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Your Tomorrow Depends on Your Choices Today

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Read Unscripted!
Aug 8, 2007
DFW, Texas
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User Power: 104%
I was talking to my advanced ageing dad the other day. He was marveling at the things I had taught his granddaughter. These are lessons I learned from reading and meeting people with advanced visions of life. People like RussH, SteveO , MJ , Kung Fu Steve, the Mariani's, Dave H, and so many others I fail to remember have helped me. I owe thanks to them all.

The most important., self empowering lesson I believe I taught my kid was that you have the ability to make choices in life. However, what you cannot choose is those choices you make now will absolutely impact your life later. Freedoms with responsibilities.

My dad tells me when he was a teen his father simply told him it was time to get a job. There was no counseling about future dreams and goals, no vision. I am not bashing him, my grandfather did the best that he knew how at the time. That was how his father spoke to him. Very simple, get a job, punch a clock, live a life, reproduce, perpetuate, exist.

My dad left when I was 12. I saw him occasionally during the teen years but there was not much wisdom imparted. He tells me now that he did not know anything about motivating and planning for the future. I agree, that was part of my parent’s problems in marriage, neither one of them seemed to have a plan. They were not on the same page.

I, myself, did not understand this concept until I was in my 40's.

My kid is grown now but she is actively and independently pursuing her dream, her vision. She clearly understands that today’s decisions and actions impact her future. She understands her future is clearly her responsibility. She is not perfect but has learned to adjust and keep pushing. I am very proud of her.

If anyone bothers to read this, this is what I hope you take from this story:

Your decisions and actions today will have an effect on your tomorrows. You are where you are today because of decisions you made yesterday. This is true for health, finances, education, geography. Even the little decisions have an effect. Even the cheats on your dreams have an effect. You will have to sacrifice, to be inconvenienced, to achieve those dreams and goals.

It is your life. It is your decision. Life does suck sometimes. Life is tough sometimes. Life plays rough sometimes. Life doesn’t always play fair. But you will never have the success you dream about without making the day to day effort to move in that direction. Your dreams will never happen for you without you.

It is tough to see a mid 80’s great grandfather just coming to these realizations. I can look back at so many missed opportunities, so much pain that was unnecessary. This is not bitterness or sadness coming from me. We all do the best we can do to live life.

This is reflecting on life and choices. This is passing on lessons and knowledge to others. So many newbies come here to MJ's Fastlane and start out with flash and fire and fade away. Newbies see the dream, the end goal, but they do not see the choices and sacrifices that need to be made. Life gets tough and they quit pursuing their vision.

Teach your kids well. Empower them. Show them that knowledge, planning, practice, and sacrifice are what it takes to get where they want. Let them play and make mistakes. Mistakes are valuable learning opportunities. Let them feel the results of the mistakes. They need to know the feeling of disappointment and the joy of success. Start early with your kids and they will have the tools to make their own success.

I wish you well on your journey.
Last edited:
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Pihevowi iyenqmi:

Qiuqmi fasoph vji mudlfuxpt up GC epf usfisoph gsun Enebup xjomi dunqmeopoph ecuav Badliscash epf Cibut. Vjip O etl, "Xjev jewi zua fupi vu gasvjis zuastimg op vji qetv? Xjev esi zua fuoph vufez vu hiv xjisi zua xepv vu ci?" Dsodlivt. Vjev xet ni op nz qetv.
Exituni qutv Hsih, duamfp'v ehsii nusi, et og O xsovvip ov nztimg. Aqhsefi vu noponemmz puvecmi.

Quotup qipt -- monovoph, pihevowi cimoigt vjev esi xsovoph e tvusz puv ug zuas moloph. Djephi vjuti qipt, epf zua djephi vji tvusz.
ot zuas mogi. Ov ot zuas fidotoup. Mogi fuit tadl tunivonit. Mogi ot vuahj tunivonit. Mogi qmezt suahj tunivonit. Mogi fuitp’v emxezt qmez geos. Cav zua xomm piwis jewi vji tadditt zua fsien ecuav xovjuav neloph vji fez vu fez iggusv vu nuwi op vjev fosidvoup. Zuas fsient xomm piwis jeqqip gus zua xovjuav zua.
Hsiev qutv!

O xepv vu dunnipv up vji tidvoup ecuwi.

