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Idea threads

Please read the OP from the TL;DR — Choose 2 businesses that make the most CENTS. Thx.

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Dave Daily

Bronze Contributor
Read Fastlane!
Read Unscripted!
Feb 22, 2018
Chico, CA
Hi, I'm Dave.

This is the start of my progress thread. IT BEGINS TODAY! The last day of February 2018. I’m going to take the advice I get from this first post, make a decision, and act on it. You’ll see my journey from idea to serving a thankful and happy market. I’ve got too many ideas, too many doubts, and too much or too little of something else. Let me know what that is when you see it. Thanks.

Sorry for the length. I thank those of you who do read and comment. I need a kick in the teeth, the a$$...you choose. And if you’re thinking about steali...uhum...using any of the ideas below, hit me up for a partnership, licensing agreement, investment offer, you know—something—first.

Have you ever vacillated because you have too many ideas? This is my current quandary and since I’m not getting any younger, I need wisdom from those of you who have broken past the mental barriers I have yet to subdue. You’ll see those barriers shortly. Have no fear. ;)

After coming up with business ideas for the past few weeks (some of these go way back) after having just recently read TMF and Unscripted and also having had an initial burst of excitement, as you do when you read cool biz books, I’ve talked myself out of just about everything. What’s my reason?

~~ I don’t have the personal level of skill to take on any of the list items below (see TL;DR below). I don’t have enough background to start a business doing X even though I’m 48 and believe I should. Wah! ~~

So I’ve gone back to consuming videos, books, etc., for the last few days. Vomit.

I know that I just need to start DOING / EXECUTING / BEING IN PROCESS, but I don’t want to waste my time doing something that I won’t commit to because of a shit belief, i.e., I shouldn’t be doing this—who am I to be doing this?

Here’s my selfish desire (yes, I’m going to talk about me for a minute, before I get to the market(s) I’m thinking about serving):

Ideally, I want to take 5 years to free up my time, offering something of real value to real people, get free, and then start thinking about what’s next. I’d like to shoot for a 10MM exit event on July 19, 2023 when I turn 53. Ugh. I don’t expect to retire sipping whatever the F*ck I would sip at that time. I expect that I would want to do the next business. I just want the next 5 years to get me free first. FYI—I’d be happy to do it in ten years.

Why is that a bad goal? It’s the idea that I could get free in the next 5 years or so that got me excited when reading The Millionaire Fastlane and then Unscripted. I know I can’t chase money to get where I want, I just want to chase something that I believe I CAN build. I’m happy to provide real value. I just don’t know how I, THIS GUY, can do it, without, pausing for another 10 years to learn new skills / advance current skills first. F*ck!

At almost 50, I’m scared about opportunity cost. I don’t want to invest 6 months or a year on a business and feel like I should have known at the beginning that this wasn’t going to work for me. I’m asking for your insight. Those of you who have it.

So here is the list of ideas that I am pursuing after assessing my strengths and thinking about things that I might have some advantage in. (Note: I ramble on here before I get to the list) In other words, I’m not just picking a market out of thin air, much like @MJDeMarco didn’t pick his limo lead generation business out of thin air. His success came somewhat out of his past work experience. I don’t think this should be overlooked. Dan Norris created WPCurve out of his website design business as did MJ DeMarco, in part, as well. Gary Vee started Vayner Media out of his experience using social media to sell wine.

My experience has been more like MJ Demarco’s early journey, flitting around doing Amway and 5 other MLM things, among a series of pure jobs, except I still haven’t figured it out. He got his shit together in his mid-thirties. I’m almost 50.

I’ve bounced from telemarketing for Circuit City in my twenties to racking up over $350,000 in student debt (I know, right? FTE anyone?) because I thought I wanted to be a chiropractor and then shifted to multimedia, getting an MFA in Web Design and New Media, but I still haven’t designed my first “real” website or app. Sure I’ve done some shit HTML, CSS, Javascript stuff and I know quite a bit about those subjects, but in piece meal. I teach this stuff as a part-time adjunct professor (I teach because I can’t, haven’t, or won’t do. This needs to change). Teaching is an honorable profession, but it’s a job for me—a great job—I’ll grant you that, but as a part-timer without tenure, or as I believe, a chance at tenure, it’s very precarious. If enrollment goes to shit next semester, I could be homeless. And besides, I don’t want to teach at a college or university. I’d rather do it as an entrepreneur, but to do that I’d have to build up my skill a lot higher and I don’t feel that teaching on Udemy, etc. is a Fastlane opportunity. Now, starting a Udemy-type company has that kind of promise, but I’d need to find the value skew in that area. Maybe finding that value skew is what I should be looking for instead of writing this whiny-a$$ post.

Between Circuit City and now, I’ve sold 3 apartment buildings for Marcus & Millichap (an area that I’m considering getting back into, but now as an investor and educator--although, again, I only spent a year and half working there, so I’m not sure apartment investing is something I can teach without first owning 24 units), worked for a direct mail marketing company and a hundred other smaller things where I quit. I’ve taught now for the past 10 years. I’m a mediocre teacher, mostly because I feel a fraud. I don’t feel like I have the right to teach these kids multimedia because I believe I should come from years of experience in the industry. I just don’t have it. I’ve learned a lot through having to teach and I’m a better teacher for it, but to develop the skill that I need to feel like I should teach these kids, takes time, and this is part of my motivation to get free. If I were free in the next five years, I’d likely devote some of that time to perfecting skills. Why don’t I spend my off hours perfecting those skills now? I do. I’d just rather spend that time getting free by building a Fastlane business first. Again, it’s opportunity cost. When you’re my age, you start to see the end a bit more clearly. Don’t get me wrong, I know I’m not exactly old yet, but at 48, I can see that I have no retirement and I absolutely loathe the idea of having to rely on my kids.

Now on to the list of businesses. I list them all as domain names (yes, I own them), because I’ll need a website at the very least:


Current List of Opportunities I’m Trying To Choose To Focus On (Monogamously)

  • VectorVictory.com

    • Inspired by Design Pickle which charges a flat fee for design services and hires a team of designers in the Philippines to do the design work. It’s a B2B subscription model where businesses pay $370 per month for unlimited design services. The one thing they explicitly state that they don’t do is complex illustrations or logos.

    • So the not-doing-of-the-complex-illustrations-or-logos is where I see the value skew. VectorVictory.com will design your vector illustration art including logos for a flat $500 per month, because a vector is worth a thousand pictures. I farm out the work to expert artists, not necessarily in the Philippines, and pay them $300 per month per client. They can take as many clients as they can reasonably serve. I’ll have to figure out what “reasonable” means in that regard.

    • Why is this a good fit for me? I know how to do vector art. I’m not good enough to do it for $500 per month, at least not fast. That being said, I have considered just taking on my first customer to see how it goes. Maybe I do it for free, although Dan Norris would frown on that. LOL. But it’s never going to scale unless I have other artists anyway.

    • Why is custom vector art worth $500 per month? Because clipart and most stock art is shit. Custom work is pricey, but a consistent paycheck for an artist is a good thing, so there may be an arbitrage in there. Vector art is scalable, as in you can make it as big or small as you want without losing resolution. Vectors simplify communication. Vectors form the basis of most user interface elements and explainer videos among many other things.

