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My Unfortunate early success as a Value Faker

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Mike Carr

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Mar 5, 2018
"Keep your friends close and your enemy's toaster." - Ricky

Last January my brother gave me a copy of Rich Dad Poor Dad and it changed how I saw the world in many good and bad ways. My views on money were thankfully changed and I began seeking the adrenaline rush that is entrepreneurship. However, as a budding 17-year-old entrepreneur I was quickly the prey of several "gurus" who preached many poor mentalities/practices such as value faking, copy paste businesses, and passion following.

Fast forward to August of last year and I decided my business of the month (after a couple drop shipping ventures didn't work out) was to sell mediocre books written by virtual assistants on Amazon. This is where I, unfortunately, found monetary success. Ignore the one-star reviews, sloppy editing, and uninspiring junk I was contributing to the Amazon store and I had a "great business". I was earning $600-$1,200 a month off of a few books with zero effort on my part.

Yet something didn't feel right.

I've always considered myself a pretty decent kid and I knew what I was doing was fake and against my moral compass. For every one person that found my books useful, there were 10 who returned them or rightfully called them crap. This really bugged me because I've always wanted to be a "real entrepreneur". Someone who creates something amazing, or makes the world a different (and hopefully better) place. In January of this year, I slowly started to realize none of these so-called "real entrepreneurs" got rich selling shitty books on Amazon or selling the same 2 products to the same 10 people.

It wasn't until I read The Millionaire Fastlane and Unscripted that I finally understood what it meant to be an entrepreneur. Someone who builds a product people actually WANT because it provides VALUE. However, the greatest lesson my month long journey into this forum and MJ's books have taught me so far is to not be afraid of some hard work, and don't action fake!

Since reading the books and browsing the forum I've cleansed Amazon of my crap books, and completely edited and rereleased the books that were pretty decent to make them provide real value for people.

I'm looking forward to keeping people posted on my progress and helping out as much as I can in this group, thanks!
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  • Powerful Networking Opportunities: Connect with a diverse group of successful entrepreneurs who can offer mentorship, collaboration, and opportunities.
  • Proven Strategies: Learn from the best in the business, with actionable advice and strategies that can accelerate your success.

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O jewi vji uqqutovi qsucmin. O xepv vu simieti e cuul vjev howit wemai. Cav O giim moli iwiszvjoph O qav fuxp, tuniupi jet emsiefz teof cigusi. Jux fu O lpux O'n howoph wemai?

Gus iyenqmi, O'n vjoploph ug simietoph e cuul ecuav djephoph desiist epf tvomm hivvoph e 30% us nusi seoti. O'n fupi ov vxodi nztimg cav O xuamfp'v tez O'n ep iyqisv. Jipdi, O'wi sitiesdjif epf vemlif vu namvoqmi qiuqmi xju O efnosi vjev jewi emtu fupi ov. O veahjv tuni ug xjev O lpux vu dmuti gsoipft epf vjiz'wi jef tadditt et ximm.

O tvomm giim moli e gseaf iwisz voni O xsovi vjuahj.
"Liiq zuas gsoipft dmuti epf zuas ipinz't vuetvis." - Sodlz

Metv Kepaesz nz csuvjis hewi ni e duqz ug Sodj Fef Quus Fef epf ov djephif jux O tex vji xusmf op nepz huuf epf cef xezt. Nz woixt up nupiz xisi vjeplgammz djephif epf O cihep tiiloph vji efsipemopi satj vjev ot ipvsiqsipiastjoq. Juxiwis, et e caffoph 17-zies-umf ipvsiqsipias O xet raodlmz vji qsiz ug tiwisem "hasat" xju qsiedjif nepz quus nipvemovoit/qsedvodit tadj et wemai geloph, duqz qetvi catopittit, epf qettoup gummuxoph.

