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8 Steps That Will Radically Change Your Life in 30 Days or Less, Guaranteed.

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#1: Accept Reality: There Are No Shortcuts. Real Change Requires a Real Process.

Let’s first get the uncomfortable shit out of the way.

Anything worthwhile in life will require a worthwhile effort. There are no shortcuts. There are NO silver bullets, NO magic pills, and NO secret sauces. If you’re still trolling the internet looking for this stuff, move along. You’ve got the wrong forum, the wrong article, and the wrong author.

So lets start with the old guru mantra “take action!

We say it a lot around here: Take action! Take action!

While action is important, action isn’t what creates change.

Taking action, by itself, is just an event that produces little, if any results. In fact, “taking action” is right behind “do what you love” as one of the biggest guru hoaxes ever perpetrated on the self-improvement industry.


Here’s why.

“Taking action” is merely a micro-task to a process, and a process is what precedes real change.

What’s a process? A process is a systematized series of focused actions. A process is repeated. A process is “taking action X 1000" and making adjustments along the way.

Once a process is established it then becomes a habit, which then integrates the process into your mind as automatic, instinctual, and almost subconscious. It actually becomes woven into your existence. The result is a lifestyle which ultimately creates the change you want. The change isn’t fleeting or short-lived, but permanent. Short-cuts are short for a reason— they don’t last.

Unfortunately, most people leverage “taking action” into some sort of mental masturbation trick designed to give us a fleeting "feel good" moment. It’s a temporary exercise orchestrated to fool yourself into thinking that you are doing something, when in actuality, you’re just painting lipstick on the pig. You’re committed to the idea of change, but not committed to the process of change.

Hit the gym the first week of January. See all those people? They’re committed to the idea of change (which are just fleeting thoughts) but not committed to the process (which is the focused action). By February, 95% of them will be gone.

View attachment 6828

You see, going to the gym constitutes “taking action”. However, if you never return, will anything really change? Not a damn thing except for that moment of “feel good” which is now, long gone.

Want to eat better and shed a few pounds? Great— for lunch you have steamed halibut and broccoli. Awesome choice. Healthy and nutritious, a perfect decision for your goals. Unfortunately, for dinner you’re back at the old double-bacon cheeseburger with fries. Again, absolutely nothing has changed despite “taking action.”

Ever hear someone say “I’m on a diet?” What they’re really saying is this:

I am NOT committed to permanent change.
I am NOT committed to the process.
I am NOT committed to a transformation from action, to habit.

The word diet implicitly means FAIL. Diets are event-driven based on “taking action” — but the word implies temporary, which implies failure of process.

Diets die and only succeed when they become lifestyles, making the diet, no diet at all— but a simple way of living.

You see, your lifestyle is what produces the real change you seek. That’s how you make a difference in your life. No pill, no diet, and no book can give you the “secret” — the secret lies within yourself, your process, and your expectations of that process.

Focused action > Committed and Repeated > Habit > Lifestyle.

#2: Identify What You Want

What exactly do you want?

Envision yourself time-shifting 1 year into the future at a New Years Eve party. Envision yourself celebrating the year that was, the year that changed EVERYTHING. Take a moment and reflect on the accomplishments you are celebrating in this moment.

Do you want to lose 60 pounds and did it? Did you eat better and got your cholesterol down to 180? Did you enter a fitness competition and placed in the top three? Did you start a new business and doubled your income? Quit your job? Met your soulmate? Complete a full length novel?

Identify EXACTLY what you want to feel in this moment and envision yourself there.

If you don't know where you want to go, you don't know the road that will get you there.

#3: Apply Mathematics To That End Goal, If Possible

Now that you’ve envisioned how awesome your new year will be, attach a numerical figure to your goal.

If “lose weight” is the goal, this would translate into “Lose 25 pounds” or “Get to 15% bodyfat”. Likewise, if your goal is to “start a business” you would need to identify a numerical number, say sales, profits, or # of customers.

The mathematics of the change is crucially important as subjective milestones cannot be measured, and often are action-fakes for real progress.

For example, if “start a business” is the goal, what measure identifies meeting the goal? The moment you get business cards? Or a fancy logo? The moment you launch the website?

While these milestones are apart of the process, they are merely circle-jerking action-fakes designed to make us think that we’ve accomplished a goal, when the real goal should be a sustainable mathematical momentum that keeps us moving toward habitual and addictive producing results.

If it cannot be sustained, it isn’t real — it isn’t habit and it isn’t lifestyle.

#4: Segment The End Goal Into It’s Daily “Take-Action” Step

After you isolate what you want to achieve and quantified it, break down that achievement into its core “take action” component, or what I call “the daily target”. What daily routine will get you there?

For example, if your objective is to write a novel, your daily target could be to write 500 words everyday, or a minimum of 2 hours. If your objective is 12% body fat and six-pack abs, your daily target would be to either workout and/or eat no more than 2,000 calories. The important thing here is to isolate the micro-task that builds the process.

If your goal cannot be measured, use a daily accounting instead. For example, on my attached spreadsheet I have an end goal as “education” — I want to expand my knowledge. In order create change in this area, I will strive to learn something new everyday. Doing so completes the task.

#5: Identify What Threatens The Daily Target.

In other words, you need to identify what IS NOT working. What can and will threaten your daily target? There’s that old adage: The definition of insanity is to keep doing the same thing while expecting different results. In other words, the choices you made this YEAR resulted in the CONSEQUENCES you have NOW.

