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Not a team player, am I doomed? (Do introverts have it harder?)

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Sep 27, 2015
Las Vegas, NV
Is being "team oriented" a prerequisite to entrepreneurial success? Since kindergarten, I've been forced into team spirit, but I honestly couldn't care less. Looking back, everything great I ever achieved was done;
  1. Solo
  2. Using available resources, including human capital.
Despite the song I hear everywhere concerning the unlikelihood of succeeding at the game of wealth alone, I can't help but notice that so many incredible entrepreneurs such as;
did pretty damn well at the game of wealth while being solo players most of the time.

I'm not looking for a black or white answer; we all understand that oversimplifying something as complex as entrepreneurship wouldn't make any sense. I'd just like to hear your point of view on the matter and discuss it.

@eliquid I'd like to hear from you specifically if possible. Thanks enormously.

Edit : removed the word "introvert" from the post. My choice of word was leading us off topic.
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Dec 6, 2016
I'm somewhat introverted and I don't think it's a problem. Being able to "work with" people as needed is probably a prerequisite, but being extroverted is not. (after all, you have customers you have to work with, right?)

It only becomes a problem if you're the type of introvert that avoids people/situations due to social anxiety or shyness or whatever (extroverts can be that way too BTW)

A good friend of mine is very successful (owns real estate in 2 countries), and even though he runs a "human resource" system, he ultimately still made it "alone"

He's surrounded by people, (agents, brokers, appraisers, managers, maintenance workers, etc), but they all work for him, and even though each cog in his human resource wheel is important they are all still replaceable. So really he is "alone" Does that make sense? (and he's VERY introverted)

Being introverted can make certain things more challenging though. I'm very gregarious with people I know, but not with total strangers. So things like cold calling and direct sales might be more difficult for me than someone who is extroverted. But, I just practiced until I got it down. It helps that I believe in my product, have a passion for my product (comes through in my tone of voice and attitude), and am very knowledgeable of my product's specs (brings confidence)

So yeah, shouldn't be a big deal if you don't make it one.


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Sep 27, 2015
Las Vegas, NV
I'm somewhat introverted and I don't think it's a problem. Being able to "work with" people as needed is probably a prerequisite, but being extroverted is not. (after all, you have customers you have to work with, right?)

It only becomes a problem if you're the type of introvert that avoids people/situations due to social anxiety or shyness or whatever (extroverts can be that way too BTW)

A good friend of mine is very successful (owns real estate in 2 countries), and even though he runs a "human resource" system, he ultimately still made it "alone"

He's surrounded by people, (agents, brokers, appraisers, managers, maintenance workers, etc), but they all work for him, and even though each cog in his human resource wheel is important they are all still replaceable. So really he is "alone" Does that make sense? (and he's VERY introverted)

Being introverted can make certain things more challenging though. I'm very gregarious with people I know, but not with total strangers. So things like cold calling and direct sales might be more difficult for me than someone who is extroverted. But, I just practiced until I got it down. It helps that I believe in my product, have a passion for my product (comes through in my tone of voice and attitude), and am very knowledgeable of my product's specs (brings confidence)

So yeah, shouldn't be a big deal if you don't make it one.

Great contribution to this thread. Thank you. I agree with your point of view concerning the fact that you can be on your own and outsource/employ other people for their skills.

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