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Martial Arts, Combat Sports, Self-Defense Systems - What Do You Practice?


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May 1, 2011
What martial arts, combat sports or self-defense systems do you practice and why?

As a teenager I practiced karate kyokushin for several years. In hindsight, it was bullshit from the perspective of self-defense but well...

A couple of years ago I practiced krav maga one-on-one with a coach. I was attracted to this self-defense system because of its focus on fast, brutal, effective self-defense. I later stopped when my coach stopped being available. I recently restarted it though I practice it rarely as my coach is too busy with his day job and other stuff.

I like krav maga as it mostly focuses on strengthening your instincts instead of using sophisticated techniques. It always assumes at least two attackers and teaches you how to protect yourself against various weapons like bats, bottles, knives and guns (though this is clearly ONLY if you can't run away at all). We worked through different scenarios including fighting in toilets, against a wall, in a crowd, etc.

What I don't like in krav maga is that it doesn't focus that much on proper stand-up fighting, let alone ground fighting. The assumption is that you defend yourself in 10 seconds (the standard MO is a nut kick and attacking the eyes or other sensitive spots) and run away. But things aren't always that simple.

For that reason, an since my krav maga coach isn't that available anymore, I decided to take up MMA (mixed martial arts).

My MMA coach is an ex-pro and makes a living teaching people how to fight, including competitive fighters. I started a couple of weeks ago and I've already improved my technique a lot.

Since it combines all different combat sports, I think it's one of the best options from the self-defense point of view (the best self-defense option is training sprints LOL). For the time being I'm still working on stand-up fighting but soon we'll also start learning how to grapple.

From the health/fitness point of view it's a great mix of conditioning, strength, power, coordination, mobility, etc. Your entire body gets a solid workout.

From the mental perspective it's also excellent as (safe) sparring is essential in this sport. It teaches you to trust your guard and stay in control as you get hit.

So, to repeat the question:

What martial arts, combat sports or self-defense systems do you practice and why?
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Sep 18, 2017
Very interested in the topic, I'll be following !

I originally started out doing BJJ. It was my first experience with martial arts and Jocko suggested in his book that it was great as a first pick. It indeed was. I love how cerebral it is too, so interesting. A few months ago, I added krav maga (my instructor is a very good boxer) and we do a bit of MMA as well. I think it's a great combination. Actually, any sort of grappling (could be wrestling...) + any sort of striking (could be muay thai, french boxing...) + krav maga sounds like a great combination to me.

With grappling you're able to take your opponent to the ground, where he is much less dangerous, especially once you pass his guard (= his legs) and neutralize him. Striking looks like a natural addition. Grappling + striking basically = MMA. And krav maga brings the vice that comes with what can happen in the street (nuts kicking, eye gouging, weapons...), so it's a great bridge from a sport with rules to real life where there is none.

Of course, whatever your skills, if possible run away first.


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May 1, 2011
Very interested in the topic, I'll be following !

I originally started out doing BJJ. It was my first experience with martial arts and Jocko suggested in his book that it was great as a first pick. It indeed was. I love how cerebral it is too, so interesting. A few months ago, I added krav maga (my instructor is a very good boxer) and we do a bit of MMA as well. I think it's a great combination. Actually, any sort of grappling (could be wrestling...) + any sort of striking (could be muay thai, french boxing...) + krav maga sounds like a great combination to me.

With grappling you're able to take your opponent to the ground, where he is much less dangerous, especially once you pass his guard (= his legs) and neutralize him. Striking looks like a natural addition. Grappling + striking basically = MMA. And krav maga brings the vice that comes with what can happen in the street (nuts kicking, eye gouging, weapons...), so it's a great bridge from a sport with rules to real life where there is none.

Of course, whatever your skills, if possible run away first.

Sounds like you're doing something very similar to me.

I considered BJJ as well but my MMA coach told me he can teach me grappling as his background is more in ground fighting than stand-up fighting.

One more thing that could be useful in the future would be to add some weapons training. My krav maga coach trains some kind of a discipline with bamboo sticks. I want to learn how to shoot and later possibly do some additional (serious) seminars for self-defense against common weapons.

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