean body (clean diet too - duh!)
2) obtain a $800/mo or less apartment to keep expenses @ a minimum & have a weekly expense tracker to make sure I'm not engage in consumeristic expense dickery - otherwise I'll just be like the 99%
3) obtain a job with either an mechanical contractor or an electrician, in order to pay off my hospital bill, save up enough to be able to live off for roughly 1 year to fully engage that time into CENTS execution while ALSO learning the trade (I am very hands on - sitting in an office drives me apeshit) while ALSO (most importantly!!) identifying a NEED or a PROBLEM which can be solved/fulfilled via CENTS execution
4) withdraw from my university to go full in on the 3 aforementioned actions = swim execution, CENTS execution, and anti-consumeristic + trade work execution
with all of this being said ... my family is going to have some difficulty understanding my decisions + this is going to be an absolute process that is going to require my full attention and focus (just like a relationship with an amazing woman - it's not about the 1 hour wedding, but the 40+ year marriage, ie the process) - it is up to me and ONLY me to follow through and not F*ck around and keep trying despite the stumbles I am going to face in the entrepreneurial journey - however, I wasn't put on this earth to be like F*cking everyone else. my parents didn't escape the F*cking Soviet Union and Perestroika just so I could work a cushy F*cking 9-5 job, sell my soul for the weekend, and lay on my death bed with a mind full of sadness and regret. F*ck that. I'm done with that garbage. I came here to execute on a global business system, which adds value to the 99%, by means of a product or service that fulfills a need which all have but no one is willing to execute on. I am.
again - this post is more for my personal weekly accountability and less for views. it's up to me and me only to follow through. no one else is going to write my story. I have to do it myself. execute and make it F*cking happen. thank you MJ for your books & thank you to everyone on this forum for listening to their own inner voice. it's time to execute.
I've posted once before on Fastlane, but that was under different circumstances. In the last ~1.5 yrs since that first post, I've experienced quite a few things that have provided sufficient incentive to decide to not follow a pre-ordained path.
When I first read Fastlane about 1.5 years ago, I was a 2nd year engineering student who had just quit being part of the Men's Rowing team, because I realized that there was no point in me continuing to pursue something that I did not enjoy. Yes I enjoyed the physical discipline, but something about how I thought differently than my teammates didn't sit well with me. A big part of it was that I really didn't care for regattas (rowing races), nor for going to parties every Saturday night outside of the main season, to get drunk on cheap beer and vodka, and then wake up late on Sunday, have to catch up on my hw, and repeat the same insanity week after week (sounds a little familiar, doesn't it...?).
So in essence I engaged in a mini 'F*ck this event' & quit the team but still continued with school, the only difference being that I changed engineering majors (from Chemical to Civil). It was at that moment that my older sister introduced me to MF (millionaire fastlane ), which she learned about from her ex-husband (who by all accounts is currently a successful CENTS-abiding entrepreneur, however I can't say I know for sure because of their rocky break up). Either way, the book was shown to me at a transitional time where I had an abundance of energy (think going from 20+ hours of training/week to minimal exercise), and wasn't too certain where to direct it. I was absolutely engrossed and re-read probably 3-4 times. But I can't say I really acted on it or did anything of substance. Yes, I simply continued to do school, engage in consumerism (eating out often, wasting money on clothes that I didn't need, etc.). Just like Gary Patel said to Clooney/Cody in MJ's book, I focused on an image. And as a part of this action-fakery, I decided that since I wanted to pursue 'business' now, I needed to engage in some sort of 'sexy' industry that could bring me 'wealth'. Despite reading MF, I still thought wealth was having nice shit ie rampant consumerism. Aside from that, I was sick of being stuck in Wisconsin for my whole life, so I decided to apply for an internship with a construction company in Miami, FL, to surround myself around the '1%' and the 'ultra-wealthy'. While I was doing these internship applications, I was also doing an extended, 9-month internship with a construction company in Wisconsin.
Let me tell you, I was completely delusional in thinking that an internship in Miami would somehow be different than an internship in Wisconsin. Yes, I obtained the Miami internship to work for a construction company that builds houses and the interiors of apartments for extremely wealthy people, aka true global producers (in fact, two of the company's clients are Peter Thiel & Todd Boehly (I F*cking kid you not)). However in both internships two things, above everything else really stuck out to me - the F*cking mediocrity of having a cushy 8h/day job (the breakroom gossip/drama, the lack of any work which adds any significant large scale value, and soul-selling for weekends) and the lack of asymmetry - ie all of this time and effort is put into build this building for a measly 10-20% profit which is split amongst everyone in the company, as well as the lack of abiding by CENTS - especially Time & Scale - you have to continue overseeing construction if you want to keep making an income + you have to have a massive company of 100s-1000s of people in order to achieve national & then global scale - not really something I want to do. There are other ways to add value on a global scale, which abide by all 5 requirements of CENTS, and don't take 30 years to create a massive construction company.
