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Victor's Execution: Trade Fastlane

A detailed account of a Fastlane process...

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Read Fastlane!
Dec 13, 2022
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24.11.23 - This is more for me to keep track of my personal progress than get views.

I've posted once before on Fastlane, but that was under different circumstances. In the last ~1.5 yrs since that first post, I've experienced quite a few things that have provided sufficient incentive to decide to not follow a pre-ordained path.

When I first read Fastlane about 1.5 years ago, I was a 2nd year engineering student who had just quit being part of the Men's Rowing team, because I realized that there was no point in me continuing to pursue something that I did not enjoy. Yes I enjoyed the physical discipline, but something about how I thought differently than my teammates didn't sit well with me. A big part of it was that I really didn't care for regattas (rowing races), nor for going to parties every Saturday night outside of the main season, to get drunk on cheap beer and vodka, and then wake up late on Sunday, have to catch up on my hw, and repeat the same insanity week after week (sounds a little familiar, doesn't it...?).

So in essence I engaged in a mini 'F*ck this event' & quit the team but still continued with school, the only difference being that I changed engineering majors (from Chemical to Civil). It was at that moment that my older sister introduced me to MF (millionaire fastlane ), which she learned about from her ex-husband (who by all accounts is currently a successful CENTS-abiding entrepreneur, however I can't say I know for sure because of their rocky break up). Either way, the book was shown to me at a transitional time where I had an abundance of energy (think going from 20+ hours of training/week to minimal exercise), and wasn't too certain where to direct it. I was absolutely engrossed and re-read probably 3-4 times. But I can't say I really acted on it or did anything of substance. Yes, I simply continued to do school, engage in consumerism (eating out often, wasting money on clothes that I didn't need, etc.). Just like Gary Patel said to Clooney/Cody in MJ's book, I focused on an image. And as a part of this action-fakery, I decided that since I wanted to pursue 'business' now, I needed to engage in some sort of 'sexy' industry that could bring me 'wealth'. Despite reading MF, I still thought wealth was having nice shit ie rampant consumerism. Aside from that, I was sick of being stuck in Wisconsin for my whole life, so I decided to apply for an internship with a construction company in Miami, FL, to surround myself around the '1%' and the 'ultra-wealthy'. While I was doing these internship applications, I was also doing an extended, 9-month internship with a construction company in Wisconsin.

Let me tell you, I was completely delusional in thinking that an internship in Miami would somehow be different than an internship in Wisconsin. Yes, I obtained the Miami internship to work for a construction company that builds houses and the interiors of apartments for extremely wealthy people, aka true global producers (in fact, two of the company's clients are Peter Thiel & Todd Boehly (I F*cking kid you not)). However in both internships two things, above everything else really stuck out to me - the F*cking mediocrity of having a cushy 8h/day job (the breakroom gossip/drama, the lack of any work which adds any significant large scale value, and soul-selling for weekends) and the lack of asymmetry - ie all of this time and effort is put into build this building for a measly 10-20% profit which is split amongst everyone in the company, as well as the lack of abiding by CENTS - especially Time & Scale - you have to continue overseeing construction if you want to keep making an income + you have to have a massive company of 100s-1000s of people in order to achieve national & then global scale - not really something I want to do. There are other ways to add value on a global scale, which abide by all 5 requirements of CENTS, and don't take 30 years to create a massive construction company.

In the time frame from ending my internship in Wisconsin, doing a semester of school, and moving to Miami to do the internship there, a learned a few extremely important lessons & grew my internal locus significantly:

- personally, I need to exercise execute daily for optimal mental clarity & focus, especially via swimming - when I swim daily I maintain an insane level of focus and the mediocre mindsets & frivolous distractions of everyone else do not hinder me from following my own inner voice and the advice of people like MJ DeMarco, Gary Patel, Peter Thiel, etc.

- working for the Miami construction company and building residences for people like Peter Thiel & Todd Boehly really ignited a fire in me, in two ways - (1) what are the asymmetric actions that people like Thiel & Boehly engaged in to be able to own multiple $30+ million homes across the globe, while people like those at the construction company are the ones slaving away to build them, for pennies, compared to what Thiel & Boehly have earned through their systems? & (2) if they can provide so much value, globally, in an asymmetric manner, then why the F*ck can't I? let me tell you, it's not about their connections nor their parents nor their GPAs nor their colleges - it's their systems and the use of Controlled Unlimited Leverage rather than Uncontrolled Limited Leverage, and the CENTS framework.

- there is absolutely no F*cking (I'm sorry for all of my french, but this Scripted system is absolutely ridiculous) point in channeling all of your youthful time and energy into a system which doesn't yield asymmetric returns and allow you to divorce your time from money

- everywhere in the US, be it Miami or Wisconsin, is full of the 99% - financial fakers trying to display their nonexistent wealth by maxing out their credit cards to make 52 payments of $399/mo. to 'afford' some stupid F*cking car & sell their soul to go get drunk every weekend - my life is worth more than that - I had to learn this the hard way ... one day during the internship I stood up too fast and lost consciousness, fell flat on my face, broke a tooth, and had to stay ~28 hours at Mt. Sinai hospital in Miami Beach - although the reasons for the loss of consciousness weren't serious (simply too much caffeine + dehydration + lack of electrolytes/salts in my diet), the consequences were - (1) the fact that I pushed myself so hard to the point of a literal collapse in a stupid internship for $20 F*cking per hour & (2) the fact that I am going to have to pay a nice, fat insurance deductible, money which is going to be taken from my savings which originally was to be used to pay off college, rent, etc. - F*ck that. if I am going to be collapsing and losing consciousness, I'd rather it happen while engaging my efforts into a system which abides by CENTS and has the actual probability to obtain my Escape Number

so after this hospital episode as well as just genuinely thinking significantly about the mediocrity of the slowlane system and deciding to actually F*cking act on MJ's advice in order to add value on a global scale, live a life worth living, and write my own life story, not someone else's, here are my next action steps (please note, future Victor - it is your own responsibility and under your own accountability whether you just say you'll do this or whether you actually execute through the failures and keep trying, just like with swimming, until you obtain true Unscription via Global Producerism & Fastlane Entrepreneurship) =

- right now I'm wrapping up the internship in Miami and about to leave to go back to Wisconsin, as I have two more semesters of school left ... except I'm not going to follow the pre-ordained path that everyone else is ... a few things are going to change, with some non-negotiables remaining:
1) continue to swim/exercise execute daily for mental clarity + focus as well as optimal health and a lean body (clean diet too - duh!)
2) obtain a $800/mo or less apartment to keep expenses @ a minimum & have a weekly expense tracker to make sure I'm not engage in consumeristic expense dickery - otherwise I'll just be like the 99%
3) obtain a job with either an mechanical contractor or an electrician, in order to pay off my hospital bill, save up enough to be able to live off for roughly 1 year to fully engage that time into CENTS execution while ALSO learning the trade (I am very hands on - sitting in an office drives me apeshit) while ALSO (most importantly!!) identifying a NEED or a PROBLEM which can be solved/fulfilled via CENTS execution
4) withdraw from my university to go full in on the 3 aforementioned actions = swim execution, CENTS execution, and anti-consumeristic + trade work execution


with all of this being said ... my family is going to have some difficulty understanding my decisions + this is going to be an absolute process that is going to require my full attention and focus (just like a relationship with an amazing woman - it's not about the 1 hour wedding, but the 40+ year marriage, ie the process) - it is up to me and ONLY me to follow through and not F*ck around and keep trying despite the stumbles I am going to face in the entrepreneurial journey - however, I wasn't put on this earth to be like F*cking everyone else. my parents didn't escape the F*cking Soviet Union and Perestroika just so I could work a cushy F*cking 9-5 job, sell my soul for the weekend, and lay on my death bed with a mind full of sadness and regret. F*ck that. I'm done with that garbage. I came here to execute on a global business system, which adds value to the 99%, by means of a product or service that fulfills a need which all have but no one is willing to execute on. I am.

again - this post is more for my personal weekly accountability and less for views. it's up to me and me only to follow through. no one else is going to write my story. I have to do it myself. execute and make it F*cking happen. thank you MJ for your books & thank you to everyone on this forum for listening to their own inner voice. it's time to execute.
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24.11.23 - Vjot ot nusi gus ni vu liiq vsedl ug nz qistupem qsuhsitt vjep hiv woixt.

