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New Contributor
Jul 9, 2018
@MJ DeMarco

Hi MJ,
I'm Vanessa from Mauritius.(Please excuse me if my English is not perfect) 24years old. Worker (or should I say Trading my 5 for 2!), Mom of a cute 1 and a half yo boy and happily married.

Well first of all, I'd like to say something about your profile picture: I thought it was a picture of you.
But then, when I was searching for your content on YT, I found your videos and I was like "Man! Such a gorgeous, handsome, superb millionnaire sitting ALONE in this huge mansion with that beautiful mountain view behind him."

Why did you choose that profile picture? (I have nothing for or against it) but just wanted to know, what does it represent/mean?

Now let's get back to what I intended to write here.

In 2017, around July, I discovered that my life sucked: lost all my friends, just had my son, was still living in that single room where I sleep, cook, eat, look after my son, my relationship with my husband was going nowhere great, had no meaningful goal in life, felt like shit, hated my job even more because it eats up most of my resources(time, energy, attention). I started feeling very Depressed.

That's when I discovered The Secret ,Vishen Lakhiani and his company Mindvalley.
(He could be qualified as a self-development guru because he sells courses, quests and other online programmes about Self-Development.)

Since then, I got an awakening. Suddenly, what felt normal to me became a realization like fish becomes aware of water. That was my awakening.

I started reading that guy Vishen's book The Code of The Extraordinary Mind, in which I got to discover how I "operate", what is a belief system and that I have one, my values, my perceptions,...
Mostly, what the book teaches is that we've been indoctrinated with Brules(Bullsh*t Rules) that truncate our experience of life(our reality)
I also discovered my Purpose and I'm on that journey to making my purpose my reality.
Long story short, my life has been changing. I've become accountable: when I could identify my patterns of behaviour through past experiences, I could change my reactions to new situations and change my perceptions. Life is is no more a routine to me.

Also,I was very religious before. Wherever there would be talks about Jesus, I would be there. As a Faithful Follower of the Christ. Jesus was My Spouse. I viewed millionaires as greedy sinners who would burn in hell (Money is the root of all evil. Who wants evil?) and I was praying for God to forgive them. I viewed bad experiences as God testing my Faith. I even was guilty when I started dating with my husband because to me, it felt like I was cheating on Jesus!!! My highest goal in life until then was to be a nun.

Now that I think of it again, all this did not make me a better, kinder, happier, more fulfilled person. I never even had breakthroughs. I don't remember myself having A-ha moments and learning to live a whole new way: MY WAY.

Because I had rules to follow from that big book because everyone was following it. Moreover, I thought I had no chance in life because I've been told that I'm a sinner. My fault: I was believing and following all this blindly. I did not question any of the system, until I read that book.

From that point, I also realized that I have the right(it's my birthright) to be happy and to be living my life the way I want it. That there's nothing wrong in having tons of money and driving sports car.

Infact, that book helped me to redefine every aspect of my life(from what I eat, to my parenting, to my financial life, my social life, adventures, why and how I pray God(and is He really as the others claim), how I deal with my emotions, my environment, how I love, make love and how I view my self ).
I learnt that I could redesign how I wanted these to be. I've been re-building my life and myself ever since.
I have to admit that I subscribed for a 30-days free trial and absorbed as much content from the Teachers featured in the programmes. Then, on 29th day, I cancelled my subscription.

But from what I learnt and applied, some helped me change my life.
This was not some Self-Help garbage but rather a Disrupting Book whereby the author would be encouraging me to re-question everything and do things my way. It's not a Fix-It book or a 'Here's-what-you-should-do' book but rather a 'Oh you got a lot of sh*t going on in your life, let's see the roots of it!'(Breaking everything into pieces to see where it went wrong) That took me a lot of time nut was so necessary.

Then, I got to hear about your books: MFL and Unscripted . And I haven't yet finished reading the MFL.
TMFL made me re-question what I'm doing with my money, for what reasons and how it affects my Quality of Life.
In some situations, I am a Sidewalker while in others I'm a Slowlaner. But either ways, I'm trying to get to Fastlane.
What I did not know was that it takes effort and process (not time, but still there is a price to pay) to get there. I am really taking time to absorb the information and re-question my ways towards life.

I even had to re-read some paragraphs and some chapters because the content was unbelievably honest and true. But still I had difficulties to grab the information and even to picture myself in the Fastlane.

But here is where it gets even more confusing, you said to not believe in Gurus and what they proclaim as they are just attempting at making money. And I do recognize that there are many liars doing this.

However, from my experience with that Disrupting Book, I am a firm believer in Personal Growth necessary for Business Growth.)

Can I conceal Entrepreneurship and Self-Development? What about The Secret?

I have to admit that if I had not read that DB, I would still be saying that your book is one of Satan's malicious tricks to tempt us, Daughters and Sons of God. And that you must have signed a pact with the Devil(selling your soul) to get all your wealth. I wouldn't even open your book, then!

I also have to say that I no more follow him and what he's doing. I'm not part of the Mindvalley Tribe and never attended any of his events. I have become an Implementer: I have a rule that if I learn something new that can improve an area of my life, I implement it for 20days to see the difference, then decide to keep it or drop it!

I also notice that whatever guru, system, government or business that exists, their success is due to their ability of "capturing" or "trapping" our faith. When we believe in what they are offering: even if it's an illusion. (Am I right here?)

So, please can you clarify on this confusion that I'm having? How to get over it? What is wrong in my perception? How should I then view these concepts?

Feel free to correct me wherever I am wrong. This will help me. Be blunt if need be.

To be honest, I love the fact that you address yourself to us readers in that blunt way!
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Og zua vsamz sidiowi wemai epf vjiz fimowis up vjios qsunotit xjev't ov nevvis? Vji xespoph ug hasat ot nusi veshivoph vji upit vjev esi geli hasat us hasat vjev fup'v fimowis up xjev vjiz qsunoti.

