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Here is my exact SYSTEM for journaling (Tasks, Goals and Reflections)

Anything related to matters of the mind


Bronze Contributor
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Aug 10, 2022
Since I started self improvement, one of the things I've been doing continuously every single day is journaling.
I use it both to organize my tasks on a weekly and daily level and for daily reflections to check that I am always in the right direction.

Every year I do the 1/5/10 Planasy, then I visualize my yearly goals every single week and set weekly tasks.
Then, every single day, I set some daily tasks so I can complete my weekly tasks on time.

Thanks to this SYSTEM I also write down reflections on the day, keep track of my habits, express gratitude and many other things.

I have been using this SYSTEM every single day for almost two years and have basically never missed a day.
Without this setup, I think I would be pretty lost, especially with my tasks.

I leverage Obsidian and some plugins that Automatically create a new note every day based on a template I've built.
For the Weekly part, I use a different template also created by me.
I just "complete" the template very easily and that's it, I just answer a few questions very truthfully.

Since this habit is very powerful for me, I wanted to just give this templates to you guys hoping that someone could benefit from them.
(Some things have been changed in this post since it's basically just code, which I "hand-compiled" to improve readability. I also added some comments (#Comment) to explain the sections)
I'll start with the Daily Journal template first, then in the next post I'll add the weekly template.



Template Version: v1.24
Links: Weeks/2024-W??? | Weeks/2023-W???
# "DAY-MONTH-YEAR" (Today)

## **Reminders**
- Check Google Calendar for any events
- Check Notion for Goals
- My Daily Laws
- Remember to respect my Rules and Values

This section opens a little window with some infos from the note of the day before
#Improvement and Tasks for Tomorrow


### **Today's Tasks**

**Important tasks of the day**
- [ ] Task1

**Other Minor Tasks for today**
- [ ] Task
- [ ] Task
- [ ] Task

## **Journals**
### **Gratitude**
#### **Personal (General Life) (3)**
- I'm grateful for ???
- I'm grateful for ???
- I'm grateful for ???

### **Affirmations**
- ???
- ???
- ???

### **Schedule**

Daily Schedule Here


## **End Of The Day Summary**
### **Feelings, observations, persistent thoughts**

### **Summary of the day in a few words:**
#### ???

### **Self Improvement**
- ???
- ???
- ???

### **Productivity (What results have I produced today?)**
- ???
- ???
- ???

### **Social**
- ???
- ???
- ???

### **Attended an event?**
- ???

### **Thoughts About Today**
- ???
- ???
- ???

### **Gratitude (Today) (3)**
- I'm grateful for ???
- I'm grateful for ???
- I'm grateful for ???

### **Personal Score**
- Productivity : ? / 100
- Energy: ? / 100
- Happiness: ? / 100
- Social: ? / 100
- Mindfulness: ? / 100
- Personal Improvement: ? / 100

- Summary Day Score: ? / 100

#Comment Here are some of the Habits I'm tracking
### **Habits Tracker**
- [ ] Good Sleep. (Bed Time > 8 Hours)
- [ ] Deep Work Session. (2-4 Hours)
- [ ] Meditation. (10 Min)
- [ ] Reading Session. (30 Pages)
- [ ] Fastlane Forum reading Session. (15 Min)
- [ ] Virtual Gratitude Journal
- [ ] Daily Journal Note
- [ ] iPhone ScreenTime < 2 Hours (Excluding Clock and Books)

#### **Sleep Time**
**Total Bed Time: ? Hours and ? Mins

Deep Sleep: ? Hours and ? Mins ( ?? % )
Light Sleep: ? Hours and ? Mins ( ?? % )
Time Awake: ? Mins

#### **iPhone ScreenTime**
**Total Time: ? Hours and ? Mins**

**Top 5 App used:**

1. ? ( ? Hours and ? Mins )
2. ? ( ? Hours and ? Mins )
3. ? ( ? Hours and ? Mins )
4. ? ( ? Hours and ? Mins )
5. ? ( ? Hours and ? Mins )

#Comment Here I usually put some tasks that I didn't complete or something that I need to do the day after
#### **Improvement and Tasks for Tomorrow**
- ???
- ???
- ???

Created:: "Day-Month-Year" "Hour: Minute"



I get it, it might seem a little strange to see all the "?"s, but when you actually use obsidian, it's another thing, trust me.
I hope you like it!
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Last edited:


Bronze Contributor
Read Fastlane!
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Speedway Pass
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Aug 10, 2022
As promised, here is the Weekly Journal!



Template Version: v1.2.3

#Comment very nice quote
> “Your decisions about allocating your personal time, energy, and talent ultimately shape your life’s strategy.”

## Days
Monday: "NOTE LINK"
Tuesday: "NOTE LINK"
Wednesday: "NOTE LINK"
Thursday: "NOTE LINK"
Friday: "NOTE LINK"
Saturday: "NOTE LINK"
Sunday: "NOTE LINK"

#Comment This section opens a little window with some infos from the note of the week before
#Improvements and Tasks for Next Week

#Comment Task to do every week
## **Purpose, Mission and Growth.**
- [ ] **Visualize Your goals.**

# **IMPORTANT Tasks of This Week**
- [ ] ???
- [ ] ???
- [ ] ???
- [ ] ???
- [ ] ???

# **Other Minor Task for This Week
- [ ] ???
- [ ] ???
- [ ] ???
- [ ] ???
- [ ] ???

# **End Of The Week Summary**

## **Career**
## **Productivity (What results I've produced this week?)**

#### **UNI Lectures Progress:**
- ???

#### **UNI Projects Progress:**
- ???

**Am I satisfied with my results?**
- ???

**What major setbacks did I face?**
- ???

### General Notes:
- ???

## **Personal**

### **Self Improvement**
- ???

### **Personal Projects:**
- ???

**Am I satisfied with my results?**
- ???

**What major setbacks did I face?**
- ???

## **Weekly Habits**
- [ ] Minimum of Three Gym Workouts.
- [ ] Read some non-fiction book pages
- [ ] Everyday Meditation Session. (Minimum 10 mins)

## **Feelings, Observations, Persistent thoughts**

### **Reflection About This Week**
#### **Personal**
##### Have you and your behaviours been in line with your purpose?
- ???

##### Does your calendar, your commitments and your behaviours match your priorities and values?
- ???

#### **Productivity**
##### Did you complete what you set out to do at the start of the week?
##### Are you content?
- ???

##### How much productive I've been? How was the workload?
- ???

##### Did I do something outside of my plans? How did it influence the week?
- ???

#### **Social**
##### How did I deal with others?
- ???

##### Were there any particular events?
- ???

#### **General**
##### What Went Good?
- ???
- ???
- ???

##### What Went Bad?
- ???
- ???
- ???

##### What major setbacks did I face?
- ???

#### **The Learned**
##### What is one valuable lesson?
- ???

##### What can I improve on?
- ???

##### What should I start/stop doing?
- ???

### **Personal Week Score**
- Productivity : ?? / 100
- Energy: ?? / 100
- Happiness: ?? / 100
- Social: ?? / 100
- Mindfulness: ?? / 100
- Personal Improvement: ?? / 100

- Summary Week Score: ?? / 100


## **Improvements and Taks for Next Week**
- ???
- ???
- ???




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