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Moving out. Choosing to either go to a new city or a new country.

Anything related to matters of the mind


Hi there fastlaners and soon-to-be fastlaners.
I've got a question and would be grateful if you can advise me!

The question is, should I move out to a different city in uk, or should I move out and go to a city thats warm and sunny with more than 150 days of sun all year round like Perth in australia

So, for context, I'm a 25-year-old guy.

I've had a form of depression since the age of 16. I didn't complete my college because it was hard for me to focus and attend class, and then I went on to work in my father's business, which I did well, but it wasn't consistent. I sold a substantial worth of dead stock whenever I was there.


I developed an addiction to sex with escorts, which I still have today. I've been doing this at least 2 to 4 times per month since the age of 19. This happens with masturbation and progresses. Expensive addiction. I've read dopamine nation by Anna lembkhe and her advice helped alot.

9 months ago I made the decision to go to a holiday to Thailand for 6 months and that changed my life. I know whatever I was going though is curable. Im grateful for that experience. I felt so good every single day. Even the shitty weather that happened rarely wasnt so bad haha. Only did my addictive habit 1 time or 2 time in 6 months. That is success for me. My purpose was being achieved. That is a huge win for me.

I was eating well, exercising with HIIT workouts, drinking enough water, socializing, the sun tanned me like a dark cookie haha, and I felt cured and great.

Now, since I've been back to London, there have been highs and lows. I lost 20kg in Thailand and gained back 10kg here. I know when I'm happy, I can achieve absolutely anything and everything. Also, I have bad memories in this family house I live in.

New country, new life. That's how I see life. And the grass was Greener on the others side.

I've done the **WADM** (weighted Decision Matrix) on either staying or moving out, and every time it came back to moving out. I did it 3 to 4 times, and each time even with different factors, the decision was going on to moving out.

Then I did a WADM on either maybe moving to Manchester or Brisbane, Australia(this place because of a high hourly rate and its sunny with english speakers. Spain would've won but I don't speak Spanish, even though I love spain and theres low pay with high expenses)

Moving to Brisbane won.

Now the main issue I have is this.

Since I've stayed at my family's house, I'm able to save money but spend that on my addiction. But if I were to stay here and be more disciplined, I can generate around £2000 and save that monthly. Do that for 6 months, and I have £12k, plus some profits from the family business, which would be around £10,000. This I can use for an Amazon FBA business, for which I already have the wholesalers and distributors. My brother does FBA and generates a substantial amount.
He operates it from the family bussiness which saves him money and i can do the same but the only issue is, I hate staying here.

Is my issue with the family house? Should I move out and get a flat or a spare room? Or is my issue with this country?

I've subconsciously made a decision to go to Australia .
It may not sound logical but to me it's what I need.
Yes I'm letting go of around £24k per year which I could save and invest into a bussiness if I stayed at my family house but I just feel like I'm not progressing and it may be inconsistent.

I'm only staying at the family house because of comfort I think. Not progressing rather going backwards. My heart tells me to go to Brisbane or even Manchester, and I'll figure it out there. I'll be happy. I'll progress much more. Happy to hear all your suggestions. Thank you!!
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Feb 20, 2018
I have no advice on your move but I'd take that addiction very seriously. Could be some dire consequences one day that will be with you for life. The good news is you showed in Thailand that you have hope as most sex addicts would be crumbling 1 to 2 times in a day in that country.

I can say I moved from Western Washington which has at least a six month sun block period and even though moved to rough weather place of Oklahoma, I absolutely love winters with less snowing the few times a year as the sun comes out a lot and to have it year round has been amazing for my mood and other facets of life.
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