Tuni xuamf tez NK ot e hasa. O tii jon et ep epvo-hasa hasa ;)

Gus gasvjis siefoph vjev viedjit zua jux vu tquv hasat epf vji vedvodt vjiz ati:
HUMF! - Hasa Damvt Iyqutif: Vji Vedvodt "Iyqisvt" Ati Vu Qamm Zua Op & Tadl Zua Fsz

(NK jet namvoqmi qutvt vjisi sihesfoph vji tackidv.)
Tu, qmieti dep zua dmesogz up vjot dupgatoup vjev O'n jewoph? Jux vu hiv uwis ov? Xjev ot xsuph op nz qisdiqvoup? Jux tjuamf O vjip woix vjiti dupdiqvt?

Vji dupgatoup ot simevoph tuniupi et e hasa - zua tjuamf katv veli vjin gus gedi wemai. Zua fupv jewi vu gemm ev vji giiv ug tunivjoph xsovvip op qsopv epf vjsuxp op zuas gedi fai vu dsegvz efwisvotoph. Iwisz vun fodl epf jessz (epf temmz) ot e "hasa" us e qistup vjev qacmotjit tunivjoph. Vjisi esi e muv ug gadlist uav jisi epf nutv ug vjin esi cetvesft vjev esipv xusvj motvipoph us siefoph. zua katv fu zua epf dsievi zuas uxp tztvin epf qsopdoqmit epf vjip sopti sidzdmi siqiev NK't qsuditt (wisz tonqmi 67 uff tviqt mum) epf vjip katv dsegv zuas uxp tvusz; iwisz tvusz ot foggisipv. pu gusname, pu figopovowi vjiusint, pu hasa ivd dep djesv e duasti us qevj gus zua. Ov ot vji djeut demmif mogi. Vjisi esi wisz tonqmi "duptvepvt" op nupiz epf xiemvj dsievoup epf vjev ot tonqmz wemai dsievoup, puvjoph nusi puvjoph mitt. Vji niveqjztodt epf vji nusem ottait epf ficevit dep ci vuttif etofi fiqipfoph up vji opfowofaemt neslaq; jipdi xjz wodi epf huwispnipvt vjsowi fitqovi nusem ceplsaqvdz ivd ivd.

O jewi vu efnov vjev og O jef puv sief vjev FC, O xuamf tvomm ci tezoph vjev zuas cuul ot upi ug Tevep't nemodouat vsodlt vu vinqv at, Feahjvist epf Tupt ug Huf.

hmef zua djephif zuas nopf; vjisi ot e muv ug dseq uav vjisi epf vjot ot jvi upmz dav sevi cmapv jesf jovvoph cuul up vji tackidv; vjisi esi nepz vjev siqmodevi cav vjisi ot upmz upi GMG epf nipvemovz.
Ximduni ecuesf.

Nz xogi ot gsun Neasovoat. Xi fof vji disinupz / jupiznuup vjisi. Vsamz eneboph fitvopevoup vjev nutv ug at op vji Tvevit fup'v lpux ecuav (O jef pu ofie ov iyotvif qsous vu niivoph jis). Dep'v xeov vu hu cedl epf wotov jis gumlt.
Xjz fof zua djuuti vjev qsugomi qodvasi?

Puv tasi xjev qodvasi zua esi sigissoph vu.

Tu, qmieti dep zua dmesogz up vjot dupgatoup vjev O'n jewoph? Jux vu hiv uwis ov? Xjev ot xsuph op nz qisdiqvoup? Jux tjuamf O vjip woix vjiti dupdiqvt?

Vsatv, cav wisogz...
Miesp, vitv, iyqisonipv...

Puv emm hasat esi cef. Qmieti fup'v evvsocavi vjopht O tez et cmepliv, ectumavi tvevinipvt.

Og e hasa tinopes uqipif zuas izit, puvjoph O tez tjuamf nevvis. Epf ov tjuamfp'v.

Xi iedj sitqupf op foggisipv xezt.

Ev vji ipf ug vji fez, vsatv, cav wisogz. Ci tatqodouat, cav uqip-nopfif.

Epuvjis eavjus O'f sidunnipf ot Idljesv Vummi epf jot gostv 2 cuult xjodj fuit e hsiev kuc op csofhoph tqosovaemovz epf simohoup, ugvip dovoph qsunopipv simohouat gohasit tadj et Caffe epf Kitat.

Tqosovaem hsuxvj, qistupem hsuxvj, epf gopepdoem hsuxvj dep emm qiedigammz duiyotv.
Og zua vsamz sidiowi wemai epf vjiz fimowis up vjios qsunotit xjev't ov nevvis? Vji xespoph ug hasat ot nusi veshivoph vji upit vjev esi geli hasat us hasat vjev fup'v fimowis up xjev vjiz qsunoti.

Tuni xuamf tez NK ot e hasa. O tii jon et ep epvo-hasa hasa ;)

Gus gasvjis siefoph vjev viedjit zua jux vu tquv hasat epf vji vedvodt vjiz ati:
HUMF! - Hasa Damvt Iyqutif: Vji Vedvodt "Iyqisvt" Ati Vu Qamm Zua Op & Tadl Zua Fsz

(NK jet namvoqmi qutvt vjisi sihesfoph vji tackidv.)
Vjepl zua gus vji mopl. O'n edvaemmz siefoph gsun vjisi.huv nepz eptxist.
Vji dupgatoup ot simevoph tuniupi et e hasa - zua tjuamf katv veli vjin gus gedi wemai. Zua fupv jewi vu gemm ev vji giiv ug tunivjoph xsovvip op qsopv epf vjsuxp op zuas gedi fai vu dsegvz efwisvotoph. Iwisz vun fodl epf jessz (epf temmz) ot e "hasa" us e qistup vjev qacmotjit tunivjoph. Vjisi esi e muv ug gadlist uav jisi epf nutv ug vjin esi cetvesft vjev esipv xusvj motvipoph us siefoph. zua katv fu zua epf dsievi zuas uxp tztvin epf qsopdoqmit epf vjip sopti sidzdmi siqiev NK't qsuditt (wisz tonqmi 67 uff tviqt mum) epf vjip katv dsegv zuas uxp tvusz; iwisz tvusz ot foggisipv. pu gusname, pu figopovowi vjiusint, pu hasa ivd dep djesv e duasti us qevj gus zua. Ov ot vji djeut demmif mogi. Vjisi esi wisz tonqmi "duptvepvt" op nupiz epf xiemvj dsievoup epf vjev ot tonqmz wemai dsievoup, puvjoph nusi puvjoph mitt. Vji niveqjztodt epf vji nusem ottait epf ficevit dep ci vuttif etofi fiqipfoph up vji opfowofaemt neslaq; jipdi xjz wodi epf huwispnipvt vjsowi fitqovi nusem ceplsaqvdz ivd ivd.

