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FINALLY Some Direction!!!

A detailed account of a Fastlane process...

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New Contributor
Apr 6, 2018
I'm sure you can assume this without me saying it, however, I will say it anyways!

I want to be a Fastlaner and make OODLES of money before I'm old as dirt!

For all of you that don't know me, as it would be odd if you did, I am only 21yo. With my whole life ahead of me, I am looking to get on the Fastlane ASAP. However, as I have come to realize, my ambition and educational experience are currently at odds with each other.

Now I'm not talking "College Degree" education, which I am also lacking, but I am talking about the lack of education I need to get anything Fastlane done in the first place. Until the beginning of this year, my hobbies included weight lifting, videogames, weed, and cocaine. The rest of my time was occupied with going to school full time.

F*cking depressing right!?

Well, since the beginning of the year, I have cut out all forms of negative addiction and distraction from my life. Weight lifting is the only addiction I have held onto, as I find it to be very positive to my mental and physical well being.

Even with this habitual/behavioral shift, I still lacked a sense of direction. I hopped around from idea to idea, looking for something that would catch my eye and stick.

It wasn't until I was convinced to join this forum by fellow user @consultwithu that I found some direction.

At this point I would like to give a shoutout to @Andy Black and @SinisterLex

Mr Black saw that I was looking for direction and BAM! he gave it to me! He suggested several people to follow on the forum, and what they specialized in/posted about.

I had never heard of Copy Writing before, and SinisterLex was apparently the man to go to. From there I found Gary Halbert, and I am now on the 21st chapter of his Boron Letters. I am going to dedicate the next 6 months+ to learning about Copy Writing, along with as many forms of marketing as I can handle.

I know I know! You're thinking to yourself "NONE of this is FASTLANE!!!".

AND... You are completely right.

My "plan" is to use these skills to make money, without the need for 9-5. And from there I will focus on planning out my Fastlane journey.


And that's okay... BECAUSE now that I have rid my self of that delusion, I can focus on getting to the point where I am ready to start the journey.

Best of "luck" to everyone reading this! I will keep the forum posted with my progress.

Also!!! Drop any feedback you might have on my writing style above. I don't want to bark up the wrong tree if I am a clearly BAD writer. Thankyou in advance!
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