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Anything related to bitcoin, crypto, blockchain


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Nov 15, 2016
Atlanta, GA
Hello everyone! For some background:

Back in November I started my eCommerce business which is going very well. Right now I am looking to make some extra cash to fund more inventory, products, distribution channels, and ad testing.

One of my friends contacted me with perfect timing - asking for help getting clients for his development team (5 people and some others that they outsource lower level work to). They are all very skilled developers in building cryptocurrency software (exchanges, arbitrage bots, mining systems, wallet apps, etc.) They also can create mobile and web apps. I am not experienced with any of this, and I hope that won't be a huge interference when communicating with potential clients.

They basically operate within the blockchain arena. Because this is a very niche area and they don't have too much of a portfolio built yet, I am wondering where I should be going to get new clients. I know of UpWork and Freelancer, but I am not sure how this will go at first without online reviews, etc.

Also, it is very important to note that I will be working purely on a commission basis (10%).

They have essentially gotten the business that they have through a few real life connections. If I'm going to be making any profit, though, it's going to be either by creating a funnel with my contact info at the end - or by going directly to clients (where I expect there to be a lot of competition).

Can anybody give me a more clear vision on the communities that I should be reaching out to and whether or not this endeavor will be worth my time on a purely commission basis?

I do believe in their skills and I want to help my friend get business, but not at the cost of putting the necessary time into my own. I like this because it seems that my time can be very flexible, but I am not yet sure about the level of time investment that will be necessary to gain traction.

Thank you very much for any help!
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Bronze Contributor
Speedway Pass
Oct 7, 2016
Hello everyone! For some background:

Back in November I started my eCommerce business which is going very well. Right now I am looking to make some extra cash to fund more inventory, products, distribution channels, and ad testing.

One of my friends contacted me with perfect timing - asking for help getting clients for his development team (5 people and some others that they outsource lower level work to). They are all very skilled developers in building cryptocurrency software (exchanges, arbitrage bots, mining systems, wallet apps, etc.) They also can create mobile and web apps. I am not experienced with any of this, and I hope that won't be a huge interference when communicating with potential clients.

They basically operate within the blockchain arena. Because this is a very niche area and they don't have too much of a portfolio built yet, I am wondering where I should be going to get new clients. I know of UpWork and Freelancer, but I am not sure how this will go at first without online reviews, etc.

Also, it is very important to note that I will be working purely on a commission basis (10%).

They have essentially gotten the business that they have through a few real life connections. If I'm going to be making any profit, though, it's going to be either by creating a funnel with my contact info at the end - or by going directly to clients (where I expect there to be a lot of competition).

Can anybody give me a more clear vision on the communities that I should be reaching out to and whether or not this endeavor will be worth my time on a purely commission basis?

I do believe in their skills and I want to help my friend get business, but not at the cost of putting the necessary time into my own. I like this because it seems that my time can be very flexible, but I am not yet sure about the level of time investment that will be necessary to gain traction.

Thank you very much for any help!
Ask your team for a current client profile. He should be able to give you the typical demographics of the current clientele and you can use that to replicate it to find the new clientele.


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Jun 28, 2018
Holbeach Hurn
Most people in the space don't want inexperienced portfolioless people.. they want those who have done it before. There also seems to be a lot of moneyless people. They want you to build their crypto.for a cut of the profits. Which is pointless. Most altcoins are worthless. You could try bitcointalk but they are probably on there. Maybe do a collectivised ICO backed wirh all their Resumes, probably make a million and have too many orders afterwards.knowing how frothy the space is currently . :)

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