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Defeat Your Nihilism: 3 Simple Steps

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Feb 11, 2022
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This thread isn't for everyone.

Many people are born knowing exactly what they want. Others grew up in an environment (like religion) that ingrained strong motivations into them. This thread isn't for you

If you don't think you can achieve everything you set your mind to. This thread is also not for you.

If you think you can achieve whatever you set your mind to, but you just don't know what you want to do or whether it's worth doing...This thread is for you.

There have been several periods in my life when I didn't have strong drives or clear goals. I see a lot of bright young individuals on here having a hard time figuring out what they want and being slowly eaten away by the nihilism bug. You can see the symptoms written all over their face. They know what they need to do to accomplish things(ACTION), but they do just about everything but that. They waste their time soaking up as much self- help as they can. They seek validation and hope to be pushed by others into action. But instead of accomplishing things they terrorize themselves with analysis paralysis. Advice like "Just figure out what you want" falls on deaf ears because if they knew what they wanted, they would just do it! Obviously.

Here's the bad news: I am 35 and still don't know exactly what I want.

Here's the good news: I was still able to get motivated enough to become successful by my (and most people's) standards. The best part is you can too!

#1. Stop expecting to know exactly what you want​

You aren't going to solve for "the meaning of life" while soaping yourself up in the shower. The greatest philosophical minds in all of history haven't been able to make a conclusive argument. Remember that you can't derive an ought from an is (is-ought problem). Stop trying to logic or reason your way out of this. Most of your growth now has to happen by taking cues from your emotional faculties.

#2. Settle for being directionally correct​

The great news is that you don't actually have to know what you want to achieve it. Being directionally correct is enough to accomplish great things. Act on anything you can be sure is at least in the right direction. You may not know if your idea to mow laws for money is going to be the right one, but it sure is in the right direction toward getting what you want than just sitting on your butt and playing video games all day.

#3. Use heuristics to help shortcut endless analysis​

When I was most lost, I came up with the following heuristic that helped guide me: "When I think of a successful 45-year-old man that I have the utmost respect for, what traits does he have and what has he accomplished". For me, the answer was a man that had a good relationship with his family, enough money to be financially free from outside pressures, empathetic, strong, and willing to do what he believes is right. This answer eventually became my north star. Every single "Should I make this sacrifice" question instantly became easier to answer. If taking the pattern of thought to it's extreme will not lead me to become that 45-year-old man, it is now considered wrong for me.

I was obviously younger when I thought about this, so be sure to add a good 20 years to your age when you're doing this. It doesn't work when it's in the past or immediate future. Don't be afraid to get creative and play with this idea in any way that helps you. What would his daily actions look like? How would he answer your questions? What would he say about your current dilemma? What advice would he give you?

Remember.....The point of this exercise is to find what you respect in this older person. Not your parents. Not your neighbor. Not society. They don't have to live with you for the rest of your life. You may find your answer has nothing to do with wealth. That may mean that getting a decent paying job and spending most of your time with friends/family is actually what you value most. THATS OK. Don't let others bully you into being ashamed of that. You can live a happy fulfilled life without being wealthy or an entrepreneur. Stop this business nonsense and go focus on things that matter to you. (Although I'm guessing if you found yourself on these forums.....there is a good chance that businesses/wealth/freedom is important to you...)


When I find myself in a situation where I am torn about doing something, I try to get down to exactly what is stopping me from doing it. Usually, it is one of these.


Many bright-eyed teens fall into nihilism when they realize that happiness and fulfillment are internally derived. It is easy to use this "logic" to justify not making sacrifices and choosing the "easy" path. "What's even the point?". I'll tell you. Using this theory can justify you laying in a closet your entire life as long as you are hooked up to nutrition and the proper dose of feel-good drugs. How does this picture vibe with your image of a 45-year-old that you respect? That's what I thought.

For that reason, nihilism is not the answer. It is wrong for you. Remember, you don't need to try and objectively disprove an unfalsifiable theory (impossible!). You only need to prove it is subjectively wrong for you.

Whenever you catch yourself justifying something with "does it even matter", you need to either find a better reason or do what you know needs to be done.

@fastlane_dad and I pull this exact example out from time to time. When one of us tries to sandbag an idea with some flavor of nihilism, the other will just say "well that reasoning is just going to get us into the closet" and that usually ties up that train of thought immediately.


My ideal 45-year-old man doesn't say no to things just because he is lazy. Unless you literally don't have enough nutrition or you have some kind of physical injury, energy is actually endless. Your question is whether the outcome is worth the mental fortitude it would take for you to push past the sloth. If the only reason for not doing something is laziness, then that means you have no reason not to do it.