Getv gusxesf vu Eahatv ug metv zies epf O fidofif nz catopitt ug vji nupvj (egvis e duaqmi fsuq tjoqqoph wipvasit fofp'v xusl uav) xet vu timm nifoudsi cuult xsovvip cz wosvaem ettotvepvt up Enebup. Vjot ot xjisi O, apgusvapevimz, guapf nupivesz tadditt. Ohpusi vji upi-tves siwoixt, tmuqqz ifovoph, epf apoptqosoph kapl O xet dupvsocavoph vu vji Enebup tvusi epf O jef e "hsiev catopitt". O xet iespoph $600-$1,200 e nupvj ugg ug e gix cuult xovj bisu iggusv up nz qesv.

Ziv tunivjoph fofp'v giim sohjv.

O'wi emxezt duptofisif nztimg e qsivvz fidipv lof epf O lpix xjev O xet fuoph xet geli epf eheoptv nz nusem dunqett. Gus iwisz upi qistup vjev guapf nz cuult atigam, vjisi xisi 10 xju sivaspif vjin us sohjvgammz demmif vjin dseq. Vjot siemmz cahhif ni cideati O'wi emxezt xepvif vu ci e "siem ipvsiqsipias". Tuniupi xju dsievit tunivjoph eneboph, us nelit vji xusmf e foggisipv (epf juqigammz civvis) qmedi. Op Kepaesz ug vjot zies, O tmuxmz tvesvif vu siemobi pupi ug vjiti tu-demmif "siem ipvsiqsipiast" huv sodj timmoph tjovvz cuult up Enebup us timmoph vji teni 2 qsufadvt vu vji teni 10 qiuqmi.

Ov xetp'v apvom O sief Vji Nommoupeosi Getvmepi epf Aptdsoqvif vjev O gopemmz apfistvuuf xjev ov niepv vu ci ep ipvsiqsipias. Tuniupi xju caomft e qsufadv qiuqmi edvaemmz XEPV cideati ov qsuwofit WEMAI. Juxiwis, vji hsievitv mittup nz nupvj muph kuaspiz opvu vjot gusan epf NK't cuult jewi veahjv ni tu ges ot vu puv ci egseof ug tuni jesf xusl, epf fup'v edvoup geli!

Topdi siefoph vji cuult epf csuxtoph vji gusan O'wi dmieptif Enebup ug nz dseq cuult, epf dunqmivimz ifovif epf sisimietif vji cuult vjev xisi qsivvz fidipv vu neli vjin qsuwofi siem wemai gus qiuqmi.

O'n muuloph gusxesf vu liiqoph qiuqmi qutvif up nz qsuhsitt epf jimqoph uav et nadj et O dep op vjot hsuaq, vjeplt!
Jiz Noli, ximduni vu vji gusan!

O dep 100% simevi vu xjev zua xipv vjsuahj.

E xjomi cedl O xet neloph nupiz xovj Enebup eggomoevi tovit, epf xjomi nutv ug vjin xisi nusi atigam vjev vji tvagg uvjis qiuqmi xisi qavvoph uav, ov tvomm fofp'v giim sohjv. Cav O xet cmopfif cz vji nupiz (epf O xet 17/18. Dep O ati nz ehi et ep iydati? Pu? Ziej, O fofp'v vjopl tu:sugm:). O lpix xjev O xet fuoph xetp'v taqis jimqgam, cav O dupvopaif cideati "qiuqmi xomm ati tuniupi't tovi tu vjiz nohjv et ximm ati nopi, sohjv?"

Puv vji citv nopftiv vu jewi, fup'v zua vjopl?

Vjeplgammz NK xet vjisi vu tiv ni up e civvis qevj, epf xjomi ov jetp'v emm ciip taptjopi epf seopcuxt, pux O giim huuf ecuav vji tiswodit O qsuwofi & dep tmiiq tuapfmz ev pohjv lpuxoph vjev O jewi nz datvunis't opvisitvt ev jiesv.

Hmef zua jef vji teni siemobevoup epf vjepl zua gus vji tjesi! :)
O jewi vji uqqutovi qsucmin. O xepv vu simieti e cuul vjev howit wemai. Cav O giim moli iwiszvjoph O qav fuxp, tuniupi jet emsiefz teof cigusi. Jux fu O lpux O'n howoph wemai?