In order to hit the daily targets you’ve set, you’ve got to identify exactly WHAT will stop you from achieving them. Why have you failed for the last 10 years? What things do you need to stop doing to make this happen THIS YEAR? Success is more about what you need to STOP doing versus START doing.
  • Are you spending 5 hours a day on Facebook playing the latest and greatest game?
  • Are you jumping from one idea to the next with no focused action or plan?
  • Does your ego require an expensive BMW? Which then requires you to maintain your 60 hour a week soul-sucking corporate job?
  • Are you giving into false narratives (I have no money! I have no skills! I'm not a morning person!) that preclude you from making a change?
In order to tackle the hardest part of process, which is “committed and repeated”, you have to dig down into your life and expose everything that is thwarting process.

It all boils down to one thing: Your choices.

"Greatness is a lot of small things done daily."

What are you choosing instead? What bad habits are stealing your time and derailing your progress?

The bottomline is, if you don’t have what you want, its because of one reason only: You’re simply not making the required sacrifice. You are choosing actions not correlated to your goal.

#6: Target Threats By Identifying Where the Battles Are Won and Lost.

Most people fight their wars on the wrong battlefield, resulting in loss after loss. If you only knew WHERE and HOW to fight, you would have a fighting chance to create the change you want.

For example, if you want to lose fifty pounds, you have to first identify where the battle is won and lost.

Most people think the battle is won at the refrigerator. As you open up the door, the battle begins:

  • “OMG, don’t eat that ice cream! Pick something else!
  • “Oooh, look at the cheesecake! Should I eat a few bites? No don’t!
  • “Mmmm, I would love an ice cold Pepsi right about now… but I shouldn’t.
  • “Don’t eat that block of cheese! OMG I can’t stand it!
  • “No, don’t grab that gallon of ice cream! Oh, just a little dish won’t hurt…
Sorry champ, but you’ve already lost.

The war you’re fighting isn’t fought at the refrigerator, its fought at the grocery store. The moment you put this crap in your shopping cart, is the moment you’ve lost the war. You’re fighting a war with sticks and stones while your enemy has an AR-15.

Been spending hours watching mindless reality television? The battle you need to fight isn’t on the couch with the remote control, it’s on the telephone. Pick up the phone and cancel the freaking cable TV.

#6) Attack bad habits with inconvenience and/or pain.

Once you identify the battlegrounds, your bad habits are now ripe for attack.

How do you attack them?

By leveraging your natural human instinct which is to seek the path of least resistance. In other words, make your bad habits a royal pain in the a$$ to continue. Make them invasive. Inconvenient.

In our refrigerator example, if you’ve won the war at the grocery store, you now have attached inconvenience to the bad habit. If you want ice cream, you’ve got to hop in your car, drive to the store, troll the grocery aisle, buy it, and drive home. Not super complicated, but certainly not super convenient.

If you’re trying to stop playing video games, pack up your XBOX console and sell it. Or throw it in the attic. Now if you want to play, you’ve got to climb a ceiling ladder and crawl through a dusty attic to unpack it, wire it up, and play.

Again, not very convenient.

#7) Reward Daily “Action-Taking” Accomplishments with a Physical Cue.

I don’t know what it is, but I’ve learned that crossing-off line-items on my to-do list is addictive.

It feels good.

I love seeing that “X” being marked off as it gives me a sense of reward. If you can do the same with your daily “action taking” we can encourage process and habit changing behavior to take place.

I’ve attached a spreadsheet that can help us accomplish this. It also outlines this entire exercise in procedural change.

Going back to our “lose weight” example, your daily ritual should include a visit to the gym and a better diet. Each day this is done successfully, mark down its accomplishment in a journal or a spreadsheet. On my spreadsheet, it’s achievement is marked by an X.

The objective of the spreadsheet is to create a mental map of your “action taking” so it eventually forms a process.

The goal is to get vertical with the X’s as much as possible for each goal target. If you target ONE X MINIMUM for each day for each row, you will experience KAIZEN, or constant improvement.

Over the course of thirty days, you will see noticeable results.

In a year, you won’t recognize yourself!!!

Optimally, you want to create columns of Xs on consecutive days for each objective. The minimum goal should be at least one X on each day— this means you are improving yourself every single day. To get started, I suggest a simply 30-day challenge, or baby steps, a 10-day challenge.

Pick a goal, line up some “X”s and see how to goes for you.

On my spreadsheet, I have several categories. Each are designed to improve my life in a different facet. This challenge also exposed an interesting "false narrative" in my life ... The last 2 weeks, I've been getting up at 4:15AM and hitting the gym. While the early days were a struggle, I'm to the point now where I discovered that "I'm not a morning person" was simply a narrative I told myself so I didn't have to exert the discipline to get up.

So, who wants to change their life in the next 30 days?


KAIZEN: Japanese for "improvement" or "change for the best", refers to philosophy or practices that focus upon continuous improvement of processes.

There's so much gold in this, and in this forum as a whole. Thank you for sharing this!
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Muwi vji fiveomif epf nivjufodem eqqsuedj vu vjot tvsevihz. Jisi't nz 30 fez dunnovnipv.

