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Facebook Workplace Discussion - Facebook for internal business communications

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Jan 22, 2014
Facebook just released Facebook Workplace, essentially Facebook for Business.

Our team is becoming more spread out and I like to jump on every little improvement we can make to our team's communications. Thinking it may replace Slack for us.

What does everyone else think about it?

Workplace by Facebook - Change the way you work
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Dec 25, 2012
Anywhere with internet
What is slack lacking for you and your team and does FB solve those issues? If not, why change? My team has been mostly remote for a long time. We like slack, not sure if FB would be any different.

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Jun 11, 2017
While I do not like Slack, you are better off not using Facebook. Here are few reasons:
-Facebook should be for personal life, not work life. People by default do not trust how secure their conversations are - it is Facebook, they will be afraid it will get shared by mistake
-Facebook have enough of data already. Call me crazy, but it was proven so many times that FB works with a government agencies volunteer - are you sure there will be no information shared that can compromise you?
-Biggest downside - if your Facebook account gets removed (it happens sometimes without doing anything bad - Google it) you will lose all your conversations, history, everything.
-In the case of the lawsuit - will Facebook protect you or give away all your conversations? The company that is made to cater for business cannot do this as this would kill it - FB can do it no problem.

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