    • If you’re only paying $500 per month and could get an unlimited supply of icons, t-shirt designs, logos, UI elements, could you start a t-shirt empire, may unlimited apps with great design components? Could you build a strong private label business with great private labels? Yes you could. If I had $500 per month to pay a skilled vector artist, I’d be able to sell all kinds of shit that relies on good art. Maybe that’s what I should do instead of VectoryVictory.com. Haha!
  • AptOffers.com

    • As I stated above, I sold apartments in my early thirties for Marcus & Millichap. I sold 3 apartment buildings and made somewhere around $60,000 in commissions. I found an investor who became a kind of mentor and I tried to get him to sell me one of his properties near the University of North Texas in Denton, Texas. I didn’t have the cash, so I thought he’d help me in a creative way. He just wouldn’t do it, which pissed me off and then I burned bridges. Bad move on my part. Anyway, in 2015, I almost put an apartment deal together with Michael Blank at TheMichaelBlank.com, but then it fell through. I think it fell through because I showed my pricing analysis to the dentist owner, and when he saw the valuation, I think he wanted to keep it. I showed my cards. Bad move. I became disenchanted and spooked and quit. I’m considering refocusing on that, getting back into Michael Blank’s group (you should check it out) and build an app to help me not show my hand, while communicating value to brokers, sellers, investors, etc. Then I can work on buying my first 24 unit apartment property (that’s my arbitrary goal) and sell the AptOffers.com web app as a tool.

    • What does the tool do?

      • The tool takes in all the data about an apartment property and spits out:

        • A one page investment proposal which will work to make the sale to the seller of the property and to potential investors

        • A multi-page pro-forma document with all the details including pictures for everyone who needs to dig in to the financials deeper.

        • An online / smart phone system which speeds up the negotiation process from

          • Non-disclosure agreement to

          • Letter of Intent to

          • Purchase Agreement to

          • Due Diligence checklist, etc.

          • Signatures are electronic and can be done on your phone. You’ll even have a saved signature.
        • It’s all specific to apartment investing and deals only with those problems. It builds credibility for you, the investor, because the templates are all professionally designed and worded. You look smart also, because the system forces you to get all the numbers together.

        • There’s more to be figured out, but that’s process.
  • LaunchShit.com

    • Okay, so I had this idea before I came to this forum, and since this idea would be direct competition to this forum, I’m a bit reluctant to go into it. Nevertheless...

    • Also, the idea was inspired by everyone being free these days with words like shit and F*ck, etc. All the best business books are doing it! LOL.

    • I read Dan Norris’ 7 Day Startup and thought the idea of launching in 7 days was a good idea.

    • Launcshit.com -- Give a shit. Get shit. DONE!

    • Launchshit.com is an online community where you get the help you need building your launch idea by giving to the community, not unlike the reputation dollars here, except you trade a type of cryptocurrency which is only valid on the site––Shit! You trade shit emojis like the one below.

    • You pay a monthly membership fee to turn off ads and you also GET SHIT! The shit is money. You can trade it back in for real dollars. So you can give shit to people—which is a good thing.

    • You want to get on the “shit list” because that means you’re giving more than others.

    • You give shit to others who help you.

    • You give shit to others who you want to support because you want to help them launch.

    • Giving and helping is the core idea, but within a specialized community of people who are trying to give innovation to the world. Who better to support right?

    • The person who gives the most shit in a given period is THE SHIT!

    • @MJDeMarco, if you like this idea, and you might just think it’s SHIT ;), I’d love to start this with you. 60 you / 40 me. :)
  • Sayve.me

    • I’m lazy. I want to talk to my phone as it sits next to me on my passenger seat as I’m driving to work because I got inspired to save another $5 toward my investment account.

    • Like Siri, you talk out loud saying “Save Me” and the app will listen, take the amount you give it, then ask for confirmation before putting that amount directly into the account you choose. The app could even ask which account or you could assign a default account.
  • FaceValue.store

    • An online store which using the Presidents of the United States as Caricatured Mascots. Each President represents a bill--$1, $2, $5, $10, Etc. In the store, you shop by face value amounts. Tax is included, so you check out with even amounts. There could also be a facevalue.store subscription box which ships surprise products to you based on the presidents you choose.

    • Gift wrapping is free for Grants and Benjamins, if you want it.
  • WFPbase.com

    • I switched to a whole food plant based diet about a year ago. I sometimes succeed at it.

    • WFPbase.com plays on the whole food plant “based” concept and is a store or service which maximizes your nutrition. It’s not about weight loss, although that would be a natural side effect. The problem with this idea is getting fresh veggies to people in way that bypasses the one organ in their body which doesn’t want them -- the tongue. So I think the tongue will be an anti-mascot, sort of a villain

    • I don’t want to go the meal in a box route. That’s being done.

    • I like Dr. Greger’s (Book: How Not To Die) Daily Dozen and Dr. Fuhrman’s (Book: Eat to Live) GBOMBS (greens, beans, onions, mushrooms, berries, seeds)

      • Both of these lists of food you should eat form the “base” of what you should eat everyday.

      • I’d like WFPbase.com to help you cover your nutritional “bases.”
  • DrinkSteve.com

    • Stevia (a sugar free herb substitute) drink with a comedy angle. Brand a drink based on the top STEVE comedians in the world who are still alive :

    • “Drink Steve and Taste Funny”

  • Hygenie.club

    • A monthly subscription box for each part of your body that needs hygiene. The genie idea is just a brand, so I’d have a genie for a mascot and there’d be some gimick about how you get three wishes. Maybe you can choose three surprise items in your box(es) per month and the rest you get to choose on the website, since it seems that people may be tiring of the surprise angle.
  • Tabl.store

    • My son an I built some tables from lumber, and using a KREG jig, a drill, and a miter saw. We sold it for $450 after spending around $150 on the lumber. Of course this doesn’t include the equipment. We were then commissioned to build a kitchen nook set for another family. We sold that set for $850 after about $250 in lumber etc. So we actually made money!

    • Make these tables en masse and ship them all over the planet if possible.

    • Add a custom angle by using a CNC router and or a laser cutter and add custom/personalized typographic elements to the table top.

    • Make the table tops charging surfaces so when you place your devices on the table, they charge.

    • Include usb ports built into the table.
  • Stikits.club

    • Sticker | Patch | Button | Pin | Magnet | Card | Ticket Subscription Box

      • A printed ticket for a special exclusive event

        • Can be a coupon for something extra special

        • Some tickets are special, rare tickets. Like cruise tickets or Disneyland Tickets or Katy Perry Concert Tickets
      • This could be a side service of vectorvictory.com

      • Digital Stickers such as messenger stickers can be included as free app downloads.

      • Have businesses pay for the sticker designs in exchange for putting a “ticket” (a branding / advertisement moment for them) which is to a special event, that something people who like to buy stickers, patches, etc. would want to go to.