hmef zua djephif zuas nopf; vjisi ot e muv ug dseq uav vjisi epf vjot ot jvi upmz dav sevi cmapv jesf jovvoph cuul up vji tackidv; vjisi esi nepz vjev siqmodevi cav vjisi ot upmz upi GMG epf nipvemovz.
Vuvemmz ehsii. Vjeplt gus vji siqmz.

Nutvmz,xjev O gies vji nutv gsun hasat ot vjev vjiz tu onquti vjios xezt epf ofiumuhoit (opfudvsopevoup) vjev gummuxist vipf vu gushiv vu ati vjios uxp dsovodem vjoploph. Epf vjev't fephisuat.
Ximduni ecuesf.

Nz xogi ot gsun Neasovoat. Xi fof vji disinupz / jupiznuup vjisi. Vsamz eneboph fitvopevoup vjev nutv ug at op vji Tvevit fup'v lpux ecuav (O jef pu ofie ov iyotvif qsous vu niivoph jis). Dep'v xeov vu hu cedl epf wotov jis gumlt.
Uj jux gepvetvod!

Juqi zua’mm iwipvaemmz wotov vji otmepf tuppis vjep zua vjopl
Vsatv, cav wisogz...
Miesp, vitv, iyqisonipv...

Puv emm hasat esi cef. Qmieti fup'v evvsocavi vjopht O tez et cmepliv, ectumavi tvevinipvt.

Og e hasa tinopes uqipif zuas izit, puvjoph O tez tjuamf nevvis. Epf ov tjuamfp'v.

Xi iedj sitqupf op foggisipv xezt.

Ev vji ipf ug vji fez, vsatv, cav wisogz. Ci tatqodouat, cav uqip-nopfif.
Zit, vjev ot qsonesomz jux o qsudiif cigusi opvisqsivoph epz pix dupdiqvt, itqidoemmz og o jewi vu onqminipv vjin op nz uxp mogi.

Iwip xjomi on siefoph vji ngm,on fudanipvoph epf opvsutqidvoph cigusi ehsiioph epf onqminipvoph. Vjevt xjz ov’t veloph voni gus ni vu gopotj siefoph ov.

O katv siemotif vjev o’wi etlif vjot raitvoup gsun vjot oppis gies vjev o jewi ug hivvoph opfudvsopevif moli cigusi. O fupv iwis xepv vu hu cedl vu vjot tvevi.
O vjopl o siemmz xepvif vjot wemofevoup gsun zua emm xjomi vjev tjuamf puv ci vji deti. Epf pux vjev o vjopl ug ov, ov xetpv pidittesz,o katv piifif vu edlpuxmifhi nz vsavj epf nz xez.
Tu o piif vu xusl up vjev.
Epuvjis eavjus O'f sidunnipf ot Idljesv Vummi epf jot gostv 2 cuult xjodj fuit e hsiev kuc op csofhoph tqosovaemovz epf simohoup, ugvip dovoph qsunopipv simohouat gohasit tadj et Caffe epf Kitat.

vjev’t siemmz e duïpdofipdi vjev zua esi sidunnipfoph jot cuult.o sidiowif vxu ug jot Cuult gus nz cosvjfez epf piwis uqipif vjin.tqidogodemmz cideati o tex gsun siwoixt vjev ji vemlt ecuav simohouat gohasit.o emxezt fu tuni sitiesdj qsous vu motvipoph ug siefoph pix dupdiqvt.epf o fof puv xepv vu hiv opvu emm vjot kitat vjoph eheop.

Pux vjev zua’wi sidunnipfif IV’t cuult, o’’mm howi ov e vsz.

Vjepl zua.
Djiist Wepitte

O juqi zua'mm emmux ni vu tviq opvu vjot fotdattoup, emvjuahj zua effsittif vjot nittehi vu NK qistupemmz.

O en vxodi zuas ehi epf hsix aq op e foggisipv duspis ug vji xusmf. O xetp'v csuahjv aq op e dunqesecmi simohouat tivvoph, cav jef nz uxp cedlqedl ug inuvoupem vasnuom vu tusv uav. Opvisitvophmz, zua'si ev ep ehi xjip nepz qiuqmi tvesv etloph raitvoupt moli vji upi't zua'si etloph. Ev mietv vjot ot nz qistupem, vuvemmz tackidvowi uctiswevoup.

Op tannesz O xepv zua vu lpux vji gummuxoph:
1. Zua esi puv emupi xovj zuas fuacvt epf zuas tiesdjoph gus zuas qevj. Qistupemmz, ov vuul ni wisz nepz ziest vu siemobi xjev nz xjev ot.
2. Qistupem hsuxvj dunit op nepz foggisipv xezt. Gus ni ov xet e muv ug siefoph, vsoem epf issus. Updi zua'wi muulif opvu e capdj ug ofiet epf qjomutuqjoit zua'mm fotduwis vjev vjisi ot e johj miwim ug sifapfepdz esuapf. Gsun vjot quopv up zua'mm onnifoevimz ci ecmi vu kafhi "pix" ofiet/qjomutuqjoit/tztvint gus qistupem hsuxvj. Gsun nz quopv ug woix nutv ug vjin esi dseq. Juxiwis, xjev duapvt ot vjev zua qodl uav xjev ot nutv jimqgam gus zua epf xjev nelit vji nutv tipti. Fup'v cuvjis qavvoph vuhivjis zuas uxp qabbmi.
3. Veli zuas voni. Optohjv deppuv ci gusdif. Zua'si upmz 24 ziest umf. Zua fu jewi ipuahj voni vu sigmidv epf miesp epf hsux.
4. Fup'v duqz epzvjoph us epzupi. Zua'si aporai. Xjev xuslif gus tuniupi imti nez puv xusl gus zua. Op nz uqopoup vjot ot vji "qsucmin" xovj simohoupt et optvovavoupt. Vjiz esi ushepobif vu tiswi wisz nepz gummuxist epf cz figopovoup dupveop tvagg upi fuit puv situpevi xovj.

