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Anything related to matters of the mind


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Feb 19, 2020
Scotland, Edinburgh
Frame 137.jpeg

Hey folks. I'm not sure if this topic has been covered on the forum. I certainly couldn't seem to find anything relating to it.

I wanted to get 'everyone's' views on your environment, and just how important it is. Mainly, the people we have around us, and the company we keep. I want to hear from people who are in the midst of their success journey, and the people who have reached close to their final destination.

The main point I wanted to raise is this. For the last 6-7yrs I've been educating myself by reading, podcasts and videos. I've been feeding my curiosity and want to continually evolve and be the best version of myself. However, the topic that does not seem to get covered much is the downside and consequences of doing this. ISOLATION. Over the years as my mind has changed, I've lost touch with so many people. Sometimes them, but mostly on my part. I am literally now a 'one-man wolf pack'. It's scary and depressing at times.

I find that most people who I once connected with, now frustrate and bore me. I can't understand their lifestyle and the way they think, and they can't understand mine. The last person to leave my life is my own brother. He became tired of my chat about trying to reach for things and tired of me trying to push and motivate him.

During this whole journey, people have even been downright nasty. Laughing and questioning my life choices. "your heads in the clouds" 'you need to chill on the whole success thing" "when will you lighten up and start enjoying life" "YOU NEED TO GET A LIFE!" And it goes on. Even the nice people in my life I thought had my back and once close with, have slowly stopped speaking with me? I'm a socially outgoing guy who loves being around people, but the right people. People who have goals and ambitions. But no one around me is this way. I've never had people like this in my life. I know when I do accidentally come across such people, we can share the most amazing conversations. I LIGHT UP! But sadly that does not come around too often.

Has anyone else experienced this on their journey? Do they ever get the chance to reconnect with people like them? Things are tough and anxiety sometimes creeps in. And yet, something settles me and tells me this is the right path for me? It's sometimes confusing and conflicting. Any thoughts or past experiences from anyone would be incredibly insightful.

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Mar 8, 2018
Well what is it that you are actually doing?

I'm using this as an example, not for you to go and buy one.

If you had a Fish & Chip Shop you would automatically know the owners of the other shops nearby (Set One) and owners of Fish & Chip Shops in other areas (Set Two) and you will have owners of small businesses that supply you (Set Three) You might join The Fish & Chip Shop Society and get a monthly magazine and go to an annual dinner so loosely meet another group of people (Set Four)

Now you might not like a single person in these 4 sets which is very different from simply not being aware of them. But if you are aware of them and generally say hello every now and again yu may find one of them is right up your street and want to talk about business topics that interest you.

But talking about these things to people not interested is a waste of time. If your friend wants to trek across the Sahara as a goal ,do you really want to be listening to him outlining in detail what he is packing, what route he is taking, what training he may or may not be undertaking week after week after week? No you don't is the answer.

Also you are allowed to have a hobby or play a sport. Rugby, Cricket and Hockey Clubs are not exactly filled with lifes underachievers are they?



Speedway Pass
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May 2, 2023
Albuquerque, New Mexico USA
View attachment 48688

Hey folks. I'm not sure if this topic has been covered on the forum. I certainly couldn't seem to find anything relating to it.

I wanted to get 'everyone's' views on your environment, and just how important it is. Mainly, the people we have around us, and the company we keep. I want to hear from people who are in the midst of their success journey, and the people who have reached close to their final destination.

The main point I wanted to raise is this. For the last 6-7yrs I've been educating myself by reading, podcasts and videos. I've been feeding my curiosity and want to continually evolve and be the best version of myself. However, the topic that does not seem to get covered much is the downside and consequences of doing this. ISOLATION. Over the years as my mind has changed, I've lost touch with so many people. Sometimes them, but mostly on my part. I am literally now a 'one-man wolf pack'. It's scary and depressing at times.

I find that most people who I once connected with, now frustrate and bore me. I can't understand their lifestyle and the way they think, and they can't understand mine. The last person to leave my life is my own brother. He became tired of my chat about trying to reach for things and tired of me trying to push and motivate him.

During this whole journey, people have even been downright nasty. Laughing and questioning my life choices. "your heads in the clouds" 'you need to chill on the whole success thing" "when will you lighten up and start enjoying life" "YOU NEED TO GET A LIFE!" And it goes on. Even the nice people in my life I thought had my back and once close with, have slowly stopped speaking with me? I'm a socially outgoing guy who loves being around people, but the right people. People who have goals and ambitions. But no one around me is this way. I've never had people like this in my life. I know when I do accidentally come across such people, we can share the most amazing conversations. I LIGHT UP! But sadly that does not come around too often.

Has anyone else experienced this on their journey? Do they ever get the chance to reconnect with people like them? Things are tough and anxiety sometimes creeps in. And yet, something settles me and tells me this is the right path for me? It's sometimes confusing and conflicting. Any thoughts or past experiences from anyone would be incredibly insightful.

Hi Gareth
I have had similar feelings. I think that being with like minded people is very, very important. My issue is where do I find such company? I have joined this group hoping to find them.

As far as rejoining those people you have lost contact with, I feel that this scenario if almost impossible. You and I have outgrown many of our friends and we must find new ones to take their place.

How are you trying to find a new group of like minded people?

David Beres

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