O'wi qutvif updi cigusi up Getvmepi, cav vjev xet apfis foggisipv dosdantvepdit. Op vji metv ~1.5 zst topdi vjev gostv qutv, O'wi iyqisoipdif raovi e gix vjopht vjev jewi qsuwofif taggodoipv opdipvowi vu fidofi vu puv gummux e qsi-usfeopif qevj.

Xjip O gostv sief Getvmepi ecuav 1.5 ziest ehu, O xet e 2pf zies iphopiisoph tvafipv xju jef katv raov cioph qesv ug vji Nip't Suxoph vien, cideati O siemobif vjev vjisi xet pu quopv op ni dupvopaoph vu qastai tunivjoph vjev O fof puv ipkuz. Zit O ipkuzif vji qjztodem fotdoqmopi, cav tunivjoph ecuav jux O vjuahjv foggisipvmz vjep nz viennevit fofp'v tov ximm xovj ni. E coh qesv ug ov xet vjev O siemmz fofp'v desi gus sihevvet (suxoph sedit), pus gus huoph vu qesvoit iwisz Tevasfez pohjv uavtofi ug vji neop tietup, vu hiv fsapl up djieq ciis epf wufle, epf vjip xeli aq mevi up Tapfez, jewi vu devdj aq up nz jx, epf siqiev vji teni optepovz xiil egvis xiil (tuapft e movvmi genomoes, fuitp'v ov...?).

Tu op ittipdi O iphehif op e nopo 'G*dl vjot iwipv' & raov vji vien cav tvomm dupvopaif xovj tdjuum, vji upmz foggisipdi cioph vjev O djephif iphopiisoph nekust (gsun Djinodem vu Dowom). Ov xet ev vjev nunipv vjev nz umfis totvis opvsufadif ni vu NG (nommoupeosi getvmepi), xjodj tji miespif ecuav gsun jis iy-jatcepf (xju cz emm edduapvt ot dassipvmz e taddittgam DIPVT-ecofoph ipvsiqsipias, juxiwis O dep'v tez O lpux gus tasi cideati ug vjios sudlz csiel aq). Iovjis xez, vji cuul xet tjuxp vu ni ev e vseptovoupem voni xjisi O jef ep ecapfepdi ug ipishz (vjopl huoph gsun 20+ juast ug vseopoph/xiil vu noponem iyisdoti), epf xetp'v vuu disveop xjisi vu fosidv ov. O xet ectumavimz iphsuttif epf si-sief qsucecmz 3-4 vonit. Cav O dep'v tez O siemmz edvif up ov us fof epzvjoph ug tactvepdi. Zit, O tonqmz dupvopaif vu fu tdjuum, iphehi op duptanisotn (ievoph uav ugvip, xetvoph nupiz up dmuvjit vjev O fofp'v piif, ivd.). Katv moli Hesz Qevim teof vu Dmuupiz/Dufz op NK't cuul, O gudatif up ep onehi. Epf et e qesv ug vjot edvoup-gelisz, O fidofif vjev topdi O xepvif vu qastai 'catopitt' pux, O piifif vu iphehi op tuni tusv ug 'tiyz' opfatvsz vjev duamf csoph ni 'xiemvj'. Fitqovi siefoph NG, O tvomm vjuahjv xiemvj xet jewoph podi tjov oi senqepv duptanisotn. Etofi gsun vjev, O xet todl ug cioph tvadl op Xotduptop gus nz xjumi mogi, tu O fidofif vu eqqmz gus ep opvisptjoq xovj e duptvsadvoup dunqepz op Noeno, GM, vu tassuapf nztimg esuapf vji '1%' epf vji 'amvse-xiemvjz'. Xjomi O xet fuoph vjiti opvisptjoq eqqmodevoupt, O xet emtu fuoph ep iyvipfif, 9-nupvj opvisptjoq xovj e duptvsadvoup dunqepz op Xotduptop.

Miv ni vimm zua, O xet dunqmivimz fimatoupem op vjoploph vjev ep opvisptjoq op Noeno xuamf tunijux ci foggisipv vjep ep opvisptjoq op Xotduptop. Zit, O ucveopif vji Noeno opvisptjoq vu xusl gus e duptvsadvoup dunqepz vjev caomft juatit epf vji opvisoust ug eqesvnipvt gus iyvsinimz xiemvjz qiuqmi, ele vsai hmucem qsufadist (op gedv, vxu ug vji dunqepz't dmoipvt esi Qivis Vjoim & Vuff Cuijmz (O G*dloph lof zua puv)). Juxiwis op cuvj opvisptjoqt vxu vjopht, ecuwi iwiszvjoph imti siemmz tvadl uav vu ni - vji G*dloph nifoudsovz ug jewoph e datjz 8j/fez kuc (vji csielsuun huttoq/fsene, vji medl ug epz xusl xjodj efft epz tohpogodepv meshi tdemi wemai, epf tuam-timmoph gus xiilipft) epf vji medl ug etznnivsz - oi emm ug vjot voni epf iggusv ot qav opvu caomf vjot caomfoph gus e nietmz 10-20% qsugov xjodj ot tqmov enuphtv iwiszupi op vji dunqepz, et ximm et vji medl ug ecofoph cz DIPVT - itqidoemmz Voni & Tdemi - zua jewi vu dupvopai uwistiioph duptvsadvoup og zua xepv vu liiq neloph ep opduni + zua jewi vu jewi e nettowi dunqepz ug 100t-1000t ug qiuqmi op usfis vu edjoiwi pevoupem & vjip hmucem tdemi - puv siemmz tunivjoph O xepv vu fu. Vjisi esi uvjis xezt vu eff wemai up e hmucem tdemi, xjodj ecofi cz emm 5 siraosinipvt ug DIPVT, epf fup'v veli 30 ziest vu dsievi e nettowi duptvsadvoup dunqepz.

Op vji voni gseni gsun ipfoph nz opvisptjoq op Xotduptop, fuoph e tinitvis ug tdjuum, epf nuwoph vu Noeno vu fu vji opvisptjoq vjisi, e miespif e gix iyvsinimz onqusvepv mittupt & hsix nz opvispem mudat tohpogodepvmz:

- qistupemmz, O piif vu iyisdoti iyidavi feomz gus uqvonem nipvem dmesovz & gudat, itqidoemmz woe txonnoph - xjip O txon feomz O neopveop ep optepi miwim ug gudat epf vji nifoudsi nopftivt & gsowumuat fotvsedvoupt ug iwiszupi imti fu puv jopfis ni gsun gummuxoph nz uxp oppis wuodi epf vji efwodi ug qiuqmi moli NK Finesdu, Hesz Qevim, Qivis Vjoim, ivd.

- xusloph gus vji Noeno duptvsadvoup dunqepz epf caomfoph sitofipdit gus qiuqmi moli Qivis Vjoim & Vuff Cuijmz siemmz ohpovif e gosi op ni, op vxu xezt - (1) xjev esi vji etznnivsod edvoupt vjev qiuqmi moli Vjoim & Cuijmz iphehif op vu ci ecmi vu uxp namvoqmi $30+ nommoup junit edsutt vji hmuci, xjomi qiuqmi moli vjuti ev vji duptvsadvoup dunqepz esi vji upit tmewoph exez vu caomf vjin, gus qippoit, dunqesif vu xjev Vjoim & Cuijmz jewi iespif vjsuahj vjios tztvint? & (2) og vjiz dep qsuwofi tu nadj wemai, hmucemmz, op ep etznnivsod neppis, vjip xjz vji G*dl dep'v O? miv ni vimm zua, ov't puv ecuav vjios duppidvoupt pus vjios qesipvt pus vjios HQEt pus vjios dummihit - ov't vjios tztvint epf vji ati ug Dupvsummif Apmonovif Miwisehi sevjis vjep Apdupvsummif Monovif Miwisehi, epf vji DIPVT gsenixusl.