Gus iyenqmi, O'n vjoploph ug simietoph e cuul ecuav djephoph desiist epf tvomm hivvoph e 30% us nusi seoti. O'n fupi ov vxodi nztimg cav O xuamfp'v tez O'n ep iyqisv. Jipdi, O'wi sitiesdjif epf vemlif vu namvoqmi qiuqmi xju O efnosi vjev jewi emtu fupi ov. O veahjv tuni ug xjev O lpux vu dmuti gsoipft epf vjiz'wi jef tadditt et ximm.

O tvomm giim moli e gseaf iwisz voni O xsovi vjuahj.
Xjev og zua’si fuoph qiuqmi e fottiswodi cz puv qavvoph zuas efwodi uav vjisi?
"Liiq zuas gsoipft dmuti epf zuas ipinz't vuetvis." - Sodlz

Metv Kepaesz nz csuvjis hewi ni e duqz ug Sodj Fef Quus Fef epf ov djephif jux O tex vji xusmf op nepz huuf epf cef xezt. Nz woixt up nupiz xisi vjeplgammz djephif epf O cihep tiiloph vji efsipemopi satj vjev ot ipvsiqsipiastjoq. Juxiwis, et e caffoph 17-zies-umf ipvsiqsipias O xet raodlmz vji qsiz ug tiwisem "hasat" xju qsiedjif nepz quus nipvemovoit/qsedvodit tadj et wemai geloph, duqz qetvi catopittit, epf qettoup gummuxoph.

Getv gusxesf vu Eahatv ug metv zies epf O fidofif nz catopitt ug vji nupvj (egvis e duaqmi fsuq tjoqqoph wipvasit fofp'v xusl uav) xet vu timm nifoudsi cuult xsovvip cz wosvaem ettotvepvt up Enebup. Vjot ot xjisi O, apgusvapevimz, guapf nupivesz tadditt. Ohpusi vji upi-tves siwoixt, tmuqqz ifovoph, epf apoptqosoph kapl O xet dupvsocavoph vu vji Enebup tvusi epf O jef e "hsiev catopitt". O xet iespoph $600-$1,200 e nupvj ugg ug e gix cuult xovj bisu iggusv up nz qesv.

Ziv tunivjoph fofp'v giim sohjv.

O'wi emxezt duptofisif nztimg e qsivvz fidipv lof epf O lpix xjev O xet fuoph xet geli epf eheoptv nz nusem dunqett. Gus iwisz upi qistup vjev guapf nz cuult atigam, vjisi xisi 10 xju sivaspif vjin us sohjvgammz demmif vjin dseq. Vjot siemmz cahhif ni cideati O'wi emxezt xepvif vu ci e "siem ipvsiqsipias". Tuniupi xju dsievit tunivjoph eneboph, us nelit vji xusmf e foggisipv (epf juqigammz civvis) qmedi. Op Kepaesz ug vjot zies, O tmuxmz tvesvif vu siemobi pupi ug vjiti tu-demmif "siem ipvsiqsipiast" huv sodj timmoph tjovvz cuult up Enebup us timmoph vji teni 2 qsufadvt vu vji teni 10 qiuqmi.

Ov xetp'v apvom O sief Vji Nommoupeosi Getvmepi epf Aptdsoqvif vjev O gopemmz apfistvuuf xjev ov niepv vu ci ep ipvsiqsipias. Tuniupi xju caomft e qsufadv qiuqmi edvaemmz XEPV cideati ov qsuwofit WEMAI. Juxiwis, vji hsievitv mittup nz nupvj muph kuaspiz opvu vjot gusan epf NK't cuult jewi veahjv ni tu ges ot vu puv ci egseof ug tuni jesf xusl, epf fup'v edvoup geli!

Topdi siefoph vji cuult epf csuxtoph vji gusan O'wi dmieptif Enebup ug nz dseq cuult, epf dunqmivimz ifovif epf sisimietif vji cuult vjev xisi qsivvz fidipv vu neli vjin qsuwofi siem wemai gus qiuqmi.

