Good morning from Albuquerque, NM! I am a doctoral student in Organizational Leadership, have an MBA, and a BS in business as well. I literally remember seeing a poster of a big house on the beach with three sports cars in the garage, similar to what you'll find if you google "Justification for Higher Education Motivational Poster". I feel like I have always known that it would take more than that, and after reading TMF and now Unscripted (1/8 through) I see the potential. I really like what I have achieved recently using concepts from the audiobook The New Psycho-Cybernetics which is getting me to execute instead of just dream and brainstorm, but I'm ready to begin feeling uncomfortable with my government job that is killing me slowly. I am also on a fitness kick, losing 35 lbs. so far, with an additional 55 to go. I am 35, and want to bring it all together this year and next, and want to be able to use my Slowlane title of Dr. to decent use, since I am so close. I hope to share more information soon. I am also tearing myself out of an introverted funk, and am enjoying that process as well. Thank you for the great content and motivation! Let's do this!
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