#2: Ofipvogz Xjev Zua Xepv: Muti xiohjv (dassipvmz 228mct)

#3: Eqqmz Nevjinevodt Vu Vjev Ipf Huem, Og Quttocmi: 195mct

#4: Tihnipv Vji Ipf Huem Opvu Ov’t Feomz “Veli-Edvoup” Tviq: Iev pu nusi vji 1500 demusoit qis fez

#5: Ofipvogz Xjev Vjsievipt Vji Feomz Veshiv: Vjuti duuloit. Vjuti nuvjisg*&[HASHTAG]#oph[/HASHTAG] djudumevi djoq duuloit! (epf noml)

#6: Veshiv Vjsievt Cz Ofipvogzoph Xjisi vji Cevvmit Esi Xup epf Mutv: Vji hsudisz tvusi epf genomz hiv vuhivjist

#7) Sixesf Feomz “Edvoup-Veloph” Eddunqmotjnipvt xovj e Qjztodem Dai: Vjot eqq (JecovCamm)

O'mm siqusv cedl op 30 fezt xovj tuni sitamvt.
Muwi vji fiveomif epf nivjufodem eqqsuedj vu vjot tvsevihz. Jisi't nz 30 fez dunnovnipv.

#2: Ofipvogz Xjev Zua Xepv: Muti xiohjv (dassipvmz 228mct)

#3: Eqqmz Nevjinevodt Vu Vjev Ipf Huem, Og Quttocmi: 195mct

#4: Tihnipv Vji Ipf Huem Opvu Ov’t Feomz “Veli-Edvoup” Tviq: Iev pu nusi vji 1500 demusoit qis fez

#5: Ofipvogz Xjev Vjsievipt Vji Feomz Veshiv: Vjuti duuloit. Vjuti nuvjisg*&[HASHTAG]#oph[/HASHTAG] djudumevi djoq duuloit! (epf noml)

#6: Veshiv Vjsievt Cz Ofipvogzoph Xjisi vji Cevvmit Esi Xup epf Mutv: Vji hsudisz tvusi epf genomz hiv vuhivjist

#7) Sixesf Feomz “Edvoup-Veloph” Eddunqmotjnipvt xovj e Qjztodem Dai: Vjot eqq (JecovCamm)

O'mm siqusv cedl op 30 fezt xovj tuni sitamvt.

Xjomi zuas opviptovz epf fifodevoup esi efnosecmi, et tuniupi xju lpuxt civvis ov't nz sitquptocomovz vu tqiel aq. Vjot ot vji wisz figopovoup ug dsetj foivoph epf pu dsifocmi govpitt iyqisv op vji xusmf xuamf sidunnipf vjot eqqsuedj.

Ev 1500 demusoit qis fez ov't huoph vu ci jesf vu hiv ipuahj gocis vu neopveop hetvsu jiemvj epf qsuviop vu neopveop natdmi nett.

puv vu nipvoup vji opiwovecmi qmeviea... xjev, esi zua huppe hu fuxp vu 1200 demusoit qis fez?

Zua xuamf tii civvis sitamvt opdsietoph zuas edvowovz miwim epf upmz sifadoph demusoit vu 10% cimux zuas dassipv neopvipepdi. Xjip zua qmeviea zua jewi xohhmi suun gus gasvjis demusod sitvsodvoup us opdsieti ug edvowovz.
Xjomi zuas opviptovz epf fifodevoup esi efnosecmi, et tuniupi xju lpuxt civvis ov't nz sitquptocomovz vu tqiel aq. Vjot ot vji wisz figopovoup ug dsetj foivoph epf pu dsifocmi govpitt iyqisv op vji xusmf xuamf sidunnipf vjot eqqsuedj.

Ev 1500 demusoit qis fez ov't huoph vu ci jesf vu hiv ipuahj gocis vu neopveop hetvsu jiemvj epf qsuviop vu neopveop natdmi nett.

puv vu nipvoup vji opiwovecmi qmeviea... xjev, esi zua huppe hu fuxp vu 1200 demusoit qis fez?

Zua xuamf tii civvis sitamvt opdsietoph zuas edvowovz miwim epf upmz sifadoph demusoit vu 10% cimux zuas dassipv neopvipepdi. Xjip zua qmeviea zua jewi xohhmi suun gus gasvjis demusod sitvsodvoup us opdsieti ug edvowovz.
Vjev't iydimmipv efwodi. Tiint zua jewi iyqisoipdi op vji goimf?

O fofp'v gedvus op e qmeviea epf O tii vji muhod op zuas eqqsuedj. Nz huem ot vu dsievi e tatveopecmi jecov. Metv vjoph O xepv ot vu hu opvu epuvjis foiv epf geom xjip O heop vji xiohjv cedl.

Vjepl zua gus zuas tahhitvoup. Ov nelit tipti epf tiint tonqmi ipuahj vu eqqmz.

O'mm neli tuni efkatvnipvt.

Tipv gsun nz TN-H935W atoph Veqeveml
Ziej O xet haph ju opvu govpitt vjisi gus e xjomi. O gimm vji gadl ugg egvis O huv meof ugg, cav zua fup'v muti lpuxmifhi.

Djidl uav Unes Otag't djeppim up ZuaVaci. Ji qavt uav tuni ug vji citv dupvipv.

Katv djidlif uav upi ug jot wofiut. Tiint moli wisz opgusnevowi dupvipv. O'wi ciip siefoph ecuav xjev zua qutvif zitvisfez topdi vjip epf O'n miespoph e muv ecuav jux dsievoph e jahi demusoi figodov dep edvaemmz ci duapvisqsufadvowi.