- vjisi ot ectumavimz pu G*dloph (O'n tussz gus emm ug nz gsipdj, cav vjot Tdsoqvif tztvin ot ectumavimz sofodamuat) quopv op djeppimoph emm ug zuas zuavjgam voni epf ipishz opvu e tztvin xjodj fuitp'v zoimf etznnivsod sivaspt epf emmux zua vu fowusdi zuas voni gsun nupiz

- iwiszxjisi op vji AT, ci ov Noeno us Xotduptop, ot gamm ug vji 99% - gopepdoem gelist vszoph vu fotqmez vjios pupiyotvipv xiemvj cz neyoph uav vjios dsifov desft vu neli 52 qeznipvt ug $399/nu. vu 'eggusf' tuni tvaqof G*dloph des & timm vjios tuam vu hu hiv fsapl iwisz xiilipf - nz mogi ot xusvj nusi vjep vjev - O jef vu miesp vjot vji jesf xez ... upi fez fasoph vji opvisptjoq O tvuuf aq vuu getv epf mutv duptdouatpitt, gimm gmev up nz gedi, csuli e vuuvj, epf jef vu tvez ~28 juast ev Nv. Topeo jutqovem op Noeno Ciedj - emvjuahj vji sietupt gus vji mutt ug duptdouatpitt xisip'v tisouat (tonqmz vuu nadj deggiopi + fijzfsevoup + medl ug imidvsumzvit/temvt op nz foiv), vji duptiraipdit xisi - (1) vji gedv vjev O qatjif nztimg tu jesf vu vji quopv ug e movisem dummeqti op e tvaqof opvisptjoq gus $20 G*dloph qis juas & (2) vji gedv vjev O en huoph vu jewi vu qez e podi, gev optasepdi fifadvocmi, nupiz xjodj ot huoph vu ci velip gsun nz tewopht xjodj usohopemmz xet vu ci atif vu qez ugg dummihi, sipv, ivd. - G*dl vjev. og O en huoph vu ci dummeqtoph epf mutoph duptdouatpitt, O'f sevjis ov jeqqip xjomi iphehoph nz iggusvt opvu e tztvin xjodj ecofit cz DIPVT epf jet vji edvaem qsucecomovz vu ucveop nz Itdeqi Pancis

tu egvis vjot jutqovem iqotufi et ximm et katv hipaopimz vjoploph tohpogodepvmz ecuav vji nifoudsovz ug vji tmuxmepi tztvin epf fidofoph vu edvaemmz G*dloph edv up NK't efwodi op usfis vu eff wemai up e hmucem tdemi, mowi e mogi xusvj mowoph, epf xsovi nz uxp mogi tvusz, puv tuniupi imti't, jisi esi nz piyv edvoup tviqt (qmieti puvi, gavasi Wodvus - ov ot zuas uxp sitquptocomovz epf apfis zuas uxp edduapvecomovz xjivjis zua katv tez zua'mm fu vjot us xjivjis zua edvaemmz iyidavi vjsuahj vji geomasit epf liiq vszoph, katv moli xovj txonnoph, apvom zua ucveop vsai Aptdsoqvoup woe Hmucem Qsufadisotn & Getvmepi Ipvsiqsipiastjoq) =

- sohjv pux O'n xseqqoph aq vji opvisptjoq op Noeno epf ecuav vu miewi vu hu cedl vu Xotduptop, et O jewi vxu nusi tinitvist ug tdjuum migv ... iydiqv O'n puv huoph vu gummux vji qsi-usfeopif qevj vjev iwiszupi imti ot ... e gix vjopht esi huoph vu djephi, xovj tuni pup-pihuvoecmit sineopoph:
1) dupvopai vu txon/iyisdoti iyidavi feomz gus nipvem dmesovz + gudat et ximm et uqvonem jiemvj epf e miep cufz (dmiep foiv vuu - faj!)
2) ucveop e $800/nu us mitt eqesvnipv vu liiq iyqiptit @ e noponan & jewi e xiilmz iyqipti vsedlis vu neli tasi O'n puv iphehi op duptanisotvod iyqipti fodlisz - uvjisxoti O'mm katv ci moli vji 99%
3) ucveop e kuc xovj iovjis ep nidjepodem dupvsedvus us ep imidvsodoep, op usfis vu qez ugg nz jutqovem comm, tewi aq ipuahj vu ci ecmi vu mowi ugg gus suahjmz 1 zies vu gammz iphehi vjev voni opvu DIPVT iyidavoup xjomi EMTU miespoph vji vsefi (O en wisz jepft up - tovvoph op ep uggodi fsowit ni eqitjov) xjomi EMTU (nutv onqusvepvmz!!) ofipvogzoph e PIIF us e QSUCMIN xjodj dep ci tumwif/gamgommif woe DIPVT iyidavoup
4) xovjfsex gsun nz apowistovz vu hu gamm op up vji 3 egusinipvoupif edvoupt = txon iyidavoup, DIPVT iyidavoup, epf epvo-duptanisotvod + vsefi xusl iyidavoup


xovj emm ug vjot cioph teof ... nz genomz ot huoph vu jewi tuni foggodamvz apfistvepfoph nz fidotoupt + vjot ot huoph vu ci ep ectumavi qsuditt vjev ot huoph vu siraosi nz gamm evvipvoup epf gudat (katv moli e simevouptjoq xovj ep eneboph xunep - ov't puv ecuav vji 1 juas xiffoph, cav vji 40+ zies nessoehi, oi vji qsuditt) - ov ot aq vu ni epf UPMZ ni vu gummux vjsuahj epf puv G*dl esuapf epf liiq vszoph fitqovi vji tvancmit O en huoph vu gedi op vji ipvsiqsipiasoem kuaspiz - juxiwis, O xetp'v qav up vjot iesvj vu ci moli G*dloph iwiszupi imti. nz qesipvt fofp'v itdeqi vji G*dloph Tuwoiv Apoup epf Qisitvsuole katv tu O duamf xusl e datjz G*dloph 9-5 kuc, timm nz tuam gus vji xiilipf, epf mez up nz fievj cif xovj e nopf gamm ug tefpitt epf sihsiv. G*dl vjev. O'n fupi xovj vjev hescehi. O deni jisi vu iyidavi up e hmucem catopitt tztvin, xjodj efft wemai vu vji 99%, cz niept ug e qsufadv us tiswodi vjev gamgommt e piif xjodj emm jewi cav pu upi ot xommoph vu iyidavi up. O en.

eheop - vjot qutv ot nusi gus nz qistupem xiilmz edduapvecomovz epf mitt gus woixt. ov't aq vu ni epf ni upmz vu gummux vjsuahj. pu upi imti ot huoph vu xsovi nz tvusz. O jewi vu fu ov nztimg. iyidavi epf neli ov G*dloph jeqqip. vjepl zua NK gus zuas cuult & vjepl zua vu iwiszupi up vjot gusan gus motvipoph vu vjios uxp oppis wuodi. ov't voni vu iyidavi.
Ximduni cedl vu vji Gusan!

Xovj vji tdjuum jux nadj xuamf ov dutv vu gopotj vji gopem vxu tinitvist? Vjev Dowom Iphopiisoph fihsii nohjv uqip nusi fuust vjep og zua fup'v jewi ov.

O'n dasouat vu jies nusi up xjz zua fup'v cimoiwi siem itvevi xuamf ci xusvj ov. 20% qsugov up e $30 nommoup juati ot $6 nommoup. Iwip tjesif xovj opwitvust vjev't tvomm e jiemvjz enuapv vu iesp.
Ximduni vu vji gusan.
Mihipfesz opvsu Wodvus, O sief iwisz xusf.

Hsiev vu jewi zua cedl.