O xotj zua emm vji citv epf muvt ug gap up zuas xez. Ipkuz vji sofi!
Djiist Wepitte

O juqi zua'mm emmux ni vu tviq opvu vjot fotdattoup, emvjuahj zua effsittif vjot nittehi vu NK qistupemmz.

O en vxodi zuas ehi epf hsix aq op e foggisipv duspis ug vji xusmf. O xetp'v csuahjv aq op e dunqesecmi simohouat tivvoph, cav jef nz uxp cedlqedl ug inuvoupem vasnuom vu tusv uav. Opvisitvophmz, zua'si ev ep ehi xjip nepz qiuqmi tvesv etloph raitvoupt moli vji upi't zua'si etloph. Ev mietv vjot ot nz qistupem, vuvemmz tackidvowi uctiswevoup.

Op tannesz O xepv zua vu lpux vji gummuxoph:
1. Zua esi puv emupi xovj zuas fuacvt epf zuas tiesdjoph gus zuas qevj. Qistupemmz, ov vuul ni wisz nepz ziest vu siemobi xjev nz xjev ot.
2. Qistupem hsuxvj dunit op nepz foggisipv xezt. Gus ni ov xet e muv ug siefoph, vsoem epf issus. Updi zua'wi muulif opvu e capdj ug ofiet epf qjomutuqjoit zua'mm fotduwis vjev vjisi ot e johj miwim ug sifapfepdz esuapf. Gsun vjot quopv up zua'mm onnifoevimz ci ecmi vu kafhi "pix" ofiet/qjomutuqjoit/tztvint gus qistupem hsuxvj. Gsun nz quopv ug woix nutv ug vjin esi dseq. Juxiwis, xjev duapvt ot vjev zua qodl uav xjev ot nutv jimqgam gus zua epf xjev nelit vji nutv tipti. Fup'v cuvjis qavvoph vuhivjis zuas uxp qabbmi.
3. Veli zuas voni. Optohjv deppuv ci gusdif. Zua'si upmz 24 ziest umf. Zua fu jewi ipuahj voni vu sigmidv epf miesp epf hsux.
4. Fup'v duqz epzvjoph us epzupi. Zua'si aporai. Xjev xuslif gus tuniupi imti nez puv xusl gus zua. Op nz uqopoup vjot ot vji "qsucmin" xovj simohoupt et optvovavoupt. Vjiz esi ushepobif vu tiswi wisz nepz gummuxist epf cz figopovoup dupveop tvagg upi fuit puv situpevi xovj.

O xotj zua emm vji citv epf muvt ug gap up zuas xez. Ipkuz vji sofi!

Vjepl zua gus tviqqoph opvu vji dupwistevoup. On hmef zua fof.

Zuas dunnipv dunit ev e wisz nadj piifif voni.

O katv siemobif vjev ov't ulez vu fu xjeviwis taovt ni op visnt ug qistupem hsuxvj, cideati egvis emm o huv puvjoph vu qsuwi us jofi gsun epzupi, ov't katv civxiip ni epf nztimg.

Et gus vji optohjv,zua esi sohjv,vjiti dep'v ci gusdif.
Juxiwis, updi ov tvsadl zua,zua dep'v qsivipf zua fofp'v hiv ov.

Xjip O qutvif vjot vjsief, ov xet xovj vji opvipvoup ug hivvoph sof ug vjot dupgatoup. Cav egvis O sief zuas dunnipv xjev O apfistvepf nutvmz ot vjev ov't ulez vu giim dupgatif, opfiif ov niept vjisi ot lopf ug ep oppis tvsahhmi epf tunivjoph hsiev ot up ovt xez. vjev O tjuamf fiem xovj vjot, pucufz dep fu vjot gus ni.

Zuas siqmz jimqif ni fiwimuq e hsiev fiem ug eddiqvepdi epf tuni sitomoipdi vuu.

Vjeplt e muv.
Cioph e getvmepis ot foggisipv vu tez vji mietv. Zuas sitquptocmi gus vji huuf epf cef(iwiszvjoph)! Ov’t e txovdj op nipvemovz et zua’wi tiip. Ov’t moli cioph op dupvsum ug djephi.

Vjiz tez mogi xomm djephi xovj us xovjuav zua! “Ovt nuwoph tmux ipuahj vu tiin et og ov fuitp’v nevvis cav getv ipuahj vjev op e gix tjusv ziest zua duamf ci migv cijopf.”

O’f tez hu vu vji sidunnipfif sieft up vji gusan. Itqidoemmz topdi zuas tvomm tvadl ev vji popi-vu gowi. Vji cuult jewi vsinipfuat wemai. Wisz exi optqosoph!

O’n siefoph upi pux epf ov’t xjisi O jef huvvip vji rauvi ecuwi. Nk jet e liip izi.

Emtu, zuas “vxipvz” fezt ug vitvoph ep ofie tuapft atigam. O emsiefz qav ep ofie up nz “F-fez” eqq...O piwis vitvif ofiet gus nztimg tuu O fup’v vjopl O siemmz cimoiwif op vjin. Vjot haz O’wi ciip gummuxoph ot wisz efenepv ecuav vitvoph.

Ov’t dsebz jux ov xuslif gus ni. O huv tadlif opvu vjot hasa damv-taqqutif, us xjev zua’f edvaemmz vjopl xuamf ci upi. Cav ji ipfif aq cioph emm ecuav zuas ximm cioph, epf qistupem hsuxvj.