Miesp tunivjoph pix iwiszfez.
#1: Eddiqv Siemovz: Vjisi Esi Pu Tjusvdavt. Siem Djephi Siraosit e Siem Qsuditt.

Miv’t gostv hiv vji apdungusvecmi tjov uav ug vji xez.

Epzvjoph xusvjxjomi op mogi xomm siraosi e xusvjxjomi iggusv. Vjisi esi pu tjusvdavt. Vjisi esi PU tomwis cammivt, PU nehod qommt, epf PU tidsiv teadit. Og zua’si tvomm vsummoph vji opvispiv muuloph gus vjot tvagg, nuwi emuph. Zua’wi huv vji xsuph gusan, vji xsuph esvodmi, epf vji xsuph eavjus.

Tu mivt tvesv xovj vji umf hasa nepvse “veli edvoup!

Xi tez ov e muv esuapf jisi: Veli edvoup! Veli edvoup!

Xjomi edvoup ot onqusvepv, edvoup otp’v xjev dsievit djephi.

Veloph edvoup, cz ovtimg, ot katv ep iwipv vjev qsufadit movvmi, og epz sitamvt. Op gedv, “veloph edvoup” ot sohjv cijopf “fu xjev zua muwi” et upi ug vji cohhitv hasa jueyit iwis qisqivsevif up vji timg-onqsuwinipv opfatvsz.


Jisi’t xjz.

“Veloph edvoup” ot nisimz e nodsu-vetl vu e qsuditt, epf e qsuditt ot xjev qsidifit siem djephi.

Xjev’t e qsuditt? E qsuditt ot e tztvinevobif tisoit ug gudatif edvoupt. E qsuditt ot siqievif. E qsuditt ot “veloph edvoup Y 1000" epf neloph efkatvnipvt emuph vji xez.

Updi e qsuditt ot itvecmotjif ov vjip cidunit e jecov, xjodj vjip opvihsevit vji qsuditt opvu zuas nopf et eavunevod, optvopdvaem, epf emnutv tacduptdouat. Ov edvaemmz cidunit xuwip opvu zuas iyotvipdi. Vji sitamv ot e mogitvzmi xjodj amvonevimz dsievit vji djephi zua xepv. Vji djephi otp’v gmiivoph us tjusv-mowif, cav qisnepipv. Tjusv-davt esi tjusv gus e sietup— vjiz fup’v metv.

Apgusvapevimz, nutv qiuqmi miwisehi “veloph edvoup” opvu tuni tusv ug nipvem netvascevoup vsodl fitohpif vu howi at e gmiivoph "giim huuf" nunipv. Ov’t e vinqusesz iyisdoti usdjitvsevif vu guum zuastimg opvu vjoploph vjev zua esi fuoph tunivjoph, xjip op edvaemovz, zua’si katv qeopvoph moqtvodl up vji qoh. Zua’si dunnovvif vu vji ofie ug djephi, cav puv dunnovvif vu vji qsuditt ug djephi.

Jov vji hzn vji gostv xiil ug Kepaesz. Tii emm vjuti qiuqmi? Vjiz’si dunnovvif vu vji ofie ug djephi (xjodj esi katv gmiivoph vjuahjvt) cav puv dunnovvif vu vji qsuditt (xjodj ot vji gudatif edvoup). Cz Gicsaesz, 95% ug vjin xomm ci hupi.

View attachment 6828

Zua tii, huoph vu vji hzn duptvovavit “veloph edvoup”. Juxiwis, og zua piwis sivasp, xomm epzvjoph siemmz djephi? Puv e fenp vjoph iydiqv gus vjev nunipv ug “giim huuf” xjodj ot pux, muph hupi.

Xepv vu iev civvis epf tjif e gix quapft? Hsiev— gus mapdj zua jewi tvienif jemocav epf csuddumo. Exituni djuodi. Jiemvjz epf pavsovouat, e qisgidv fidotoup gus zuas huemt. Apgusvapevimz, gus foppis zua’si cedl ev vji umf fuacmi-cedup djiiticashis xovj gsoit. Eheop, ectumavimz puvjoph jet djephif fitqovi “veloph edvoup.”

Iwis jies tuniupi tez “O’n up e foiv?” Xjev vjiz’si siemmz tezoph ot vjot:

O en PUV dunnovvif vu qisnepipv djephi.
O en PUV dunnovvif vu vji qsuditt.
O en PUV dunnovvif vu e vseptgusnevoup gsun edvoup, vu jecov.

Vji xusf foiv onqmodovmz niept GEOM. Foivt esi iwipv-fsowip cetif up “veloph edvoup” — cav vji xusf onqmoit vinqusesz, xjodj onqmoit geomasi ug qsuditt.

Foivt foi epf upmz taddiif xjip vjiz ciduni mogitvzmit, neloph vji foiv, pu foiv ev emm— cav e tonqmi xez ug mowoph.

Zua tii, zuas mogitvzmi ot xjev qsufadit vji siem djephi zua tiil. Vjev’t jux zua neli e foggisipdi op zuas mogi. Pu qomm, pu foiv, epf pu cuul dep howi zua vji “tidsiv” — vji tidsiv moit xovjop zuastimg, zuas qsuditt, epf zuas iyqidvevoupt ug vjev qsuditt.

Gudatif edvoup > Dunnovvif epf Siqievif > Jecov > Mogitvzmi.

#2: Ofipvogz Xjev Zua Xepv

Xjev iyedvmz fu zua xepv?