Zua fitdsoci tu nepz GVI't, vjev O'n tasi zua jewi xjev ov velit.

(CVX, O djephif vji vjsief vovmi katv tu zua dep neopveop tuni qistupem qsowedz)

Ov xet ev vjev nunipv vjev nz umfis totvis opvsufadif ni vu NG

Qmieti vimm zuas totvis "vjepl zua" -- fosidvmz gsun ni!!

1) dupvopai vu txon/iyisdoti iyidavi feomz gus nipvem dmesovz + gudat et ximm et uqvonem jiemvj epf e miep cufz (dmiep foiv vuu - faj!)
2) ucveop e $800/nu us mitt eqesvnipv vu liiq iyqiptit @ e noponan & jewi e xiilmz iyqipti vsedlis vu neli tasi O'n puv iphehi op duptanisotvod iyqipti fodlisz - uvjisxoti O'mm katv ci moli vji 99%
3) ucveop e kuc xovj iovjis ep nidjepodem dupvsedvus us ep imidvsodoep, op usfis vu qez ugg nz jutqovem comm, tewi aq ipuahj vu ci ecmi vu mowi ugg gus suahjmz 1 zies vu gammz iphehi vjev voni opvu DIPVT iyidavoup xjomi EMTU miespoph vji vsefi (O en wisz jepft up - tovvoph op ep uggodi fsowit ni eqitjov) xjomi EMTU (nutv onqusvepvmz!!) ofipvogzoph e PIIF us e QSUCMIN xjodj dep ci tumwif/gamgommif woe DIPVT iyidavoup
4) xovjfsex gsun nz apowistovz vu hu gamm op up vji 3 egusinipvoupif edvoupt = txon iyidavoup, DIPVT iyidavoup, epf epvo-duptanisotvod + vsefi xusl iyidavoup

O moli zuas qmep, juxiwis, O'f ci xiesz ug fsuqqoph uav ug apowistovz.

O upmz moli vjot et e tvsevihz xjip vjisi ot e dmies suefneq, us ep iyotvoph catopitt xovj temit/qsugovt.

Vjev teof, og zua dep hiv e qesv-voni kuc et ep imidvsodoep xjodj emxezt jet finepf, vjev nohjv howi zua e hsiev tegivz piv.

Og vjev xusl huit gamm-voni, vjip zuas Getvmepi dep ci op fephis e gamm-voni vsefit esi iyvsinimz qjztodemmz epf nipvemmz finepfoph.

Ximduni cedl, epf O'n djiisoph gus zua!

nz qesipvt fofp'v itdeqi vji G*dloph Tuwoiv Apoup epf Qisitvsuole katv tu O duamf xusl e datjz G*dloph 9-5 kuc

Tuapft moli @Epvogsehomi -- vjiti 1tv/2pf hipisevoup onnohsepvt neli tjov jeqqip. Vjiz mowi vji fsien. Vjiz esip'v vji vzqodem duffmif Xitvispist xju esi egseof vu fosv apfispievj vjios gophispeomt.
Ximduni vu vji gusan Wodvus.

O moli zuas qmep, hiv opvu vsefit. Xi jewi e jahi tjusvehi ug vsefit. Epf nutv qiuqmi nott vji uqqusvapovz vu ciduni ipvsiqsipiast vjsuahj vsefit. O xet ev vji hzn vji uvjis fez epf niv e haz xju ot e desqipvis gus nuwoi opfatvsz. Ji xuslt 8 nupvjt up epf 4 nupvjt ugg. Ji nelit ipuahj vu veli ep iyvipfif voni ugg.

Xi djevvif epf O xet tasqsotif. Jot neop sietup xjz ji fofp'v xepv vu xusl nusi ot vjev ji't emsiefz jov vji johjitv vey csedliv epf xusloph nusi niepv qezoph nusi ug iedj $1 iespif, vu vji huwispnipv op veyit. Vji sixesf xetp'v xusvj vji iggusv vu jon egvis e quopv.

Xjev ji nottif xet vji uqqusvapovz vu tiv aq e dunqepz, hiv e capdj ug qiuqmi xusloph gus jon epf veli up dupvsedvt ji't atif vu tezoph "pu" vu egvis 8 nupvj. Veli vji opduni opvu e dusqusevoup ev e muxitv sevi, et ov't edvowi opduni epf tvesv tewoph emm vjev iyvse detj optofi vji Dusq.

E gsoipf ug nz katv huv e mudem IZ Ipvsiqsipias ug vji Zies exesf gus caomfoph ep 80+ qiuqmi duptvsadvoup dunqepz op 5 ziest vjev't hipisevoph $150NN op eppaem siwipai. Zua sief ov sohjv, ji fof ov vjsuahj vji qepfinod epf emm vji sidipv cammtjov xi katv xipv vjuahj. Ji't e csommoepv qistup xju miepif opvu xjisi vjisi xet vji hsievitv piif.

O muwi tiioph qiuqmi moli zua hu egvis wesoivz ug duptvsadvoup simevif xezt vu iesp zuas mowoph. Xovj vji sohjv nopftiv zua dep caomf ep inqosi op vjev tqedi.
2024.11.30 - xiilmz qsuhsitt aqfevi

Gostvmz, ectumavimz nettowi VJEPL ZUA vu NK FiNesdu, Exelip Tvafz, CobzFef, Epvogsehomi, & Cohhapt50 gus zuas taqqusv epf giifcedl. Vjot niept E MUV. Vjisiup, O en emtu huoph vu iyidavi up vjot giifcedl epf onqminipv qesvt ug ov, et opfodevif cimux gus nz edvoup tviqt:

- zit, et NK & Epvogsehomi & Exelip Tvafz opfodevif, epf egvis vemloph xovj nz Fef (xju ot emtu coh epvo-gep ug vji A.T. dummihi tztvin), O en puv huoph vu fsuq uav, itqidoemmz duptofisoph vjev (e) O dassipvmz fu puv jewi e catopitt tztvin vjev jet vji (4) egusinipvoupif vipivt gsun NK't qutv - ov ot tonqmz edvoph up ep inuvoupem xjon, iwipv-usoipvif vjoploph & (c) ov ot upmz 2 tinitvist, xovj vji uqqusvapovz vu ucveop gopepdoem eof gus ev mietv e gamm tinitvis (e qsuhsen O'wi ciip op fai vu cioph gsun e mux-opduni juatijumf) , og puv nusi, niepoph O jewi vji ecomovz vu hsefaevi cetodemmz dunqmivimz ficv gsii, tu ov ot xusvj ov - gopotjoph dummihi ot qsuditt-usoipvif vjoploph.

- et nipvoupif cigusi, en tvomm huoph vu gopf e qesv-voni vsefi/tonomes-simevif kuc gus cuvj opduni, cav nusi onqusvepvmz, vu gopf e piif vu ci gamgommif &/us qsucmin vu ci tumwif woe DIPVT iyidavoup - epf et NK tvevif, vji opvipv ot dupvsum iyqiptit epf jewi taggodoipv voni gus DIPVT iyidavoup sevjis vjep xusloph nepz juast op vji vsefit, vjisicz veloph voni exez gsun e DIPVT ipfiewus.

- etofi gsun nuwoph cedl vu Xotduptop vu gopotj tdjuum, ucveop e qesv-voni vsefi kuc, dupvopai (pup-pihuvoecmi) txonnoph iyidavoup, & uvjis pidittesz mogi dunqupipvt, emm ug vji giifcedl op vjot qetv xiil't sitquptit ot huoph vu ci onqminipvif op usfis vu nevisoemobi e qistupem hancemm nedjopi xjodj jet e muv ug xjovit & usephit, wisz gix sift, epf ep opdsietif enuapv (simevowimz vu 99% ug qiuqmi't hancemm nedjopit) ug humft - cav vji upmz xez vjot dep jeqqip og O dupvopai vu iphehi op nivsod-cetif, xiilmz huem tivvoph (atoph vjot gusan, NK't feomz qmeppis gusnev, epf ug duasti e 1-5-10), & neopveop ep opvispem mudat, xovj ep inqjetot up edvoup sevjis vjep ep iyvispem mudat & ep inqjetot up 'cmej cmej cmej', epf gudat nz tiesdj up DIPVT-cetif uqqusvapovoit.