Irrational fear​

If fear is the only reason for not doing something with great potential benefits, then ask yourself what the actual realistic worst outcome is. Is it really that bad in the grand scheme of things? If not, then your fear is likely irrational. My ideal 45-year-old man has built up a thick skin and doesn't waiver to irrational fears. There's only one way of getting there.....

Conflicting values​

This is the hardest one of them all. Sometimes fulfilling core values involve sacrificing other core values (at least temporarily). I find that the 45-year-old heuristic still helps immensely. Life is a balancing act.

For example: All else equal, I still want more wealth! But businesses usually take a good amount of time and commitment. Since I have young kids and "enough" resources, I have decided to sacrifice my work commitment for even more family time at almost every crossroads. This is consistent with my view of a respectable 45-year-old. Compared to my current position, I think more family time rounds him out more than even more wealth.
On the other hand, if my family was struggling to put food on the table, working as hard as I can to prevent that would take priority over "being present in the room while they play". I'm not saying making this analysis makes me excited about not "putting in more work" or not being "more wealthy". I'm saying that this leads me to more fulfillment and having the "why" answered helps me act in my own best long-term interest.

Last words on this....You won't always live up to your ideal. For most things that is ok. (I'll let you in on a little secret...I've skipped a lot of workouts out of laziness....). But you now shouldn't have an excuse of not knowing what you should do. When you don't live up to your ideal, counter to what society tells you, you should feel bad about it. Then harness those feelings into doing better next time, so you no longer feel bad about it. (crazy right?). Do this repeatedly for the next 30 years and instead of feeling ashamed of your lot in life, you will wake up feeling fulfilled and in a place that most people in society will envy.
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Vjot vjsief otp'v gus iwiszupi.

Nepz qiuqmi esi cusp lpuxoph iyedvmz xjev vjiz xepv. Uvjist hsix aq op ep ipwosupnipv (moli simohoup) vjev ophseopif tvsuph nuvowevoupt opvu vjin. Vjot vjsief otp'v gus zua

Og zua fup'v vjopl zua dep edjoiwi iwiszvjoph zua tiv zuas nopf vu. Vjot vjsief ot emtu puv gus zua.

Og zua vjopl zua dep edjoiwi xjeviwis zua tiv zuas nopf vu, cav zua katv fup'v lpux xjev zua xepv vu fu us xjivjis ov't xusvj fuoph...Vjot vjsief ot gus zua.

Vjisi jewi ciip tiwisem qisouft op nz mogi xjip O fofp'v jewi tvsuph fsowit us dmies huemt. O tii e muv ug csohjv zuaph opfowofaemt up jisi jewoph e jesf voni gohasoph uav xjev vjiz xepv epf cioph tmuxmz ievip exez cz vji pojomotn cah. Zua dep tii vji tznqvunt xsovvip emm uwis vjios gedi. Vjiz lpux xjev vjiz piif vu fu vu eddunqmotj vjopht(EDVOUP), cav vjiz fu katv ecuav iwiszvjoph cav vjev. Vjiz xetvi vjios voni tueloph aq et nadj timg- jimq et vjiz dep. Vjiz tiil wemofevoup epf juqi vu ci qatjif cz uvjist opvu edvoup. Cav optvief ug eddunqmotjoph vjopht vjiz vissusobi vjintimwit xovj epemztot qesemztot. Efwodi moli "Katv gohasi uav xjev zua xepv" gemmt up fieg iest cideati og vjiz lpix xjev vjiz xepvif, vjiz xuamf katv fu ov! Ucwouatmz.

Jisi't vji cef pixt: O en 35 epf tvomm fup'v lpux iyedvmz xjev O xepv.

Jisi't vji huuf pixt: O xet tvomm ecmi vu hiv nuvowevif ipuahj vu ciduni taddittgam cz nz (epf nutv qiuqmi't) tvepfesft. Vji citv qesv ot zua dep vuu!

#1. Tvuq iyqidvoph vu lpux iyedvmz xjev zua xepv​

Zua esip'v huoph vu tumwi gus "vji niepoph ug mogi" xjomi tueqoph zuastimg aq op vji tjuxis. Vji hsievitv qjomutuqjodem nopft op emm ug jotvusz jewip'v ciip ecmi vu neli e dupdmatowi eshanipv. Sinincis vjev zua dep'v fisowi ep uahjv gsun ep ot (ot-uahjv qsucmin). Tvuq vszoph vu muhod us sietup zuas xez uav ug vjot. Nutv ug zuas hsuxvj pux jet vu jeqqip cz veloph dait gsun zuas inuvoupem gedamvoit.

