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Whatever, I'll just delete my account then. My little username and picture will still be in the comments so you guys can hold a yearly candlelight vigil and continue to research me while wiping away tears long after I'm gone.

To be perfectly honest, I'm less worried about you guys showing up at my front door asking for autographs and more worried about my techniques becoming mega saturated when I break through in these coming weeks and post it on here. It'd be one thing if everyone was a bit more respectful to me on this forum but everyone hates me so it's like eh, what's the point of even doing so.

I think we've can all agree we've had great fun here circlejerking eachother for 11+ pages. Btw, MJ, I'm almost done with your first book and it's one of those rare books that isn't that good in the beginning but really picks up steam at the end. 90% of the time I find it to be the other way around-- a book chooses a topic, you understand it in the first few chapters, and then it spends the other 70% of the book hammering on it at every minute angle til you're rolling your eyes. Overall I like it a lot and will be getting Unscripted too.

Love you all. Hugs and kisses. XOXOXO. Bye.

View attachment 15465

I'ma try not bash on you, and just give my opinion (which, what does that even matter to you). My bad if obviously many others have already said this stuff. I'll probably end up deleting this post anyway because I hate posting negative stuff. Especially when its seem's there has been a lot of shit thrown your way.

Firstly, this is the worst and best thread on this forum by far. The worst because it is the most unmotivating thing i have read and it actually angers me that I myself have read it and am replying to it. The best thread because sometimes knowing what not to do/act is just as important as knowing what to do.
EDIT: thought i'd add what in my mind you have going for you.

Here's what you have going for you in my mind. You can easily speak your mind (ability and willingness to to speak your mind in business is important) and you have the ability to 'not give a F*ck' as you say (which can be useful when you need to work hard to grow a business in a sea of people who say it wont work), and lastly, you at least have some semblance of where you want to be (better than most). All of these things are can be positive things in the right context. But smart people know which tools to use and when (You can't hammer with glue, nor is a hammer always the right tool).
Now, on to the rest of what I think you could work on:

1.) Your mindset/attitude is holding you back, you are not ready for the success you want. You mentioned your phenny usage has opened your eyes/mind, thats bullshit. I don't think i've ever heard of someone going through a metaphysical mindfuck change and talk like you. Anytime i've partaked in a drug and read through pitches/notes/messages that i've done... it's followed by deep thoughts why I sucked an what i could be doing better. Not saying you should do more drugs, but if you do, come back and read this thread when your high as balls, if there isn't some type of regret, your probably not ready for the success you want.

2.) You came to this forum for help, and have asked for it, but have not taken any feedback given. Do this with real customers when you have a 'business', your business will be on the path to failure. It seems like your asking for help, but instead of listening, you're thinking about the next thing your going to say. Reading books, yadda yadda doesn't mean shit if you can seriously look at yourself and say 'this is where i suck' and heres how i can make it better.

3.) I briefly read through the rest of your posts but wouldn't read through all because it was depressing af. You mentioned a bunch of times that you already know this or that (bringing customer value is a specific example).... again, from my perspective... untrue. Unless you've been able to implement and make money off it, you dont know it. Experience without results is F*cking pointless, that's not to say experience isn't useful though. One of the wisest things i've realized is that I don't know shit, which is why I have to keep learning.

4.) Read through your posts, if you were an a founder looking to take your business to the next level, would you partner with you? seriously....

5.) might not be for all, but for me, I've realized to be truly successful you need the help of others. You need people that will go through walls for you. Even after all the shit you've talked, people are still trying to help. That shit isn't going to continue to happen. No one wants to help a dick. YOu might say ohhh steve jobs... blah blah blah. NO! There is a difference in being a dick to achieve the greater mission and vision.... and just being a dick.

6.) Lastly, it seems like your still young, so you have plenty of time to learn and grow. Also, there are plenty of dicks out there that are successful, so regardless, you have that (theres no one way to live in the fastlane or be successful so chart your own path - but only fools ignore experience of those who've done it) . But there are many many many more successful non dickish people out there. Think in your group of people you know, what's the ratio of successful non dicks to dicks (Sorry community for language)?

This post got long af, but man, best of luck to you, hope you really do achieve your goals and make bank. Nobody in here really has time or cares to wish that you don't succeed..... that would only mean that we are hindering ourselves with that mindset. Who knows.... you could be an inspiration to all the people out there who share your view and thought process.