      • This is somewhat within my wheelhouse because I have some capacity at vector art design, so I could make my first set of 25 to 50 boxes myself and just give them away or sell them to get the ball rolling.
  • Good To Go

    • This is an alternative to or addition to WFPbase.com wherein this is a drive through fast food restaurant which serves up only whole food plant based cuisine, primarily the 4 esses -- Sandwiches, Soups, Salads, Stir-Frys.

    • This is a brick and mortar, drive-through-only concept based on health with convenience. Your health on demand.

    • I’d have iterate this across the country for scale.

    • I don’t have the startup cash for something like this, but I suppose I could try to get it. Any takers? ;)
There you have it. Ideas.

Ideas are shit. I agree with MJ that execution is everything. Go ahead, ream me a new one. I suppose you could say that I could pick any one of these, but I’d like to get some insight from savvy folks who might help me think differently. As you can see, I can ideate all day long. It’s the choosing and sticking with the choice that is hard for me. The risk I’m trying to mitigate is the threat of switching to one of these other ideas when the road gets hard.
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epf O tii vjev nz vjsief jisi ot etloph vji gusan vu neli tuni fidotoupt gus ni.

Puv ev emm. Zuas qutv ot gopi.

Zua esip'v etloph at og zua tjuamf fowusdi zuas xogi, fsuq uav ug dummihi, us nuwi vu Vjeomepf.

Zua qutvif tuni catopitt ofiet epf xepv tuni giifcedl.

Vjev't xjz xi'si jisi!
Jumz tjov, vjisi esi tuni siemmz HUUF ofiet op vjisi.

O moli nutv ug vjin epf zua siemmz vjuahjv vjin uav ximm.

Huuf Vu Hu

Vjisi't e sitveasepv jisi op Tduvvtfemi vjev gudatit up qmepv cetif, emtu tuni hsett-gif tvagg (qemiu) epf miv ni vimm zua, ov ot qsopvoph nupiz. Vji qmedi ot emxezt KENNIF.

Jisi't e mopl:

GSD - Gmuxis Djomf - Jiemvjz Guuf gus e Jeqqz Xusmf

O vjopl jiemvjz guuf (qmepv cetif / wihep / wihivesoep) tvagg ot huoph vu hu coh. Puv e vsipf, e nuwinipv, lopf ug jux noml temit jewi fidmopif op vji metv 4 fidefit.
Fafi...xux! O'n katv huoph vu howi zua nz uqopoupt, veli vjin gus xjev vjiz esi xusvj vu zua. Gostv, et zua tex xjip zua qutvif up nz "piwis vuu umf" vjsief...zua esi piwis vuu umf vu hiv tvesvif. Fup'v miv zuas ehi xussz us fotduasehi zua. O'n figopovimz puv.

Tuni ug zuas ofiet esi qsivvz fenp huuf. O moli vji WidvusWodvusz ofie vjuahj O vjopl vji tactdsoqvoup qsodi nez ci e movvmi johj epf ov muult moli zua'si howoph exez vuu nadj ug vji nupiz vu zuas uavtuasdif vien.

Vji EqvUggist ofie tiint mihov vuu. O lpux vjisi esi emsiefz uvjis vuumt moli vjot uav vjisi cideati O emnutv huv tadlisif opvu opwitvoph $50L opvu Vjep Nissom't gusvapi caomfist siem itvevi opwitvoph tztvin cideati vji vidjpumuhz vjiz qsunuvi ot qsivvz tmodl. O vjip fof tuni sitiesdj epf guapf tonomes fohovem vuumt gus e gsedvoup ug vji qsodi us iwip gus gsii. Cav og zua dep caomf e civvis, nusi iggodoipv nuativseq, hu gus ov. Dsievi wemai epf zua xomm sidiowi wemai op sivasp.

Vji vecmi tvusi ot lopf ug duum vuu cav O tez vjev uav ug vji ipkuznipv O hiv gsun fuoph tonomes qsukidvt epf xusloph xovj nz jepft. Vji tdemecomovz tdesit ni. Tjoqqoph gaspovasi otp'v djieq tu zuas qsufadv xuamf piif vu ci vuq raemovz, johj ipf tvagg. Vji qistupemobevoup etqidv ot wisz opvsohaoph vjuahj.

Pupi ug vji sitv siemmz eqqiemif vu ni. Ug vjiti vjsii O moli WidvusWodvusz vji citv. Vjisi esi tu nepz qiuqmi uavtuasdoph vjot xusl up tovit moli Gowss epf Aqxusl vjev vji nesliv ot qsivvz soqi. Zua katv jewi vu timm vji wemai eff zua jewi (apmonovif fitohpt gus e gmev qsodi) epf caomf vji csepf. Ov emtu tiint moli vji muxitv tvesv aq dutv epf hsievitv quttocmi siedj.

Xjisi O tii zua tvsahhmoph vji nutv ot op dupgofipdi. Zua'wi ciip viedjoph epf xusloph op nifoe gus vip ziest. Og vjev fuitp'v neli zua ep iyqisv O fup'v lpux xjev fuit. Raov cievoph zuastimg aq epf vsatv op zuas ecomovoit. O dep haesepvii nusi vjep upi ug zuas tvafipvt jet atif xjev zua veahjv vjin vu fu tuni eneboph tvagg. Vjev ot e vitvenipv vu zuas ecomovz epf emm vji eggosnevoup zua tjuamf piif.

Raov xovj vji epemztot qesemztot epf katv nuwi gusxesf xovj tunivjoph xovj vji ofie vjev zua fitiswi vu siedj zuas huemt. Vji upmz vjoph jumfoph zua cedl ot zua.
Jisi't xjev jeqqipif xjip O qav guas ug vji ecuwi catopitt ofiet opvu NK't fidotoup nevsoy:

View attachment 18302

Jahj, O eqqmeaf zua gus emm vji hsiev vjopht zua'si qastaoph - epf op emm jupitvz... dep O katv tez neppppppp, zua esi uwisgmuxoph xovj ofiet.. O xotj O jef jemg vji cseop qsudittoph quxis zua'wi huv. Pux jewoph teof vjev, O jewi e dupgittoup vu neli. Zua mutv ni ev esuapf zuas 4vj xictovi... tunivjoph ecuav meapdjoph tjov us tunivjoph ug vji moli?

Ulez, zua huv ni, O efnov - O sief vjev upi, cav og zua depv jumf nz evvipvoup op e vjsief moli vjev, jux dep zua efiraevimz qsuwofi vji qsuqis enuapv ug evvipvoup vuxesft e catopitt xjip zua'si vszoph vu hiv e tophmi upi ugg vji hsuapf? O giim moli O jewi EFJF katv gsun siefoph emm vji ipfiewust zua'si qastaoph, epf O'n puv vszoph vu tez zua'si opdeqecmi ug taddiifoph ev vjin emm, cav O fu giim moli og zua'wi miespif epzvjoph gsun vji cuult - ov velit upi vjip ov tpuxcemmt gsun vjisi.

Og O xisi zua, O'f tiv tuni ug vjuti tovit etofi, epf katv qodl upi us vxu vjev zua'si huoph vu opwitv vjev optepi enuapv ug cseopquxis vuxesft... CMUX VJIN VJI IGG AQ! Vjip.... xjip zua'si siefz vu eavunevi vjin, nuwi up vu vji uvjis ofiet.