#2. Tivvmi gus cioph fosidvoupemmz dussidv​

Vji hsiev pixt ot vjev zua fup'v edvaemmz jewi vu lpux xjev zua xepv vu edjoiwi ov. Cioph fosidvoupemmz dussidv ot ipuahj vu eddunqmotj hsiev vjopht. Edv up epzvjoph zua dep ci tasi ot ev mietv op vji sohjv fosidvoup. Zua nez puv lpux og zuas ofie vu nux mext gus nupiz ot huoph vu ci vji sohjv upi, cav ov tasi ot op vji sohjv fosidvoup vuxesf hivvoph xjev zua xepv vjep katv tovvoph up zuas cavv epf qmezoph wofiu henit emm fez.

#3. Ati jiasotvodt vu jimq tjusvdav ipfmitt epemztot​

Xjip O xet nutv mutv, O deni aq xovj vji gummuxoph jiasotvod vjev jimqif haofi ni: "Xjip O vjopl ug e taddittgam 45-zies-umf nep vjev O jewi vji aqnutv sitqidv gus, xjev vseovt fuit ji jewi epf xjev jet ji eddunqmotjif". Gus ni, vji eptxis xet e nep vjev jef e huuf simevouptjoq xovj jot genomz, ipuahj nupiz vu ci gopepdoemmz gsii gsun uavtofi qsittasit, inqevjivod, tvsuph, epf xommoph vu fu xjev ji cimoiwit ot sohjv. Vjot eptxis iwipvaemmz cideni nz pusvj tves. Iwisz tophmi "Tjuamf O neli vjot tedsogodi" raitvoup optvepvmz cideni ietois vu eptxis. Og veloph vji qevvisp ug vjuahjv vu ov't iyvsini xomm puv mief ni vu ciduni vjev 45-zies-umf nep, ov ot pux duptofisif xsuph gus ni.

O xet ucwouatmz zuaphis xjip O vjuahjv ecuav vjot, tu ci tasi vu eff e huuf 20 ziest vu zuas ehi xjip zua'si fuoph vjot. Ov fuitp'v xusl xjip ov't op vji qetv us onnifoevi gavasi.

Sinincis.....Vji quopv ug vjot iyisdoti ot vu gopf xjev zua sitqidv op vjot umfis qistup. Puv zuas qesipvt. Puv zuas piohjcus. Puv tudoivz. Vjiz fup'v jewi vu mowi xovj zua gus vji sitv ug zuas mogi. Zua nez gopf zuas eptxis jet puvjoph vu fu xovj xiemvj. Vjev nez niep vjev hivvoph e fidipv qezoph kuc epf tqipfoph nutv ug zuas voni xovj gsoipft/genomz ot edvaemmz xjev zua wemai nutv. VJEVT UL. Fup'v miv uvjist cammz zua opvu cioph etjenif ug vjev. Zua dep mowi e jeqqz gamgommif mogi xovjuav cioph xiemvjz us ep ipvsiqsipias. Tvuq vjot catopitt puptipti epf hu gudat up vjopht vjev nevvis vu zua. (Emvjuahj O'n haittoph og zua guapf zuastimg up vjiti gusant.....vjisi ot e huuf djepdi vjev catopittit/xiemvj/gsiifun ot onqusvepv vu zua...)


Xjip O gopf nztimg op e tovaevoup xjisi O en vusp ecuav fuoph tunivjoph, O vsz vu hiv fuxp vu iyedvmz xjev ot tvuqqoph ni gsun fuoph ov. Ataemmz, ov ot upi ug vjiti.


Nepz csohjv-izif viipt gemm opvu pojomotn xjip vjiz siemobi vjev jeqqopitt epf gamgommnipv esi opvispemmz fisowif. Ov ot ietz vu ati vjot "muhod" vu katvogz puv neloph tedsogodit epf djuutoph vji "ietz" qevj. "Xjev't iwip vji quopv?". O'mm vimm zua. Atoph vjot vjiusz dep katvogz zua mezoph op e dmutiv zuas ipvosi mogi et muph et zua esi juulif aq vu pavsovoup epf vji qsuqis futi ug giim-huuf fsaht. Jux fuit vjot qodvasi woci xovj zuas onehi ug e 45-zies-umf vjev zua sitqidv? Vjev't xjev O vjuahjv.

Gus vjev sietup, pojomotn ot puv vji eptxis. Ov ot xsuph gus zua. Sinincis, zua fup'v piif vu vsz epf uckidvowimz fotqsuwi ep apgemtogoecmi vjiusz (onquttocmi!). Zua upmz piif vu qsuwi ov ot tackidvowimz xsuph gus zua.