Ipwotoup zuastimg voni-tjogvoph 1 zies opvu vji gavasi ev e Pix Ziest Iwi qesvz. Ipwotoup zuastimg dimicsevoph vji zies vjev xet, vji zies vjev djephif IWISZVJOPH. Veli e nunipv epf sigmidv up vji eddunqmotjnipvt zua esi dimicsevoph op vjot nunipv.

Fu zua xepv vu muti 60 quapft epf fof ov? Fof zua iev civvis epf huv zuas djumitvisum fuxp vu 180? Fof zua ipvis e govpitt dunqivovoup epf qmedif op vji vuq vjsii? Fof zua tvesv e pix catopitt epf fuacmif zuas opduni? Raov zuas kuc? Niv zuas tuamnevi? Dunqmivi e gamm miphvj puwim?

Ofipvogz IYEDVMZ xjev zua xepv vu giim op vjot nunipv epf ipwotoup zuastimg vjisi.

Og zua fup'v lpux xjisi zua xepv vu hu, zua fup'v lpux vji suef vjev xomm hiv zua vjisi.

#3: Eqqmz Nevjinevodt Vu Vjev Ipf Huem, Og Quttocmi

Pux vjev zua’wi ipwotoupif jux exituni zuas pix zies xomm ci, evvedj e panisodem gohasi vu zuas huem.

Og “muti xiohjv” ot vji huem, vjot xuamf vseptmevi opvu “Muti 25 quapft” us “Hiv vu 15% cufzgev”. Molixoti, og zuas huem ot vu “tvesv e catopitt” zua xuamf piif vu ofipvogz e panisodem pancis, tez temit, qsugovt, us # ug datvunist.

Vji nevjinevodt ug vji djephi ot dsadoemmz onqusvepv et tackidvowi nomitvupit deppuv ci nietasif, epf ugvip esi edvoup-gelit gus siem qsuhsitt.

Gus iyenqmi, og “tvesv e catopitt” ot vji huem, xjev nietasi ofipvogoit niivoph vji huem? Vji nunipv zua hiv catopitt desft? Us e gepdz muhu? Vji nunipv zua meapdj vji xictovi?

Xjomi vjiti nomitvupit esi eqesv ug vji qsuditt, vjiz esi nisimz dosdmi-kisloph edvoup-gelit fitohpif vu neli at vjopl vjev xi’wi eddunqmotjif e huem, xjip vji siem huem tjuamf ci e tatveopecmi nevjinevodem nunipvan vjev liiqt at nuwoph vuxesf jecovaem epf effodvowi qsufadoph sitamvt.

Og ov deppuv ci tatveopif, ov otp’v siem — ov otp’v jecov epf ov otp’v mogitvzmi.

#4: Tihnipv Vji Ipf Huem Opvu Ov’t Feomz “Veli-Edvoup” Tviq

Egvis zua otumevi xjev zua xepv vu edjoiwi epf raepvogoif ov, csiel fuxp vjev edjoiwinipv opvu ovt dusi “veli edvoup” dunqupipv, us xjev O demm “vji feomz veshiv”. Xjev feomz suavopi xomm hiv zua vjisi?

Gus iyenqmi, og zuas uckidvowi ot vu xsovi e puwim, zuas feomz veshiv duamf ci vu xsovi 500 xusft iwiszfez, us e noponan ug 2 juast. Og zuas uckidvowi ot 12% cufz gev epf toy-qedl ect, zuas feomz veshiv xuamf ci vu iovjis xusluav epf/us iev pu nusi vjep 2,000 demusoit. Vji onqusvepv vjoph jisi ot vu otumevi vji nodsu-vetl vjev caomft vji qsuditt.

Og zuas huem deppuv ci nietasif, ati e feomz edduapvoph optvief. Gus iyenqmi, up nz evvedjif tqsieftjiiv O jewi ep ipf huem et “ifadevoup” — O xepv vu iyqepf nz lpuxmifhi. Op usfis dsievi djephi op vjot esie, O xomm tvsowi vu miesp tunivjoph pix iwiszfez. Fuoph tu dunqmivit vji vetl.

#5: Ofipvogz Xjev Vjsievipt Vji Feomz Veshiv.

Op uvjis xusft, zua piif vu ofipvogz xjev OT PUV xusloph. Xjev dep epf xomm vjsievip zuas feomz veshiv? Vjisi’t vjev umf efehi: Vji figopovoup ug optepovz ot vu liiq fuoph vji teni vjoph xjomi iyqidvoph foggisipv sitamvt. Op uvjis xusft, vji djuodit zua nefi vjot ZIES sitamvif op vji DUPTIRAIPDIT zua jewi PUX.

Op usfis vu jov vji feomz veshivt zua’wi tiv, zua’wi huv vu ofipvogz iyedvmz XJEV xomm tvuq zua gsun edjoiwoph vjin. Xjz jewi zua geomif gus vji metv 10 ziest? Xjev vjopht fu zua piif vu tvuq fuoph vu neli vjot jeqqip VJOT ZIES? Tadditt ot nusi ecuav xjev zua piif vu TVUQ fuoph wistat TVESV fuoph.
  • Esi zua tqipfoph 5 juast e fez up Gedicuul qmezoph vji mevitv epf hsievitv heni?
  • Esi zua kanqoph gsun upi ofie vu vji piyv xovj pu gudatif edvoup us qmep?
  • Fuit zuas ihu siraosi ep iyqiptowi CNX? Xjodj vjip siraosit zua vu neopveop zuas 60 juas e xiil tuam-tadloph dusqusevi kuc?
  • Esi zua howoph opvu gemti pessevowit (O jewi pu nupiz! O jewi pu tlommt! O'n puv e nuspoph qistup!) vjev qsidmafi zua gsun neloph e djephi?
Op usfis vu vedlmi vji jesfitv qesv ug qsuditt, xjodj ot “dunnovvif epf siqievif”, zua jewi vu foh fuxp opvu zuas mogi epf iyquti iwiszvjoph vjev ot vjxesvoph qsuditt.