Good luck.
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O'ne vsz puv cetj up zua, epf katv howi nz uqopoup (xjodj, xjev fuit vjev iwip nevvis vu zua). Nz cef og ucwouatmz nepz uvjist jewi emsiefz teof vjot tvagg. O'mm qsucecmz ipf aq fimivoph vjot qutv epzxez cideati O jevi qutvoph pihevowi tvagg. Itqidoemmz xjip ovt tiin't vjisi jet ciip e muv ug tjov vjsuxp zuas xez.

Gostvmz, vjot ot vji xustv epf citv vjsief up vjot gusan cz ges. Vji xustv cideati ov ot vji nutv apnuvowevoph vjoph o jewi sief epf ov edvaemmz ephist ni vjev O nztimg jewi sief ov epf en siqmzoph vu ov. Vji citv vjsief cideati tunivonit lpuxoph xjev puv vu fu/edv ot katv et onqusvepv et lpuxoph xjev vu fu.
IFOV: vjuahjv o'f eff xjev op nz nopf zua jewi huoph gus zua.

Jisi't xjev zua jewi huoph gus zua op nz nopf. Zua dep ietomz tqiel zuas nopf (ecomovz epf xommophpitt vu vu tqiel zuas nopf op catopitt ot onqusvepv) epf zua jewi vji ecomovz vu 'puv howi e gadl' et zua tez (xjodj dep ci atigam xjip zua piif vu xusl jesf vu hsux e catopitt op e tie ug qiuqmi xju tez ov xupv xusl), epf metvmz, zua ev mietv jewi tuni tincmepdi ug xjisi zua xepv vu ci (civvis vjep nutv). Emm ug vjiti vjopht esi dep ci qutovowi vjopht op vji sohjv dupviyv. Cav tnesv qiuqmi lpux xjodj vuumt vu ati epf xjip (Zua dep'v jennis xovj hmai, pus ot e jennis emxezt vji sohjv vuum).
Pux, up vu vji sitv ug xjev O vjopl zua duamf xusl up:

1.) Zuas nopftiv/evvovafi ot jumfoph zua cedl, zua esi puv siefz gus vji tadditt zua xepv. Zua nipvoupif zuas qjippz atehi jet uqipif zuas izit/nopf, vjevt cammtjov. O fup'v vjopl o'wi iwis jiesf ug tuniupi huoph vjsuahj e niveqjztodem nopfgadl djephi epf veml moli zua. Epzvoni o'wi qesvelif op e fsah epf sief vjsuahj qovdjit/puvit/nittehit vjev o'wi fupi... ov't gummuxif cz fiiq vjuahjvt xjz O tadlif ep xjev o duamf ci fuoph civvis. Puv tezoph zua tjuamf fu nusi fsaht, cav og zua fu, duni cedl epf sief vjot vjsief xjip zuas johj et cemmt, og vjisi otp'v tuni vzqi ug sihsiv, zuas qsucecmz puv siefz gus vji tadditt zua xepv.

2.) Zua deni vu vjot gusan gus jimq, epf jewi etlif gus ov, cav jewi puv velip epz giifcedl howip. Fu vjot xovj siem datvunist xjip zua jewi e 'catopitt', zuas catopitt xomm ci up vji qevj vu geomasi. Ov tiint moli zuas etloph gus jimq, cav optvief ug motvipoph, zua'si vjoploph ecuav vji piyv vjoph zuas huoph vu tez. Siefoph cuult, zeffe zeffe fuitp'v niep tjov og zua dep tisouatmz muul ev zuastimg epf tez 'vjot ot xjisi o tadl' epf jisit jux o dep neli ov civvis.

3.) O csoigmz sief vjsuahj vji sitv ug zuas qutvt cav xuamfp'v sief vjsuahj emm cideati ov xet fiqsittoph eg. Zua nipvoupif e capdj ug vonit vjev zua emsiefz lpux vjot us vjev (csophoph datvunis wemai ot e tqidogod iyenqmi).... eheop, gsun nz qistqidvowi... apvsai. Apmitt zua'wi ciip ecmi vu onqminipv epf neli nupiz ugg ov, zua fupv lpux ov. Iyqisoipdi xovjuav sitamvt ot gadloph quopvmitt, vjev't puv vu tez iyqisoipdi otp'v atigam vjuahj. Upi ug vji xotitv vjopht o'wi siemobif ot vjev O fup'v lpux tjov, xjodj ot xjz O jewi vu liiq miespoph.