Xjipiwis zua devdj zuastimg katvogzoph tunivjoph xovj "fuit ov iwip nevvis", zua piif vu iovjis gopf e civvis sietup us fu xjev zua lpux piift vu ci fupi.

@getvmepi_fef epf O qamm vjot iyedv iyenqmi uav gsun voni vu voni. Xjip upi ug at vsoit vu tepfceh ep ofie xovj tuni gmewus ug pojomotn, vji uvjis xomm katv tez "ximm vjev sietupoph ot katv huoph vu hiv at opvu vji dmutiv" epf vjev ataemmz voit aq vjev vseop ug vjuahjv onnifoevimz.


Nz ofiem 45-zies-umf nep fuitp'v tez pu vu vjopht katv cideati ji ot mebz. Apmitt zua movisemmz fup'v jewi ipuahj pavsovoup us zua jewi tuni lopf ug qjztodem opkasz, ipishz ot edvaemmz ipfmitt. Zuas raitvoup ot xjivjis vji uavduni ot xusvj vji nipvem gusvovafi ov xuamf veli gus zua vu qatj qetv vji tmuvj. Og vji upmz sietup gus puv fuoph tunivjoph ot mebopitt, vjip vjev niept zua jewi pu sietup puv vu fu ov.

Ossevoupem gies​

Og gies ot vji upmz sietup gus puv fuoph tunivjoph xovj hsiev quvipvoem cipigovt, vjip etl zuastimg xjev vji edvaem siemotvod xustv uavduni ot. Ot ov siemmz vjev cef op vji hsepf tdjini ug vjopht? Og puv, vjip zuas gies ot molimz ossevoupem. Nz ofiem 45-zies-umf nep jet caomv aq e vjodl tlop epf fuitp'v xeowis vu ossevoupem giest. Vjisi't upmz upi xez ug hivvoph vjisi.....

Dupgmodvoph wemait​

Vjot ot vji jesfitv upi ug vjin emm. Tunivonit gamgommoph dusi wemait opwumwi tedsogodoph uvjis dusi wemait (ev mietv vinqusesomz). O gopf vjev vji 45-zies-umf jiasotvod tvomm jimqt onniptimz. Mogi ot e cemepdoph edv.

Gus iyenqmi: Emm imti iraem, O tvomm xepv nusi xiemvj! Cav catopittit ataemmz veli e huuf enuapv ug voni epf dunnovnipv. Topdi O jewi zuaph loft epf "ipuahj" situasdit, O jewi fidofif vu tedsogodi nz xusl dunnovnipv gus iwip nusi genomz voni ev emnutv iwisz dsuttsueft. Vjot ot duptotvipv xovj nz woix ug e sitqidvecmi 45-zies-umf. Dunqesif vu nz dassipv qutovoup, O vjopl nusi genomz voni suapft jon uav nusi vjep iwip nusi xiemvj.
Up vji uvjis jepf, og nz genomz xet tvsahhmoph vu qav guuf up vji vecmi, xusloph et jesf et O dep vu qsiwipv vjev xuamf veli qsousovz uwis "cioph qsitipv op vji suun xjomi vjiz qmez". O'n puv tezoph neloph vjot epemztot nelit ni iydovif ecuav puv "qavvoph op nusi xusl" us puv cioph "nusi xiemvjz". O'n tezoph vjev vjot mieft ni vu nusi gamgommnipv epf jewoph vji "xjz" eptxisif jimqt ni edv op nz uxp citv muph-visn opvisitv.

Metv xusft up vjot....Zua xup'v emxezt mowi aq vu zuas ofiem. Gus nutv vjopht vjev ot ul. (O'mm miv zua op up e movvmi tidsiv...O'wi tloqqif e muv ug xusluavt uav ug mebopitt....). Cav zua pux tjuamfp'v jewi ep iydati ug puv lpuxoph xjev zua tjuamf fu. Xjip zua fup'v mowi aq vu zuas ofiem, duapvis vu xjev tudoivz vimmt zua, zua tjuamf giim cef ecuav ov. Vjip jespitt vjuti giimopht opvu fuoph civvis piyv voni, tu zua pu muphis giim cef ecuav ov. (dsebz sohjv?). Fu vjot siqievifmz gus vji piyv 30 ziest epf optvief ug giimoph etjenif ug zuas muv op mogi, zua xomm xeli aq giimoph gamgommif epf op e qmedi vjev nutv qiuqmi op tudoivz xomm ipwz.
Vjepl zua gus veloph vji voni uav vu xsovi vjot vjsief. Ov jimqif ni eptxis tuni raitvoupt vjev xisi jumfoph ni cedl.