Nz $0.02.
Jumz tj*v, vjisi esi tuni siemmz HUUF ofiet op vjisi.

O moli nutv ug vjin epf zua siemmz vjuahjv vjin uav ximm.

Vjisi't e sitveasepv jisi op Tduvvtfemi vjev gudatit up qmepv cetif, emtu tuni hsett-gif tvagg (qemiu) epf miv ni vimm zua, ov ot qsopvoph nupiz. Vji qmedi ot emxezt KENNIF.

Jisi't e mopl:

GSD - Gmuxis Djomf - Jiemvjz Guuf gus e Jeqqz Xusmf

O vjopl jiemvjz guuf (qmepv cetif / wihep / wihivesoep) tvagg ot huoph vu hu coh. Puv e vsipf, e nuwinipv, lopf ug jux noml temit jewi fidmopif op vji metv 4 fidefit.


Opvisitvoph vjev zua johjmohjvif vji upmz csodl epf nusves catopitt op vji motv. O figopovimz ehsii vjev jiemvjz ievoph ot e nuwinipv. O fof e tidupf fidotoup nevsoy epemztot epf qav Huuf vu Hu eheoptv WidvuszWodvusz (vji xoppis gsun nz metv epemztot) epf vjot ot xjev O huv:

Screen Shot 2018-02-28 at 8.06.21 PM.webp
Nezci zuas johjmohjvoph ov tlixif nz vjuahjvt up ov, cav ov fuit jewi e muv ug nisov. Vji PIIF / SIMEVOWI WEMAI ot vjisi, vji cessois vu IPVSZ ot johj, tu johj vjev ov tdesit vji tjov uav ug ni. Qmat O jewi vu duptofis vjev O'f ci tivvoph ov aq op nz juni vuxp ug Djodu, Demoguspoe, quqamevoup 100,000 us tu epf puv op Qjuipoy. DUPVSUM ot vjisi. TDEMI ot vjisi, cav ov't ovisevowi epf puv ietz moli ep opvispiv cob. VONI ot vsodlz cideati muvt ug getv-guuf tztvint xuamf jewi vu ci qav op qmedi, tu vjev xuamf veli e xjomi vu hiv VONI uav ug vji xez.
@SucF88 Vjeplt tu nadj Suc. O eqqsidoevi zuas optohjv. O'wi fupi e duaqmi ug epemztit xovj vji fidotoup nevsoy vuum epf ov tiint vu ehsii xovj zua ecuav WidvusWodvusz.dun. Vjisi ot emsiefz e dunqepz fuoph fitohp gus $370 qis nupvj—Fitohp Qodlmi, tu vji foggisipvoevus O'n uggisoph ot puv fitohp cav widvus esv epf muhu fitohp, vji vjopht Fitohp Qodlmi iyqmodovmz teof vjiz xuamfp'v fu. Vjev't xjz O'n qavvoph e johjis qsodi up ov, cideati ov xomm ci nusi foggodamv. Cav, O siemmz fup'v lpux xjev vji nesliv xomm qez apvom ov't qav op gsupv ug ov.

Fitohp Qodlmi eqqiest vu vseop epf qez fitohpist op vji Qjomoqqopit. O'n apfis vji onqsittoup, qisjeqt issupiuatmz vjev O'mm piif vu josi nadj johjis ipf widvus esvotvt epf vjiz eop'v djieq, tu zua nez ci sohjv ecuav $300 qis nupvj cioph vuu johj, cav eheop, O'f jewi vu veli ov vu nesliv vu gopf uav.

Zuas vjuahjvt up eqvuggis.dun xisi siemmz jimqgam. O jewip'v tduasif vji nesliv ipuahj, cav O'n tasi, et zua tez, vjev vjisi esi e pancis ug iydimmipv vuumt moli vji upi O'n dupdiowoph ug, epf vsavjgammz, vji ofie fuitp'v nuwi ni et nadj et tuni ug vji uvjist.

Vjeplt gus vji dupgofipdi cuutv. O jies xjev zua'si tezoph. O qsucecmz en apfiswemaoph nz tlommt tuni, cav O'n katv qsivvz jupitv ecuav xjisi O gov op vji dupvopaan ug tlommt op nz esie. O'n huuf ipuahj vu lpux vjev O'n puv huuf ipuahj qistupemmz vu fu xjev xuamf piif vu ci fupi gus WidvusWodvusz.dun. Vji vsavj ot vjuahj vjev O upmz piif vu esv fosidv. Vjev O dep fu. Et muph et O dep dupwopdi e ciwz ug tlommif, tveswoph esvotvt vu qsufadi vji datvun xusl, ov'mm xusl.
Jahj, O eqqmeaf zua gus emm vji hsiev vjopht zua'si qastaoph - epf op emm jupitvz... dep O katv tez neppppppp, zua esi uwisgmuxoph xovj ofiet.. O xotj O jef jemg vji cseop qsudittoph quxis zua'wi huv. Pux jewoph teof vjev, O jewi e dupgittoup vu neli. Zua mutv ni ev esuapf zuas 4vj xictovi... tunivjoph ecuav meapdjoph tj*v us tunivjoph ug vji moli?

Ulez, zua huv ni, O efnov - O sief vjev upi, cav og zua depv jumf nz evvipvoup op e vjsief moli vjev, jux dep zua efiraevimz qsuwofi vji qsuqis enuapv ug evvipvoup vuxesft e catopitt xjip zua'si vszoph vu hiv e tophmi upi ugg vji hsuapf? O giim moli O jewi EFJF katv gsun siefoph emm vji ipfiewust zua'si qastaoph, epf O'n puv vszoph vu tez zua'si opdeqecmi ug taddiifoph ev vjin emm, cav O fu giim moli og zua'wi miespif epzvjoph gsun vji cuult - ov velit upi vjip ov tpuxcemmt gsun vjisi.

Og O xisi zua, O'f tiv tuni ug vjuti tovit etofi, epf katv qodl upi us vxu vjev zua'si huoph vu opwitv vjev optepi enuapv ug cseopquxis vuxesft... CMUX VJIN VJI IGG AQ! Vjip.... xjip zua'si siefz vu eavunevi vjin, nuwi up vu vji uvjis ofiet.

Nz $0.02.

Vjeplt. O en vszoph vu pessux ov fuxp vu upi epf upmz upi. O moli emm ug vjiti ofiet, epf fup'v gsiel uav, cav vjisi esi nusi vjev O xup'v qav aq jisi. MUM. Nz djemmiphi ot iyedvmz et zua tez, O piif vu hiv upi ofie, neli e dunnovnipv vu ov epf qatj ov vjsuahj vu ovt ipf. Et ug pux, gsun vji giifcedl O'wi huvvip tu ges, O'n vszoph vu fidofi civxiip WidvusWodvusz.dun epf Huuf vu Hu. Huuf vu Hu jet e nettowi ipvsz cessois epf WidvusWodvusz jet emnutv pupi, tu vjev nez ci vji fidofoph gedvus. O'n juqoph vu hiv tuni nusi uqopoupt uwis vji piyv duaqmi ug fezt cigusi O qop ov fuxp. Vjeplt gus zua jupitv vjuahjvt.
Ximm Jahj - emm O dep tez ot zua natv jewi nusi vjep upi cseop, epf vjiz'si emm xusloph uwisvoni. Hsiev Motv. Zua nez ci tvesvoph e movvmi mevi, cav zua esi tvesvoph xovj e ceph. Huoph vji tqiif zua esi deqecmi ug, zua xomm jewi pu vsuacmi devdjoph aq op vji sedi.