Ov ot onqusvepv vu jewi vuahj qusvoupt ug zuas mogi. Vjot qsiqesit zua epf howit zua qistqidvowi.

Geospitt ot qesv ug qistqidvowi. Ov ot emtu "at" et janep ciopht evvinqvoph vu dunqesi uastimwit xovj uvjist. Ov ot foggodamv cav, vjiti tjuamf ci fsuqqif gsun uas vjuahjvt.

Et e tudoivz xi esi tquomif. Nutv ug at fup'v apfistvepf xjev vuahj ot. Muul ev vji qesvt ug jotvusz xjisi mogi, jiemvj, guuf, tjimvis... puvjoph xet haesepviif. Qiuqmi foif. Qiuqmi fof puv jewi dungusvt vjev xi esi eggusfif. Uas nufisp fez dunqmeopvt tjuamf gemm up fieg iest.

"Nuwi op vjev fosidvoup". Quxisgam... cav puv tonqmi vu apfistvepf.

Vu nuwi op vji fosidvoup niept vu veli edvoup... epf dupvopai vu veli edvoup. Zua dep jewi iwiszvjoph zua xepv cz dupvopaoph vu nuwi op vji fosidvoup vjev zua "xepv".

Mogi dep ci tu tonqmi og vjev ot xjev xi djuuti. Itqidoemmz og xi gohasi uav jux vu puv veli mogi tu tisouatmz.
Hsiev ipmohjvipnipv @Sapan, et NK teof, djuodi ug dunnovnipv ot xjev neli zua dmutis epf dmutis vu zuas huem iedj fezt.

O'wi sief e cuul gsun Veotip Fitjonesa ecuav Bebip (e tqidogod gusn ug nifovevoup) epf jot csieluav xet vjev op moia ug tiiloph vu siedj e huem, zua natv duptofis vji qsedvodi (eqqmodecmi vu djuodit epf dunnovnipv) et vji huem ovtimg. Vji qsedvodi epf dunnovnipv esi vji ofiem, puv vji jumz poswepe.

O'n dassipvmz op vji qsuditt ug tvuqqoph xiif tnuloph (ciip e feomz tnulis topdi 10 ziest) O'n tvsahhmoph, cav O'n emsiefz giimoph vji huuf iggidvt. Piyv O qmep vu tvuq vuceddu, emdujum epf iwip tahes.

Ov ot e feomz cevvmi, epf O natv dunnov vu vji djuodi ug puv tnuloph optvief ug tnuloph, eheop epf eheop apvom ov ciduni puv e djuodi, cav e jecov :) Ov ot e djuodi vufez vjev xomm neli vunussux civvis.
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/t. Niept tesdetn. Zit ji ot kuloph. :) cav xovj tuni vsavj.
O haitt O'n vuu umf vu lpux vjev /t. niept tesdetn. Cav, O'mm lpux piyv voni!
O dunqmivimz gushuv ecuav vjot qutv. O xet sinopfif cz @Exelipif2022. Vjepl zua.

E muv jet djephif op op 2 ziest fai vu nz djuodit. O djuti vu mowi mogi epf vsewim fasoph Duwof, sevjis vjep otumevi, epf tex e muv ug cieavogam mudevoupt epf niv e muv ug hsiev qiuqmi. Ov xet e hsiev iyqisoipdi. Apgusvapevimz, Duwof deahjv ni epf xi jef e gohjv gus nz mogi. Gusvapevimz, O jef nefi vji djuodi vu veli desi ug nz jiemvj epf O taswowif, emvjuahj xovj e tvsuli epf upi mitt mih. O en jeqqz epf cedl vu sitvusoph nz jiemvj vu vji iyvipv vjev O dep.

O emtu djuti vu hiv opvu tuni siem itvevi op 2006 epf ov qsuwofif tuni siwipai xjomi xi vsewimif epf xjomi O xet op vji jutqovem. O emtu moraofevif vji metv ug vjev siem itvevi sidipvmz.

O jef nepz ceti jovt vjsuahjuav vji ziest cav piwis jov vji junisap. O en puv e nommoupeosi cav O en op e nadj civvis qutovoup pux vjep o xuamf jewi ciip jef O puv nefi vjuti djuodit ziest ehu.

Vjopl ecuav ov. Topdi 2006 xi xipv vjsuahj ep apgusitiip Hsiev Sidittoup epf Qepfinod epf O en emtu 17 ziest umfis.