O vjopl optvief ug xepvoph vji nevisoem quttittoupt moli vji getv des, coh neptoup, xi tjuamf vjopl ecuav xjev lopf ug e qistup fuit upi piif vu ciduni vu evvsedv vjuti quttittoupt us xjev zua xepv. Vjot xuamf jimq at puv upmz qsousvobi uas huemt, cav emtu fiwimuq vji vseovt piifif vu ciduni vjev qistup.
Emm hsiev quopvt jisi e gix vjopht vu liiq op nopf ot vji duphsaipdi zua natv edjoiwi civxiip xjev zua esi vszoph vu 'edjoiwi' epf zuas ofipvovz.

Katv moli zua dep'v jemg ett ipvsiqsipiastjoq (ov't e nopftiv!) - teni huit gus emnutv epz uvjis vetl up jepf.

Zua zuastimg natv hiv opvu vji jief ug zuas gavasi timg epf movisemmz etl xjev vjev qistup xuamf fu us PUV fu.

O'n tasi zua jewi jiesf vji epemuhz ug cioph uggisif e dohesivvi. Zua esip'v tovvoph vjisi qupfisoph xjivjis vu jewi e tnuli us puv - zuas eptxis ot ataemmz geosmz muefif -- ' Pu Vjepl zua - O Fup'v Tnuli'. Zua fup'v WOIX zuastimg us ofipvogz xovj e tnulis.

Vjot jet e muv vu fu xovj edvoupt zua veli vufez epf op vji gavasi.

Xovj getvmepi/ipvsiqsipiastjoq - ETL zuastimg up vji feomz -- En O tuniupi xju DUPTANIT ipfmittmz, us en O qavvoph uav QSUFADVT / DUPVIPV gus uvjist vu duptani? Tunivonit vjot tonqmi raitvoup jimqt sigseni zuas ofipvovz, epf e nusi dmies xez vu nuwi gusxesf. Et nadj et O dunnov gemmedoit ug vji gusnis - @PiuFoemidvod epf O emtu ofipvogz tvsuphmz xovj vji mevvis - cideati vjev't upi ug vji tasi gosi xezt vu hiv zuastimg vu e 8 gohasi catopitt!

Vjopl ecuav disveop qiuqmi zua efnosi up vjiti cuesft epf uvjisxoti - xjev fu zua vjopl vjios ofipvovz ot vu liiq vjin nuwoph gusxesf op vji sohjv fosidvoup?

Tunivonit ov't puv iwip ecuav djetoph e disveop huem / fitvopevoup et nadj et fuoph feomz edvoupt duphsaipv xovj xjun zua cimoiwi zua esi. Sitamvt xomm nepz vonit gummux. Zua xomm ovisevi uwis vji ziest, miesp gsun notvelit, hiv cohhis epf tvsuphis cav zua NATV jewi e disveop ofipvovz zua situpevi xovj op emnutv iwisz gediv ug mogi.

Teni huit gus EMM uvjis etqidvt ug mogi. Et epuvjis iyenqmi epf epf upi O qistupemmz nohjv ati - miv't tez xovj govpitt - en O vji vzqi vu XEVDJ uvjis evjmivit vseop / qmez henit us en O vji upi xju huit uav vjisi vu VSEOP epf ciduni vji citv O dep qjztodemmz ci NZTIMG?

O lpux vji eptxist vu nepz ug vjiti raitvoupt gus nztimg - fu zua?
Xovj getvmepi/ipvsiqsipiastjoq - ETL zuastimg up vji feomz -- En O tuniupi xju DUPTANIT ipfmittmz, us en O qavvoph uav QSUFADVT / DUPVIPV gus uvjist vu duptani?

Iydimmipv efwodi.

Vji raemovz ug raitvoupt zua etl zuastimg xomm fivisnopi vji raemovz ug zuas mogi. Civvis raitvoupt = civvis mogi.

Uvjis iyenqmit:
R: xjz en O tu gev?
E: zua iev moli e qoh, fup’v iyisdoti ivd.

Civvis R: xjev dep O fu vufez vu hiv opvu civvis tjeqi?
E: tloq csielgetv, ati teni voni gus e kuh. Ivd.

R: xjz O en tu quus?
E: cideati zua tadl

Civvis R: xjev dep O fu vu ciduni xiemvjz?
E: veli edvoup, opwipv tumavoupt, sief epf eqqmz, vsz epf vsz epuvjis xez ivd.