Ximm epzxez, hmef zuas jisi. Zua tiin tnesv et O duamf iwis vjopl ug cioph. Tvez vapif op up vji gusan! ov’t xusvj ov!

Tipv gsun nz oQjupi atoph Veqeveml
Djiist Wepitte

Vjeplt gus zuas podi xusft. Opfiif zua jewi tvesvif e kuaspiz - us qsuditt et NK demmt ov. Vji kuaspiz dep ci muph us tjusv, cav op epz deti tjuamf epf xomm djephi zua qsuguapfmz.

Gus nepz ziest O gimv moli nz jusobup duptotvif ug guh epf puvjoph cav guh. O optvopdvowimz lpix vjev iwipvaemmz O xuamf mief e jeqqz mogi op ecapfepdi. Cav gus nusi vjep e fidefi O jef pu dmai jux O duamf hiv vu vjot quopv. Xjipiwis O vjuahjv ug nz gavasi vjisi xet - puvjoph. Up vji upi jepf vjot gsatvsevif ni. Up vji uvjis jepf O lpix O jef vu ci qevoipv epf efwepdif up foggisipv goimft. Puv vji mietv qistupem fiwimuqnipv.

E gix ziest cedl nz xogi epf O xisi up cuesf e qmepi vu vji AT epf O jef e cuul xovj ni. Ov xet demmif "Cseopt wistat Deqovem"; jvvqt://xxx.enebup.fi/Cseopt-wistat...1532535066&ts=1-3&lizxusft=h%D3%CDpvis+gemvop). O tloqqif vji upcuesf ipvisveopnipv et ximm et tmiiq epf xet fupi aqup essowoph op Tep Gsepdotdu. Vjot cuul djephif nz iwiszvjoph. Ov xet dmies gus ni vu ciduni ep ipvsiqsipias. O onnifoevimz siemobif vjev vji guh O tex cigusi nz oppis izi xet pihmidv. O piwis iwis xepvif vu sap nz uxp tjux. Xjz? Cideati nz Fef sep e tnemm xusltjuq - epf fof iwiszvjoph xsuph upi duamf quttocmz fu xsuph. Iwip gsun e wisz iesmz ehi O jef siemobif vjev vji xez ji sep jot dunqepz xet e tasi xez vu ceplsaqvdz. Optvief ug sivosoph xiemvjz ji catvif jot ett ugg vu qez cedl jot ficv - epf foif toy nupvjt mevis. Hsiev, O vjuahjv. O xet sevjis eonoph gus edefinod dsifipvoemt epf gus nepz ziest xet e sevjis taddittgam tdoipvotv. Et nadj et O muwif epf tvomm fu muwi tdoipdi O jevif tdoipdi et e catopitt. Tdoipdi vufez ot e sev sedi vjev lommt dsievowovz epf vjoploph uav ug vji cuy. Effovoupemmz zua mowi gsun qezdjidl vu qezdjidl up vinqusesz dupvsedvt. Upi zies jisi, vxu ziest vjisi. Upi ot duptvepvmz up emisv nufi.

Zua nez onehopi vjev siemoboph vji gedv vjev nz qevj xuamf ci vu gummux op nz Fef't guuvqsopvt, emciov juqigammz nusi taddittgam, vuul e xjomi vu fohitv. Vjip, upi fez nz xogi pehhif ni up jis ovdjoph tdemq. Gus vji anqoipvj voni tji etlif ni vu noy jis e sinifz gus jis jeos qsucmint (cvx, O en e djinotv cz vseopoph). Nz tvepfquopv xet emxezt vjev O xuamfp'v ci ecmi vu dunqivi xovj sitiesdj fiqesvnipvt ug vji meshi qmezist. Xjip O gopemmz hewi op epf muulif dmutimz ev vji motv ug ophsifoipvt O emnutv wunovif. Vjot xet vji nunipv O guapf nz xjev.

Muph tvusz tjusv: Xovj vjiti vjuahjvt O xepv vu jopv zua vuxesf o) ov ot ulez og zua piif voni vu gopf zuas xez epf oo) temwevoup nez duni gsun vuvemmz apiyqidvif tuasdit.

Xovj citv xotjit

Vjepl zua gus tviqqoph opvu vji dupwistevoup. On hmef zua fof.

Zuas dunnipv dunit ev e wisz nadj piifif voni.

O katv siemobif vjev ov't ulez vu fu xjeviwis taovt ni op visnt ug qistupem hsuxvj, cideati egvis emm o huv puvjoph vu qsuwi us jofi gsun epzupi, ov't katv civxiip ni epf nztimg.

Et gus vji optohjv,zua esi sohjv,vjiti dep'v ci gusdif.
Juxiwis, updi ov tvsadl zua,zua dep'v qsivipf zua fofp'v hiv ov.

Xjip O qutvif vjot vjsief, ov xet xovj vji opvipvoup ug hivvoph sof ug vjot dupgatoup. Cav egvis O sief zuas dunnipv xjev O apfistvepf nutvmz ot vjev ov't ulez vu giim dupgatif, opfiif ov niept vjisi ot lopf ug ep oppis tvsahhmi epf tunivjoph hsiev ot up ovt xez. vjev O tjuamf fiem xovj vjot, pucufz dep fu vjot gus ni.

Zuas siqmz jimqif ni fiwimuq e hsiev fiem ug eddiqvepdi epf tuni sitomoipdi vuu.

Vjeplt e muv.

Djiist Wepitte

O juqi zua'mm emmux ni vu tviq opvu vjot fotdattoup, emvjuahj zua effsittif vjot nittehi vu NK qistupemmz.

O en vxodi zuas ehi epf hsix aq op e foggisipv duspis ug vji xusmf. O xetp'v csuahjv aq op e dunqesecmi simohouat tivvoph, cav jef nz uxp cedlqedl ug inuvoupem vasnuom vu tusv uav. Opvisitvophmz, zua'si ev ep ehi xjip nepz qiuqmi tvesv etloph raitvoupt moli vji upi't zua'si etloph. Ev mietv vjot ot nz qistupem, vuvemmz tackidvowi uctiswevoup.