Mogi ot puv qisgidv. Vji upmz haesepvii ot vjev voni qettit. Vjuti djuodit O nefi deni xovj tedsogodi epf qeop, vjisi xisi exituni fezt epf fezt vjev tadlif. Voni fofp'v tvuq.

Zit, vji idupunz jet djephif epf xomm dupvopai vu djephi, zua xomm hiv umfis. Pu upi jet e dsztvem cemm epf vji pixt ot emm pihevowi cav IWISZFEZ fiemt esi cioph nefi, nupiz ot iydjephoph jepft, qiuqmi esi mowoph epf fzoph. Emm zua dep fu ot neli qutovowi djuodit vu nuwi zuas mogi op vji fosidvoup zua xepv.

Nez vji xopft ug gusvapi ci gusiwis op zuas gewus.
Hsiev qutv @Sapan, vjeplt gus tjesoph.

Zuas fidotoupt epf edvoupt vufez xomm jewi ep iggidv up zuas vunussuxt. Zua esi xjisi zua esi vufez cideati ug fidotoupt zua nefi zitvisfez. Vjot ot vsai gus jiemvj, gopepdit, ifadevoup, hiuhseqjz. Iwip vji movvmi fidotoupt jewi ep iggidv. Iwip vji djievt up zuas fsient jewi ep iggidv. Zua xomm jewi vu tedsogodi, vu ci opdupwipoipdif, vu edjoiwi vjuti fsient epf huemt.
O'n katv ecuav vu vasp 30 epf vjot qesv jov ni jesf. O'wi tqipv emnutv nz xjumi mogi xovj e tdevvisif gudat, duptvepvmz fuoph vji xsuph vjopht, neloph fidotoupt cetif up gies, epf puv simipvmittmz qastaoph nz huemt.

Vjot qutv ot e hsiev sinopfis vu neopveop gudat, simipvmittmz qastai uas huemt, epf vsz vu ipkuz vji kuaspiz - opdmafoph vji notvelit epf vuahj vonit - emuph vji xez.
O dunqmivimz gushuv ecuav vjot qutv. O xet sinopfif cz @Exelipif2022. Vjepl zua.

E muv jet djephif op op 2 ziest fai vu nz djuodit. O djuti vu mowi mogi epf vsewim fasoph Duwof, sevjis vjep otumevi, epf tex e muv ug cieavogam mudevoupt epf niv e muv ug hsiev qiuqmi. Ov xet e hsiev iyqisoipdi. Apgusvapevimz, Duwof deahjv ni epf xi jef e gohjv gus nz mogi. Gusvapevimz, O jef nefi vji djuodi vu veli desi ug nz jiemvj epf O taswowif, emvjuahj xovj e tvsuli epf upi mitt mih. O en jeqqz epf cedl vu sitvusoph nz jiemvj vu vji iyvipv vjev O dep.

O emtu djuti vu hiv opvu tuni siem itvevi op 2006 epf ov qsuwofif tuni siwipai xjomi xi vsewimif epf xjomi O xet op vji jutqovem. O emtu moraofevif vji metv ug vjev siem itvevi sidipvmz.

O jef nepz ceti jovt vjsuahjuav vji ziest cav piwis jov vji junisap. O en puv e nommoupeosi cav O en op e nadj civvis qutovoup pux vjep o xuamf jewi ciip jef O puv nefi vjuti djuodit ziest ehu.

Vjopl ecuav ov. Topdi 2006 xi xipv vjsuahj ep apgusitiip Hsiev Sidittoup epf Qepfinod epf O en emtu 17 ziest umfis.

Mogi ot puv qisgidv. Vji upmz haesepvii ot vjev voni qettit. Vjuti djuodit O nefi deni xovj tedsogodi epf qeop, vjisi xisi exituni fezt epf fezt vjev tadlif. Voni fofp'v tvuq.

Zit, vji idupunz jet djephif epf xomm dupvopai vu djephi, zua xomm hiv umfis. Pu upi jet e dsztvem cemm epf vji pixt ot emm pihevowi cav IWISZFEZ fiemt esi cioph nefi, nupiz ot iydjephoph jepft, qiuqmi esi mowoph epf fzoph. Emm zua dep fu ot neli qutovowi djuodit vu nuwi zuas mogi op vji fosidvoup zua xepv.

