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  1. ssafwann

    Need help with not getting any Upwork job offers

    Hey everyone! Around two weeks ago, I found Lex DeVille's thread about his Upwork tutorial, and since then, I have watched all the videos he made and started working on making changes. I changed my profile entirely to be specific to a certain niche which is "landing page web developer." I added...
  2. luniac

    What is this type of upwork project typically called.

    I’m looking to freelance on upwork but wasn’t sure for awhile how to apply my skill set. I have 10 years experience in the Unity3D engine as an amateur hobbyist, I’ve published a few casual app games and even made a short cartoon in it. However I’m not comfortable with doing complex programming...
  3. Kak

    You Don’t Have to be a Freelancer

    Copywriting proponents always talk about how it’s good for someone just starting out. I want to challenge them to find a single copywriter that went on to start a successful multimillion dollar unrelated company. It’s a lie, distraction, and cop out. No one shows up to an entrepreneur forum...
  4. PPrince

    PayPal cancels account for password issues

    I am puzzled... I had saved my password for my new PayPal business account with McAfee True Key. I was planning on connecting it to my Upwork account. The auto password sign-in feature mysteriously stopped working 3 nights ago. I attempted to sign in manually, but got locked out in the process...
  5. klaipeda

    Create brand awareness, where to start?

    Hello, I have no idea where to start to make brand awareness. I have the positioning and the differential idea that do my service better than the competitors and provide value to the customer. Still, I have no idea how to start the marketing. What do you suggest doing? Hire someone on...
  6. Lex DeVille

    Freelance University: Solve Every Freelance Problem (Especially on Upwork)

    Struggling Freelancers! Start a freelance business. Learn new skills. Get proposal responses. Clean up your profile. Improve your interviews. Meet Other Freelancers. Sell yourself at the highest possible prices. Click to Learn More Now ➤ Let's Solve Every Freelance Problem You Could...
  7. Nick Kadutskyi

    How to Validate an idea of Upwork based service to reduce job search time and find better-fitted clients?

    Hey Fastlaners, I do some work on Upwork and struggle with finding jobs time to time. Also, I see that other people struggle with that too. So I am thinking of ways to reduce time wasted on job search. Also I am looking into how to segment clients on Upwork so you only interact with people...
  8. AlexDep89

    First entrepreneur steps on Upwork following Lex DeVille's Guide

    After viewing MJ's video From Flat-Broke to Filighy Rich I realized that working as a developer, I'm at the level of specialized labor and it might be time to take it to the next step: Selling specialized skill. I have bookmarked Lex Devilles Upwork Guide a long time ago but always made...
  9. SheikhNaveed

    Success is a product, uncomfortable situations are founders

    10 years ago, at Monday morning, when I was pressing the button of my pc at my office early morning around 9.15 am. One of my seniors asked 'Naveed! You need to go to the waiting room and wait for the boss' I said 'Why?' He told because you had not come to the office last Saturday. I went to...
  10. Akshay Kumar

    Is there any other way for a newbie freelance copywriter to get work without using upwork and other freelancing websites?

    Hi, I am looking to become a freelance copywriter. I was wondering if there any way for a teen freelance copywriter to get work initially without using freelancing websites. Because the competition there is just way too high. Moreover, I can't contact those clients directly to build a long-term...
  11. Conscripted

    Question about this Upwork review

    I just finished reading THIS article on upwork. Does this article match your experiences? I'm currently working my way through the freelancing and copywriting courses by @lex DeVillex Thanks for any insight you can provide.
  12. Dark Water

    Significant Change to Upwork coming in May 2019... “Pay to Bid”

    You read that right. You will now have to pay $0.15 per Connect to bid on a job, with some jobs costing up to 6 Connects or $.90. The most noticeable impact? Less competition for jobs. The barrier to entry just got raised a lot, spam reduced, etc. I’m personally against it, even though I only...
  13. NewManRising

    Mastering the Upwork game with Copywriting

    A quick introduction and background: Around October 2018, I knew nothing about copywriting. I decided to go through and complete Lex' 15 day copywriting challenge/exercise thread. In fact, I was about on day 10/11 when I decided to get the balls to start sending in proposals to people on...
  14. Dark Water

    Hustling to Survive: Freelance Web Design & Copywriting, Book Writing, and Building a Brand

    While its been a while since I've posted here, I have been lurking somewhat regularly. As I sit here in a Starbucks today drinking my $2.41 hot green tea (essentially the price I pay so I can get out of the house and be around people outside of my gym), I came across this thread about the...
  15. MJ DeMarco

    A forum hustle favorite, Upwork goes public. A buy?

    Upwork goes public tomorrow, UPWK, initially priced at $15 a share. Upwork prices IPO at $15 a share If you make your living via Upwork, that could only mean one thing... Look for the higher pricing, less value squeeze to start at some point as the urgent need to meet analyst earnings...
  16. K

    What is your way of searching projects on Upwork?

    I tried “saved searches” filtered by technology (for example ASP.NET and ASP.NET MVC). However saved searches are good only for monitoring just added projects. But when I decide to look for a project, I’d like to review those that a few days old too. I don’t constantly monitor new projects...
  17. Richard Gao

    Starting Web Design/Development Issues

    I've started web design and I am trying to begin on Upwork before moving on to projects outside Upwork. Following @SinisterLex 's and @Fox 's advice on getting approved. Unfortunately I have not been able to get approved after many tries. Can you guys take a look at my bios and other settings in...
  18. ZF Lee

    ZF's progress thread

    Alright, just as I said. I would post some results from my Reddit tests. It seems that the folks need to see something tangible. I still will need to develop a cheap prototype and have 50-100 batches. I spotted a competing product being used by someone from today's meeting. I borrowed it for a...
  19. BifeDeChorizo

    I Will Apply For 260 Freelance Jobs [In Two Months]

    Hello everyone! Making this thread to stay accountable. This is my situation right now: + 25 years old + Living with my mother + Making around usd$240 monthly (enough to pay internet, food and taxes) + Trying to fix a condition I had for YEARS (since I was 8) called Sleep Apnea but discovered...
  20. MitchM

    Client acquisition for a cryptocurrency development team.

    Hello everyone! For some background: Back in November I started my eCommerce business which is going very well. Right now I am looking to make some extra cash to fund more inventory, products, distribution channels, and ad testing. One of my friends contacted me with perfect timing -...