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Product And Service Ideas For An Aging Population.

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Lex DeVille

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Jan 14, 2013
Wondering if anyone has considered creating products for the elderly. I don't know how many people know this, but by 2020 we're scheduled to see old people outnumber children for the first time in history.

This is happening due to the many advances in modern technologies and medicines (you can read about some of these in my longevity thread here).

At first older generations will simply live longer. This is already happening. So it's a great time to be thinking about how you'll improve the comfort and enjoyment of those extended later years.

Eventually, as some of the more devastating illnesses and diseases of old age are cured, we'll start to find new ways to restore and maintain youthful bodies (much as we do with classic cars). This will cause a huge fluctuation in the available pool of people to sell to, and the kind of stuff they'll buy.


Imagine what a 90 year old today would be interested in having or doing if he had the body of a 60 or 40 or 20 year old? How would that change his experience of the world? What products and services might he want or need?

There's an entirely new market beginning to emerge. Entire generations of people will suddenly have a lifetime of experience, 401ks, and the physical capability to enjoy that life more than was possible not long ago.

Anyway, just wanted to throw it out there for anyone who's looking for ideas. Whether it's a service business, ecommerce, SAAS, the future is upon us and those who position themselves properly will profit.

I'm 30 right now, and I can tell you if my body was 20 I'd be running, and jumping, and racing, and staying out later a lot more.

If I were 90 and my body were suddenly 20, well, you get the picture...


But you don't have to create products for 90 year old's in a 20 year old's body. Before that happens, we'll just see 90 year old's living longer in 90 year old bodies.

This is where the world is right now. The picture above is where the world might be in another 10-15 years. We're much closer to age reversal than most people realize. But you can research that on your own.

The point is, it's time to start thinking about this market and how they might be best served.


Feel free to share your thoughts about products or services older generations might want or need. It would be great to open up discussion on this.

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Dec 19, 2017
Good thread.

Related to this, a lot of people who have plans to pass down money to their kids. Realize if you end up in a nursing home, it will cost you around $120,000/year and the best insurance in the world covers 0% of it. There are ways to protect yourself against this, there's speciality lawyers who can help you out if you act in advance(5-7 years in advance).

Also, just my random 2 cents. I see these old people advertised who are jacked and on steroids/HGH. I wonder what their insides look like. Like what percent are their arteries blocked?
I would think the healthier image of an old person would be someone who's skinny with running shoes on.

Lex DeVille

Sweeping Shadows From Dreams
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Jan 14, 2013
Also, just my random 2 cents. I see these old people advertised who are jacked and on steroids/HGH. I wonder what their insides look like. Like what percent are their arteries blocked?
I would think the healthier image of an old person would be someone who's skinny with running shoes on.

How do you know they are on steroids/HGH? That's an assumption based on ?? The idea of an older person being skinny with running shoes on could just as much be a doctored image. We're not talking about advertising in this thread. The purpose is to discuss solutions for an aging population who is currently living longer and will soon be living in younger, healthier bodies.

The image posted above suggests the idea of an older person in a 20 year old's body.

There are currently multiple approaches to longevity and life extension in regards to health and fitness. One approach involves caloric restriction and limited low-intensity exercise, which leads to a very thin and fragile looking frame. Another approach involves specific types of weight lifting and high-intensity workouts, sometimes combined with intermittent fasting that leads to a more muscular frame.

On a similar note, neuro-scientists are now beginning to discover the many advantages of brain plasticity which is proving that it may not matter which approach one takes, but rather that we can live longer and healthier currently by creating new neurons and extending the life of others through any kind of exercise as well as a process of lifelong learning.

In the end it doesn't matter what anyone "thinks" a healthier image of a person would look like. What matters is results, but that's for another thread another time.

When I get back from the store I'll post some thoughts on areas I think entrepreneurs could potentially create thriving businesses by solving the needs of an aging population.


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