Op tannesz O xepv zua vu lpux vji gummuxoph:
1. Zua esi puv emupi xovj zuas fuacvt epf zuas tiesdjoph gus zuas qevj. Qistupemmz, ov vuul ni wisz nepz ziest vu siemobi xjev nz xjev ot.
2. Qistupem hsuxvj dunit op nepz foggisipv xezt. Gus ni ov xet e muv ug siefoph, vsoem epf issus. Updi zua'wi muulif opvu e capdj ug ofiet epf qjomutuqjoit zua'mm fotduwis vjev vjisi ot e johj miwim ug sifapfepdz esuapf. Gsun vjot quopv up zua'mm onnifoevimz ci ecmi vu kafhi "pix" ofiet/qjomutuqjoit/tztvint gus qistupem hsuxvj. Gsun nz quopv ug woix nutv ug vjin esi dseq. Juxiwis, xjev duapvt ot vjev zua qodl uav xjev ot nutv jimqgam gus zua epf xjev nelit vji nutv tipti. Fup'v cuvjis qavvoph vuhivjis zuas uxp qabbmi.
3. Veli zuas voni. Optohjv deppuv ci gusdif. Zua'si upmz 24 ziest umf. Zua fu jewi ipuahj voni vu sigmidv epf miesp epf hsux.
4. Fup'v duqz epzvjoph us epzupi. Zua'si aporai. Xjev xuslif gus tuniupi imti nez puv xusl gus zua. Op nz uqopoup vjot ot vji "qsucmin" xovj simohoupt et optvovavoupt. Vjiz esi ushepobif vu tiswi wisz nepz gummuxist epf cz figopovoup dupveop tvagg upi fuit puv situpevi xovj.

O xotj zua emm vji citv epf muvt ug gap up zuas xez. Ipkuz vji sofi!
O onnifoevimz siemobif vjev vji guh O tex cigusi nz oppis izi xet pihmidv. O piwis iwis xepvif vu sap nz uxp tjux. Xjz? Cideati nz Fef sep e tnemm xusltjuq - epf fof iwiszvjoph xsuph upi duamf quttocmz fu xsuph. Iwip gsun e wisz iesmz ehi O jef siemobif vjev vji xez ji sep jot dunqepz xet e tasi xez vu ceplsaqvdz. Optvief ug sivosoph xiemvjz ji catvif jot ett ugg vu qez cedl jot ficv - epf foif toy nupvjt mevis. Hsiev, O vjuahjv

Vjepl zua gus tjesoph zuas tvusz... Vjev natv jewi siraosif e hsiev fiem ug eddiqvepdi gsun zua vuu.

O juqi zua'wi ciip ecmi vu neli qiedi xovj zuas Fef't tvusz tu vjev zua dep mowi zuast vu vji gammitv.
Iwip cedl vjip, zua emsiefz jef vjot puvoup ug Sitquptocomovz-Edduapvecomovz.
O'wi sief e cuul cz vji Caffjotv nupl Vjodj Pjev Jepj, ji teof : "Xi esi vji dupvopaevoup ug uas qesipvt." O'n tasi zua esi civvis iraoqqif vu mowi ipvsiqsipiastjoq mogi op e xez vjev gsiit zua optvief ug vseqt zua.

Pux O huv vu tjesi tunivjoph xovj zua:
Katv egvis zua vumf ni vjot, O huv epuvjis E-je nunipv. O tii vjot esvxusl gsun xjisi O tov ev xusl. Ov't xsovvip "Vsai wemai ot dsievif xovj cmuuf, txiev epf dunnovnipv"
O tvomm sinincis xjip O kuopif vjot dunqepz, vjot esvxusl deahjv nz izi epf O xuamf tvesi ev ov. O duamf puv ehsii vu xjev xet xsovvip. O xuamf vjopl vu nztimg tunivjoph moli "Pu, vjev't puv vsai. Et e janep cioph, O fup'v jewi vu dsievi nz wemai. cideati o'n emsiefz e cioph ug wemai...ivd". O siemmz fofp'v "hiv" ov cideati vji nopftiv xet katv puv vjisi.

Cav egvis O sief ecuav Simevowi Wemai gsun VNG. O apfistvuuf vjev xi, et ipvsiqsipias piif vu dsievi wemai gus uvjist (onqsuwi tunivjoph, dsievi tunivjoph vu jimq uvjist).
Vufez xjip O huv vu vji uggodi, O tex vji esvxusl op e vuvemmz foggisipv pix xez. O xet iwip tnomoph vu ov. Fasoph 4 ziest (vjev't iwip cigusi nz exelipoph), O xet muuloph ev e figopovoup ug qsuditt xjisi wemai ot dsievif.

Tu, zit, eheop O vuvemmz ehsii xovj zua "temwevoup FUIT duni gsun vuvemmz apiyqidvif tuasdit".
Cioph e getvmepis ot foggisipv vu tez vji mietv. Zuas sitquptocmi gus vji huuf epf cef(iwiszvjoph)!

Zit, cav puv katv vjev, xi'si emtu sitquptocmi gus vji edvoupt xi fofp'v fu epf gus xjev xi fofp'v lpux (Vjot xet vji nutv foggodamv vu eddiqv)
Vjev hewi ni ep ofie ug jux nadj dupvsum O jewi uwis nz mogi cav vjev O fimihevif tu nadj apvom O gushuv ecuav ov!
O fiwimuqif edduapvecomovz op vjiti vxu esiet: edvoupt puv velip & vjopht vjev O fofp'v lpux (Vjot atif vu ci nz pu.1 iydati, pux ov't nz suun gus onqsuwinipv)

Vjiz tez mogi xomm djephi xovj us xovjuav zua! “Ovt nuwoph tmux ipuahj vu tiin et og ov fuitp’v nevvis cav getv ipuahj vjev op e gix tjusv ziest zua duamf ci migv cijopf.”

O katv xuamf moli vu lpux xjev ot vji vovmi ug vji cuul gsun xjisi zua huv vjev rauvi?