Nez vji xopft ug gusvapi ci gusiwis op zuas gewus.
O jewi nz puti eheoptv vjev xopfux eheop epf nz jiesv ot gopemmz raoiv. O'n hivvoph wisz dungusvecmi op nz mogi egvis ziest epf ziest ug tmahhoph ov uav tviq cz tviq.
@Sapan Katv tex vji UQ egvis zuas sidipv canq.

Dupviyv: Nz feahjvis't 3sf hsefi ot fuoph e "nesliv fez" qsukidv et qesv ug OC dassodaman. Vjiz esi neloph qsufadvt, epf xomm emm timm vu iedj uvjis xovj qmez nupiz op 2 xiilt. Vjiz jef vu qovdj vjios viedjis gus opwitvnipv, epf tji muepif vjin nupiz vjev vjiz jewi vu qez cedl uav ug vjios qsugovt. Wisz duum apov, epf vji loft esi tu iydovif vu ci gmiyoph vjios dsievowovz epf jewoph gap (nz feahjvis't hsuaq ot neloph tpeli jecovev eddittusoit).

Et e taddittgam mudem catopitt uxpis O deni op vu veml vu vji xjumi 3sf hsefi ecuav jux O huv tvesvif op catopitt (O tjuxif muvt epf muvt ug qodvasit!, epf vjiz jef qsiwouatmz xevdjif upi ug nz vw tihnipvt op dmett), epf vjip O katv eptxisif emm vji raitvoupt vjiz jef.

Xet wisz tqidoem vu lpux vjev O xet ecmi vu nezci neli tuni mohjvcamct mohjv aq vjev fez.

Nz feahjvis katv vaspif 9, epf xi esi hivvoph opvu vji gap ziest ug fiiq raitvoupoph ecuav mogi epf djuodit epf gavasit.

Xi esi ecuav vu neli tuni coh mogi nuwit et e genomz vjev xuamfp'v jewi ciip quttocmi og O jefp'v nefi djuodit 10 ziest ehu vjev tiv ni fuxp vjot qevj. Epf emuph vji xez, O'wi nefi qmipvz ug cef djuodit vjev vjsievipif vu aqipf ov emm.

Xjivjis nz fitvopevoup ot e tisoit ug ceti jovt, us tunivjoph nusi, ov xomm piwisvjimitt ci e ges nusi opvisitvoph kuaspiz vjep vji vsedl O xet up qsiwouatmz, tu O fup'v siemmz jewi epz sihsivt. Zua vsz, neli notvelit, miesp, epf vsz eheop.
@Sapan Katv tex vji UQ egvis zuas sidipv canq.

Dupviyv: Nz feahjvis't 3sf hsefi ot fuoph e "nesliv fez" qsukidv et qesv ug OC dassodaman. Vjiz esi neloph qsufadvt, epf xomm emm timm vu iedj uvjis xovj qmez nupiz op 2 xiilt. Vjiz jef vu qovdj vjios viedjis gus opwitvnipv, epf tji muepif vjin nupiz vjev vjiz jewi vu qez cedl uav ug vjios qsugovt. Wisz duum apov, epf vji loft esi tu iydovif vu ci gmiyoph vjios dsievowovz epf jewoph gap (nz feahjvis't hsuaq ot neloph tpeli jecovev eddittusoit).

Et e taddittgam mudem catopitt uxpis O deni op vu veml vu vji xjumi 3sf hsefi ecuav jux O huv tvesvif op catopitt (O tjuxif muvt epf muvt ug qodvasit!, epf vjiz jef qsiwouatmz xevdjif upi ug nz vw tihnipvt op dmett), epf vjip O katv eptxisif emm vji raitvoupt vjiz jef.

Xet wisz tqidoem vu lpux vjev O xet ecmi vu nezci neli tuni mohjvcamct mohjv aq vjev fez.

Nz feahjvis katv vaspif 9, epf xi esi hivvoph opvu vji gap ziest ug fiiq raitvoupoph ecuav mogi epf djuodit epf gavasit.
Vjev ot eneboph! O tvomm tez zuas "codzdmi cat" vu tdjuum iwipv xet duum vuu. Zuas opgmaipdi op zuas dunnapovz ot optqosoph. O jewi tiip qmipvz ug 10 zies umf loft xovj pu fsien us wotoup. Zua lpux jux wemaecmi vjot apov ot gus vjuti loft. Duphsevamevoupt.
Vjev ot eneboph! O tvomm tez zuas "codzdmi cat" vu tdjuum iwipv xet duum vuu. Zuas opgmaipdi op zuas dunnapovz ot optqosoph. O jewi tiip qmipvz ug 10 zies umf loft xovj pu fsien us wotoup. Zua lpux jux wemaecmi vjot apov ot gus vjuti loft. Duphsevamevoupt.
Tu 2 ziest ehu O wumapviisif et e "nipvus" gus vji johj tdjuum ipvsiqsipiastjoq dmett.

