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Nov 20, 2017
Build it and they will come they said...not quite. Well they came but they didn't buy, YET.

This progress thread is in follow up to my thread: INTRO - Never too old to get started right?

I officially launched my first real business effort & website this past weekend at an event catered to my specific market (volleyball players, their parents, & coaches). I networked, handed out flyers, and generally talked about the long term goals of the business and helping the community it serves. I will be the first to admit I'm not a salesman and had to push to step outside of my comfort zone and talk to the people that I did. I know I could have talked to a lot more.

In general there were positive thoughts and well wishes in the endeavor. I was pleased with the feedback. I drove traffic to the website though not as much as I had hoped and there were no conversions. I realize a few things:

  1. I need to do a lot better at networking and talking up the business and how we can positively impact lives within the volleyball community.
  2. I need to do a better job of putting products out that my customers want rather than what I think looks cool. I also need a better way to get this feedback other than no sales.
  3. I need to relax and go through the process without getting discouraged (plan, do, check, tweak, repeat).

It's been three days from the official launch and I have over 100 followers on each of Instagram, FB, & Pinterest. It grows every day so I know I'm making progress.

It's only a matter of time before the first sale. Oh...and I have an opportunity to expand my market into a whole community in Italy. Who knew volleyball was so popular there?!
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