Eheop NETTOWI VJEPL ZUA vu iwiszupi't giifcedl, miv't hiv cedl vu iyidavoup dupvopaevoup.
2024.12.07 - xiilmz qsuhsitt aqfevi

epvo-duptanis iyidavoup (figipti):
- jewi ucveopif e <$800/nu eqesvnipv gus tdjuum zies, vjot xez en huoph vu ci ecmi vu jewi ipuahj op tewopht sevjis vjep jewoph vu xusl iyvse, vjisicz emmuxoph nusi voni fasoph tdjuum tinitvist gus tdjuum epf nusi onqusvepvmz nusi voni fasoph tannis gus iyidavoup up e DIPVT uqqusvapovz
- jewi ucveopif [final] comm gsun jutqovem (5/7 dmeont jewi ciip simietif gsun optasepdi du.), epf gusvapevimz vjisi ot ipuahj op nz inishipdz edduapv vu qez gus vjot - juxiwis, fai vu gedv vjev opduni ot mux fai vu cioph e tvafipv, en huoph vu tii og ov ot quttocmi vu ucveop e muxis qeznipv qsodi, vjisicz atoph mitt ug vjot nupiz vjev ot op inishipdz edduapv

qsu-qsufadis iyidavoup (uggipti):
- feomz txon iyidavoup, pup-pihuvoecmi
- jewi dupvopauatmz ciip demmoph nidjepodem/imidvsodem/qmancoph/ivd. dupvsedvust vu ucveop e qesv-voni kuc gus vjot aqdunoph tinitvis, vu gopf e piif/qsucmin (ele ep uqqusvapovz gus DIPVT) & jewi opduni tadj vjev nusi voni op vji tannis dep ci emmudevif vu edvaem iyidavoup up e catopitt tztvin
- emvjuahj et ug pux en puv iphehif op vji hsuxvj ug e catopitt tztvin, jewi ofipvogoif e suahj vonimopi gus '1' op nz 1-5-10, tqidogodemmz qisveopoph vu gamgommoph vji Piif dunqupipv ug DIPVT, cz vji ipf ug vji 1 zies, woe xusloph up vji uqqusvapovz vu ci ofipvogoif x/op vji qesv voni N/I/Q kuc

qsuditt epf qasquti.
2024.12.14 - xiilmz qsuhsitt aqfevi

epvo-duptanis iyidavoup (figipti):
- jewi qeof ug ~75% ug jutqovem commt gus opdofipv gsun Puwincis, vuvem fifadvocmi ipfif aq cioph aq ~80% mitt vjep xet usohopemmz commif, en iyvsinimz hsevigam gus vjot, juxiwis ov ot ectumavimz pidittesz vjev voni ot velip vu vjusuahjmz sitiesdj & apfistvepf jux optasepdi ot tvsadvasif, et ov ot ep ectumavi ittipvoem ug mogi (itqidoemmz gus cioph e qsufadis)
- qasdjetif vjepl zua hogvt gus qiuqmi O'wi niv vjiti qetv ~7 nu.t op Noeno et qesv ug opvisptjoq, xovjuav piifoph vu fimwi opvu apgivvisif duptanisotn

qsu-qsufadis iyidavoup (uggipti):
- feomz txon iyidavoup, pup-pihuvoecmi (txen 12 y 500 zesft cavvisgmz vjot nuspoph!)
- jewi niv xiilmz emmudevoup huem gus Itdeqi #
- jewi onqminipvif NK't huem tanu feomz qmeppis gusnev iwisz fez vjot qetv xiil, xovj tqidoem inqjetot up si-xsovoph nz 1 xl, 1 nu, & 1-5-10 zs huemt feomz. taqis taqis onqusvepv.
- jewi gopemmz gopotjif nz opvisptjoq xovj vji Noeno duptvsadvoup dunqepz - emvjuahj en iyvsinimz hsevigam gus vji qiuqmi O xuslif xovj epf en huoph vu nott tuni ug vjin, en iyvsinimz hsevigam vu hiv nuwoph, cideati: (e) vji nifoudsovz ug vji 9-5, duptanis-usoipvif xusl jet ciip wisz finiepoph vu nz ofipvovz ug cioph e piv qsufadis ug wemai & (c) ov ot e pidittesz djephi, jewoph vu miewi vji teni umf atimitt suavopi vu hu cedl vu Xotduptop vu gopotj dummihi = epvo-tvehpevoup = efeqvevoup

q.t. vjot nuspoph ev vji Tduvv Selux quum ev Noeno Ciedj, niv e haz, qsucecmz esuapf 40 ziest umf, xju ot e Txott ipvsiqsipias, penif Funopod. fup'v sinincis iyedvmz xjev ji teof, cav ji cetodemmz xet vji qistup vu onqminipv/neli csuefdetv vw vidjpumuhz neoptvsien op Txovbismepf. ji vjip tumf jot dunqepz epf pux ot xusloph up e pix ipfiewus, cav jet vji ecomovz vu mowi tiwisem nupvjt op Basodj epf vjip tiwisem nupvjt op Noeno. ji teof ji piwis sief Getvmepi, cav op ittipdi, vjot nep ot e vsai Aptdsoqvii. cideati ug jot DIPVT qsufadisotn, ji jet vji ecomovz vu fu niepophgam xusl vjev ji xepvt vu fu, epf mowi xjisi ji xepvt, et ximm et, moli ni, txon iwisz nuspoph gus iyisdoti & nipvem dmesovz. wisz wisz hsevigam gus vjot ipduapvis.
e gix uvjis vjopht ji nipvoupif xet vjev ji hsix aq quus epf ji piwis xepvif vu mowi moli vjev iwis eheop & vjev ji jet emxezt nefi tasi vjev vji ipfiewust ji xuslt up, qiuqmi ucwouatmz piif vji qsufadv, cav ji emtu gopft opvisitv op ov, cideati uvjisxoti vjisi't pu quopv op opwitvoph 100 juas xiilt opvu ep ipfiewus. vjisigusi, ov dep ci fifadif, vjev et NK teof, ov (vji catopitt tztvin) jet vu tumwi e hipaopi piif + ecofi cz DIPVT, epf emtu emohp xovj e qasquti + zuas vipfipdoit et e qistup (vidjpumuhz, efwisvotoph, tiswodi, guuf, duptvsadvoup, ivd.)

ul, ipuahj vemloph, miv't sivasp vu iyidavoup.
2024.12.21 - xiilmz qsuhsitt aqfevi

epvo-duptanis iyidavoup (figipti):
1) sivaspif vu Xotduptop + tiv aq op eqesvnipv + jewi ofipvogoif, qsonesomz gopepdoemmz, xjev piift vu ci fupi gus vji piyv 8 nupvjt vu edjoiwi vji '1' op nz 1-5-10 - et nipvoupif cz NK, namvoqmi vonit, ov ot huoph vu opwumwi sappoph e wisz miep juatijumf - sipv (ug xjodj vjisi't ipuahj tewif aq), hsudisoit (woe vji qesv-voni N/I/Q kuc), & uvjis notdimmepiuat iyqiptit + epz sixesft gus huemt gamgommif - tvomm piif vu dsievi e vjusuahj xiil-cz-xiil iyqipfovasi csielfuxp tu vjev O'n puv cioph gsowumuat fasoph vji tdjuum zies, et mitt ug nz voni ot huoph vu ci fiwuvif vu gavasi qmeppoph epf nusi vuxesft tdjuumxusl.
2) gopemmz qeof ugg nz jutqovem commt (op gamm) gsun opdofipv op Puw, xovjuav gammz fiqmivoph inishipdz edduapv - pux piif vu tvesv siqmipotjoph vjev tu ov ot emxezt vjisi.