In the time frame from ending my internship in Wisconsin, doing a semester of school, and moving to Miami to do the internship there, a learned a few extremely important lessons & grew my internal locus significantly:
- personally, I need to exercise execute daily for optimal mental clarity & focus, especially via swimming - when I swim daily I maintain an insane level of focus and the mediocre mindsets & frivolous distractions of everyone else do not hinder me from following my own inner voice and the advice of people like MJ DeMarco, Gary Patel, Peter Thiel, etc.
- working for the Miami construction company and building residences for people like Peter Thiel & Todd Boehly really ignited a fire in me, in two ways - (1) what are the asymmetric actions that people like Thiel & Boehly engaged in to be able to own multiple $30+ million homes across the globe, while people like those at the construction company are the ones slaving away to build them, for pennies, compared to what Thiel & Boehly have earned through their systems? & (2) if they can provide so much value, globally, in an asymmetric manner, then why the F*ck can't I? let me tell you, it's not about their connections nor their parents nor their GPAs nor their colleges - it's their systems and the use of Controlled Unlimited Leverage rather than Uncontrolled Limited Leverage, and the CENTS framework.
- there is absolutely no F*cking (I'm sorry for all of my french, but this Scripted system is absolutely ridiculous) point in channeling all of your youthful time and energy into a system which doesn't yield asymmetric returns and allow you to divorce your time from money
- everywhere in the US, be it Miami or Wisconsin, is full of the 99% - financial fakers trying to display their nonexistent wealth by maxing out their credit cards to make 52 payments of $399/mo. to 'afford' some stupid F*cking car & sell their soul to go get drunk every weekend - my life is worth more than that - I had to learn this the hard way ... one day during the internship I stood up too fast and lost consciousness, fell flat on my face, broke a tooth, and had to stay ~28 hours at Mt. Sinai hospital in Miami Beach - although the reasons for the loss of consciousness weren't serious (simply too much caffeine + dehydration + lack of electrolytes/salts in my diet), the consequences were - (1) the fact that I pushed myself so hard to the point of a literal collapse in a stupid internship for $20 F*cking per hour & (2) the fact that I am going to have to pay a nice, fat insurance deductible, money which is going to be taken from my savings which originally was to be used to pay off college, rent, etc. - F*ck that. if I am going to be collapsing and losing consciousness, I'd rather it happen while engaging my efforts into a system which abides by CENTS and has the actual probability to obtain my Escape Number
so after this hospital episode as well as just genuinely thinking significantly about the mediocrity of the slowlane system and deciding to actually F*cking act on MJ's advice in order to add value on a global scale, live a life worth living, and write my own life story, not someone else's, here are my next action steps (please note, future Victor - it is your own responsibility and under your own accountability whether you just say you'll do this or whether you actually execute through the failures and keep trying, just like with swimming, until you obtain true Unscription via Global Producerism & Fastlane Entrepreneurship) =
- right now I'm wrapping up the internship in Miami and about to leave to go back to Wisconsin, as I have two more semesters of school left ... except I'm not going to follow the pre-ordained path that everyone else is ... a few things are going to change, with some non-negotiables remaining:
1) continue to swim/exercise execute daily for mental clarity + focus as well as optimal health and a lean body (clean diet too - duh!)
2) obtain a $800/mo or less apartment to keep expenses @ a minimum & have a weekly expense tracker to make sure I'm not engage in consumeristic expense dickery - otherwise I'll just be like the 99%
3) obtain a job with either an mechanical contractor or an electrician, in order to pay off my hospital bill, save up enough to be able to live off for roughly 1 year to fully engage that time into CENTS execution while ALSO learning the trade (I am very hands on - sitting in an office drives me apeshit) while ALSO (most importantly!!) identifying a NEED or a PROBLEM which can be solved/fulfilled via CENTS execution
4) withdraw from my university to go full in on the 3 aforementioned actions = swim execution, CENTS execution, and anti-consumeristic + trade work execution
with all of this being said ... my family is going to have some difficulty understanding my decisions + this is going to be an absolute process that is going to require my full attention and focus (just like a relationship with an amazing woman - it's not about the 1 hour wedding, but the 40+ year marriage, ie the process) - it is up to me and ONLY me to follow through and not F*ck around and keep trying despite the stumbles I am going to face in the entrepreneurial journey - however, I wasn't put on this earth to be like F*cking everyone else. my parents didn't escape the F*cking Soviet Union and Perestroika just so I could work a cushy F*cking 9-5 job, sell my soul for the weekend, and lay on my death bed with a mind full of sadness and regret. F*ck that. I'm done with that garbage. I came here to execute on a global business system, which adds value to the 99%, by means of a product or service that fulfills a need which all have but no one is willing to execute on. I am.
again - this post is more for my personal weekly accountability and less for views. it's up to me and me only to follow through. no one else is going to write my story. I have to do it myself. execute and make it F*cking happen. thank you MJ for your books & thank you to everyone on this forum for listening to their own inner voice. it's time to execute.
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