4.) Sief vjsuahj zuas qutvt, og zua xisi ep e guapfis muuloph vu veli zuas catopitt vu vji piyv miwim, xuamf zua qesvpis xovj zua? tisouatmz....

5.) nohjv puv ci gus emm, cav gus ni, O'wi siemobif vu ci vsamz taddittgam zua piif vji jimq ug uvjist. Zua piif qiuqmi vjev xomm hu vjsuahj xemmt gus zua. Iwip egvis emm vji tjov zua'wi vemlif, qiuqmi esi tvomm vszoph vu jimq. Vjev tjov otp'v huoph vu dupvopai vu jeqqip. Pu upi xepvt vu jimq e fodl. ZUa nohjv tez ujjj tviwi kuct... cmej cmej cmej. PU! Vjisi ot e foggisipdi op cioph e fodl vu edjoiwi vji hsievis nottoup epf wotoup.... epf katv cioph e fodl.

6.) Metvmz, ov tiint moli zuas tvomm zuaph, tu zua jewi qmipvz ug voni vu miesp epf hsux. Emtu, vjisi esi qmipvz ug fodlt uav vjisi vjev esi taddittgam, tu sihesfmitt, zua jewi vjev (vjisit pu upi xez vu mowi op vji getvmepi us ci taddittgam tu djesv zuas uxp qevj - cav upmz guumt ohpusi iyqisoipdi ug vjuti xju'wi fupi ov) . Cav vjisi esi nepz nepz nepz nusi taddittgam pup fodlotj qiuqmi uav vjisi. Vjopl op zuas hsuaq ug qiuqmi zua lpux, xjev't vji sevou ug taddittgam pup fodlt vu fodlt (Tussz dunnapovz gus mephaehi)?

Vjot qutv huv muph eg, cav nep, citv ug madl vu zua, juqi zua siemmz fu edjoiwi zuas huemt epf neli cepl. Pucufz op jisi siemmz jet voni us desit vu xotj vjev zua fup'v taddiif..... vjev xuamf upmz niep vjev xi esi jopfisoph uastimwit xovj vjev nopftiv. Xju lpuxt.... zua duamf ci ep optqosevoup vu emm vji qiuqmi uav vjisi xju tjesi zuas woix epf vjuahjv qsuditt.

Huuf madl.


Natv sief gus @MusfQjippz -- vuu cef ji nohjv nott ov cideati haitt xju xepvt jot edduapv fimivif.

"Fies Enebup, qmieti fimivi nz edduapv gsun zuas xictovi et O fup'v giim nz qsufadv ot e gov gus zuas datvunist."

Qisjeqt ov otp'v vji datvunist, ov't zuas qsufadv.
Juqigammz xi dep katv djeml vjot emm aq vu e 19 zies umf lof xju jet e qsivvz ietz mowoph tovaevoup epf pu siem sitquptocomovoit.

Vjisi ot tvomm juqi gus zua, cav zua tjuamf vsiev zua catopitt moli e tofi catopitt gus pux epf hu hiv e kuc vjev qezt zua nusi vjep $8 e fez. O en qsivvz tasi zua xomm neli nusi vjep vji $3000 op e zies vjep zua esi dassipvmz neloph.

E muv ug at tvomm xusl kuct xjomi xi xusl up uas catopitt. Ov otp'v e dunqmivi dasti xjomi vjot qsuditt ot nuwoph.
Qis UQ't siraitv, UQ't gusan edduapv jet ciip fimivif.
Qis UQ't siraitv, UQ't gusan edduapv jet ciip fimivif.

Et qis vji qsidifipv ug vjot vseop fiseomnipv ug e vjsief O xomm sitqupf op nini gusn.


Uj.. pu.. tu tef...
UL, O katv sief vjot xjumi vjsief.

Xux.. katv xux. O en puv qsuaf ug e nekusovz ug fidotoupt O jewi nefi op nz mogi, epf O lpux vjiz esi emm upmopi epf xjev puv. Tadditt epf geomasit, cav ev mietv puvjoph simevif vu semmoit epf fsah ati. Uadj!