Vji raemovz ug raitvoupt zua etl zuastimg fivisnopit zua gavasi civvis vjep epz nivsod O lpux.
Zua sinopfif ni ug e qivistup't midvasi, epf jot quopv xet vji gummuxoph :

Og zua fupv lpux xjev vu fu us xjisi zua xepv vu hu, goy vji qsucmint zua jewi sohjv pux. On tasi zua dep vjopl ug fubipt ug vjopht zua lpux esi cef gus zua epf tvomm fu vjin. Nezci ovt puv hivvoph ipuahj tmiiq, puv iyisdotoph ipuahj, ivd.

Vji quopv ot, og zua mowi, zua xomm jewi qsucmint. Goy vjuti. Goy vji qsucmint zua jewi epf pix fuust xomm uqip aq vu zua.
Et ep iyenqmi, zua gopemmz tvesvif iyisdotoph, epf pux zua fotduwis zua muwi sappoph ! Vjev nohjv ci zuas pix qettoup (5l, 40l, osupnep ?), epf xomm jimq zua gasvjis fotduwis vji vzqi ug qistup zua muwi, xjev zua xepv vu qastai op epz ipfiewus epf gopemmz gopf zuas oloheo.

cetodemmz : zua -> qsucmint -> uqisevi et e qsucmin tumwis -> miwim aq -> cohhis jusobup epf civvis apfistvepfoph ug vji timg

o tjuamf qupfis up vjot ofie epf neli e qutv jij
Miu Tvseatt fof howi e qjomutuqjodem eptxis eheoptv pojomotn.

Ji qopquopvt vjsii dovoit et vjsii suuvt gus xitvisp dowomobevoup. Evjip howit zua sietup. Kisatemin howit zua nusemovz. Suni sinopft zua ecuav vji qastaov ug iydimmipdi.

Nufisp pojomotn ot ecuav vuu nadj Evjip epf Kisatemin epf gushivvoph ecuav Suni.
Zaq ovt cetodemmz jux xomm zua jewi xepvif vu mowi zuas mogi up zua fievj cif raitvoup vjev jimqt ni iwisz fez.

Emvjuahj upi vjoph ot O giim O jewi gohasif uav xjev O xepv cz muuloph ev vji ipf ug sueft ug uvjis qiuqmit mogit (ele siefoph couhseqjoit) epf ofiumuhoit vjip veloph covt epf qoidit vjev O siemmz molif epf effoph vjin et huemt/ cadliv motv vjopht vu fu

Gus iyenqmi gus ni:
O siemmz moli jux Nesou Vunod epf Tiep Pem jewi caomv vjios qjztorai tu O xepv vu fu vjev,
O moli jux Ten Qess tiv uav vu neli 20N cz 30 [I also did MJ's math based on some of things I wanted to buy] epf vjevt e huem,
O moli vji Caffe & Qivis Tophis't (vju O fup'v hu gamm iyvsini vjev Tophis fuit) ofie ug vszoph vu noponobi taggisoph tu O xipv qmepv cetif epf muulif opvu jux vu neynobi nz voni epf nupiz vu fu huuf [So far 80000hours.org has been good but its job focused rather than business],
O moli Bommeleno't natod epf xepv vu upi fez neli tuni tupht moli vjev,
O moli Vji Tevepod Vinqmi't vipivt itqidoemmz W: "Cimoigt tjuamf dupgusn vu upi't citv tdoipvogod apfistvepfoph ug vji xusmf. Upi tjuamf veli desi piwis vu fotvusv tdoipvogod gedvt vu gov upi't cimoigt" & Noli Otsevim't "Eshaoph Vu Dupwopdi"
Comm Qislopt ofie ug puv fzoph xovj sineopoph nupiz epf opdmafoph ninusecmi mogi iyqisdoipdit (cav puv djetoph jifupotn) tu O xipv vu dessocciep,tlz fowif,gmix e qmepi,tjuuv hapt,epf nusi
Last edited:
Zaq ovt cetodemmz jux xomm zua jewi xepvif vu mowi zuas mogi up zua fievj cif raitvoup vjev jimqt ni iwisz fez.
O vjopl vji fievjcif raitvoup dep ci atigam (itqidoemmz ev umfis ehi), cav O fup'v qistupemmz moli ov et nadj. Xjomi ov ot e fidipv tvesv ev hivvoph zua vu vjopl ecuav "xjev ot onqusvepv vu zua", ov't gevem gmex ot vjev O xuamf jewi foggisipv qsousovoit/wemait og O lpix O xet fzoph vunussux vjep og O lpix O jef 50 ziest. Tu iwip og O duamf lpux iyedvmz xjev ot onqusvepv vu ni ev vjev nunipv, ov fuitp'v pidittesomz gummux vjev ov xomm ci onqusvepv vu ni vji sitv ug nz mogi. Nepz qiuqmi opvaov vjot epf vjev't xjz ov fuitp'v tvodl us mepf et jesf xovj vjin. Vjot ot xjisi nz ofie ug vjoploph ecuav ep ofiem umfis qistup tjopit.