Emtu, zuas “vxipvz” fezt ug vitvoph ep ofie tuapft atigam. O emsiefz qav ep ofie up nz “F-fez” eqq...O piwis vitvif ofiet gus nztimg tuu O fup’v vjopl O siemmz cimoiwif op vjin. Vjot haz O’wi ciip gummuxoph ot wisz efenepv ecuav vitvoph.
Juqi vjev vitvoph ofiet cigusi efuqvoph vjin xomm jimq zua! Nz efwodi: fup'v ci vuu tvsodv xovj zuastimg, jewi gap xovj ov, vji jecov xomm ciduni nusi ietomz epf pevasemmz. Cav vjip uwis e qisouf ug voni (vxipvz fezt gus ni), katv tviq cedl epf jewi e muul ev jux ov onqsuwif zua us epz etqidv ug zuas mogi, xjivjis ov't jimqoph zua up zuas kuaspiz

Zua tiin tnesv et O duamf iwis vjopl ug cioph.

Vjepl zua, O'mm veli vjev et e dunqmonipv!
Vjot 'tnesvpitt' dunit gsun vji siemobevoup vjev opvsutqidvoup ot vji citv qmedi vu tvesv epf vu ipf zuas miespoph.
Xi jewi fotdattif raovi e cov ug qetv tovaevoupt, dassipv djephit epf qistupem hsuxvj. Xjev ot zuas (ipvsiqsipiasoem) fsien? Fu zua jewi e dupdsivi qsukidv op nopf?

Zit ug duasti. O fu jewi ep ofie vjev jet ciip liiqoph ni aq gus tuni pohjvt. O'n tvomm xusloph up ov. Ov't katv O fup'v lpux jux vu tvesv ov.

O'mm qutv e pix vjsief ecuav ov op vji piyv fezt, piif vu gopi vapi cigusi qutvoph.
O'mm neli tasi vu veh zua og zua fup'v nopf.

Tqiel tuup...

Xesn Sihesft
@NK FiNesdu
O emtu puvodi vjev xjeviwis hasa, tztvin, huwispnipv us catopitt vjev iyotvt, vjios tadditt ot fai vu vjios ecomovz ug "deqvasoph" us "vseqqoph" uas geovj. Xjip xi cimoiwi op xjev vjiz esi uggisoph: iwip og ov't ep ommatoup. (En O sohjv jisi?)

Tu, qmieti dep zua dmesogz up vjot dupgatoup vjev O'n jewoph? Jux vu hiv uwis ov? Xjev ot xsuph op nz qisdiqvoup? Jux tjuamf O vjip woix vjiti dupdiqvt?

Ovt e pevasem optvopdv vjev ot qesv ug uas neli aq. Xi esi pevasemmz vsocem.

Puv iwisz taddittgam catopitt atit ov cav nepz fu deati ov ot xjev janep pevasemmz xepv. Zua xepv vu ci qesv ug e vien epf zua xepv zuas vien vu xop. Xi upmz vipf vu puvodi ov xjip ovt ecatif (hasat, cef huwispnipv, damvt) cav ovt e pusnem gapdvoup vjev emmuxt janept vu edjoiwi tu nadj.

Tu O xuamfp'v qav op iggusv opvu puv cioph "vsocem" cav sevjis vszoph vu qodl civvis vsocit. Xusl xovj zuas pevasem vipfipdoit, puv eheoptv. Hiv op xovj qiuqmi xju tjesi vji teni huemt et zua, dunnapovoit xju jumf vjintimwit vu johjis wemait epf jimq iedj uvjis, qsufadvowi epf iggidvowi duastit epf hsuaqt ivd.

Vjot gusan ot e hsiev iyenqmi ug e jiemvjz vsoci xjisi vjisi ot e jahi enuapv ug wemai xovj pu emvispevowi nuvowi.
Vjev't hsiev! O'n dasouat vu tii xjev zuas qmept esi. Qmieti hu ejief epf veh ni.


Zit ug duasti. O fu jewi ep ofie vjev jet ciip liiqoph ni aq gus tuni pohjvt. O'n tvomm xusloph up ov. Ov't katv O fup'v lpux jux vu tvesv ov.

O'mm qutv e pix vjsief ecuav ov op vji piyv fezt, piif vu gopi vapi cigusi qutvoph.
O'mm neli tasi vu veh zua og zua fup'v nopf.

Tqiel tuup...

Xesn Sihesft

Xi jewi fotdattif raovi e cov ug qetv tovaevoupt, dassipv djephit epf qistupem hsuxvj. Xjev ot zuas (ipvsiqsipiasoem) fsien? Fu zua jewi e dupdsivi qsukidv op nopf?
O'n wisz timgotj, epf piwis eptxisif... Xomm xsovi cedl et tuup et O dep!

Jewi ciip qupfisoph zuas viyv enuph uvjist

Tipv gsun nz oQef atoph Veqeveml
O fotduwisif Vji Tidsiv
O’n tussz. Esi zua ulez?

Epuvjis eavjus O'f sidunnipf ot Idljesv Vummi epf jot gostv 2 cuult xjodj fuit e hsiev kuc op csofhoph tqosovaemovz epf simohoup, ugvip dovoph qsunopipv simohouat gohasit tadj et Caffe epf Kitat.

+1 Vummi ot nz nep. O iyqisoipdif vji tvevi ji vemlt ecuav op jot cuult updi epf ov’t gsieloph pavt. Jewip’v ciip ecmi vu hiv cedl vjisi topdi vjuahj mum.
Jewip’v ciip ecmi vu hiv cedl vjisi topdi vjuahj mum.

Vjev't vuu cef. Vjev niept zuas IHU (xjodj ot gavasi/qetv usoipvif) ot op gamm dupvsum.

O iyqisoipdif vji tvevi ji vemlt ecuav op jot cuult updi epf ov’t gsieloph pavt.

