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  1. NIK4658

    Here is my exact SYSTEM for journaling (Tasks, Goals and Reflections)

    Since I started self improvement, one of the things I've been doing continuously every single day is journaling. I use it both to organize my tasks on a weekly and daily level and for daily reflections to check that I am always in the right direction. Every year I do the 1/5/10 Planasy, then I...
  2. DCA-TJ

    The Fastlane Journey: An Update and Eternal Thanks

    Hi guys, Some of you OG's might remember me from way back in 2014 when I was a bright-eyed, 20-year-old university student devouring The Millionaire Fastlane and contemplating dropping out to pursue entrepreneurship full-time - you can take a look at that thread here. Well, let me tell you...
  3. O

    Forum Member Gratitude Thread

    Everyday, a forum member helps you out on the journey to Unscription. The way I see it, they are helping you reclaim all the things that matter in life. - Your time. - Your autonomy. - Your passion for life. - Your development in something meaningful. - Your soul. - Your ability to be the...
  4. A

    Want to know HOW and WHY some people are happy all the time and the rest of us struggle with it?

    If you want to know how to be happier, continue reading… If you want to know why your brain is design to keep you from being happy, continue reading… Here’s the thing that we don’t learn in school… At least I didn’t learn this… My parents didn’t teach it to me either… Happiness is a...
  5. Antifragile

    Gratitude. Why is this controversial? 2021 reflections.

    If you're like me, then there is no better way to end the year than with family, friends and reflection on all that has happened. The brain is a very powerful tool, it can help you grow and change your life for the better. I know you might be thinking 'It's not that simple' or 'Gratitude...
  6. MTF

    What Are You Grateful For Today?

    There are countless studies explaining why gratitude works and how it impacts positively our well-being. A couple of weeks ago I started with my girlfriend daily "say 5 things you're grateful for" practice and it's been helpful to slowly learn to focus more on the good aspects of life instead...
  7. Aryan2193


    I am a 20-year-old, aspiring entrepreneur in India. Having read Millionaire Fastlane and UnScripted, which are undoubtedly, the best books on entrepreneurship and providing value (Thank you MJ Demarco), I am now starting a journey to become an UNSCRIPTED entrepreneur. I know the journey will...
  8. harlansjobs

    A great big Thank you!!

    A great big shout out to @Andy Black for allowing me to message him and learn from him. You are truly a great person and I thank you. I am following you on Twitter and you rock and give value to everyone you encounter. Truly great!! Thank you.
  9. Bekit

    Perspective - there's always someone who has it harder

    Somehow I ran across this video today. Towards the end of the video, the story took a turn that made me go very still on the inside. It turns out this guy living in an Indian slum is an entrepreneur. He sells watches. I sat up and took notice. But the details! He might sell 3-4 watches on...
  10. Kailas Joshi

    Introducing myself

    Hello people! Originally a musician and an artist, After my band fell prey to the usual predator, time, we fell apart, along with it went my job, my girlfriend, a few loved ones and a painstaking knee injury which was enough to catapult me into depression for about three years and I'm still...
  11. jts

    Way to Unscription and Gratitude - a paradox?

    Hi everyone, After six months of daily meditation and after engaging many hours with @MJ DeMarco 's philosophy of Unscription, I wonder how striving for Unscription can be aligned with striving for Gratitude. Or in other words, is the feeling that "life sucks" (a mental, almost physcial pain)...