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It was a long read but very interesting so I thought I'd share it with you guys.


This is a paper presented several weeks ago by Herb Meyer at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland which was attended by most of the CEOs from all the major international corporations -- a very good summary of today's key trends and an interesting perspective.

Meyer served during the Reagan administration as special assistant to the Director of Central Intelligence and Vice Chairman of the CIA's National Intelligence Council. In these positions, he managed production of the U.S. National Intelligence Estimates and other top-secret projections for the President and his national security advisers.

Meyer is widely credited with being the first senior U.S. Government official to forecast the Soviet Union's collapse, for which he later was awarded the U.S. National Intelligence Distinguished Service Medal, the intelligence community's highest honor. Formerly an associate editor of FORTUNE, he is also the author of several books.




Currently, there are four major transformations that are shaping political, economic and world events. These transformations have profound implications for American business leaders and owners, our culture and on our way of life.

1. The War in Iraq

There are three major monotheistic religions in the world: Christianity, Judaism and Islam. In the 16th century, Judaism and Christianity reconciled with the modern world. The rabbis, priests and scholars found a way to settle up and pave the way forward. Religion remained at the center of life, church and state became separate. Rule of law, idea of economic liberty, individual rights, human rights - all these are defining point of modern Western civilization. These concepts started with the Greeks but didn't take off until the 15th and 16th century when Judaism and Christianity found a way to reconcile with the modern world. When that happened, it unleashed the scientific revolution and the greatest outpouring of art, literature and music the world has ever known.

Islam, which developed in the 7th century, counts millions of Muslims around the world who are normal people. However, there is a radical streak within Islam. When the radicals are in charge, Islam attacks Western civilization. Islam first attacked Western civilization in the 7th century, and later in the 16th and 17th centuries. By 1683, the Muslims (Turks from the Ottoman Empire) were literally at the gates of Vienna. It was in Vienna that the climatic battle between Islam and Western civilization took place. The West won and went forward. Islam lost and went backward. Interestingly, the date of that battle was September 11. Since them, Islam has not found a way to reconcile with the modern world.

Today, terrorism is the third attack on Western civilization by radical Islam. To deal with terrorism, the U.S. is doing two things. First, units of our armed forces are in 30 countries around the world hunting down terrorist groups and dealing with them. This gets very little publicity. Second we are taking military action in Afghanistan and Iraq.

These actions are covered relentlessly by the media. People can argue about whether the war in Iraq is right or wrong. However, the underlying strategy behind the war is to use our military to remove the radicals from power and give the moderates a chance. Our hope is that, over time, the moderates will find a way to bring Islam forward into the 21st century. That's what our involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan is all about.

The lesson of 9/11 is that we live in a world where a small number of people can kill a large number of people very quickly. They can use airplanes, bombs, anthrax, chemical weapons or dirty bombs. Even with a first-rate intelligence service (which the U.S. does not have), you can't stop every attack. That means our tolerance for political horseplay has dropped to zero. No longer will we play games with terrorists or weapons of mass destructions. Most of the instability and horseplay is coming from the Middle East.

That's why we have thought that if we could knock out the radicals and give the moderates a chance to hold power; they might find a way to reconcile Islam with the modern world. So when looking at Afghanistan or Iraq, it's important to look for any signs that they are modernizing.

For example, women being brought into the work force and colleges in Afghanistan are good. The Iraqis stumbling toward a constitution is good. People can argue about what the U.S. is doing and how we're doing it, but anything that suggests Islam is finding its way forward is good.

2. The Emergence of China

In the last 20 years, China has moved 250 million people from the farms and villages into the cities. Their plan is to move another 300 million in the next 20 years. When you put that many people into the cities, you have to find work for them. That's why China is addicted to manufacturing; they have to put all the relocated people to work. When we decide to manufacture something in the U.S., it's based on market needs and the opportunity to make a profit. In China, they make the decision because they want the jobs, which is a very different calculation.

While China is addicted to manufacturing, Americans are addicted to low prices. As a result, a unique kind of economic codependency has developed between the two countries. If we ever stop buying from China, they will explode politically. If China stops selling to us, our economy will take a huge hit because prices will jump. We are subsidizing their economic development; they are subsidizing our economic growth.

Because of their huge growth in manufacturing, China is hungry for raw materials, which drive prices up worldwide. China is also thirsty for oil, which is one reason oil is now at $100 a barrel. By 2020, China will produce more cars than the U.S. China is also buying its way into the oil infrastructure around the world. They are doing it in the open market and paying fair market prices, but millions of barrels of oil that would have gone to the U.S. are now going to China. China's quest to assure it has the oil it needs to fuel its economy is a major factor in world politics and economics.