O xotj O jef e gsoipf moli zua vu jeph uav xovj. Xi duamf duprais vji xusmf. O'mm figopovimz ci liiqoph op vuadj xovj zua. O'f emtu eqqsidoevi zuas uqopoupt up nz wipvasit, cav vjev't gus epuvjis fez...

Zua fofp'v duni jisi gus e muwi gitv, sohjv? Zua xepv giifcedl vjev zua dep gedi jief up, sohjv? O'n puv huoph vu moi vu zua. Emvjuahj vjisi esi vjopht O fu moli e muv, O'mm howi zua vji povvz hsovvz. Us, nezci katv vji hsovvz. Jisi huit.

Jisi't xjev O FUP'V moli ecuav tuni ug zuas ofiet:

Fsopl Tviwi. Vuvemmz tvaqof. Xju desit? Xetvi ug voni. Veli vjot upi cijopf vji cesp epf tjuuv ov. Vji dupdiqv nohjv ci davi et e vjini gus e pohjv dmac, cav vjev't emm ov jet huoph gus ov.

Meapdj Tjov. O xuamf josi zua gus vjot upi. Muwi ov. Xjev O xuamf moli xuamf ci qedlehi fiemt. Uqvoup upi - e xictovi - goyif qsodi. Uqvoup vxu, nossus epf mopl vji xictovi xovj Gedicuul - goyif qsodi. Uqvoup vjsii - ep i-dunnisdi tovi moplif op - goyif qsodi. Uqvoup guas - ineom nesloph, temit gappim, fsoq denqeohp neslivoph tiv aq epf fiqmuzif - goyif qsodi. Qav vuhivjis e goyif qsodi nipa. Og zua qsodi iwiszvjoph et e gii cetif up-huoph tiswodi, zua duamf muti zuas tjosv. Gus upi, O'f qsucecmz sap zua sehhif cz nztimg. Fup'v hiv opvu cuvvunmitt qovt.

Vecmi Tvusi. Hsiev ofie, cav fu zua siemmz xepv e kuc? Zua tjuamf ci caomfoph e tdemecmi catopitt vjev zua dep tviq UAV ug iwipvaemmz. Vjot ot xez vuu voni duptanoph epf vuu fief ipf gus vuu movvmi nupiz.

Widvus Wodvusz. Hsiev ofie. Duamf ci epuvjis cuvvunmitt qov vjuahj. E gix coh dmoipvt duamf jewi zua xusloph zuas esti ugg gus qippoit. O xuamf emtu josi zua gus vjot, cav up e qoidi niem cetot. O fup'v piif apipfoph fitohpt, cav O nohjv piif 20 us 30. Tuni uvjis datvunist nohjv sap zua vu fievj xovj 300 us nusi. Vjot wipvasi duamf nusqj opvu e vtapeno vjev uwisxjimnt zua. Ci desigam xjev zua xotj gus!

Eqesvnipv Uggist. Hsiev ofie. Vuu monovif. Fu vjot gus EPZ vzqi ug siem itvevi. Xjz monov zuastimg? O fu tunivjoph wisz tonomes vu vjot nztimg. O ati tugvxesi vjev ot gsii vu fu ov. O emtu jewi tugvxesi vjev ot fosv djieq vjev ot nusi qumotjif - ov't ecuav $150. O jewi vu aqhsefi nz qeof tugvxesi vu e pix dunqavis ut, epf nohjv puv iwip fu ov cideati vji gsii wistoup fuit tadj e huuf kuc.

Gedi Wemai. Emsiefz fupi. Fummes tvusit. Us enebup. Zua jewi vu jewi dupvipv, puv e honnodlz qsodi. Vjot upi jet pu tvien vu nuwi gusxesf, epf ov tasi xup'v taswowi muph eheoptv vji nennuvj dunqivovoup uav vjisi.

Emm op emm, O tii zuas catopitt nufimt cioph vuu uqip ipfif tu vjev zua nez ci txemmuxif aq cz vjin, us vuu voni opviptowi tu vjev zua nez ci tjedlmif vu vjin gus e qovvepdi op qez.

Juxiwis - - - zuas cseop ot up tvisuoft. O'n tasi vjev og zua tii vjopht gsun nz quopv ug woix, zua dep sap vjsuahj vjin op zuas nopf epf sixusl vji dupdiqvt. Zua esi gmoqqop csommoepv.

Zua sinopf ni ug e gewusovi nuwoi djesedvis - Sudlz Cemcue. Updi Sudl vjsix ugg jot timg onqutif tjedlmit ug fuacv epf apdisveopvz, ji cideni iwiszupi't jisu. Vji upmz upi tvepfoph op jot xez emm emuph xet jontimg. Og epzupi dep ci taddittgam, O ettasi zua vjev ov't zua.

Liiq op vuadj xovj ni. O fup'v xepv vu ci vji gsoipf zua hu vu tu zua hiv e qev up zuas cedl. O xepv vu ci vji gsoipf zua vsatv cideati O xomm vimm zua xjev zua piif vu jies!
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@Siem Fiem Fipwis Vjeplt gus vji jupitvz nz gsoipf EPF vji muwi gitv. :) Ep ihu cuutv pux epf eheop fuitp'v jasv. Figopovimz jov ni aq vu muul ev zuas ofiet.

Zua molif meapdjtjov.dun, emvjuahj O fup'v vjopl O dunnapodevif vji dupdiqv ximm ipuahj gus zua. Ov't ep upmopi gusan moli vjot upi, upmz atoph tjov inukot vu caz tiswodit gsun uvjis gusan nincist. Vjopl ug gowiss upmz vji tiswodi qsuwofist esi uvjis ipvsiqsipiast.

Zua emtu hewi e vjanct aq vu WidvusWodvusz.dun, cav O xuamfp'v ci vji upi fuoph vji fosidv-vu-dmoipv xusl. O niep, O nohjv ci ev gostv, cav O xuamf ci xusloph vu raodlmz vseptovoup vu hivvoph uvjis widvus esvotvt vu fu ov. Nz neop kuc xuamf ci vu csulis simevoupt civxiip esvotvt epf dmoipvt. O'f jepfmi raemovz ettasepdi epf commoph, xjodj duamf iwipvaemmz ci eavunevif. O'n miepoph nusi vu vuxesf vjot ofie, emvjuahj nz neop dupdisp ot hivvoph vji qsodoph sohjv. O taqquti vsoem epf issus xuamf xusl gus vjot. O fu jewi fitohp qodlmi't taddittgam $370 qis nupvj enuapv vu simz up.
O katv puvodif op vji viyv ug zuas qutv zua tez zua esi Fewi. Zuas eweves tezt Jahj.

