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Nov 19, 2017
Manila, Philippines
The product: - It will allow you to post problems you find in the world and solutions that you think about. You can also vote up problems that you deem are important to you and solutions that you think are useful.

It's similar to what MJ talked about in his books - if you can't find a problem to solve, maybe that's the problem you need to solve. My initial product idea was a feedback online system where people can give each other helpfulness, truthfulness, and kindness point but I figured that won't scratch a lot of itch so I thought why not scratch the ultimate itch? A place where people can vent out problems they encounter in their daily lives, example are traffic, poor product design, and poor customer service. Also, people can post solutions they think about such as flying cars, better carpooling system (from where I live, traffic is the biggest time waster). Other people can vote up the problems and solutions they can relate with or they found important.

Right now, I'm about to finish my Introduction to Programming Nano Degree Program from Udacity and I will then take the Full Stack Path. The plan is for me to acquire the skills to bring this project (and my future projects) to life. I have all the time right now. I'm not hiring any developers since I don't have the money for that.

The first two months were great (I started this November 2017). But then it feels like I'm experiencing a motivation decrease. Maybe it's because I didn't exercise enough last week. I feel lazier this week.

The books I finished now related to this project is Hooked by Nir Eyal. I'm also reading The Four Steps to The Epiphany by Steve Blank

I have designed the initial user interface. It's not that great. But I have to start somewhere. I haven't put it into code since I'm not sure if the front end code will be affected by the back end code. Can someone answer this question? I'm on the database part of my intro to programming course and it sucks. I'm having a hard time understanding the concept about the Five Normal Forms in Relational Database. The python and front end programming part I found to be enjoyable.

I'm a bit distracted right now. I'm reading also Memorize The Faith and A Mind for Numbers. These books are about learning. The first one is about techniques that aid in memorizing things while the second one is about the techniques useful for learning in general. I think learning is an important aspect in my life that's why I'm reading them. I'm also reading Iliad and just finished reading Elon Musk. Talk about being distracted.

Why am I starting this progress thread? Because I want to learn more about myself and it seems writing down what's happening in this project and in my life will help me sort out some roadblocks (laziness) I'm facing. Hopefully this will make me more hardworking and focused. And hopefully this thread will be helpful to others in some way.

That's all for now.
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