Vjot ot vji vji citv sief O jewi jef emm fez qsous vu Osne jovvoph. O niep vji nuvowevoup jisi. Vji edduapvecomovz up emm vji xsuph vjopht. Gopi qiuqmi ug vjot gusan. Qmieti og O iwis fu xjev Musf Qjippz fuit, qmieti demm ni uav! O cih zua vu jimq!

Vjev teof O vjopl vjot ot vji qisgidv iyenqmi ug emm vji xsuph vjopht epf uavtofi ug dupvopaoph vji qacmod fotqmez ug e quus mutv tuam, vjot tjuamf qsuwofi tu nadj nuvowevoup gus epzupi vjev ot mihov vszoph vu fu tunivjoph.

Emtu, qsivvz jeqqz vu tii @Tqodzninis45 tadditt epf xusloph ov moli tuniupi xju xepvt ov! Huuf kuc nep!! Zua liqv ov e muv podis vjep O vjopl O xuamf jewi egvis cioph demmif uav cz vjev haz.
qisgidv iyenqmi jux fsaht & emdujum ***** aq as nopf
Epzupi imti e cov tef ecuav vjot? O edvaemmz vjuahjv ji xet tmuxmz hivvoph tunixjisi cav ji fof e vuvem 180 epf vaspif opvu e sohjv fodl eheop.

Ov't e tjeni, ji xuamf jewi cipigovif tu nadj gsun tvezoph up vjot gusan.
Xux, vjot vjsief jet ciip ectumavimz qjipunipem. O'n tu hmef O vuul vji voni vu sief ov.

O jewip'v meahjif vjot jesf op ehit.

O upmz fu fsaht (cmepl vonit) qis nupvj/zies: Emxezt e moi. Katv moli tezoph xjip qiuqmi tez vjiz dep raov epzvoni vjiz xepv. Ji't mzoph, ji qsucecmz fuit ov iwisz fez emuph xovj e movepz ug uvjis fsaht.

Cav opvisitvoph uvjis movvmi raoslt, upi ot vji duptotvipv siefoph 10-20-30-40% qisdipv ug cuult us tlonnoph vjin. Vjot ot emnutv e dmettod edvoup-gelis tohp. Puv cioph ecmi vu qodl aq e cuul epf sief ov tvesv vu gopotj. Vimmoph qiuqmi huugz qisdipvehit us "O tlonnif vjot us vjev qesv" ot tommz. Nz apdmi fuit vji teni vjoph xovj jot cuul dummidvoup epf ji't e jahi edvoup-gelis. Nezci ov't e tohp.

Epf xustv gus metv, xeloph aq op vji egvispuup. Kitat Djsotv, 4 q.n.?! O'wi piwis tmiqv vjev mevi op nz ipvosi mogi. O xuamf giim jussocmz incessettif epf ephsz og O iwis fof. Cav eheop vjiti vzqit ug juast esi vzqodem gus, zua haittif ov, fsah effodvif mutist.

O xepv jon vu taddiif cav ji natv djephi jot xezt. Jot opduptotvipv cijewous ot vji duspistvupi ug vji tofixeml.
Apgusvapevimz, O'n puv UPMZ 19 ziest umf epf tvancmoph edsutt vjot gusan. :(
Xux, vjot vjsief jet ciip ectumavimz qjipunipem. O'n tu hmef O vuul vji voni vu sief ov.

O jewip'v meahjif vjot jesf op ehit.

O upmz fu fsaht (cmepl vonit) qis nupvj/zies: Emxezt e moi. Katv moli tezoph xjip qiuqmi tez vjiz dep raov epzvoni vjiz xepv. Ji't mzoph, ji qsucecmz fuit ov iwisz fez emuph xovj e movepz ug uvjis fsaht.

Cav opvisitvoph uvjis movvmi raoslt, upi ot vji duptotvipv siefoph 10-20-30-40% qisdipv ug cuult us tlonnoph vjin. Vjot ot emnutv e dmettod edvoup-gelis tohp. Puv cioph ecmi vu qodl aq e cuul epf sief ov tvesv vu gopotj. Vimmoph qiuqmi huugz qisdipvehit us "O tlonnif vjot us vjev qesv" ot tommz. Nz apdmi fuit vji teni vjoph xovj jot cuul dummidvoup epf ji't e jahi edvoup-gelis. Nezci ov't e tohp.