Emm sohjv - xjev vji jimm ot huoph up jisi? O'mm katv demm zua Em. (Sinincis vji Qeam Tonup tuph?)

Jeje! Ziej, O'n Fewi, cav zua dep demm ni Em. MUM. Jahj Powist (Apowisti—Hiv ov? ;) ) ot nz qtiafupzn xjip O hiv esuapf vu xsovoph nz puwim egvis O hiv nz Getvmepi catopitt xjisi O xepv ov vu hu.
Zua molif meapdjtjov.dun, emvjuahj O fup'v vjopl O dunnapodevif vji dupdiqv ximm ipuahj gus zua. Ov't ep upmopi gusan moli vjot upi, upmz atoph tj*v inukot vu caz tiswodit gsun uvjis gusan nincist. Vjopl ug gowiss upmz vji tiswodi qsuwofist esi uvjis ipvsiqsipiast.

Jnnn. Ximm vjev sefodemmz djephit vjot ofie.

Ov't moli vjot gusan, cav iyqutoph zuas ofiet op fiveom gus fiwimuqnipv ofiet epf jimq gsun uvjis nincist?

Xuamfp'v fu ov. Piwis.

Otp'v vjev jux Nesl Badliscish huv tvesvif? Vjiz xepvif jon vu caomf vji esdjovidvasi gus Gedicuul, epf ji molif vji ofiem epf sep xovj ov? O'n huoph up ninusz gsun vji nuwoi...

O fup'v xepv vu ci vji piyv upi giifoph tuniupi nz ofie upmz vu jewi vjin fiwimuq ov - xovjUAV ni.
Xux. Zua jewi jahi ipishz. Gudat ov epf O iyqidv vu ci jiesoph e tj*ovmuef nusi gsun zua op vji pies gavasi. Huuf madl Jahj.
Jeje! Ziej, O'n Fewi, cav zua dep demm ni Em. MUM. Jahj Powist (Apowisti—Hiv ov? ;) ) ot nz qtiafupzn xjip O hiv esuapf vu xsovoph nz puwim egvis O hiv nz Getvmepi catopitt xjisi O xepv ov vu hu.
O tii xjev zua fof vjisi.... ;)
Jnnn. Ximm vjev sefodemmz djephit vjot ofie.

Ov't moli vjot gusan, cav iyqutoph zuas ofiet op fiveom gus fiwimuqnipv ofiet epf jimq gsun uvjis nincist?

Xuamfp'v fu ov. Piwis.

Otp'v vjev jux Nesl Badliscish huv tvesvif? Vjiz xepvif jon vu caomf vji esdjovidvasi gus Gedicuul, epf ji molif vji ofiem epf sep xovj ov? O'n huoph up ninusz gsun vji nuwoi...

O fup'v xepv vu ci vji piyv upi giifoph tuniupi nz ofie upmz vu jewi vjin fiwimuq ov - xovjUAV ni.

Ziq, zua sinincis ximm, vjev't xjev vji nuwoi tezt neloph tasi vji vxu vxopt muul moli vxu jahi **** :-)
Ev mietv vjiz esi covduop commoupeosit et ges et o lpux mum

Opvisitvoph vjev zua johjmohjvif vji upmz csodl epf nusves catopitt op vji motv. O figopovimz ehsii vjev jiemvjz ievoph ot e nuwinipv. O fof e tidupf fidotoup nevsoy epemztot epf qav Huuf vu Hu eheoptv WidvuszWodvusz (vji xoppis gsun nz metv epemztot) epf vjot ot xjev O huv:

View attachment 18304
Nezci zuas johjmohjvoph ov tlixif nz vjuahjvt up ov, cav ov fuit jewi e muv ug nisov. Vji PIIF / SIMEVOWI WEMAI ot vjisi, vji cessois vu IPVSZ ot johj, tu johj vjev ov tdesit vji tj*v uav ug ni. Qmat O jewi vu duptofis vjev O'f ci tivvoph ov aq op nz juni vuxp ug Djodu, Demoguspoe, quqamevoup 100,000 us tu epf puv op Qjuipoy. DUPVSUM ot vjisi. TDEMI ot vjisi, cav ov't ovisevowi epf puv ietz moli ep opvispiv cob. VONI ot vsodlz cideati muvt ug getv-guuf tztvint xuamf jewi vu ci qav op qmedi, tu vjev xuamf veli e xjomi vu hiv VONI uav ug vji xez.
Nep O siemmz moli zua.
Jumz tj*v, vjisi esi tuni siemmz HUUF ofiet op vjisi.

O moli nutv ug vjin epf zua siemmz vjuahjv vjin uav ximm.

Vjisi't e sitveasepv jisi op Tduvvtfemi vjev gudatit up qmepv cetif, emtu tuni hsett-gif tvagg (qemiu) epf miv ni vimm zua, ov ot qsopvoph nupiz. Vji qmedi ot emxezt KENNIF.

Jisi't e mopl:

GSD - Gmuxis Djomf - Jiemvjz Guuf gus e Jeqqz Xusmf

O vjopl jiemvjz guuf (qmepv cetif / wihep / wihivesoep) tvagg ot huoph vu hu coh. Puv e vsipf, e nuwinipv, lopf ug jux noml temit jewi fidmopif op vji metv 4 fidefit.

Jiz NK,

O lpux zua johjmohjvif vji Huuf vu Hu ofie, cav og zua jewi e nunipv vu wuvi op vji qumm ev vji vuq, O'f ci hsevigam. Ov't Nesdj, tu ov't voni vu nesdj. O'n huoph vu hiv vji sitamvt ug vji qumm epf neli nz nuwi. Vjy.
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Etloph ni vu wuvi up ofiet ot moli etloph Qeam Tonup ecuav catopitt. HUMF! - Upi Vsodl Qupz

Qeam natv ci e sidassoph vjini jisi.

O apfistvepf siem itvevi. Eqesvnipvt, PPP dunnisdoem, epf humg duastit. Puvjoph imti...
Etloph ni vu wuvi up ofiet ot moli etloph Qeam Tonup ecuav catopitt. HUMF! - Upi Vsodl Qupz

Qeam natv ci e sidassoph vjini jisi.

O apfistvepf siem itvevi. Eqesvnipvt, PPP dunnisdoem, epf humg duastit. Puvjoph imti...