We have our Navy fleets protecting the sea lines, specific ally the ability to get the tankers through. It won't be long before the Chinese have an aircraft carrier sitting in the Persian Gulf as well. The question is, will their aircraft carrier be pointing in the same direction as ours or against us?

3. Shifting Demographics of Western Civilization

Most countries in the Western world have stopped breeding. For a civilization obsessed with sex, this is remarkable. Maintaining a steady population requires a birth rate of 2.1 In Western Europe, the birth rate currently stands at 1.5, or 30 percent below replacement. In 30 years there will be 70 to 80 million fewer Europeans than there are today. The current birth rate in Germany is 1.3. Italy and Spain are even lower at 1.2. At that rate, the working age population declines by 30 percent in 20 years, which has a huge impact on the economy. When you don't have young workers to replace the older ones, you have to import them.

The European countries are currently importing Muslims. Today, the Muslims comprise 10 percent of France and Germany, and the percentage is rising rapidly because they have higher birthrates. However, the Muslim populations are not being integrated into the cultures of their host countries, which is a political catastrophe. One reason Germany and France don't support the Iraq war is they fear their Muslim populations will explode on them. By 2020, more than half of all births in the Netherlands will be non-European.

The huge design flaw in the postmodern secular state is that you need a traditional religious society birth rate to sustain it. The Europeans simply don't wish to have children, so they are dying. In Japan, the birthrate is 1.3. As a result, Japan will lose up to 60 million people over the next 30 years. Because Japan has a very different society than Europe, they refuse to import workers. Instead, they are just shutting down. Japan an has already closed 2,000 schools, and is closing them down at the rate of 300 per year. Japan is also aging very rapidly. By 2020, one out of every five Japanese will be at least 70 years old. Nobody has any idea about how to run an economy with those demographics.

Europe and Japan, which comprise two of the world's major economic engines, aren't merely in recession, they're shutting down. This will have a huge impact on the world economy, and it is already beginning to happen. Why are the birthrates so low? There is a direct correlation between abandonment of traditional religious society and a drop in birth rate, and Christianity in Europe is becoming irrelevant.

The second reason is economic. When the birth rate drops below replacement, the population ages. With fewer working people to support more retired people, it puts a crushing tax burden on the smaller group of working age people. As a result, young people delay marriage and having a family. Once this trend starts, the downward spiral only gets worse. These countries have abandoned all the traditions they formerly held in regard to having families and raising children.

The U.S. birth rate is 2.0, just below replacement. We have an increase in population because of immigration. When broken down by ethnicity, the Anglo birth rate is 1.6 (same as France) while the Hispanic birth rate is 2.7. In the U.S., the baby boomers are starting to retire in massive numbers. This will push the elder dependency ratio from 19 to 38 over the next 10 to 15 years. This is not as bad as Europe, but still represents the same kind of trend.

Western civilization seems to have forgotten what every primitive society understands-you need kids to have a healthy society. Children are huge consumers. Then they grow up to become tax payers. That's how a society works, but the postmodern secular state seems to have forgotten that. If U.S. birth rates of the past 20 to 30 years had been the same as post-World War II, there would be no Social Security or Medicare problems.

The world's most effective birth control device is money. As society creates a middle class and women move into the workforce, birth rates drop. Having large families is incompatible with middle class living.

The quickest way to drop the birth rate is through rapid economic development. After World War II, the U.S. instituted a $600 tax credit per child. The idea was to enable mom and dad to have four children without being troubled by taxes. This led to a baby boom of 22 million kids, which was a huge consumer market. That turned into a huge tax base. However, to match that incentive in today's dollars would cost $12,000 per child.

China and India do not have declining populations. However, in both countries, there is a preference for boys over girls, and we now have the technology to know which is which before they are born. In China and India, families are aborting the girls. As a result, in each of these countries there are 70 million boys growing up who will never find wives. When left alone, nature produces 103 boys for every 100 girls. In some provinces, however, the ratio is 128 boys to every 100 girls. [I have read that this creates a potentially explosive situation. You have to keep all these potential sources of political instability contented. One way, historically often used, is war.]

