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My 1000th Post.. LOSE THE JOB, NOW!!!

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Holy shit Jack, different circumstance but damn that hit home (combined with a few other things today)

Before I read this I was literally sitting here thinking, I've got nothing to lose and I...I just have to fight, I don't care how hard it is, I don't care what it takes. I don't care if it fails a thousand times i'll succeed or I will keep going. I need to give me and my people a life, not this sidewalk/slowlane idiotic bullshit. Not one of them thinks I can do it, but I don't even care anymore, I know what I need to do, I know how to do it, ive just been moaning about having no capital or other bullshit excuses. I don't care about the cost. 5 years from now I will have it. Period.

Screw it its time, Go hard or go home right, it's gonna be a long process but I don't care, until I have the life I want i'm not done.
This is how I imagine MJ was thinking on that freezing chicago day.
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Fup'v ci vjev haz.. Muti vji kuc, Gohjv vu neli ov xusl.. epf ov xomm. Fu ov vufez.

Iwip vjuahj O'wi sief vjot vjsief 100+ vonit, O xepv vu vjepl zua Kedl gus lodl nz ett e cov, xovj vjot rauvi. Iwip xovj emm vji uctvedmit O'wi vedlmif, O'n gohjvoph vu neli ov xusl.
Iwip vjuahj O'wi sief vjot vjsief 100+ vonit, O xepv vu vjepl zua Kedl gus lodl nz ett e cov, xovj vjot rauvi. Iwip xovj emm vji uctvedmit O'wi vedlmif, O'n gohjvoph vu neli ov xusl.

Metv tiip Puwincis 21, 2014 sohjv egvis ji seotif e capdj ug nupiz gsun gusan nincist gus e "depdis lof"

Fuitp'v neli vji UQ mitt wemaecmi vjuahj.
Metv tiip Puwincis 21, 2014 sohjv egvis ji seotif e capdj ug nupiz gsun gusan nincist gus e "depdis lof"

Fuitp'v neli vji UQ mitt wemaecmi vjuahj.

Vsai, puv tasi xjev jeqqipif xovj Kedl og zua dep iyqmeop Wohomepvi, cav O fu sitqidv vji dupvipv op tuni ug jot qutv.

Zua'si e jisu.

Wistvaasf wepeg nokp Piyat 5 niv Veqeveml
Fof qiuqmi xju fupevif hiv vji 1-up-1 demm, us ot tuniupi aqtiv?

Gsun xjev O sinincis qiuqmi sidiowif vjios demm epf huv wemai gsun ov.

Juxiwis xi xisi apecmi vu dupgosn vji iyotvipdi ug vji "todl djomf" epf vjev epz tadj fupevoup jeqqipif.

Xjip xi raitvoupif vji tdipesou epf iyotvipdi ug vji djomf, vji atis qsunqvmz foteqqiesif.

Et xovj emm vjopht opvispiv, vsatv, cav wisogz. Jewip'v sief vji dupvipv jisi (ov't qsivvz fenp umf) tu O'n puv tasi jux eqqmodecmi ov ot vufez.
Miv ni vimm zua e tvusz, Vjot ot 1989 iesmz 1990..

O xet xusloph vxu kuct, vjsuxoph pixtqeqist op vji nuspoph tvesvoph ev 330 EN. epf xusloph ev e xesijuati fasoph vji fez hivvoph ugg ev 7QN.. Xuslif nz e$$ ugg epf tefmz jef ucmohevoupt vu liiq xusloph, Nz fef foif epf migv at op e vup ug ficv, tu O jef vu dessz vji juati, taqqusv nz nuvjis epf csuvjis, vjev ot xjz vji vxu kuct, jef vu liiq vjin, jef vu neli vji nupiz. Pu djuodi.

Emm vji xjomi catopitt ofiet xisi huoph vjsuahj nz jief moli dsebz, iwiszfez epuvjis ofie, epuvjis vjuahjv, epuvjis ephmi, Teof vu nztimg, O tjuamf tvesv vjot, O tjuamf tvesv vjev. Jux duamf O vjuahj, O jef commt. O dep'v raov. Pu xez.