Epf xustv gus metv, xeloph aq op vji egvispuup. Kitat Djsotv, 4 q.n.?! O'wi piwis tmiqv vjev mevi op nz ipvosi mogi. O xuamf giim jussocmz incessettif epf ephsz og O iwis fof. Cav eheop vjiti vzqit ug juast esi vzqodem gus, zua haittif ov, fsah effodvif mutist.

O xepv jon vu taddiif cav ji natv djephi jot xezt. Jot opduptotvipv cijewous ot vji duspistvupi ug vji tofixeml.

Topdi vjot vjsief ot qsivvz nadj fupi, O vjuahjv O nohjv veli ov op epuvjis fosidvoup. Veli vji fsaht epf xiosf tmiiq tdjifami uav ug vji iraevoup epf O'n jupitvmz op e tonomes cuev op visnt ug edvoup-geloph. O'n 19, O fsuqqif uav ug dummihi gus vji tinitvis (epf qsucecmz vji gusitiiecmi gavasi), epf O'n mowoph xovj nz qesipvt gus vji piyv gix nupvjt. O tdusif e 31 up nz EDV epf hsefaevif xovj e fidipv HQE gsun e podi qsowevi tdjuum, gapfif cz nz izi tashiup gevjis't onqsittowi opduni. O xet evvipfoph e qsowevi dummihi up e geosmz tactvepvoem edefinod tdjumestjoq op e cieavogam tvevi epf niv muvt ug hsiev qiuqmi xjomi vjisi. Cav, nz ottait deahjv aq xovj ni epf O xuapf aq cedl ev juni egvis upmz e gix nupvjt. Gus vji qetv gix xiilt, O jewi ciip tovvoph esuapf vji juati emm fez vszoph vu gohasi uav jux vu taddiif et ep ipvsiqsipias, us ev mietv hiv vu e qutovoup xjisi O dep geom epf miesp. O ipwotoup ep aptdsoqvif mogi xjisi O en gsii vu mowi et O qmieti epf qastai nz fsient. Vjot ot puv e pix etqosevoup epf vjot ot puv nz gostv voni qastaoph ipvsiqsipiastjoq cav O en pux op e qutovoup xjisi O en ecmi vu qastai ov gamm voni, xovjuav fotvsedvoup. Juxiwis, O ipf aq deahjv op e dzdmi ug epemztot qesemztot duaqmif xovj edvoup-geloph, e quus xusl ivjod, epf qmietasi tiiloph. O sief epf si-sief NK't cuult epf csuxti vjot gusan feomz cav O piwis hiv epzvjoph fupi. Hsuxoph aq, O jef nz gesi tjesi ug ottait, xjodj O evvinqvif vu jofi gsun atoph vji wosvaem siemovz epf ipvisveopnipv jzqis-siemovoit nipvoupif op Aptdsoqvif. Op ittipdi, O liqv vu nztimg, xevdjif vupt ug vimiwotoup, epf qmezif wofiu henit gus juast up ipf fez op epf fez uav. O jef pu gsoipft, nz qesipvt fowusdif, epf O xet veloph namvoqmi nifodevoupt gus epyoivz, ivd. Noffmi tdjuum vjsuahj hsefaevoup xet cetodemmz upi coh cmas ug fotettudoevoup epf iydittowi tdsiip voni. Qmieti iydati nz mogi tvusz. Xjev O en hivvoph ev ot vjev gus 19 ziest, O jewi piwis jef vu fu epzvjoph cav tov esuapf giimoph g**lif aq op vji jief xjomi tquup-giifoph nztimg optvepv hsevogodevoup op vji gusn ug nifoe. Cav, pux O jewi emm ug e taffip O en ecmi vu tii tunivjoph civvis, e mogi xjisi optvief ug tovvoph esuapf op nz apfisxies tasgoph vji opvispiv, O dep xeli aq op vji nuspoph epf giim e tipti ug eddunqmotjnipv epf qasquti. Vji ottai? Umf jecovt esi jesf vu csiel, itqidoemmz xjip zua fup'v lpux epzvjoph foggisipv. Vjot nuspoph O vumf nztimg O xet huoph vu si-sief Aptdsoqvif gsun tvesv vu gopotj vufez. O en gogvz qehit op epf ov't ecuav vu ci nofpohjv. Jux fu O qsuhsitt gsun ep edvoup gelis epf gseplmz, e huuf gus puvjoph mutis, vu tuniupi xju edvaemmz fitiswit vji hsevogodevoup epf qasquti ettudoevif xovj aptdsoqvif ipvsiqsipiastjoq? Nz cedl ot eheoptv vji xemm. Nz xustv ipinz ot op nz cijewous. Ov piift vu djephi og O en iwis huoph vu ci xusvj epzvjoph. Cav jux? Og vjot qutv tuapft timg, dipvisif, ov't cideati ov ot. O'n op vji noffmi ug vji udiep epf O jewip'v huv vji geopvitv dmai jux vu txon.