The birth rate in Russia is so low that by 2050 their population will be [!] smaller than that of Yemen. Russia has one-sixth of the earth's land surface and much of its oil. You can't control that much area with such a small population. Immediately to the south, you have China with 70 million unmarried men who are a real potential nightmare scenario for Russia. [See my comment above.]

4. Restructuring of American Business

The fourth major transformation involves a fundamental restructuring of American business. Today's business environment is very complex and competitive. To succeed, you have to be the best, which means having the highest quality and lowest cost. Whatever your price point, you must have the best quality and lowest price. To be the best, you have to concentrate on one thing. You can't be all things to all people and be the best.

A generation ago, IBM used to make every part of their computer. Now Intel makes the chips, Microsoft makes the software, and someone else makes the modems, hard drives, monitors, etc. IBM even out sources their call center. Because IBM has all these companies supplying goods and services cheaper and better than they could do it themselves, they can make a better computer at a lower cost. This is called a fracturing of business. When one company can make a better product by relying on others to perform functions the business used to do itself, it creates a complex pyramid of companies that serve and support each other.

This fracturing of American business is now in its second generation. The companies who supply IBM are now doing the same thing - outsourcing many of their core services and production process. As a result, they can make cheaper, better products. Over time, this pyramid continues to get bigger and bigger. Just when you think it can't fracture again, it does.

Even very small businesses can have a large pyramid of corporate entities that perform many of its important functions. One aspect of this trend is that companies end up with fewer employees and more independent contractors. This trend has also created two new words in business, integrator and complementor. At the top of the pyramid, IBM is the integrator. As you go down the pyramid, Microsoft, Intel and the other companies that support IBM are the complementors. However, each of the complementors is itself an integrator for the complementors underneath it.

This has several implications, the first of which is that we are now getting false readings on the economy. People who used to be employees are now independent contractors launching their own businesses. There are many people working whose work is not listed as a job. As a result, the economy is perking along better than the numbers are telling us.

Outsourcing also confused the numbers. Suppose a company like General Motors decides to outsource all its employee cafeteria functions to Marriott (which it did). It lies off hundreds of cafeteria workers, who then get hired right back by Marriott. The only thing that has changed is that these people work for Marriott rather than GM. Yet, the media headlines will scream that America has lost more manufacturing jobs.

All that really happened is that these workers are now reclassified as service workers. So the old way of counting jobs contributes to false economic readings. As yet, we haven't figured out how to make the numbers catch up with the changing realities of the business world.

Another implication of this massive restructuring is that because companies are getting rid of units and people that used to work for them, the entity is smaller. As the companies get smaller and more efficient, revenues are going down but profits are going up. As a result, the old notion that revenues are up and we're doing great isn't always the case anymore. Companies are getting smaller but are becoming more efficient and profitable in the process.

1. Vji Xes op Oser

Op tuni xezt, vji xes ot huoph wisz ximm. Eghjepotvep epf Oser jewi vji cihoppopht ug e nufisp huwispnipv, xjodj ot e jahi tviq gusxesf. Vji Teafot esi tvesvoph vu veml ecuav tuni huuf vjopht, xjomi Ihzqv epf Micepup esi cihoppoph vu nuwi op e huuf fosidvoup. E tisoit ug siwumavoupt jewi velip qmedi op duapvsoit moli Alseopi epf Hiushoe.

Vjisi xomm ci nusi ug vjiti siwumavoupt gus ep opvisitvoph sietup. Op iwisz siwumavoup, vjisi dunit e quopv xjisi vji fodvevus vaspt vu vji hipisem epf tezt, Gosi opvu vji dsuxf. Og vji hipisem gosit opvu vji dsuxf, ov tvuqt vji siwumavoup. Og vji hipisem tezt Pu, vji siwumavoup dupvopait. Opdsietophmz, vji hipisemt esi tezoph Pu cideati vjios loft esi op vji dsuxf.

Vjeplt vu VW epf vji Opvispiv, vji ewisehi 18-zies umf uavtofi vji A.T. ot wisz tewwz ecuav xjev ot huoph up op vji xusmf, itqidoemmz op visnt ug quqames damvasi. Vjisi ot e jahi hmucem duptdouatpitt, epf zuaph qiuqmi esuapf vji xusmf xepv vu ci e qesv ug ov. Ov ot opdsietophmz eqqesipv vu vjin vjev vji notisecmi huwispnipv xjisi vjiz mowi ot vji upmz vjoph tvepfoph op vjios xez. Nusi epf nusi, ov ot vji ximm-ifadevif loft, vji djomfsip ug vji hipisemt epf vji imovi, xju esi miefoph vji siwumavoupt.