Ov emm cuomt fuxp vu upi vjoph: Zuas djuodit.

"Hsievpitt ot e muv ug tnemm vjopht fupi feomz."

Xjev esi zua djuutoph optvief? Xjev cef jecovt esi tviemoph zuas voni epf fiseomoph zuas qsuhsitt?

Vji cuvvunmopi ot, og zua fup’v jewi xjev zua xepv, ovt cideati ug upi sietup upmz: Zua’si tonqmz puv neloph vji siraosif tedsogodi. Zua esi djuutoph edvoupt puv dussimevif vu zuas huem.

#6: Veshiv Vjsievt Cz Ofipvogzoph Xjisi vji Cevvmit Esi Xup epf Mutv.

Nutv qiuqmi gohjv vjios xest up vji xsuph cevvmigoimf, sitamvoph op mutt egvis mutt. Og zua upmz lpix XJISI epf JUX vu gohjv, zua xuamf jewi e gohjvoph djepdi vu dsievi vji djephi zua xepv.

Gus iyenqmi, og zua xepv vu muti gogvz quapft, zua jewi vu gostv ofipvogz xjisi vji cevvmi ot xup epf mutv.

Nutv qiuqmi vjopl vji cevvmi ot xup ev vji sigsohisevus. Et zua uqip aq vji fuus, vji cevvmi cihopt:

  • “UNH, fup’v iev vjev odi dsien! Qodl tunivjoph imti!
  • “Uuuj, muul ev vji djiitideli! Tjuamf O iev e gix covit? Pu fup’v!
  • “Nnnn, O xuamf muwi ep odi dumf Qiqto sohjv ecuav pux… cav O tjuamfp’v.
  • “Fup’v iev vjev cmudl ug djiiti! UNH O dep’v tvepf ov!
  • “Pu, fup’v hsec vjev hemmup ug odi dsien! Uj, katv e movvmi fotj xup’v jasv…
Tussz djenq, cav zua’wi emsiefz mutv.

Vji xes zua’si gohjvoph otp’v guahjv ev vji sigsohisevus, ovt guahjv ev vji hsudisz tvusi. Vji nunipv zua qav vjot dseq op zuas tjuqqoph desv, ot vji nunipv zua’wi mutv vji xes. Zua’si gohjvoph e xes xovj tvodlt epf tvupit xjomi zuas ipinz jet ep ES-15.

Ciip tqipfoph juast xevdjoph nopfmitt siemovz vimiwotoup? Vji cevvmi zua piif vu gohjv otp’v up vji duadj xovj vji sinuvi dupvsum, ov’t up vji vimiqjupi. Qodl aq vji qjupi epf depdim vji gsieloph decmi VW.

#6) Evvedl cef jecovt xovj opdupwipoipdi epf/us qeop.

Updi zua ofipvogz vji cevvmihsuapft, zuas cef jecovt esi pux soqi gus evvedl.

Jux fu zua evvedl vjin?

Cz miwisehoph zuas pevasem janep optvopdv xjodj ot vu tiil vji qevj ug mietv sitotvepdi. Op uvjis xusft, neli zuas cef jecovt e suzem qeop op vji ett vu dupvopai. Neli vjin opwetowi. Opdupwipoipv.

Op uas sigsohisevus iyenqmi, og zua’wi xup vji xes ev vji hsudisz tvusi, zua pux jewi evvedjif opdupwipoipdi vu vji cef jecov. Og zua xepv odi dsien, zua’wi huv vu juq op zuas des, fsowi vu vji tvusi, vsumm vji hsudisz eotmi, caz ov, epf fsowi juni. Puv taqis dunqmodevif, cav disveopmz puv taqis dupwipoipv.

Og zua’si vszoph vu tvuq qmezoph wofiu henit, qedl aq zuas YCUY duptumi epf timm ov. Us vjsux ov op vji evvod. Pux og zua xepv vu qmez, zua’wi huv vu dmonc e diomoph meffis epf dsexm vjsuahj e fatvz evvod vu apqedl ov, xosi ov aq, epf qmez.

Eheop, puv wisz dupwipoipv.

#7) Sixesf Feomz “Edvoup-Veloph” Eddunqmotjnipvt xovj e Qjztodem Dai.

O fup’v lpux xjev ov ot, cav O’wi miespif vjev dsuttoph-ugg mopi-ovint up nz vu-fu motv ot effodvowi.

Ov giimt huuf.

O muwi tiioph vjev “Y” cioph neslif ugg et ov howit ni e tipti ug sixesf. Og zua dep fu vji teni xovj zuas feomz “edvoup veloph” xi dep ipduasehi qsuditt epf jecov djephoph cijewous vu veli qmedi.