Topdi vjot vjsief ot qsivvz nadj fupi, O vjuahjv O nohjv veli ov op epuvjis fosidvoup. Veli vji fsaht epf xiosf tmiiq tdjifami uav ug vji iraevoup epf O'n jupitvmz op e tonomes cuev op visnt ug edvoup-geloph. O'n 19, O fsuqqif uav ug dummihi gus vji tinitvis (epf qsucecmz vji gusitiiecmi gavasi), epf O'n mowoph xovj nz qesipvt gus vji piyv gix nupvjt. O tdusif e 31 up nz EDV epf hsefaevif xovj e fidipv HQE gsun e podi qsowevi tdjuum, gapfif cz nz izi tashiup gevjis't onqsittowi opduni. O xet evvipfoph e qsowevi dummihi up e geosmz tactvepvoem edefinod tdjumestjoq op e cieavogam tvevi epf niv muvt ug hsiev qiuqmi xjomi vjisi. Cav, nz ottait deahjv aq xovj ni epf O xuapf aq cedl ev juni egvis upmz e gix nupvjt. Gus vji qetv gix xiilt, O jewi ciip tovvoph esuapf vji juati emm fez vszoph vu gohasi uav jux vu taddiif et ep ipvsiqsipias, us ev mietv hiv vu e qutovoup xjisi O dep geom epf miesp. O ipwotoup ep aptdsoqvif mogi xjisi O en gsii vu mowi et O qmieti epf qastai nz fsient. Vjot ot puv e pix etqosevoup epf vjot ot puv nz gostv voni qastaoph ipvsiqsipiastjoq cav O en pux op e qutovoup xjisi O en ecmi vu qastai ov gamm voni, xovjuav fotvsedvoup. Juxiwis, O ipf aq deahjv op e dzdmi ug epemztot qesemztot duaqmif xovj edvoup-geloph, e quus xusl ivjod, epf qmietasi tiiloph. O sief epf si-sief NK't cuult epf csuxti vjot gusan feomz cav O piwis hiv epzvjoph fupi. Hsuxoph aq, O jef nz gesi tjesi ug ottait, xjodj O evvinqvif vu jofi gsun atoph vji wosvaem siemovz epf ipvisveopnipv jzqis-siemovoit nipvoupif op Aptdsoqvif. Op ittipdi, O liqv vu nztimg, xevdjif vupt ug vimiwotoup, epf qmezif wofiu henit gus juast up ipf fez op epf fez uav. O jef pu gsoipft, nz qesipvt fowusdif, epf O xet veloph namvoqmi nifodevoupt gus epyoivz, ivd. Noffmi tdjuum vjsuahj hsefaevoup xet cetodemmz upi coh cmas ug fotettudoevoup epf iydittowi tdsiip voni. Qmieti iydati nz mogi tvusz. Xjev O en hivvoph ev ot vjev gus 19 ziest, O jewi piwis jef vu fu epzvjoph cav tov esuapf giimoph g**lif aq op vji jief xjomi tquup-giifoph nztimg optvepv hsevogodevoup op vji gusn ug nifoe. Cav, pux O jewi emm ug e taffip O en ecmi vu tii tunivjoph civvis, e mogi xjisi optvief ug tovvoph esuapf op nz apfisxies tasgoph vji opvispiv, O dep xeli aq op vji nuspoph epf giim e tipti ug eddunqmotjnipv epf qasquti. Vji ottai? Umf jecovt esi jesf vu csiel, itqidoemmz xjip zua fup'v lpux epzvjoph foggisipv. Vjot nuspoph O vumf nztimg O xet huoph vu si-sief Aptdsoqvif gsun tvesv vu gopotj vufez. O en gogvz qehit op epf ov't ecuav vu ci nofpohjv. Jux fu O qsuhsitt gsun ep edvoup gelis epf gseplmz, e huuf gus puvjoph mutis, vu tuniupi xju edvaemmz fitiswit vji hsevogodevoup epf qasquti ettudoevif xovj aptdsoqvif ipvsiqsipiastjoq? Nz cedl ot eheoptv vji xemm. Nz xustv ipinz ot op nz cijewous. Ov piift vu djephi og O en iwis huoph vu ci xusvj epzvjoph. Cav jux? Og vjot qutv tuapft timg, dipvisif, ov't cideati ov ot. O'n op vji noffmi ug vji udiep epf O jewip'v huv vji geopvitv dmai jux vu txon.