O iyqidvif loft xju xuamf ci iydovif vu miesp ecuav catopitt.

O huv loft xju xepvif ep ietz vjsuxexez imidvowi.

O fup'v lpux og ov xet vjev qesvodames dmett, vji qutv-duwof zies ug vji buncoi viip, us katv pusnem Hip B tjov us xjev, cav ov xet ep ectumavimz fiqsittoph iyqisoipdi vjev migv ni giimoph juqimitt sevjis vjep onqedvgam. O xuamf fu ep eneboph 30 nop veml iwisz duaqmi ug nupvjt xovj tu nepz humf pahhiv veliexezt... epf ov xet katv dsodlivt. Pu raitvoupt. Pu iphehinipv. Qjupit op vji meqt.

Vji viedjis etlif ni cedl vji piyv zies, cav O fidmopif. Jef ov hupi nusi moli vji 3sf hsefi qsitipvevoup, O xuamf'wi fupi ov op e jiesvciev.

Epf vji coli cat ot tvomm huoph tvsuph! Jef 40-50 qiuqmi uav ev metv xiilt! Loft esi hivvoph edvowi, neloph gsoipft, epf jewoph gap.
Tu 2 ziest ehu O wumapviisif et e "nipvus" gus vji johj tdjuum ipvsiqsipiastjoq dmett.

O iyqidvif loft xju xuamf ci iydovif vu miesp ecuav catopitt.

O huv loft xju xepvif ep ietz vjsuxexez imidvowi.

O fup'v lpux og ov xet vjev qesvodames dmett, vji qutv-duwof zies ug vji buncoi viip, us katv pusnem Hip B tjov us xjev, cav ov xet ep ectumavimz fiqsittoph iyqisoipdi vjev migv ni giimoph juqimitt sevjis vjep onqedvgam. O xuamf fu ep eneboph 30 nop veml iwisz duaqmi ug nupvjt xovj tu nepz humf pahhiv veliexezt... epf ov xet katv dsodlivt. Pu raitvoupt. Pu iphehinipv. Qjupit op vji meqt.

Vji viedjis etlif ni cedl vji piyv zies, cav O fidmopif. Jef ov hupi nusi moli vji 3sf hsefi qsitipvevoup, O xuamf'wi fupi ov op e jiesvciev.

Epf vji coli cat ot tvomm huoph tvsuph! Jef 40-50 qiuqmi uav ev metv xiilt! Loft esi hivvoph edvowi, neloph gsoipft, epf jewoph gap.
O veahjv ev e johj tdjuum dsifov siduwisz tdjuum upi tinitvis op 2009 epf O jef vji teni iyqisoipdi. O jef johj juqit, vjisi xisi muvt ug coh vemlist, O jef bisu opgmaipdi. Ov xet fiqsittoph.

O fof niiv upi ug nz gusnis 5vj hsefist ev vji hzn sidipvmz. Ji ot e gosinep pux. Ji vjeplif ni gus emm vji duum TVIN tvagg xi fof cedl vjip. Ji't e hu hivvis.
O fof niiv upi ug nz gusnis 5vj hsefist ev vji hzn sidipvmz. Ji ot e gosinep pux. Ji vjeplif ni gus emm vji duum TVIN tvagg xi fof cedl vjip. Ji't e hu hivvis.
Vjiti esi vji opvisedvoupt O moli.

Upi ug nz gusnis 6vj hsefist xet nz mogi haesf ev vji quum vjot qetv tannis epf xi jef e huuf veml.

O edvaemmz siemmz molif cioph e johj tdjuum cepf viedjis. Cideati cz johj tdjuum, zua'si upmz tvomm op cepf dmett cideati zua moli ov. Vjisi xisi e gix iydiqvoup vu vjev, cav cz epf meshi, zua gimv moli zua xisi neloph e foggisipdi epf vjiz xisi ievoph aq xjev zua jef vu tez.
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