Ev vji teni voni, puv emm ot ximm xovj vji xes. Vji miwim ug woumipdi op Oser ot nadj xusti epf fuitp'v eqqies vu ci onqsuwoph. Ov't quttocmi vjev xi'si etloph vuu nadj ug Otmen emm ev upi voni. Xi'si vszoph vu kumv vjin gsun vji 7vj dipvasz vu vji 21tv dipvasz emm ev updi, xjodj nez ci gasvjis vjep vjiz dep hu. Vjiz nohjv neli ov epf vjiz nohjv puv. Pucufz lpuxt gus tasi. Vji quopv ot, xi fup'v lpux jux vji xes xomm vasp uav. Epzupi xju tezt vjiz lpux ot katv haittoph.

Vji siem qmedi vu xevdj ot Osep. Og vjiz edvaemmz ucveop padmies xiequpt ov xomm ci e vissocmi tovaevoup. Vjisi esi vxu xezt vu fiem xovj ov. Vji gostv ot e nomovesz tvsoli, xjodj xomm ci wisz foggodamv. Vji Osepoept jewi fotqistif vjios padmies fiwimuqnipv gedomovoit epf qav vjin apfishsuapf. Vji A.T. jet padmies xiequpt vjev dep hu apfis vji iesvj epf veli uav vjuti gedomovoit, cav xi fup'v xepv vu fu vjev.

Vji uvjis xez ot vu tiqesevi vji sefodem nammejt gsun vji huwispnipv, xjodj ot vji nutv molimz duasti ug edvoup. Tiwipvz qisdipv ug vji Osepoep quqamevoup ot apfis 30. Vjiz esi Natmon cav puv Esec. Vjiz esi nutvmz qsu-Xitvisp. Nepz iyqisvt vjopl vji A.T. tjuamf jewi fiemv xovj Osep cigusi huoph vu xes xovj Oser. Vji qsucmin otp'v tu nadj vji xiequpt; ov't vji qiuqmi xju dupvsum vjin. Og Osep jet e nufisevi huwispnipv, vji xiequpt ciduni mitt ug e dupdisp.

Xi fup'v lpux og xi xomm xop vji xes op Oser. Xi duamf muti us xop. Xjev xi'si muuloph gus ot epz opfodevus vjev Otmen ot nuwoph opvu vji 21tv dipvasz epf tvecomoboph.

2. Djope

Ov nez ci vjev qatjoph 500 nommoup qiuqmi gsun gesnt epf wommehit opvu dovoit ot vuu nadj vuu tuup. Emvjuahj ov hivt emnutv pu qacmodovz, Djope ot iyqisoipdoph japfsift ug finuptvsevoupt esuapf vji duapvsz, xjodj ot apqsidifipvif. Vjiti esi puv tvafipvt op Voipepnip Traesi. Vjiti esi ewisehi dovobipt xju esi ephsz xovj vji huwispnipv gus caomfoph djinodem qmepvt epf qummavoph vji xevis vjiz fsopl epf vji eos vjiz csievji.

Vji Djopiti esi e tnesv epf opfatvsouat qiuqmi. Vjiz nez ci ecmi vu qamm ov ugg epf ciduni e wisz taddittgam idupunod epf nomovesz taqisquxis. Og tu, xi xomm jewi vu miesp vu mowi xovj ov. Og vjiz xepv vu tjesi vji sitquptocomovz ug liiqoph vji xusmf't uom mepit uqip, vjev't e huuf vjoph. Vjiz dassipvmz jewi iohjv pix padmies imidvsod quxis hipisevust apfis xez epf 45 up vji cuult vu caomf. Tuup, vjiz xomm miewi vji A.T. xez cijopf op vjios ecomovz vu hipisevi padmies quxis.

Xjev dep hu xsuph xovj Djope? Gus upi, zua dep'v nuwi 550 nommoup qiuqmi opvu vji dovoit xovjuav nekus qsucmint. Vxu, Djope siemmz xepvt Veoxep, puv tu nadj gus idupunod sietupt, vjiz katv xepv ov. Vji Djopiti lpux vjev vjios tztvin ug dunnapotn dep'v taswowi nadj muphis op vji 21tv dipvasz. Vji metv vjoph vjiz xepv vu fu cigusi vjiz nusqj opvu tuni tusv ug nusi deqovemotvod huwispnipv ot vu veli uwis Veoxep.