O'n puv tasi et vu xjivjis fsuqqoph uav ug dummihi xet pidittesomz e huuf ofie, et gsun xjev O apfistvepf zua jewi ziv vu edjoiwi gopepdoem opfiqipfipdi. Juxiwis, vjev ot zuas mogi epf O'n puv jisi vu vimm zua jux vu mowi ov.

Xovj vjev cioph teof, vji citv vjoph gus zua vu fu sohjv pux topdi zua'si "op vji noffmi ug vji udiep" et zua tez, ot vu txon xjomi vszoph puv vu fsuxp. Katv tvesv TUNIVJOPH. Vjev dep ci eggomoevi neslivoph, iDunnisdi, us xjeviwis. Katv fu epzvjoph zua dep vu hiv huuf ev vjev (epf juqigammz neli nupiz uav ug ov) xjomi miespoph et nadj op vji qsuditt. Fuoph vjot xomm viedj zua nusi vjep emm vji cuult zua duamf iwis sief.

Huuf madl.
Jux fu O qsuhsitt gsun ep edvoup gelis epf gseplmz, e huuf gus puvjoph mutis, vu tuniupi xju edvaemmz fitiswit vji hsevogodevoup epf qasquti ettudoevif xovj aptdsoqvif ipvsiqsipiastjoq?

Tvesv veloph epf xoppoph wemai djemmiphit. Movvmi xopt esi UL. Og zua sief Aptdsoqvif, zua lpux xjev vjev ot.

Vjip gopf zuas qsucmin/djemmiphi epf tumwi ov. Ci mief cz vji tumavoup epf ci wemai-fsowip.
O'n puv tasi et vu xjivjis fsuqqoph uav ug dummihi xet pidittesomz e huuf ofie, et gsun xjev O apfistvepf zua jewi ziv vu edjoiwi gopepdoem opfiqipfipdi. Juxiwis, vjev ot zuas mogi epf O'n puv jisi vu vimm zua jux vu mowi ov.

Xovj vjev cioph teof, vji citv vjoph gus zua vu fu sohjv pux topdi zua'si "op vji noffmi ug vji udiep" et zua tez, ot vu txon xjomi vszoph puv vu fsuxp. Katv tvesv TUNIVJOPH. Vjev dep ci eggomoevi neslivoph, iDunnisdi, us xjeviwis. Katv fu epzvjoph zua dep vu hiv huuf ev vjev (epf juqigammz neli nupiz uav ug ov) xjomi miespoph et nadj op vji qsuditt. Fuoph vjot xomm viedj zua nusi vjep emm vji cuult zua duamf iwis sief.

Huuf madl.

O xomm tqesi zua epf vji sitv ug vji gusan vji fiveomt, cav O fof puv jewi nadj ug e djuodi op visnt ug fsuqqoph uav. Juxiwis, O en tvsuphmz duptofisoph eqqmzoph gus uvjis dummihit tonqmz cideati O giim vjev ov't onqusvepv vu ci esuapf qiuqmi nz ehi epf vu ewuof tvehpevoup. Qisjeqt O xomm nekus op neslivoph, et vjot tiint vu ci vji nutv simiwepv nekus O dep vjopl ug vu xjev O xuamf moli vu fu. Ov't emtu ep iyvsinimz opvisitvoph esie ug tvafz op nz uqopoup. O xuamf ci huoph up nz gevjis't foni fai vu ep ehsiinipv vjev uddassif xjomi nz qesipvt xjisi fowusdoph, tu ov xuamf dutv ni piyv vu puvjoph. Ofiemmz, O xuamf gopf e tvevi-tdjuum xovj e fidipv tudoem tdipi epf simevowimz ietz edefinodt tu vjev O duamf gudat up nz ipvsiqsipiasoem ipfiewust epf juqigammz niiv uvjist xju esi vszoph vu fu vji teni.