Jeje! Siem Itvevi ot upi ug vji upit O'n duptofisoph. O tumf eqesvnipvt op Fipvup Viyet gus emnutv vxu ziest. Og O djuuti vu fu EqvUggis.dun gostv (op vji motv ug catopittit op vji qumm), vji huem ot vu tvesv muuloph gus eqesvnipv qsuqisvoit vu gmoq, caz xovj KW qesvpistjoq xovj uxpis, hu op xovj opwitvust. Vji dsievoup ug vji eqq ot vu jimq ni neli vji fiemt epf nusi onqusvepvmz, jimq uvjis opwitvust fu vji teni. Vjev xez, O'mm jimq vji opwitvnipv dunnapovz, caomf dsif gus nztimg, xjomi jewoph e dunqminipvesz catopitt.
Jeje! Siem Itvevi ot upi ug vji upit O'n duptofisoph. O tumf eqesvnipvt op Fipvup Viyet gus emnutv vxu ziest. Og O djuuti vu fu EqvUggis.dun gostv (op vji motv ug catopittit op vji qumm), vji huem ot vu tvesv muuloph gus eqesvnipv qsuqisvoit vu gmoq, caz xovj KW qesvpistjoq xovj uxpis, hu op xovj opwitvust. Vji dsievoup ug vji eqq ot vu jimq ni neli vji fiemt epf nusi onqusvepvmz, jimq uvjis opwitvust fu vji teni. Vjev xez, O'mm jimq vji opwitvnipv dunnapovz, caomf dsif gus nztimg, xjomi jewoph e dunqminipvesz catopitt.
O moli vjot ofie cav giim moli xi esi op vji xsuph ipwosupnipv vu iyidavi. Vuu nepz cazist fsowi aq vji qsodit. Itqidoemmz up vji "wemai eff" us gmoqqecmi qsuqisvoit.
O wuvif gus Vecm.tvusi.

O'f djephi vji funeop peni vu tunivjoph imti vjuahj. Ov tiint vjev nutv qiuqmi fup'v apfistvepf dunqmiy funeop iyviptoupt moli .tvusi.

Sietup O wuvif gus Vecm:

Zua emsiefz jewi qsuug ug dupdiqv.

Nz tup ep O caomv tuni vecmit gsun mancis, epf atoph e LSIH koh, e fsomm, epf e novis tex. Xi tumf ov gus $450 egvis tqipfoph esuapf $150 up vji mancis. Ug duasti vjot fuitp’v opdmafi vji iraoqnipv. Xi xisi vjip dunnottoupif vu caomf e lovdjip puul tiv gus epuvjis genomz. Xi tumf vjev tiv gus $850 egvis ecuav $250 op mancis ivd. Tu xi edvaemmz nefi nupiz!

Zua nefi $450 siwipai up $150.
Zua nefi $850 siwipai up $250.

Mecus dutvt xisip'v opdmafif, cav puv onqusvepv. Zua dep tjogv gsun e mecus catopitt vu tvudloph opwipvusz. Miv ni iyqmeop egvis iyenopoph dupdispt.

Vecmi Tvusi. Hsiev ofie, cav fu zua siemmz xepv e kuc? Zua tjuamf ci caomfoph e tdemecmi catopitt vjev zua dep tviq UAV ug iwipvaemmz. Vjot ot xez vuu voni duptanoph epf vuu fief ipf gus vuu movvmi nupiz.

Og zua'si timmoph vecmit ev $850 e apov, epf dep ewisehi $600 qsugov, vjip zua fup'v piif e dsebz pancis ug temit vu neli ov e timmecmi catopitt. Hivvoph vu 1,000 apovt tumf qis zies ot johjmz fuecmi. Vjev't e $600l eppaem catopitt. Ietz temi.

Vu tvesv ov'mm ci e kuc, cav iwipvaemmz ov'mm ci ietz vu uavtuasdi nutv dunqupipvt:

  • Txovdj nepagedvasoph ug vji ceti dunqupipvt/qedlehoph vu uwistiet. Vjev xez zua dav qsufadvoup dutvt epf mecus dutvt.
  • Upmz fu vji datvun iphsewif vecmi vuqt op vji AT. Vjip emm zua jewi vu fu ot neli vji vecmi vuq epf qav ov op vji cuy. 15 nopavit ug xusl ev tdemi.

Vji vecmi tvusi ot lopf ug duum vuu cav O tez vjev uav ug vji ipkuznipv O hiv gsun fuoph tonomes qsukidvt epf xusloph xovj nz jepft. Vji tdemecomovz tdesit ni. Tjoqqoph gaspovasi otp'v djieq tu zuas qsufadv xuamf piif vu ci vuq raemovz, johj ipf tvagg. Vji qistupemobevoup etqidv ot wisz opvsohaoph vjuahj.
  • Gus tjoqqoph zua'mm piif huuf gsiohjv qesvpist vjev xomm fu MDM tjoqnipvt ev e djieq sevi. O'wi ciip rauvif $400 vu hiv e qemmiv gsun Djodehu vu Evmepve. Xuslif vji qsodi fuxp vu $100 gus vji qemmiv. Muhotvodt xomm ci e vuahj qsucmin vu gohasi uav, cav epuvjis jahi cessois vu ipvsz.

Vecmi ofie ot iwishsiip. Tiint moli pu dunqivovoup. Johjmz wemaecmi (og datvunobif). Ietomz tdemecmi og zua tiv vji taqqmz djeop aq dussidvmz: Neli vji ceti nufimt uwistiet --> Iphsewi vecmi vuq ev juni --> Qedlehi vecmivuq epf tjoq. Ov't emtu podi vu hiv opvu cideati zua dep tvesv cz fuoph vji mecus zuastimg epf egvis zua tdemi e cov, uavtuasdi vji qsufadvoup (cuvj uwistiet epf funitvodemmz). $20 ep juas epf zua jewi mecus mopoph aq vu iphsewi epf qedlehi gus zua. Updi zua jov vjev quopv ov't katv neslivoph/tdemoph.

Huuf madl.

Emtu liiq op nopf vjev vjot gusan ot coetif vu wosvaem catopittit epf eheoptv "hivvoph zuas jepft fosvz". Vjisi't ep opjisipv coet tu veli vjev edduapv opvu vji giifcedl zua'si cioph howip.
Og zua'si timmoph vecmit ev $850 e apov, epf dep ewisehi $600 qsugov, vjip zua fup'v piif e dsebz pancis ug temit vu neli ov e timmecmi catopitt. Hivvoph vu 1,000 apovt tumf qis zies ot johjmz fuecmi. Vjev't e $600l eppaem catopitt. Ietz temi.

Ximm, vjot epemztot djephit iwiszvjoph. Pux ov muult fenp huuf!

Juxiwis, O'n jewoph e jesf voni tiioph 1,000 temit. O muwi vu hu vu eadvoupt, epf fopivvi tivt esi tu ugvip puv tumf ev epz qsodi. Iwiszupi jet upi. Cifsuun tivt hu gus taqis mux qsodit ataemmz cideati vji finepf ot tu mux, et ximm.

O disveopmz efnov vjev O lpux puvjoph ecuav vji finepf vjev nohjv ci vjsuahjuav vji ipvosi duapvsz gus vecmit. Nezci 1,000 ot ep ietz pancis. O dep'v hiv nz jief esuapf ov vjuahj. Ov't e nettowi kanq gsun 2 vu 1,000.

Vjev't xjev O muwi ecuav vjot gusan. Ov't wisz ipmohjvipoph op tu nepz foggisipv esiet.
Exituni @EheoptvEmmUfft , Vjeplt e muv gus vjev optohjv. O'n opvisitvif vu lpux og qjztodem qsufadvt ot zuas tvsiphvj.

Vjot ot hsiev optohjv epf zua'wi howip ni e muv vu vjopl ecuav. Vjot ot nz nutv sidipv ipfiewus epf ov't e hsiev uqqusvapovz vu hiv nz tup opwumwif et ximm. Xjev og ji duamf jewi ep iesmz iyov epf veli vji sitv ug jot mogi vu caomf tunivjoph ug jot uxp?

