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  • Hey Andy,
    Thanks for getting back to me. Yes itd be great to have someone to catch up with eachother once a week pr fotnight and discuss eachothers plans, how things have been going etc. Is that what you envisioned?

    Also, could you tell me abit about yourself, are you starting a business or running one?


    • Like
    Reactions: andyhaus44
    Hi Nick,

    Yes, that is basically what I had envisioned. Do you have a WhatsApp?

    I am starting a web design business and am in the early stages. I am from Missouri, married with 2 kids. How about you?
    Sorry If I answer just now, I've been away from the forum for a while. Here's my whatsapp: +329 6152039
    I've opened an ecommerce , making 16k of total earnings in less than 20 days, and I also tryed many thing whan I was a teenager, pretty unsuccessfully tho.
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