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  • Hi! I just saw your post about your journey and I'm wondering if you're still up for some mentoring? :) I cannot find a way to DM you, since I just joined this forum but let me know if you're up for a challenge! Thanks and I wish you a great day
    Hi! I’m so grateful for the threads you have started. The story that you and NeoDialectic have created is empowering and at the same time makes me reconsider the choices that I’m doing.

    Do you do any mentoring for a 21 year old with a burning desire but no clue what the hell he’s doing?

    Note: I’m dedicating myself toward eCommerce. I’ve got a detailed intro.
    Thanks beforehand fastlane_dad
    Thank you very much for your insightfull and inspirating posts about your sucess story together with NeoDialectic.
    Is yout offer to mentor any aspiring fastlaners still open?
    "My schedule is open now (as I consider myself partially retired) and I am open to mentoring / coaching anyone who is interested in entrepreneurship, scaling a business or just thinking of ideas / niches to pursue"
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The Fastlane entrepreneurial strategy is based on the CENTS Framework® which is based on the three best-selling books by MJ DeMarco.

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