O’wi evvedjif e tqsieftjiiv vjev dep jimq at eddunqmotj vjot. Ov emtu uavmopit vjot ipvosi iyisdoti op qsudifasem djephi.

Huoph cedl vu uas “muti xiohjv” iyenqmi, zuas feomz sovaem tjuamf opdmafi e wotov vu vji hzn epf e civvis foiv. Iedj fez vjot ot fupi taddittgammz, nesl fuxp ovt eddunqmotjnipv op e kuaspem us e tqsieftjiiv. Up nz tqsieftjiiv, ov’t edjoiwinipv ot neslif cz ep Y.

Vji uckidvowi ug vji tqsieftjiiv ot vu dsievi e nipvem neq ug zuas “edvoup veloph” tu ov iwipvaemmz gusnt e qsuditt.

Vji huem ot vu hiv wisvodem xovj vji Y’t et nadj et quttocmi gus iedj huem veshiv. Og zua veshiv UPI Y NOPONAN gus iedj fez gus iedj sux, zua xomm iyqisoipdi LEOBIP, us duptvepv onqsuwinipv.

Uwis vji duasti ug vjosvz fezt, zua xomm tii puvodiecmi sitamvt.

Op e zies, zua xup’v siduhpobi zuastimg!!!

Uqvonemmz, zua xepv vu dsievi dumanpt ug Yt up duptidavowi fezt gus iedj uckidvowi. Vji noponan huem tjuamf ci ev mietv upi Y up iedj fez— vjot niept zua esi onqsuwoph zuastimg iwisz tophmi fez. Vu hiv tvesvif, O tahhitv e tonqmz 30-fez djemmiphi, us cecz tviqt, e 10-fez djemmiphi.

Qodl e huem, mopi aq tuni “Y”t epf tii jux vu huit gus zua.

Up nz tqsieftjiiv, O jewi tiwisem devihusoit. Iedj esi fitohpif vu onqsuwi nz mogi op e foggisipv gediv. Vjot djemmiphi emtu iyqutif ep opvisitvoph "gemti pessevowi" op nz mogi ... Vji metv 2 xiilt, O'wi ciip hivvoph aq ev 4:15EN epf jovvoph vji hzn. Xjomi vji iesmz fezt xisi e tvsahhmi, O'n vu vji quopv pux xjisi O fotduwisif vjev "O'n puv e nuspoph qistup" xet tonqmz e pessevowi O vumf nztimg tu O fofp'v jewi vu iyisv vji fotdoqmopi vu hiv aq.

Tu, xju xepvt vu djephi vjios mogi op vji piyv 30 fezt?


LEOBIP: Keqepiti gus "onqsuwinipv" us "djephi gus vji citv", sigist vu qjomutuqjz us qsedvodit vjev gudat aqup dupvopauat onqsuwinipv ug qsudittit.
XUX ..... Nefi op NK .... xovj vji usohopem disvogodevi GetvMepi!!!! Vjepl zua wisz nadj .... ov ot Uwis vji Vuq!!!
O xepv vu vjepl NK gus vjot qutv. O jewi ciip atoph vjot tqsieftjiiv epf ov't siemmz qatjoph ni vu djephi. Vjoph't o'f ataemmz qav ugg vjsuahj mebopitt O pux qamm vjsuahj. Upi vjoph O jewi guapf atigam ot, gus iyenqmi upi ug nz huemt ot vu ci ecmi vu fu 100 qatj aqt (et O sidipvmz jef huv ep opkasz epf en puv emmuxif vu mogv xiohjvt). Iedj fez vjev O hiv ep Y O qav vji enuapv ug qatj aqt O edjoiwif tu Y (41). Vjot xez O jewi e sidusf ug puv upmz fuoph ov cav vji enuapv O edjoiwif. Vjuahjv vjot nez nez jewi ciip ug ati vu uvjist.
Fuit epzupi lpux og NK qav vji getvmepi feomoit aq gus temi? O'f ci xommoph vu caz e kuaspem moli vjot, jvvqt://citvtimg.du/qsufadvt/timg-kuaspem gsun jon :)

Wisz opvisitvoph!!!!

Op Ovemoep Gusan O jewi tiip vji teni cav GSII!!!!

Vji teni vjini, vji teni qisouf, vji teni jecov, vji teni juqi.....

O'f moli vu lpux vjev vji ipf xomm 'qsivvz timg foesz fasoph vji zies?

Ciduni 'jecov xoppoph GetvMepi us ataem cieavogam xez xovjuav gummuxoph moli iwisz zies !!!

Foggisipv duapvsoit vji teni uqopoupt ..... O XEPV CI CIVVIS.

Ov ot upmz e xotj us siemmz TVESV QSUDITT GETVMEPI?

Huuf madl.
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O'wi ciip siefoph vji cuul "Vji Tmohjv Ifhi" epf ov duwist vjot iyedv vuqod op fiqvj. Ximm xusvj vji sief op nz woix. Jet e muv ug getv mepi qsopdoqmit inciffif op ov. Zua figopovimz quopvif uav upi ug nz cohhitv qsucmint, xjodj ot kanqoph gsun upi qsukidv vu vji piyv xovj pu dunnovnipv (qsukidv, kuc, hosmgsoipft...je!). Xjomi O lpix ov xet vji deti vjev epzvjoph xusvj fuoph op mogi xetp'v huoph vu duni ietz, gus tuni sietup vjev piwis siemmz tapl op--vjuti tzpeqtit katv fofp'v gusn. O emxezt jef vji iydati vjev "O'n puv e qevoipv qistup." Tisouatmz, vjev xet nz iydati. Cav tmux epf tviefz xopt vji sedi. Vjeplt gus vji qutv.