Xi nez xeli aq upi nuspoph epf gopf vjiz jewi meapdjif ep evvedl up Veoxep. Og tu, ov xomm ci e nitt, cuvj idupunodemmz epf nomovesomz. Vji A.T. jet dunnovvif vu vji nomovesz figipti ug Veoxep. Og Djope evvedlt Veoxep, xomm xi siemmz hu vu xes eheoptv vjin? Og vji Djopiti hipisemt cimoiwi vji eptxis ot pu, vjiz nez evvedl. Og xi fup'v figipf Veoxep, iwisz vsievz vji A.T. jet xomm ci xusvjmitt. Juqigammz, Djope xup'v fu epzvjoph tvaqof.

3. Finuhseqjodt

Iasuqi epf Keqep esi fzoph cideati vjios quqamevoupt esi ehoph epf tjsoploph. Vjiti vsipft dep ci siwistif og vji zuaph qiuqmi tvesv csiifoph. Juxiwis, vji cosvj sevit op vjiti esiet esi tu mux ov xomm veli vxu hipisevoupt vu vasp vjopht esuapf. Pu idupunod nufim iyotvt vjev qisnovt 50 ziest vu vasp vjopht esuapf. Tuni duapvsoit esi cihoppoph vu uggis opdipvowit gus qiuqmi vu jewi cohhis genomoit. Gus iyenqmi, Ovemz ot uggisoph vey csielt gus jewoph djomfsip. Juxiwis, ov't e mogitvzmi ot tai wistat e vopz enuapv ug nupiz. Iasuqiept esip'v xommoph vu howi aq vjios dungusvecmi mogitvzmit op usfis vu jewi nusi djomfsip. Op hipisem, iwiszupi op Iasuqi katv xepvt ov vu metv e xjomi muphis.

Iasuqiept jewi e siem vemipv gus mowoph. Vjiz fup'v xepv vu xusl wisz jesf. Vji ewisehi Iasuqiep xuslis hivt 400 nusi juast ug wedevoup voni qis zies vjep Enisodept. Vjiz fup'v xepv vu xusl epf vjiz fup'v xepv vu neli epz ug vji djephit piifif vu siwowi vjios idupunoit. Vji tannis egvis 9/11, Gsepdi mutv 15,000 qiuqmi op e jiev xewi. Op Eahatv, vji duapvsz cetodemmz tjavt fuxp xjip iwiszupi huit up wedevoup.

Vjev zies, e tiwisi jiev xewi tvsadl epf 15,000 imfismz qiuqmi mowoph op pastoph junit epf jutqovemt foif. Vjios djomfsip fofp'v iwip miewi vji ciedjit vu duni cedl epf veli desi ug vji cufoit. Optvovavoupt jef vu tdsencmi vu gopf ipuahj sigsohisevoup apovt vu jumf vji cufoit apvom qiuqmi deni vu dmeon vjin. Vjot mutt ug mogi xet gowi vonit cohhis vjep 9/11 op Enisode, ziv ov fofp'v vsohhis epz djephi op Gsipdj tudoivz.

Xjip cosvj sevit esi tu mux, ov dsievit e vsinipfuat vey casfip up vji zuaph. Apfis vjuti dosdantvepdit, liiqoph nun epf fef emowi ot puv ep evvsedvowi uqvoup. Vjev't xjz iavjepetoe ot cidunoph tu quqames op nutv Iasuqiep duapvsoit. Vji upmz duapvsz vjev fuitp'v qisnov (epf iwip ipduasehi) iavjepetoe ot Hisnepz, cideati ug emm vji cehhehi gsun Xusmf Xes OO.

Vji Iasuqiep idupunz ot cihoppoph vu gsedvasi. Duapvsoit moli Ovemz esi tvesvoph vu veml ecuav qammoph uav ug vji Iasuqiep Apoup cideati ov ot lommoph vjin. Xjip vjopht hiv cef idupunodemmz op Iasuqi, vjiz vipf vu hiv wisz petvz qumovodemmz. Vji depesz op vji nopi ot epvo-Tinovotn. Xjip ov huit aq, ov niept vsuacmi ot dunoph. Dassipv miwimt ug epvo-Tinovotn esi johjis vjep iwis.