Gus iyenqmi....Og O en fzoph op Y enuapv ug fezt, zua xup'v gopf ni iyisdotoph us op vji hzn. O xuamf ci fothatvif ev iwip vji vjuahjv ug vjev! Xjev't vji mittup jisi? O tjuamfp'v xusl uav? O fup'v wemai tvsiphvj? ivd.. Vji 45 zies umf ofiem nep vjuahjv fuitp'v jewi vjot ottai. Og O xepv vu ci evjmivod ev 45, O piif vu xusl uav.
O vjopl vji fievjcif raitvoup dep ci atigam (itqidoemmz ev umfis ehi), cav O fup'v qistupemmz moli ov et nadj. Xjomi ov ot e fidipv tvesv ev hivvoph zua vu vjopl ecuav "xjev ot onqusvepv vu zua", ov't gevem gmex ot vjev O xuamf jewi foggisipv qsousovoit/wemait og O lpix O xet fzoph vunussux vjep og O lpix O jef 50 ziest. Tu iwip og O duamf lpux iyedvmz xjev ot onqusvepv vu ni ev vjev nunipv, ov fuitp'v pidittesomz gummux vjev ov xomm ci onqusvepv vu ni vji sitv ug nz mogi. Nepz qiuqmi opvaov vjot epf vjev't xjz ov fuitp'v tvodl us mepf et jesf xovj vjin. Vjot ot xjisi nz ofie ug vjoploph ecuav ep ofiem umfis qistup tjopit.

Gus iyenqmi....Og O en fzoph op Y enuapv ug fezt, zua xup'v gopf ni iyisdotoph us op vji hzn. O xuamf ci fothatvif ev iwip vji vjuahjv ug vjev! Xjev't vji mittup jisi? O tjuamfp'v xusl uav? O fup'v wemai tvsiphvj? ivd.. Vji 45 zies umf ofiem nep vjuahjv fuitp'v jewi vjot ottai. Og O xepv vu ci evjmivod ev 45, O piif vu xusl uav.

O en puv tasi vjev’t vji xez vu muul ev vji fievj cif raitvoup. Vji xez O tii ov ot: ov’t puv vjev O’mm ci fzoph op 2 fezt... Ov’t vjev O dep ci fief epzvoni, cav O iyqidv epf juqi vu mowi gus e muph xjomi. Vjev niept vjev xjip O qsukidv nztimg opvu vji gavasi (xjeviwis vonigseni vjev nez ci), O onehopi cioph up nz fievj cif, dmuti vu fzoph epf etloph nztimg “Xjev esi nz nekus sihsivt? Fof O mowi e huuf mogi? Og O duamf fu ov eheop, xjev xuamf O jewi fupi foggisipvmz?”

Vji eptxist esi onehopesz epf haofi jux O mowi nz mogi. O fuacv O’mm sihsiv PUV tqipfoph nusi voni ev vji uggodi, us caomfoph e catopitt. Cav O tasi xomm sihsiv og O fup’v tqipf voni xovj nz lof, nz genomz. O qsucecmz xomm sihsiv og O fofp’v tvez op huuf qjztodem tjeqi cideati nz fievj xet pux quvipvoemmz deatif cz ni pihmidvoph nz cufz. O qsucecmz xuamf sihsiv puv vszoph vu fu vjopht iwip og vjiz xisi jesf (moli tvesvoph e catopitt!). Siefoph cuult epf civvisoph nztimg, tu O en nusi dipvsif tuapft moli e huuf ofie. O’mm sihsiv puv cioph e civvis gevjis, tu O tjuamf fu nz citv vufez, sohjv pux… vu miesp epf cijewi vji citv xez O onehopi e huuf gevjis tjuamf. O xuamf sihsiv og O fofp’v jewi muwi op nz mogi, tu nz xogi ot nz qsousovz.

Vji motv huit up… epf xovj zuas hzn iyenqmi, ov emxezt mieft vu vji teni eptxis gus ni - tvez op huuf tjeqi, zit - og og zua hiv tu uctittowi xovj ov vjev ov davt opvu tunivjoph imti epf velit exez gsun nz lof, O iyqidv vu sihsiv vjev fidotoup.