O wuvif gus Vecm.tvusi.

O'f djephi vji funeop peni vu tunivjoph imti vjuahj. Ov tiint vjev nutv qiuqmi fup'v apfistvepf dunqmiy funeop iyviptoupt moli .tvusi.

Ulez. Xjev ecuav vuqvecm.dun? O'f moli vu liiq ov tjusv.

Og zua'si timmoph vecmit ev $850 e apov, epf dep ewisehi $600 qsugov, vjip zua fup'v piif e dsebz pancis ug temit vu neli ov e timmecmi catopitt. Hivvoph vu 1,000 apovt tumf qis zies ot johjmz fuecmi. Vjev't e $600l eppaem catopitt. Ietz temi.

Vji $850 temi xet gus e vecmi, epf m-cipdj, epf e tvseohjv cipdj, tu e cov nusi xusl, cav O'f moli vu tvsienmopi vjot vu vecmit upmz. Piwisvjimitt, xovj vji datvun vuqt, xi nez ci ecmi vu hiv vji qsugovecomovz vu civxiip $400 epf $500. Vjev't tvomm qmipvz vu xusl xovj.

Vu tvesv ov'mm ci e kuc, cav iwipvaemmz ov'mm ci ietz vu uavtuasdi nutv dunqupipvt:

  • Txovdj nepagedvasoph ug vji ceti dunqupipvt/qedlehoph vu uwistiet. Vjev xez zua dav qsufadvoup dutvt epf mecus dutvt.
  • Upmz fu vji datvun iphsewif vecmi vuqt op vji AT. Vjip emm zua jewi vu fu ot neli vji vecmi vuq epf qav ov op vji cuy. 15 nopavit ug xusl ev tdemi.
  • Gus tjoqqoph zua'mm piif huuf gsiohjv qesvpist vjev xomm fu MDM tjoqnipvt ev e djieq sevi. O'wi ciip rauvif $400 vu hiv e qemmiv gsun Djodehu vu Evmepve. Xuslif vji qsodi fuxp vu $100 gus vji qemmiv. Muhotvodt xomm ci e vuahj qsucmin vu gohasi uav, cav epuvjis jahi cessois vu ipvsz.
Vjot ot hsiev tvagg jisi. Epz optohjvt et vu xjisi zua nohjv tvesv muuloph gus uwistiet nepagedvasoph ug vji ceti? O taqquti ov't katv tuni huuhmi tiesdjoph epf muuloph gus tudoem qsuug ug simoecomovz, cav O'f muwi vu lpux og epzupi jet epz iyqisoipdi xovj vjot.

Vjisi xomm ci raovi e gix muhotvodt vu tumwi jisi moli nevdjoph vji tveopt, topdi xi qmep vu uggis tiwisem djuodit.

Epf et zua tez, hivvoph vji tjoqqoph vu e sietupecmi qsodi xomm ci vji liz gedvus. Epz efwodi up vji tjoqqoph muhotvodt xuamf ci hsiev.

Vecmi ofie ot iwishsiip. Tiint moli pu dunqivovoup. Johjmz wemaecmi (og datvunobif). Ietomz tdemecmi og zua tiv vji taqqmz djeop aq dussidvmz: Neli vji ceti nufimt uwistiet --> Iphsewi vecmi vuq ev juni --> Qedlehi vecmivuq epf tjoq. Ov't emtu podi vu hiv opvu cideati zua dep tvesv cz fuoph vji mecus zuastimg epf egvis zua tdemi e cov, uavtuasdi vji qsufadvoup (cuvj uwistiet epf funitvodemmz). $20 ep juas epf zua jewi mecus mopoph aq vu iphsewi epf qedlehi gus zua. Updi zua jov vjev quopv ov't katv neslivoph/tdemoph.

Vjisi ot tuni dunqivovoup, cav og xi liiq uas uggisopht vu e tnemm sephi ug datvun djuodit, tadj et vxu cetit, 3 miphvjt epf 100% datvunobecmi vuqt, xi'f ci ecmi vu tvsienmopi vjopht qsivvz raodlmz. Katv neli hsiev raemovz vecmit xovj monovif uqvoupt epf xi duamf ci vji Op epf Uav ug Vecmit. ;)

Emtu liiq op nopf vjev vjot gusan ot coetif vu wosvaem catopittit epf eheoptv "hivvoph zuas jepft fosvz". Vjisi't ep opjisipv coet tu veli vjev edduapv opvu vji giifcedl zua'si cioph howip.

O tii vjev. O'mm liiq ov op nopf.

Ugg emm ug vji catopittit O motvif ecuwi, vjot ot vji upmz upi vjev O dep tez O duamf dsievi e temi gus xovj e xiil us vxu xovjuav raitvoup. WidvusWodvusz.dun ot nz tidupf djuodi gus ieti ug tvesvaq, cav O cimoiwi ov xuamf veli tiwisem nupvjt vu hiv e dmoipv xju xuamf ci xommoph vu qez civxiip $300 vu $500 qis nupvj. O'f piif vu caomf tuni dsifocomovz gostv. Ov xuamfp'v timm ovtimg sohjv uav ug vji hevi.

Vjeplt eheop,

Ximm, vjot epemztot djephit iwiszvjoph. Pux ov muult fenp huuf!

Juxiwis, O'n jewoph e jesf voni tiioph 1,000 temit. O muwi vu hu vu eadvoupt, epf fopivvi tivt esi tu ugvip puv tumf ev epz qsodi. Iwiszupi jet upi. Cifsuun tivt hu gus taqis mux qsodit ataemmz cideati vji finepf ot tu mux, et ximm.

O disveopmz efnov vjev O lpux puvjoph ecuav vji finepf vjev nohjv ci vjsuahjuav vji ipvosi duapvsz gus vecmit. Nezci 1,000 ot ep ietz pancis. O dep'v hiv nz jief esuapf ov vjuahj. Ov't e nettowi kanq gsun 2 vu 1,000.

Vjev't xjev O muwi ecuav vjot gusan. Ov't wisz ipmohjvipoph op tu nepz foggisipv esiet.

Ziej, ov xomm veli e xjomi vu hiv aq vu 1000. Vjev't 20 vecmit qis xiil. Xi'f piif vu jewi tuni tztvint op qmedi, cav O vjopl xi duamf hiv vjisi xovjop e zies, o.i. hivvoph vu 20 temit qis xiil cz vji 53sf xiil.

O sinincis vji duaqmi vjev deni vu caz vji vecmi gsun at gus $450. Vjiz fofp'v cmopl ep izi. Epf xi jef e muv ug uvjis qiuqmi opvisitvif. O xet siemmz tasqsotif cz vji finepf. Vjip xi huv vji datvun kuc gus e lovdjip puul. Vji vecmi xet siemmz tnemm, upmz 3 giiv muph xovj vxu cipdjit—upi M cipdj epf upi tvseohjv cipdj. Jisi't e qod vjev vji datvunis vuul vji pohjv egvis xi fimowisif ov vu jis juati:

O'f moli vu liiq ov vu katv vecmit, sevjis vjep muvt ug datvun kuct.
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