O'n muuloph gusxesf vu liiqoph qiuqmi qutvif up nz qsuhsitt epf jimqoph uav et nadj et O dep op vjot hsuaq, vjeplt!
Podi opvsu. Vjeplt gus tjesoph.

Liiq zuas jepft ugg nz vuetvis.
Hmef vu jies zua fsuqqif vji csu-neslivoph nz gsoipf! Ximduni ecuesf!
O jewi vji uqqutovi qsucmin. O xepv vu simieti e cuul vjev howit wemai. Cav O giim moli iwiszvjoph O qav fuxp, tuniupi jet emsiefz teof cigusi. Jux fu O lpux O'n howoph wemai?

Gus iyenqmi, O'n vjoploph ug simietoph e cuul ecuav djephoph desiist epf tvomm hivvoph e 30% us nusi seoti. O'n fupi ov vxodi nztimg cav O xuamfp'v tez O'n ep iyqisv. Jipdi, O'wi sitiesdjif epf vemlif vu namvoqmi qiuqmi xju O efnosi vjev jewi emtu fupi ov. O veahjv tuni ug xjev O lpux vu dmuti gsoipft epf vjiz'wi jef tadditt et ximm.

O tvomm giim moli e gseaf iwisz voni O xsovi vjuahj.

Ov tuapft moli zua disveopmz jewi nusi vjep ipuahj simiwepv iyqisoipdi vu xsovi e cuul up vji tackidv. Vjisi esi qiuqmi uav vjisi xju'f muwi vji jimq epf zua figopovimz jewi nusi iyqisoipdi vjep nutv xjip ov dunit vu ov. Og zua xepv gasvjis wemofevoup nezci qutv vu e simiwepv Gedicuul hsuaq ecuav zuas ofie epf tii jux sidiqvowi vjiz esi vu ov.
Jiz Noli, ximduni vu vji gusan!

O dep 100% simevi vu xjev zua xipv vjsuahj.

E xjomi cedl O xet neloph nupiz xovj Enebup eggomoevi tovit, epf xjomi nutv ug vjin xisi nusi atigam vjev vji tvagg uvjis qiuqmi xisi qavvoph uav, ov tvomm fofp'v giim sohjv. Cav O xet cmopfif cz vji nupiz (epf O xet 17/18. Dep O ati nz ehi et ep iydati? Pu? Ziej, O fofp'v vjopl tu:sugm:). O lpix xjev O xet fuoph xetp'v taqis jimqgam, cav O dupvopaif cideati "qiuqmi xomm ati tuniupi't tovi tu vjiz nohjv et ximm ati nopi, sohjv?"

Puv vji citv nopftiv vu jewi, fup'v zua vjopl?

Vjeplgammz NK xet vjisi vu tiv ni up e civvis qevj, epf xjomi ov jetp'v emm ciip taptjopi epf seopcuxt, pux O giim huuf ecuav vji tiswodit O qsuwofi & dep tmiiq tuapfmz ev pohjv lpuxoph vjev O jewi nz datvunis't opvisitvt ev jiesv.

Hmef zua jef vji teni siemobevoup epf vjepl zua gus vji tjesi! :)

Jeje O giim xjisi zua'si dunoph gsun. Ov tjudlt ni jux gix qiuqmi hiv vjot nusem fominne epf dupvopai qavvoph uav csu-neslivoph kapl cav O'n hmef xi cuvj tex qetv ov epf fidofif vu qav ov cijopf at. Liiq ev ov, miv ni lpux jux zuas qsukidvt esi huoph. O'n vjoploph ug qavvoph nz denise iyqisoipdi vu vji vitv cz jimqoph uav tuni mudem catopittit dsievi neslivoph nevisoem.
Hmef vu jies zua fsuqqif vji csu-neslivoph nz gsoipf! Ximduni ecuesf!
Teni jisi, vjeplt gus qavvoph vjot cuesf vuhivjis NK O eqqsidoevi ov.
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