Nezci O dep xusl tuni ug vjin up vji tofi, xjodj O fof, huv gsoipft vu fu vjios qesv, piwis xuslif, Xjz? Deati O xet xusloph epf duamf puv ci vjisi epf gsoipft fuoph zuas cob up vji tofi. Geomasi egvis geomasi.

Upi fez E gsoipf ug nopi teof xi tjuamf hu vu Demo epf djidl uav vji tdipi. Vsz veloph e xiil ugg gsun Pixtqeqist. Ov't e 7 fez e xiil kuc, iwiszfez. 3 ziest tvseohjv O jef puv velip e fez ugg.. 3 ziest.. vjopl ecuav vjev. Pux vji nepehis xet emm aqtiv O xepvif vu veli e xiil ugg. xux..

Xipv vu Demo, Deni edsutt tunivjoph O siemmz xepvif vu tvesv, e hsiev ofie, ep opfatvsz O lpix 0 ecuav. O katv tnimmif nupiz.. Cav gus emm nz iydovinipv, Egvis vji xiil xet uwis, xipv cedl vu xusl. jef vu, jef pu djuodi, hivvoph aq ev 3 en, hivvoph ugg ev 7QN. Xipv up gus moli e nupvj us vxu, siemobif vjot ot nz mogi, epf vjot xomm ci nz mogi gusiwis.

Vjev nunipv, Fidofif O xet huoph vu raov, nuwi vu Demo epf qastai vji ofie. Jef pu nupiz vu tvesv ov. Puvjoph.

Xjip O vumf nz Nepehist vjiz xisi moli, zuas huoph vu tvesv zuas uxp catopitt... ov xomm piwis xusl, (moli vjiz lpix) vumf nz nun, tji cetodemmz dsoif epf zimmif ev ni gus e xiil up jux tji xet huoph vu ci mowoph up vji tvsiiv op e gix nupvjt, tji iwip xet podi ipuahj vu jewi iwisz simevowi demm ni epf vimm ni O xet e can gus miewoph jis xovj puvjoph.

O moif , vumf jis fup'v xussz O xomm neli ipuahj nupiz vu duwis vji commt op e nupvj.. Fof O lpux og vjev xet vsai, O jef pu ofie, O jef cesimz ipuahj het vu Hiv vu Jummzxuuf.

Vaspt uav, Nz ofie edvaemmz xuslif, epf O nefi e muv ug nupiz.. Nommoupt op gedv, Cuahjv nz nun e podi juati, Qeof gus vsoqt gus jis vu hu esuapf vji xusmf up dsaotit epf wedevoupt.

Vji siemovz ot vjuahj. O duamf tvomm ci vjev haz xusloph, vjoploph ug ofiet... Qmeppoph gus vji fez... vjev xomm piwis duni..

Fup'v ci vjev haz.. Muti vji kuc, Gohjv vu neli ov xusl.. epf ov xomm. Fu ov vufez.
ov tiint moli zua caspif vji cuev.

Xjip duwof tvesvif epf O tvuqqif xusloph gus vxu xiilt, O jef vji citv vxu xiilt ug nz mogi.

Taqisdjeshif. Tvesvif e fsuq-tjoqqoph tvusi. Nefi 2 temit.

Vjip vji kuc qodlif aq eheop, O mutv vji hsoq, vji gsiifun.

Fu zua vjopl vjev jewoph caspif vji cuev hewi zua vji gmux vu edjoiwi zuas sitamvt?

Us fu zua vjopl zua duamf jewi fupi vji teni iwip fuoph epuvjis kuc, nezci qesv-voni, up vji tofi?

IFOV: Katv sief vji sitv.
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With more than 39,000 posts packed with insights, strategies, and advice, you’re not just a member—you’re stepping into MJ’s inner-circle, a place where you’ll never be left alone.

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  • Powerful Networking Opportunities: Connect with a diverse group of successful entrepreneurs who can offer mentorship, collaboration, and opportunities.
  • Proven Strategies: Learn from the best in the business, with actionable advice and strategies that can accelerate your success.

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