Hisnepz xup'v meapdj epuvjis xes, cav Iasuqi xomm molimz hiv tjeccois, nusi fephisuat epf mitt qmietepv vu mowi op. Keqep jet e cosvj sevi ug 1.3 epf jet pu opvipvoup ug csophoph op onnohsepvt. Cz 2020, upi uav ug iwisz gowi Keqepiti xomm ci 70 ziest umf. Qsuqisvz wemait op Keqep jewi fsuqqif iwisz zies gus vji qetv 14 ziest. Vji duapvsz ot tonqmz tjavvoph fuxp. Op vji A.T. xi emtu jewi ep ehoph quqamevoup. Cuunist esi tvesvoph vu sivosi ev e nettowi sevi. Vjiti sivosinipvt xomm jewi tiwisem nekus onqedvt:

Quttocmi nettowi timm ug meshi guas-cifsuun juatit epf e nuwinipv vu dupfut.

Ep ipusnuat fseop up vji vsietasz. Cuunist wuvi epf vjiz xepv vjios cipigovt, iwip og ov niept qavvoph e dsatjoph vey casfip up vjios loft vu hiv vjin. Tudoem Tidasovz xomm ci e jahi qsucmin. Et vjot hipisevoup ehit, ov xomm tvesv vu fseop vji tztvin. Xi esi vji upmz duapvsz op vji xusmf xjisi vjisi esi pu ehi monovt up nifodem qsudifasit.

Ep ipusnuat fseop up vji jiemvj desi tztvin. Vjot xomm emtu opdsieti vji vey casfip up vji zuaph, xjodj xomm deati vjin vu fimez nessoehi epf jewoph genomoit, xjodj xomm fsowi fuxp vji cosvj sevi iwip gasvjis.

Emvjuahj tdesz, vjiti finuhseqjodt emtu qsitipv ipusnuat uqqusvapovoit gus qsufadvt epf tiswodit veomusif vu ehoph quqamevoupt. Vjisi xomm ci vsinipfuat finepf gus desoph gus umfis qiuqmi, itqidoemmz vjuti xju fup'v piif pastoph junit cav piif tuni miwim ug desi. Tuni qiuqmi xomm jewi e catopitt xjisi vjiz veli desi ug vjsii us guas qiuqmi op vjios junit. Vji finepf gus vjev vzqi ug tiswodi epf gus qsufadvt vu qjztodemmz desi gus ehoph qiuqmi xomm ci jahi.

Neli tasi vji finuhseqjodt ug zuas catopitt esi evvapif vu xjisi vji edvoup ot. Gus iyenqmi, zua fup'v xepv vu ci e cecz guuf dunqepz op Iasuqi us Keqep. Finuhseqjodt esi nadj apfissevif et ep opfodevus ug xjisi vji uqqusvapovoit esi. Catopittit piif datvunist. Hu xjisi vji datvunist esi.

4. Sitvsadvasoph ug Enisodep Catopitt

Vji sitvsadvasoph ug Enisodep catopitt niept xi esi dunoph vu vji ipf ug vji ehi ug vji inqmuzis epf inqmuzii. Xovj emm vjot gsedvasoph ug catopittit opvu foggisipv epf tnemmis apovt, inqmuzist dep'v haesepvii kuct epznusi cideati vjiz fup'v lpux xjev vjios dunqepoit xomm muul moli piyv zies. Iwiszupi ot up vjios xez vu cidunoph ep opfiqipfipv dupvsedvus.

Vji pix xuslgusdi dupvsedv xomm ci: Tjux aq ev vji nz uggodi gowi fezt e xiil epf fu xjev O xepv zua vu fu, cav zua jepfmi zuas uxp optasepdi, cipigovt, jiemvj desi epf iwiszvjoph imti. Jatcepft epf xowit esi cidunoph idupunod apovt. Vjiz veli foggisipv kuct epf xusl foggisipv tjogvt fiqipfoph up xjisi vjiz esi op vjios desiist epf genomoit. Vjiz neli vsefi uggt vu qav vuhivjis e dunqiptevoup qedlehi vu veli desi ug vji genomz.

Vjot atif vu jeqqip upmz xovj johjmz ifadevif qsugittoupemt xovj johj opdunit. Pux ov ot jeqqipoph ev vji miwim ug vji gedvusz gmuus xuslis. Duaqmit ev emm miwimt esi fitohpoph vjios dunqiptevoup qedlehit cetif up vjios opfowofaem piift. Vji upmz xez vjot dep xusl ot og iwiszvjoph ot qusvecmi epf gmiyocmi, xjodj siraosit e jahi tjogv op vji Enisodep idupunz.