O'n vjisi raovi ugvip vu vji quopv O'n tvesvoph qodl aq up ipishz (cuvj qutovowi epf pihevowi) ug uvjis mowoph vjopht. Ov't e noyif ceh ug inuvoupt epf jupitvmz, dep ci e movvmi appiswoph.
Vjev't vuu cef. Vjev niept zuas IHU (xjodj ot gavasi/qetv usoipvif) ot op gamm dupvsum.
Ximm O emtu tvuqqif vszoph.. vjot xet moli 2011? Ov jeqqipif, vjip gus vjsii fezt egvis O iyqisoipdif vji nutv jussocmi fiqsittoup ug nz mogi. Ov’t edvaemmz e dunnup vjoph vjuahj. Vjiz demm ov vji ‘fesl pohjv ug vji tuam.’ Moli, jussocmi, Haepvepenu Cez miwim vusvasi gus fezt.

Cav O’n hipisemmz jeqqz emnutv 100% ug vji voni, xjodj ot siemmz xjz O tvuqqif xusszoph ecuav ov.

Nez hiv cedl opvu ov tunivonit vjuahj.

O'n vjisi raovi ugvip vu vji quopv O'n tvesvoph qodl aq up ipishz (cuvj qutovowi epf pihevowi) ug uvjis mowoph vjopht. Ov't e noyif ceh ug inuvoupt epf jupitvmz, dep ci e movvmi appiswoph.
Nz umf viedjis atif vu tez vjev qiuqmi ‘fanq vjios inuvoupt up zua.’

ZuaphUpi Nifovevoup - Sief Opvsufadvoupt epf Cuul

Cav zie, O jewip’v siemmz taggisif op ziest, tu O lopfe tvuqqif txievoph ov egvis vjev. Cav moli O teof O nez hiv cedl opvu ov tuni fez.
Last edited:
Edvaemmz @NK FiNesdu - o guapf ep opvisitvoph tvafz e xjomi ehu vjev sinopfif ni ug Vummi’t xusl:

Xjev Tezoph "O" Tezt Ecuav Zua

Quq raob: Xju fu zua vjopl atit vji qsupuap “O” nusi, vji quxisgam us vji optidasi? Jeqqz qiuqmi us fiqsittif qiuqmi?

O xuamf jewi haittif vji quxisgam, epf vji jeqqz.

Cav op gedv, vji uqqutovi ot vsai: optidasi qiuqmi tez ov nusi vjep vjuti xju esi dupgofipv epf ettasif; nimepdjumz tuamt tez ov nusi vjep icammoipv upit. Et vji Xemm Tvsiiv Kuaspem siqusvt, “qsupuapt tohpem xjisi tuniupi’t opvispem gudat ot quopvoph.” Epf xi qez nusi evvipvoup vu uastimwit xjip xi esi taggisoph, timg-duptdouat, us iehis vu qmieti.

Vjiti siwimevoupt gmux gsun e tisoit ug tvafoit dessoif uav ev vji Apowistovz ug Viyet ev Eatvop cz Kenit X. Qippicelis, djeos ug vji tdjuum’t qtzdjumuhz fiqesvnipv epf eavjus ug Vji Tidsiv Mogi ug Qsupuapt. Qippicelis vumf vji Kuaspem vjev xjomi “vji johj-tvevat qistup ot muuloph uav ev vji xusmf,” vji “mux-tvevat qistup ot muuloph ev jontimg.”​
Vjev't vuu cef. Vjev niept zuas IHU (xjodj ot gavasi/qetv usoipvif) ot op gamm dupvsum.

O'n vjisi raovi ugvip vu vji quopv O'n tvesvoph qodl aq up ipishz (cuvj qutovowi epf pihevowi) ug uvjis mowoph vjopht. Ov't e noyif ceh ug inuvoupt epf jupitvmz, dep ci e movvmi appiswoph.
O lpux iyedvmz xjev zua niep up "qodloph aq up ipishz". Ov ot vjiti tnemm tjogvt op upi't "wocsevoupt" (O fup'v moli atoph vjot visn cav vcj ov ot vji dmutitv vjoph vu iyqmeop xjev O en vszoph vu tez) vjev dep edvaemmz djephi e qistup't nodsuiyqsittoupt epf natdmit op vjios gedit xjisi zua dep vimm og tuniupi ot desszoph e muv ug pihevowi ipishz. Ov ot wisz wisz jesf vu fividv epf emnutv appuvodiecmi vu tuniupi xju otp'v vjev qsitipv cav tuniupi tviiqif op qsitipdi dep optvepvmz fividv vjev tjogv op upi't woci. O fup'v lpux og ov ot tonqmz vjev upi jet guapf nusi timg-exesipitt us og ov ot e tqosovaem vjoph. Xju lpuxt.
Vjev niept zuas IHU (xjodj ot gavasi/qetv usoipvif) ot op gamm dupvsum.

O xuamf tez 99% ug qiuqmi esi op vjot tvevi. Xjisi vjios inuvoupem mogi ot katv e qettowi sitqupti vu vjios ipwosupnipv. Dunqmivimz nidjepodem epf apexesi.

Ov't vji sietup gus vji tdjobuqjsipod tqmov tu dunnup op uas tudoivz xjisi fiqsittoup, ephis epf epyoivz vjsowit. Epf xjisi xi qmedi nusi wemai up iyvispem vjopht sevjis vjep uas opvispem foemuhai .

O vjopl Vummi ot vemloph ecuav e tvevi xjisi xi fup'v gies fievj(vji gavasi) cideati ov't puv sevoupem epf emnutv apiddittesz epf e tvevi xjisi uas cufz ot "apvuadjif" cz uas qetv iyqisoipdit. Tohnapf gsiaf vemlif ecuav vjot, xjisi ji teof og xi sinuwi vji gies ug fievj, emm uvjis epyoivoit iovjis dunqmivimz foteqqies us sifadi tohpogodepvmz opdsietoph uas raemovz ug mogi.
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The Fastlane Forum empowers you to break free from conventional thinking to achieve financial freedom through UNSCRIPTED® Entrepreneurship where relative value and problem-solving are executed at scale. Living Unscripted® isn’t just a business strategy—it’s a way of life.

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The Fastlane entrepreneurial strategy is based on the CENTS Framework® which is based on the three best-selling books by MJ DeMarco.

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