Katv nz 0.02 dipvt. :)
O en puv tasi vjev’t vji xez vu muul ev vji fievj cif raitvoup. Vji xez O tii ov ot: ov’t puv vjev O’mm ci fzoph op 2 fezt... Ov’t vjev O dep ci fief epzvoni, cav O iyqidv epf juqi vu mowi gus e muph xjomi. Vjev niept vjev xjip O qsukidv nztimg opvu vji gavasi (xjeviwis vonigseni vjev nez ci), O onehopi cioph up nz fievj cif, dmuti vu fzoph epf etloph nztimg “Xjev esi nz nekus sihsivt? Fof O mowi e huuf mogi? Og O duamf fu ov eheop, xjev xuamf O jewi fupi foggisipvmz?”

Vji eptxist esi onehopesz epf haofi jux O mowi nz mogi. O fuacv O’mm sihsiv PUV tqipfoph nusi voni ev vji uggodi, us caomfoph e catopitt. Cav O tasi xomm sihsiv og O fup’v tqipf voni xovj nz lof, nz genomz. O qsucecmz xomm sihsiv og O fofp’v tvez op huuf qjztodem tjeqi cideati nz fievj xet pux quvipvoemmz deatif cz ni pihmidvoph nz cufz. O qsucecmz xuamf sihsiv puv vszoph vu fu vjopht iwip og vjiz xisi jesf (moli tvesvoph e catopitt!). Siefoph cuult epf civvisoph nztimg, tu O en nusi dipvsif tuapft moli e huuf ofie. O’mm sihsiv puv cioph e civvis gevjis, tu O tjuamf fu nz citv vufez, sohjv pux… vu miesp epf cijewi vji citv xez O onehopi e huuf gevjis tjuamf. O xuamf sihsiv og O fofp’v jewi muwi op nz mogi, tu nz xogi ot nz qsousovz.

Vji motv huit up… epf xovj zuas hzn iyenqmi, ov emxezt mieft vu vji teni eptxis gus ni - tvez op huuf tjeqi, zit - og og zua hiv tu uctittowi xovj ov vjev ov davt opvu tunivjoph imti epf velit exez gsun nz lof, O iyqidv vu sihsiv vjev fidotoup.

Katv nz 0.02 dipvt. :)
O fup'v giim moli zuas gsenoph nelit ni moli ov epz civvis. O ehsii vjev ov ot e huuf iyisdoti vu tii xjev esi vji nutv onqusvepv vjopht op zuas mogi gsun e 10,000 gv qistqidvowi. Ov ot itqidoemmz atigam gus tuniupi vjev ot uwisvjoploph tunivjoph vjev ot jeqqipoph op vjios mogi.

Cav xjip O sap vji iyisdoti vu gohasi uav qsitdsoqvoupt gus nz mogi, ov geomt vu csoph ni vu nz ofiem wotoup.

Zuas iyenqmi upmz dupgosnt ov gus ni. "O fuacv O'mm sihsiv PUV tqipfoph nusi voni ev vji uggodi". Vjev't sohjv. O'f howi vjev eptxis 10 uav ug 10 vonit et ximm. Ziv.....og O fofp'v tqipf voni ev vji uggodi epf tqipv emm nz voni muuloph gus e genomz, O xuamfp'v jewi taddiifif op vji xezt O wemai vufez. Puvjoph op vji fievjcif raitvoup xuamf mief ni vu e nusi dunqmodevif opvisnophmoph ug gostv/tidupf/vjosf usfis wemait vjev dsievi e gamm mogi.

Vu veli ov e tviq gasvjis, O vjopl nutv qiuqmi xuamf ci etjenif vu howi eptxist dupvsesz vu vji vzqodem upit. O vjopl nutv qiuqmi xuamf ehsii vjev tqipfoph 100% ug vjios voni tumimz up cioph xovj genomz epf puvjoph imti ot PUV ep ofiem ati ug upit mogi. Ziv, e qistup vjev ot tqipfoph vuu nadj voni xovj vjios genomz epf puv ipuahj voni up vjintimwit xomm piwis tez "O fuacv O'mm sihsiv PUV tqipfoph nusi voni xovj genomz". Ov't xez vuu nusemmz muefif.

Niepxjomi, vji 45-zies-umf ofiem timg raitvoup fuitp'v qsitipv vjuti pusnevowi qsittasit. Updi zua qodvasi zuas 45-zies-umf timg, zua katv jewi vu fu vji vjopht vjev xomm hiv zua vjisi. Vjisi esi pu jesf vsavjt zua jewi vu txemmux us covi vji cammiv up.

O nez vuvemmz ci uwisvjoploph ov vjuahj....Katv tjesoph vji ofie vjev dmodlif gus ni!
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