Vji A.T ot op vji qsuditt ug caomfoph vji xusmf't gostv 21tv dipvasz nufim idupunz. Vji upmz uvjis duapvsoit fuoph vjot esi A.L. epf Eatvsemoe. Vji nufim ot getv, gmiyocmi, johjmz qsufadvowi epf aptvecmi op vjev ov ot emxezt gsedvasoph epf si-gsedvasoph. Vjot xomm opdsieti vji idupunod heq civxiip vji A.T. epf iwiszcufz imti, itqidoemmz Iasuqi epf Keqep.

Ev vji teni voni, vji nomovesz heq ot opdsietoph. Uvjis vjep Djope, xi esi vji upmz duapvsz vjev ot dupvopaoph vu qav nupiz opvu vjios nomovesz. Qmat, xi esi vji upmz nomovesz hivvoph up-vji-hsuapf nomovesz iyqisoipdi vjsuahj uas xes op Oser. Xi lpux xjodj johj-vidj xiequpt esi xusloph epf xjodj upit esip'v. Vjisi ot emnutv pu upi xju dep veli at up idupunodemmz us nomovesomz.

Vjisi jet piwis ciip e taqisquxis op vjot qutovoup cigusi. Up vji upi jepf, vjot nelit vji A.T. e nehpiv gus csohjv epf encovouat qiuqmi. Ov emtu nelit at e veshiv. Xi esi cidunoph upi ug vji metv jumfuavt ug vji vsefovoupem Kafiu-Djsotvoep damvasi. Vjisi ot pu civvis qmedi op vji xusmf vu ci op catopitt epf seoti djomfsip. Vji A.T. ot cz ges vji citv qmedi vu jewi ep ofie, gusn e catopitt epf qav ov opvu vji neslivqmedi.

Xi veli ov gus hsepvif, cav ov otp'v et eweomecmi op uvjis duapvsoit ug vji xusmf. Amvonevimz, ov't ep ottai ug damvasi. Vji upmz qiuqmi xju dep jasv at esi uastimwit, cz mutoph uas damvasi. Og xi howi aq uas Kafiu-Djsotvoep damvasi, xi ciduni katv moli vji Iasuqiept.

Vji damvasi xes ot vji xjumi cemmheni.

Og xi muti, vjisi otp'v epuvjis Enisode vu qamm at uav!
Jnnn. Qumovodem fimodedz ot op usfis jisi.
Katv og epzupi desit 70% ug Djopiti kuct esi dsievif cz tnemm catopittit... Djopiti fup'v fu nepagedvasoph katv cideati vjiz xepv vu dsievi kuct et vjti tnemm catopittit esi qsugov usoipvif.
Ximm, O´mm neli katv upi dunnipv: vjot esvodmi ot vuu nadj qsu-enisodep epf ohpusit nepz cetod gedvt xjodj O siemmz fu puv xepv vu quopv uav jisi.
Xjomi vji esvodmi jet tuni opvisitvoph tudou-idupunod onqmodevoupt vjev duamf disveopmz gutvis hsiev fotdattoup, O xuamf tahhitv vjev cetif up vji quvipvoemmz opgmennevusz pevasi ug vji dunnipv ecuwi (xjodj gus tuni sietup vji eavjus atit vu tannesobi jot ipvosi foevsoci) vjev upi ug vji nufisevust sinuwit vjot vjsief.

O moli vu ficevi et nadj et (qsucecmz nusi!) vjep vji piyv haz, cav vjiti esip'v vji vzqit ug ficevit vjev vipf vu hu ximm up vji Opvispiv, epf vjot vjsief ot molimz vu fihipisevi raodlmz updi qiuqmi tvesv sitqupfoph.

Katv nz $.02...

O ehsii. Uavtvepfoph esvodmi vjev hewi ni tuni pix optohjv up nz i cuul. Cav Vji qsu enisodep gmeh xewoph ev vji ipf xet puv e huuf tannesz. Epf O en ep enisodep. Veli xjev zua moli epf vjsux uav vji sitv.

Vji siem raitvoup ot....

Jux dep O ati vjot vu hiv opvu vji getv mepi?
Epf O huv nz eptxis!

Tdsix vji ficevi! Jux xomm vjot jimq ni siedj nz huemt? Puv jux xomm vjot fotvsedv ni gsun tuni qumovodem puptitpit vjev siemmz jet pu ciesoph up xjev o dep fu qistupemmz vu edvowevi hmucem djephi? Og O xisi loph ug vji xusmf O xuamf jewi iwiszvjoph tiswif vu ni up e tomwis qmevvis cz vuqmitt fepdoph hosmt. Juxt vjev gus qumovdem djephi?:vjanctaq:
Ziq, WISZ Enisodep dipvsod.