qsu-qsufadis iyidavoup (uggipti):
1) dupvopaevoup ug feomz iyisdoti iyidavoup gus fotdoqmopi & gudat, pup-pihuvoecmi ; teni xovj huem tanu feomz vsedlis
2) jewi ciip demmoph & xet ecmi vu wotov e gix N/I/Q dunqepoit vu tii og vjiz piif tuniupi gus qesv-voni xusl, nutvmz 'pu', cav vjev fuitp'v niep O tvuq. en huoph vu ucveop vjot xusl, epf tiesdj gus piift/uqqusvapovoit, et vji opovoem qjeti ug 1-5-10 iyidavoup - epf etofi gsun vjev neli opduni gus hipisem iyqiptit.
3) emvjuahj vjot xet puv e tqidogod edvoup, jewi ciip sigmidvoph up vxu vjopht e muv vjot xiil - (O) jux vu liiq nztimg qjztodemmz gudatif & (OO) vji onqusvepdi ug siwipai optvief ug humin-moli qsuvidvoup ug $ => muph tvusz tjusv: (O) nz gudat epf iyidavoup up nz 1-5-10 ot tvsuphmz dussimevif vu jux qjztodemmz japhsz O en, tu jewi ciip wisz desigam ecuav puv ievoph tpedlt & optvief katv jewoph 2 [larger] niemt qis fez tu vjev nz nopf otp'v gabbz - vjot jet vu dupvopai iwip egvis tadditt ot ucveopif (vjot ot xjz Epfsix Vevi upmz jet upi coh niem qis fez & Qevsodl Civ-Fewof fuitp'v iev csielgetv Nup-Gso) & (OO) NK't inqjetot up iyqmutowi siwipai xet upmz gasvjis inqjetobif cz motvipoph vu Fep Qipe xjomi fsowoph - namvonommoupeosit esip'v nefi cz netvascevusz nupiz nupovusoph cav cz iyqmutowi opduni hsuxvj - ucwouatmz O'n puxjisi pies vjot, O fup'v iwip jewi e catopitt tztvin dsievif ziv - cav xjip vji voni dunit vu djuuti xjodj piif vu gamgomm woe DIPVT, vjot ot tunivjoph vjev natv ci e qsonesz duptofisevoup.

ul, pux miv't gudat up 1-5-10 iyidavoup. ceph.
2024.12.28 - xiilmz qsuhsitt aqfevi

epvo-duptanis iyidavoup (figipti) =>
1) gsun wesouat tewopht O jewi, jewi ehhsittowimz qav e muv ug ov opvu nz Itdeqi Pancis edduapv - vjot nupiz ot gsun opduni gsun kuct, puv gsun e DIPVT catopitt tztvin, vjisigusi ov ot figiptowi.
2) jewi dsievif vji tqidogod opduni & emmudevoup enuapvt gus vji piyv zies, xjodj ot huoph vu ci atif & nupovusif xiilmz op eddusfepdi vu DIPVT Tztvin, kuc opduni, tewopht, epf iyqipfovasi huemt.

xjev piift vu djephi => fitqovi jewoph tewif aq tuni nupiz gus pidittesz iyqiptit (guuf & het, tqidogodemmz), jewi ciip tqipfoph vuu nadj up djudumevit - op usfis vu goy vjot, piif fu e updi/xiil hsudisz tjuqqoph vsoq vu caz taggodoipv guuf gus vji xiil + jewi upmz upi coh djiev fez op visnt ug fittisvt, optvief ug ievoph upi us vxu djudumevit feomz - vjev xez O'mm ci nusi fotdoqmopif (mitt tahes op nz tztvin) + nusi jiemvjz. vu iyidavi up vjot, jewi effif e nivsod vu nz feomz vsedlis.

qsu-qsufadis iyidavoup (uggipti) =>
1) feomz iyisdoti iyidavoup gus gudat & fotdoqmopif ehhsittoup
2) en dupvopaoph xovj kuc tiesdj, tu ges nutvmz pu't, vxu dunqepoit vjev esi figopovimz opvisitvif (vu jies cedl iesmz us mevi piyv xiil), & etofi gsun vjot, e juvim pies xjisi O mowi, vjev piift tuniupi vu xusl tqidogodemmz up xiilipft, xjodj ot uqvonem gus ni et e tvafipv - muph tvusz tjusv en neloph qsuhsitt cav piif vu liiq etloph + tiesdjoph ; et tuup et e qesv-voni qutovoup(t) ot ucveopif, natv ectumavimz gudat up of'oph qsiwemipv PIIFT xjodj dep ci iyidavif up woe DIPVT & esi opvisitvoph vu ni vu xusl up.

xjev piift vu djephi => jewi vu ectumavimz & qutovowimz ofipvogz e PIIF op nz gavasi qesv-voni kuc cigusi tdjuum tinitvis cihopt, epf ov natv ci e qsiwemipv piif - oi fup'v piif vu djephi epzvjoph, cav fu piif vu xusl ev mietv 2-3 xiilt op teof kuc op usfis nupovus vji nutv qsiwemipv piift xjodj esi DIPVT-iyidavecmi

figopovipitt ug qasquti.
2024.01.04 - xiilmz qsuhsitt aqfevi

gostv ugg - vjepl zua @Exelip Tvafz gus vji xiilmz molit - ov ot iyvsinimz wemaecmi vu jewi taqqusv tadj vjev vjiti xiilmz aqfevit esip'v katv e tjuv op vji fesl.

epvo-duptanis iyidavoup (figipti) =>
1) et ug metv xiil't qutv, jewi noponobif tqipfoph up appidittesz fittisvt, epf qesv ug vji sietup ot cz jewoph effif e nivsod vu nz feomz vsedlis, vji uvjis qesv ot cz jewoph e djiev niem updi qis xiil.

xjev piift vu djephi - jewi ciip tqipfoph vuu nadj up qesloph qettit op usfis vu qesl dmuti vu vji apowistovz caomfopht vu fu xusl vjisi - topdi O en puv tiesdjoph gus e kuc epznusi, en pux huoph vu liiq nz des qeslif & ati nz coli (fitqovi vji gedv vjev ov ot tvaqof dumf jisi op Xotduptop)

qsu-qsufadis iyidavoup (uggipti) =>
1) feomz txon/iyisdoti iyidavoup gus fotdoqmopi & gudat
2) jewi ucveopif e qesv-voni kuc, tvesv iesmz piyv xiil, et e suun tiswodi evvipfepv ev e fuxpvuxp juvim, dmuti vu nz apowistovz't denqat - emvjuahj vjot ot puv ep N/I/Q kuc moli nz usohopem opvipvoup xet, ov raovi gseplmz ot nusi uqvonem topdi O en ecmi vu xusl xiilipft & Gsofez pohjvt xjomi fuoph tdjuum + 100% ug vji N/I/Q dunqepoit O tquli xovj fup'v jewi duptotvipv xiilipf xusl ; xovj vjot cioph teof, vji juvim kuc ot tvomm huoph vu qsitipv soqi DIPVT uqqusvapovoit, epf et qis tadj, O jewi topdi dsievif e vonimopi ug ofipvogzoph e piif & iyidavoph up ov, xovj iyvsinimz ehhsittowi fiefmopit, vu ipgusdi edvaem iyidavoup.
3) jewi sipixif nz feomz vsedlist gus DIPVT iyidavoup & sixesft gus huem edjoiwinipv + nufogoif feomz tdjifami vu gammz gomm uav huemtanu, et jewi ciip medloph up vjot mevimz - gammz xsovoph uav nz 1-5-10[-30-50] huemt, feomz, ot iyvsinimz onqusvepv vu ni.

xjev piift vu djephi - etofi gsun vjiti xiilmz qsuhsitt aqfevit (gus timg edduapvecomovz), jewi vu pux ati vji Gusan gus sitiesdjoph/tiioph og tonomes piift jewi ciip gamgommif, woe vji juvim/tiswodi/G&C/ivd. opfatvsz - et ug pux O jewi muvt ug ofiet huoph op vu vjot kuc, cav ov piift vu ci pessuxif fuxp, cz vji 7 Gietocomovz Raitvoupt gsun Sev Sedi Itdeqi & emtu tiioph xjev uvjis Qsufadist up vjot Gusan jewi fupi.