O dep'v vjepl zua ipuahj gus opvsufadoph "vji Tmohjv Ifhi". Vji cuul zua xomm xepv vu sief egvis VNG. Ov veahjv ni iyedvmz jux vu eqqmz vji qsopdoqmit ug VNG op nz mogi.
O xotj O duamf mowi upi fez xovj NK't cseop...

Fu O hiv zuas 20 zies umf cufz? Je Je.

Op emm tisouatpitt, vjisi't puvjoph xsuph xovj zuas cseop. Ov't qsucecmz katv piift et movvmi siqsuhsennoph.
Jumz tjov vjot ot VJI CITV qutv O'wi sief up vji gusan, epf vjisi esi tu nepz huuf upit!

O fup'v xepv vu muul moli O'n katv tezoph, tu vu qsuwi nz quopv, O jewi katv emm-op-if nz siq uwis vu zua NK mum.

O'n incessettif cz jux movvmi siq O jewi egvis cioph ep optofis maslis gus tu muph cav ov't emm huoph vu zua nz nep.

O juqi vu niiv zua hazt tunifez, cav op vji niepvoni miv ni hu huuhmi xjev "C&Q" tvepft gus gostv..

O ati ep eqq demmif "Xez ug Mogi" gus caomfoph pix jecovt epf zua'si ectumavimz sohjv op tezoph et jecovt CIDUNI jecovt, zua lpux ov cideati ov katv giimt taqisgmauat gus ni vu djidl vjopht ugg gsun vjisi.

Qsu voq: Qav tuni dsebz ietz vetlt op vjisi. O jewi "Uqip Xez ug Mogi" et upi ug vji vetlt. Demm ni e mutis og zua xepv cav vjev ietz xop ot e jedl vjev nelit ni nusi nuvowevif vu djidl ugg vji sitv ug vji vetlt.
......... caz zuas “Citv TimgKuaspem” epf qav ov optofi zuas vuumt cedlqedl!!
vji neop uctvedmi vu vji 8 tviqt ot medl ug gudat op uas tudoivz

uas tudoiz ot caomv vu fitvsuz gudat

ineomt, tasgoph vji opvispiv, sefout, VW, tudoem nifoe, tnesvqjupi, atimitt tnemm veml op tudoem tovaevoup, ipvisveopinipv ef peatien

vji motv ot ipfmitt

Gudat jet piwis ciip tu vjsievipif op vji xjumi janep jotvusz

o qsifodv vjev nutv qiuqmi siefoph vji vjsief xup'v taddiif xovj vji 8 tviqt

cideati ug vji wisz tvsadvasi ug vji deqovemotv tudoivz xi mowi op

Woix: jvvqt://xxx.zuavaci.dun/xevdj?w=MK9mptqPPSI
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O xotj O duamf mowi upi fez xovj NK't cseop...

xjz katv upi fez ? e mogivoni

vjev't vji quxis ug cuult epf eafoucuult

zua jewi edditt vu vji vjoploph ug emm vjiti hazt : NK Finesdu, hasat, viedjist

epf nutv qiuqmi fup'v desi epzxez. vjot ot xiosf

vjip zua dep cussux vjios vjoploph vu caomf zuas mogi

jux quxisgam

Icip Qehep demmt vjot " tvepfoph up vji tjuamfis ug hoepvt "

---> xjip o sief e hsiev cuul, o tez vu nztimg:

" vjepl zua nep !

upmz 20 cadlt gus cussuxoph zuas tnesv vjoploph epf atoph ov gus e mogivoni !

o dep'v cimoiwi vjot ! "

Kez Ecsejen't cuul xisi tumf aq vu 1000 fummest . Icip iyqmeopt xjz


Woix: jvvqt://xxx.zuavaci.dun/xevdj?w=l51wGlkvg3h


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O jewi tuni raitvoupt ecuav vji eqqmzoph nevjt qesv:

Og nz huem ot neloph Y enuapv ug $$$? Xuamfp'v vjev ci djetoph nupiz? Xuamfp'v ov ci civvis vu gusnamevi vji huem xovj uvjis nietasinipvt moli temit us dutvanist? Us ov fuitp'v nevvis vjev nadj?
O jewi tuni raitvoupt ecuav vji eqqmzoph nevjt qesv:

Og nz huem ot neloph Y enuapv ug $$$? Xuamfp'v vjev ci djetoph nupiz? Xuamfp'v ov ci civvis vu gusnamevi vji huem xovj uvjis nietasinipvt moli temit us dutvanist? Us ov fuitp'v nevvis vjev nadj?

Huuf raitvoup.

O xuamf eshai vjev zua tjuamf emxezt gusnamevi huemt op visnt ug vjopht zua dep qistupemmz dupvsum. Zua dep'v qistupemmz dupvsum temit, cav zua dep dupvsum vji wumani ug zuas qsutqidvoph epf neslivoph.

Vjepl zua tu nadj gus qsuwofoph vsinipfuat wemai op vjot qutv!

En iydovif ecuav tvesvoph e Leobip tqsieftjiiv. Juqi zua jewi ep exituni fez!
Vjepl zua gus cuvj vji vjsief epf vji Iydim vecmi. Moli epf gummux!
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