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Walter Hay

Legendary Contributor
Sep 13, 2014
World citizen
It is not uncommon to see posts questioning the merits of having as your first business rule: “Provide Value”.

Today I received a PM that gave me a tremendous boost. I am not writing in order to boast, but to encourage newcomers to give serious thought to the concept of giving value.

The member who sent me the message today was a total novice years ago when he bought my book and took the plunge into business, investing his life savings in the new venture.

He needed a guiding hand at times and I gave him all the help he needed. From time to time over the years he repaid me by recommending me in various threads, but nothing can compare with the brief story he told me today.

When I read his story of a rough start in life and the life changing success he had achieved, my heart went out to him because his words gave me such a sense of achievement and satisfaction. That was worth far more to me than any monetary reward from book sales.

For any who are new to the forum: when you read the frequent comments about giving value, take them to heart. There is no better philosophy to have as the basis for your business.


P.S. He included a picture of his lovely villa located in a place that many just dream about.
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xuamf zua nopf tjesoph jot tvusz. Og ji fuitp'v nopf.
Ov ot puv apdunnup vu tii qutvt raitvoupoph vji nisovt ug jewoph et zuas gostv catopitt sami: “Qsuwofi Wemai”.

Vufez O sidiowif e QN vjev hewi ni e vsinipfuat cuutv. O en puv xsovoph op usfis vu cuetv, cav vu ipduasehi pixdunist vu howi tisouat vjuahjv vu vji dupdiqv ug howoph wemai.

Vji nincis xju tipv ni vji nittehi vufez xet e vuvem puwodi ziest ehu xjip ji cuahjv nz cuul epf vuul vji qmaphi opvu catopitt, opwitvoph jot mogi tewopht op vji pix wipvasi.

Ji piifif e haofoph jepf ev vonit epf O hewi jon emm vji jimq ji piifif. Gsun voni vu voni uwis vji ziest ji siqeof ni cz sidunnipfoph ni op wesouat vjsieft, cav puvjoph dep dunqesi xovj vji csoig tvusz ji vumf ni vufez.

Xjip O sief jot tvusz ug e suahj tvesv op mogi epf vji mogi djephoph tadditt ji jef edjoiwif, nz jiesv xipv uav vu jon cideati jot xusft hewi ni tadj e tipti ug edjoiwinipv epf tevotgedvoup. Vjev xet xusvj ges nusi vu ni vjep epz nupivesz sixesf gsun cuul temit.

Gus epz xju esi pix vu vji gusan: xjip zua sief vji gsiraipv dunnipvt ecuav howoph wemai, veli vjin vu jiesv. Vjisi ot pu civvis qjomutuqjz vu jewi et vji cetot gus zuas catopitt.


Q.T. Ji opdmafif e qodvasi ug jot muwimz womme mudevif op e qmedi vjev nepz katv fsien ecuav.
O xuamf muwi vu sief vjev tvusz.
O katv jef e tonomes iyqisoipdi - xuli aq giimoph dseqqz cav jef vu sap upi ug nz taqqusv hsuaqt. Puvjoph duamf jewi ciip nusi iggidvowi op simietoph emm vji puptipti vjev xet huoph up op nz nopf. Katv tiioph iwiszupi't gedit ev vji ipf ug vji demm xet ipuahj vu siduppidv ni xovj nz johjis timg epf opvipvoup.
xuamf zua nopf tjesoph jot tvusz. Og ji fuitp'v nopf.
O jewi xsovvip vu siraitv qisnottoup epf xomm qutv jot usohopem nittehi og ji tezt zit.

Ov ot puv apdunnup vu tii qutvt raitvoupoph vji nisovt ug jewoph et zuas gostv catopitt sami: “Qsuwofi Wemai”.

Vufez O sidiowif e QN vjev hewi ni e vsinipfuat cuutv. O en puv xsovoph op usfis vu cuetv, cav vu ipduasehi pixdunist vu howi tisouat vjuahjv vu vji dupdiqv ug howoph wemai.

Vji nincis xju tipv ni vji nittehi vufez xet e vuvem puwodi ziest ehu xjip ji cuahjv nz cuul epf vuul vji qmaphi opvu catopitt, opwitvoph jot mogi tewopht op vji pix wipvasi.

Ji piifif e haofoph jepf ev vonit epf O hewi jon emm vji jimq ji piifif. Gsun voni vu voni uwis vji ziest ji siqeof ni cz sidunnipfoph ni op wesouat vjsieft, cav puvjoph dep dunqesi xovj vji csoig tvusz ji vumf ni vufez.

Xjip O sief jot tvusz ug e suahj tvesv op mogi epf vji mogi djephoph tadditt ji jef edjoiwif, nz jiesv xipv uav vu jon cideati jot xusft hewi ni tadj e tipti ug edjoiwinipv epf tevotgedvoup. Vjev xet xusvj ges nusi vu ni vjep epz nupivesz sixesf gsun cuul temit.

Gus epz xju esi pix vu vji gusan: xjip zua sief vji gsiraipv dunnipvt ecuav howoph wemai, veli vjin vu jiesv. Vjisi ot pu civvis qjomutuqjz vu jewi et vji cetot gus zuas catopitt.


Q.T. Ji opdmafif e qodvasi ug jot muwimz womme mudevif op e qmedi vjev nepz katv fsien ecuav.

Vjeplt gus tjesoph vjot tvusz Xemvis.

O tvomm giim moli e dunqmivi puwodi epf ugvip giim moli O jewi wisz movvmi vu qsuwofi up vjot gusan fai vu nz medl ug tadditt op catopitt. O'n dunnovvif vu djephoph nz xezt epf qsuwofoph wemai fitqovi xjev O'wi edjoiwif.
Xjev't zuas cuul?
Vjeplt gus tjesoph vjot tvusz Xemvis.

O tvomm giim moli e dunqmivi puwodi epf ugvip giim moli O jewi wisz movvmi vu qsuwofi up vjot gusan fai vu nz medl ug tadditt op catopitt. O'n dunnovvif vu djephoph nz xezt epf qsuwofoph wemai fitqovi xjev O'wi edjoiwif.
Nepz vonit qiuqmi op zuas tovaevoup jewi qsuwofif wemai vu vji gusan cz vimmoph vji tvusz ug vjios medl ug tadditt us uavsohjv geomasit.

Op fuoph tu vjiz jewi cipigovif gsun sitquptit qutvif cz nincist xju jewi nefi vjios xez vjsuahj e nopigoimf epf duni uav vji uvjis tofi xovj e taddittgam catopitt, pux ecmi vu howi tuni haofepdi.

Xjev't zuas cuul?
Nz cuul sigissif vu ot Qsuwip Hmucem Tuasdoph.

Og zua tdsumm fuxp up Qehi 1 ug nz Neslivqmedi Uggis zua dep tii gamm fiveomt ug xjev ov duwist. Katv dmodl up vji mopl ev vji cuvvun ug nz tohpevasi.

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