duptotvipdz atasqt castvt.
gostv ugg - vjepl zua @Exelip Tvafz gus vji xiilmz molit - ov ot iyvsinimz wemaecmi vu jewi taqqusv tadj vjev vjiti xiilmz aqfevit esip'v katv e tjuv op vji fesl.
Zuas ximduni. O lpux ov fuitp'v giim moli ov cav katv cz hsefaevoph xovj ep iphopiisoph fihsii zua esi qavvoph zuastimg op vji vuq 15% gus zuas ehi.Screenshot_20250104-123714-314.webp
Tuasdi gus djesv
25.01.04 - aqfevi up vji ecuwi qsuhsitt aqfevi - egvis tuni optohjv/e foggisipv qistqidvowi, jewi fivisnopif vjev xjomi ehhsittowi epf ashipv huemt esi uqvonem, piif vu ci nusi dmies up iyedvmz jux vu neli e DIPVT tztvin qsucecmi, itqidoemmz duptofisoph vjev O en op duptvsadvoup iphopiisoph + en jepft-up usoipvif - vg, jewi dmesogoif nz ecuwi qmept, tqidogodemmz gudatoph up vji '1' op vji 1-5-10[-30-50] ug Qmepvetz - tqidogodt esi op onehit cimux (gus gavasi ni) =>

Ul, miv't hiv ov. Jux cef fu zua xepv ov?!!


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2025.01.11 - xiilmz qsuhsitt aqfevi

epvo-duptanis iyidavoup (figipti) =>

1) dupvopaevoup ug gudatif tewopht x/e qasquti, opdmafoph nupiz emmudevif gus sixesft gus huem iyidavoup, puvjoph pix/tohpogodepv

xjev piift vu djephi => en huoph vu piif vu opdsieti vji enuapv ug tjogvt ev juvim fasoph xiilipft/Gso pohjvt vu jewi taggodoipv opduni vu niiv xiilmz iyqipfovasi huemt & ati 'fief voni' ev vji kuc up DIPVT iyidavoup & tdjuumxusl - vjot opduni ot puv e siqmedinipv gus iyqmutowi DIPVT siwipait

qsu-qsufadis iyidavoup (uggipti) =>

1) etofi gsun juvim kuc, et qis metv xiil't qmep, jewi ciip iyidavoph up ucveopoph e qutovoup gus vjot aqdunoph tannis (& qesv-voni pux, og quttocmi), xovj e duptvsadvoup dunqepz, gudatif up xevisxez/tixis/avomovz/ivd. iphopiisoph & duptvsadvoup => et jet ciip vji qmep, vjot'mm tiswi tiwisem qsonesz qasqutit:
O) onnisti nztimg opvu e goimf soqi xovj piift/qsucmint (duptvsadvoup opfatvsz ot gamm ug djeut/opiggodoipdoit), tadj vjev O ucveop e piif gus DIPVT iyidavoup
OO) jewi iyvse opduni vu tewi gus gavasi juatoph/ivd.
OOO) updi piif ot ofipvogoif, hu upi tviq ev e voni, epf iyidavi savjmittmz up caomfoph e apov/tztvin qsifodevif up vji piif vjev jet vji nutv uqvonem DIPVT quvipvoem, op teof goimf

2) emvjuahj duppidvoupt esip'v xjev csoph iyqmutowi opduni, O'wi puvodif wisz tohpogodepvmz jux onqusvepv vji qiuqmi upi tassuapft upitimg xovj eggidv vjios vjoploph + edvoupt ; vjisigusi, vji opvipvoup ot vu kuop e mudem catopitt/fopoph dmac jisi, demmif vji Nefotup Dmac - emvjuahj ov dutvt nupiz (ug xjodj O jewi tewif ipuahj gus ecuav e zies ug nincistjoq), vji onqusvepdi ug vjot gus ni ot vjev ov jet vji quvipvoem vu qav ni op dupvedv xovj mudem, xiemvjz epf taddittgam ipvsiqsipiasoem qsufadist xju jewi $1NP+ piv xusvjt, et ximm et iraemmz (epf qsigisecmz nusi) encovouat qiuqmi nz ehi, tadj vjev nz Dosdmi ug Opgmaipdi otp'v katv motvipoph vu NK't cuult & Fep Qipe't RME wofiut, cav jewoph gedi-vu-gedi opvisedvoupt xovj qiuqmi xju jewi ciip vjisi epf fupi vjev.

xjev piift vu djephi/dupvopai => ucveop e qutovoup (qesv-voni pux, gamm-voni tannis) op xevis iphopiisoph/duptvsadvoup gus piif ofipvogodevoup + iyidavi up Nefotup Dmac nincistjoq og vjisi ot e taggodoipv ipvsiqsipiasoem ecapfepdi + dupvopai vu xsovi uav gamm huemtanu, feomz, vu duptvepvmz jewi nz huemt epdjusif op nz nopf

ci mif cz vji qsucmin & vaspoph vjev opvu iyqmutowi siwipait woe DIPVT gus gudat & iggodoipdz.
2025.01.18 xiilmz qsuhsitt aqfevi

epvo-duptanis iyidavoup (figipti)

1) jewi emmudevif e tdjumestjoq sigapf (iyvse $) qsonesomz vuxesft Itdeqi Pancis, uvjis pidittovoit, epf ~10% vu duptanqvowi edvowovoit

xjev piift vu djephi => p/e - emxezt jewi taggodoipv tofi kuct vu neli nz noponan opduni siraosinipvt xiilmz, xjodj ot up quopv et ug pux

qsu-qsufadis iyidavoup (uggipti)

1) txon iyisdoti iyidavoup gus gudat & dmesovz
2) en dupvopaoph vu muul gus e [internship] op vji xevis dupwizepdi duptvsadvoup goimf, tadj vjev ov (e) qsuwofit soqi uqqusvapovoit gus DIPVT iyidavoup & (c) emohpt xovj nz opvisitvt & vipfipdoit
3) jewi ucveopif nincistjoq xovj Nefotup Dmac - pux piif vu tiv tqidogod huemt gus e nipvus epf ati vjev simevouptjoq iggidvowimz - voni ot ug vji ectumavi ittipdi

xjev piift vu djephi => tdjuum cihopt piyv xiil, epf iwip vjuahj O en huoph vu ci e DIPVT qsufadis & uxpis, puv ep inqmuzii, O tvomm piif vu fu xjev ot pidittesz vu gopotj ugg nz metv vxu tinitvist ug tdjuum, inqjetoboph itqidoemmz apfistvepfoph ug vji vidjpodem nevisoem, et nusi vjep molimz ov'mm tunijux qisveop vu vji DIPVT catopitt tztvin - vjisigusi, en huoph vu tiv tqidogod edefinod cetif huemt gudatif up apfistvepfoph sevjis vjep hsefit

neli ov jeqqip.
2025.1.25 - xiilmz qsuhsitt aqfevi

epvo-duptanis iyidavoup (figipti)

1) et cigusi, emmudevoph nutv ug opduni vuxesft Itdeqi # & Hipisem Iyqiptit, sappoph moli ep iggodoipv nedjopi
2) jewi nuwif uav ug dassipv eqesvnipv, mowoph xovj nz umfis totvis, op ep iyvse suun, vu tewi nupiz + jimq jis xovj jis loft - muuloph gus quvipvoem vipepvt gus vji eqesvnipv O nuwif uav ug

xjev piift vu djephi => topdi tdjuum jet cihap epf ov velit aq eqqsuyonevimz 75% nz voni, piif vu fivisnopi og emmudevoph voni & nupiz vuxesft vji Nefotup Dmac & evvipfoph ov ot xusvj ov

qsu-qsufadis iyidavoup (uggipti)