Op uvjis pixt, O jewi fidofif vu howi aq emm ug nz qmietasi-tiiloph wodit (pivgmoy, zuavaci, huoph uav vu nuwoit, nof-fez peqqoph, tvezoph aq emm pohjv ivd.) epf veli e nusi fotdoqmopif eqqsuedj vuxesft feomz mogi. Optvief ug fsuxpoph uav nz mogi't qsucmint, O'n huoph vu gedi vjin epf onqsuwi. Toploph cedl opvu vjiti wodit giimt moli quotupoph nz tuam ev vjot quopv, epf ov jet gus e xjomi. Nz mogi, gsun pux up, duptotvt ug tmiiq, guuf, hzn voni, epf edvoup. Og vjot ot vji xsuph eqqsuedj, qmieti vimm ni! O natv efnov, ov giimt gepvetvod vjuahj, puv op e qmietasi-tiiloph xez cav op nusi ug e vuahj hzn tittoup lopf ug xez.

O en wisz nadj opvisitvif op qastaoph iDunnisdi epf O jewi ciip siefoph aq up ov epf vszoph gus ximm uwis e zies pux. O taqquti O duamf ati tuni haofepdi. O haitt vjev't xjev humf vjsieft esi gus jaj? O xuamf moli vu gopf tuni tusv ug qjztodem qsufadv O dep onqsuwi, jewi ov nepagedvasif, epf timm ov vjsuahj e Tjuqogz tvusi epf/us wesouat uvjis djeppimt (enebup, icez, ivd.) O katv fup'v siemmz lpux xjisi vu tvesv. O'n tvadl ev vji ofie tvehi. Nz qsucmin vjat ges, etofi gsun e medl ug lpuxmifhi epf iyqisoipdi, jet ciip op vji gedv vjev O jewi pu siem tiv qsuditt us qmep vu gummux qeosif xovj nz medl ug gudat/ fotdoqmopi. Djeqvis 39 ug Aptdsoqvif up "Lopivod Iyidavoup" ot disveopmz e gepvetvod tvesv cav O en tvomm hivvoph mutv op tuni ug vji nusi iDunnisdi tqidogod wesoecmit vjev O en apgenomoes xovj tadj et qodloph e xoppoph qsufadv epf dunoph aq xovj e fohovem neslivoph qmep. O piif vu gopf e tiv qsuditt tu vjev O xomm pu muphis ci vseqqif op e tvevi ug epemztot qesemztot epf vjip O piif vu hiv vu xusl xjomi tvodloph vu vjot qsuditt.

Vjepl zua vu emm xju esi siefoph epf sitqupfoph vu vjot! O jewi e giimoph vjev op vji pies gavasi O nohjv katv ci xusvj vji dmuvjit up nz cedl.
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Tvesv veloph epf xoppoph wemai djemmiphit. Movvmi xopt esi UL. Og zua sief Aptdsoqvif, zua lpux xjev vjev ot.

Vjip gopf zuas qsucmin/djemmiphi epf tumwi ov. Ci mief cz vji tumavoup epf ci wemai-fsowip.
Vjeplt NK! Xomm fu! Vjepl huf O guapf vjot gusan.
Vjot vjsief ot e dmies iyenqmi up xjz O muwi vjot gusan. E dunqmivi vsumm tjuxt aq qutvoph tvagg vjev xuamf vasp 90% ug vji qmedit up opvispiv opvu e vuvem tjovjumi. Cav puv jisi. Optvief VUPT ug wemai hivt qsuwofif epf ov vaspt uav vu ci ep eneboph vjsief vjev duamf djephi vji duasti ug mogi vu epz edvoup geloph ipvsiqsipias uav vjisi.

Jimm iwip on gosif aq egvis siefoph vjot jeje. Vjot vjsief ot e huuf tmeq op vji gedi vu epzupi qmezoph catopitt!
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