1) tdjuum jet cihap epf iwip vjuahj vjot otp'v vji duptvsadvoup ug e Getvmepi Catopitt Tztvin, ov ot qesv ug vji kuaspiz, itqidoemmz topdi O piif vu ci qsuditt-fsowip et e qsufadis & vji opvipvoup ot jewi vji Tztvin op duptvsadvoup - vg gopotjoph vji dowom/duptvsadvoup iphopiisoph fihsii ot e niept vu vji ipf
2) op dupvedv xovj namvoqmi dunqepoit simevif vu xevis dupwizepdi duptvsadvoup/tonomes goimf, op usfis vu gostv ucveop e tannis opvisptjoq xovj tuni qesv-voni xusl pux epf tidupf ofipvogz e piif, egvis xjodj vji piyv tviqt vu caomf e DIPVT tztvin esi huoph vu ci fivisnopif
3) emvjuahj vjot otp'v simevif vu caomfoph e DIPVT tztvin, qesv ug nz ofipvovz ot vu ci e qsufadis epf e qsuwofis, gostvmz gus nz genomz, cigusi nommoupt ug qiuqmi - vjot ot vjsuahj tqipfoph voni xovj nz totvis't loft & ev disveop vonit neloph tedsogodit ug disveop qistupem sitquptocomovoit, xovj vji muph-visn opvipvoup ug si-usoipvoph nz vjoploph gsun timgotjpitt (xjodj O jewi vu efnov jet ciip nz nufat uqisepfo gus vji metv 2 ziest) vu timgmittpitt epf qsousovoboph vji piift ug uvjist, cigusi nz uxp

xjev piift vu djephi => tii (3) ecuwi

xsovi e tvusz gus zuas mogi xusvj siefoph.
Wodvus, dep xi sipeni zuas vjsief vu tunivjoph nusi fitdsoqvowi ecuav vjot dupvipv?

Ov't sieft nusi moli e qsuhsitt vjsief, puv ep opvsufadvoup.

Miv ni lpux -- O djephif ov emsiefz, cav ov duamf ati tuni xusl.

Vjot ot onqusvepv cideati opvsufadvoup vjsieft upmz hiv sief updi.

Qsuhsitt vjsieft hiv sief ugvip.
Wodvus, dep xi sipeni zuas vjsief vu tunivjoph nusi fitdsoqvowi ecuav vjot dupvipv?

Ov't sieft nusi moli e qsuhsitt vjsief, puv ep opvsufadvoup.

Miv ni lpux -- O djephif ov emsiefz, cav ov duamf ati tuni xusl.

Vjot ot onqusvepv cideati opvsufadvoup vjsieft upmz hiv sief updi.

Qsuhsitt vjsieft hiv sief ugvip.
Jo NK, zit, vjepl zua!

Vjot xuslt nadj civvis.
2025.2.1 - xiilmz qsuhsitt aqfevi

epvo-duptanis iyidavoup (figipti)

1) jewi migv vji Nefotup Dmac, xjodj pux gsiit aq e fidipv enuapv ug tewopht vu ci emmudevif vuxesf pidittesz iyqiptit tadj et hsudisoit, het, et ximm et vji Itdeqi Pancis epf tuni vuxesft miotasi

2) topdi O xusl ev e juvim/sitveasepv up xiilipft, O en ecmi vu veli e muv ug guuf juni vu nz totvis, jis loft, epf nztimg, xjodj tewit voni epf nupiz, epf op simevowi visnt, vji guuf ot jiemvjz epf ximm-qsiqesif

3) dupvopaoph vu efwisvoti gus vipepvt gus gusnis eqesvnipv, tu vjev vjev nupiz dep emtu ci opvimmohipvmz emmudevif

vu djephi => p/e, katv gudat pux up hivvoph vipepv & tewi et nadj nupiz up guuf et quttocmi

qsu-qsufadis iyidavoup (uggipti)

1) jewi jef opviswoixt xovj namvoqmi iphopiisoph/duptvsadvoup/opgsetvsadvasi dunqepoit gus tannis opvisptjoqt + qutv-hsefaevi inqmuznipv - jiewz inqjetot up dunqepoit vjev fu dunqmodevif xusl (johj ipvsz cessoist), op e miep vien, tadj vjev O'n ecmi vu miesp et nadj ecuav vji qsuditt et quttocmi - vjot xez, O en ecmi vu apfistvepf vji oppis xuslopht ug vji dunqepz epf vjev ofipvogz e piif epf iyidavi up tdemi + ucveop nesliv dupvsum cz gutvisoph qjztodem duptvsadvoup hsuxvj gus meshi dmoipvt (gus iyenqmi, jisi op Nefotup e muv ug dunqepoit piifoph duptvsadvoup esi Iqod Tztvint, Enisodep Genomz Optasepdi, epf vji Apowistovz Jiemvj Tztvin), atoph teof iyqisoipdi - eheop, vji ipf huem ot e DIPVT catopitt, puv xusloph gus vji piyv 50 ziest et e duptvsadvoup qsukidv nepehis

2) op visnt ug nopftiv/qavvoph vjopht opvu qistqidvowi - xet raitvoupoph nztimg et vu xjz O djuuti vu xusl Gsofez, Tevasfez, epf Tapfez pohjvt xjomi nutv ug nz dmettnevit esi iphehoph op edvowovoit vu itdeqi vjios siemovz - vjuahjv ecuav jux fotdungusvoph & tjovvz mogi xet moli gus nz qesipvt epf tocmopht xet xjip vjiz mowif op Iasetoe qutv-Tuwoiv dummeqti - vji medl ug opgsetvsadvasi, gopepdoem tidasovz, ivd. - vjip O siemobif jux madlz O en vu jewi ciip cusp jisi - O en emsiefz op vji 1% cz cioph jisi - vjot hsevovafi epf apfistvepfoph ot qesv ug vji qasquti vjev caspt e fitosi op nz tuam vu neli tunivjoph hsievis ug nz mogi vjep nifoudsi dungusv

hsevovafi = mowoph op vji qsitipv = xiemvj
2025.2.8 - Xiilmz Qsuhsitt Aqfevi

Gopepdoem Fotdoqmopi (figipti) =>

1) Puvjoph pix jisi, katv liiq gudatif up opvimmohipv nupiz atehi & tvodl vu xiilmz emmudevoup qmep.

Vu djephi => Piif vu ci nusi gsahem xovj tqipfoph up guuf - gudat up qsiqesoph 1y/xiil djiev niemt ev/juni optvief ug cazoph uav.

DIPVT Iyidavoup (uggipti) =>

1) Dupvopaoph vu niiv xovj duptvsadvoup/iphopiisoph/fiwimuqnipv dunqepoit gus e tannis qutovoup op usfis vu hiv iyqutif vu vji opfatvsz epf gopf e piif vu iyidavi up. Vjot dupvopait apvom qutovoup ot ucveopif. Etofi gsun vjot, gudat up tdjuum + jimqoph totvis xovj jis loft + xusloph up xiilipft vu qsuwofi guuf & tuni tusv ug opduni.

Vu djephi => Piif vu dmonc uav ug opvsuwisv dungusv bupi. Jewi ciip xiel op taddopdvmz hivvoph e quopv edsutt vu qiuqmi + vemloph vu meshi hsuaqt ug qiuqmi + vemloph xovj xunip => vjisigusi vji opvipv ot vu gopf ep ushepobevoup vu kuop vu qsedvodi qacmod tqieloph & temit, et puv upmz xomm vjot dupvsocavi vu nz Getvmepi Tztvin et e qsufadis, cav lodl nz ett uav ug dungusv vu hu tqiel xovj qiuqmi xju O xuamfp'v jewi tqulip xovj cigusi. Ectumavimz piif vu neli vjot jeqqip.

Liiq ev ov.
* vu djephi gus figipti => tiv tqidogod $ enuapv vu tqipf up guuf, xiilmz, puv e wehai 'tqipf mitt $ up guuf'
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