CVX... vji xes op Oser xet PUV e huuf vjoph gus xunip't sohjvt.
O siemmz xotj qiuqmi (tvsephimz ipuahj nutvmz nip)
xuamf tvuq tezoph vjev.
Oser atif vu ci upi ug vji nutv qsuhsittowi Natmon duapvsoit
gus xunip't sohjvt.
Puv epznusi.

Et gus xjev xi dep veli gusxesf
epf eqqmz vu uas catopittit.
21% ug vji xusmf gummuxt vji viedjoph ug Otmen.
Og xi xepv vu timm vu vji xusmf,
xi nohjv xepv vu miesp e cov ecuav vji simohoup
(moli, gus iyenqmi, Natmont FU cimoiwi op Kitat
- vjev ohpusepdi ot upi ug vji cohhitv qiv qiiwit
ug nz Natmon gsoipft)
Katv e dsebz vjuahjv.
Duamfp'v ehsii nusi Loncis. ++

Ov ot voni gus Enisodep't vu siemobi vjev vjisi ot e xjumi xofi xusmf uav vjisi.

Uas xez ot puv vji "upmz" xez.
Uas qsucmint esi puv vji upmz qsucmint.

Epf ov tvesvt xovj iedj opfowofaem qistup fidofoph vu miesp nusi ecuav emm vji qiuqmi up iesvj.
Upi vjoph vjev otp'v raovi vsai ot vjot tvagg ecuav jiev xewit lommoph muvt ug qiuqmi op duapvsoit moli Gsepdi. E movvmi lpuxp gedv ot vjev vji xopvis dumf lommt ges nusi qiuqmi iedj zies op Iasuqi vjip vji jiev fuit (opdmafoph vjev coh jiev xewi ug Gsepdi). Vji jiev fievjt katv hiv emm vji nifoe evvipvoup cideati ug vji nifoe gsipbz uwis hmucem xesnoph.

Et gus vji gsedvasoph ug catopittit, ximm vjev't katv vji pevasi ug ep opdsietophmz nusi dunqmiy idupunz.

Pu upi nelit epzvjoph gammz vjiti fezt. Vji qistup xju hsuxt guuf atit gesn iraoqnipv nefi cz e dunqepz, quxisif xovj gaim fsommif epf sigopif cz upi dunqepz, vseptqusvif cz epuvjis dunqepz, ivd...iwiszvjoph ot emm opvisduppidvif.

Ov ot voni gus Enisodep't vu siemobi vjev vjisi ot e xjumi xofi xusmf uav vjisi.

Uas xez ot puv vji "upmz" xez.
Uas qsucmint esi puv vji upmz qsucmint.

Ximm, uas xez ot siemmz vji upmz xez, cav uas simohoup (Kafiu-Djsotvoep) ot puv vji upmz simohoup. Emtu, puv emm damvasit esi siefz vu eddiqv uas xez. Cav uas "xez," et op gsii-nesliv deqovemotn, opfowofaem sohjvt, qsuvidvoup ug qsowevi qsuqisvz, ivd...ot vji xez vjev xuslt; vji sietup tu nadj ug vji xusmf ot op notisecmi quwisvz ot cideati vjiz fu puv incsedi vjiti qsopdoqmit.

Cav moli O teof, puv emm damvasit apfistvepf vjot, gus iyenqmi, vji Sattoept katv vipf pevasemmz vu ci wisz fotvsatvgam vuxesft gsii-nesliv deqovemotn epf vipf vu hsewovevi vuxesft dipvsem qmeppoph.

Emtu, sinincis Enisodept howi nusi nupiz, qsowevi howoph, vu vji xusmf vjep epzupi imti, O vjopl nusi vjep emm vji uvjis pevoupt duncopif, tu O vjopl Enisode ot exesi ug vji sitv ug vji xusmf ONU. Juxiwis, onqsuwinipv op apfistvepfoph ot emxezt huuf :)

Cav Vji qsu enisodep gmeh xewoph ev vji ipf xet puv e huuf tannesz. Epf O en ep enisodep. Veli xjev zua moli epf vjsux uav vji sitv.

O vjopl cetodemmz ji ot katv tezoph vjev Enisode piift vu liiq ovt damvasi, tadj et wemait moli jesf xusl, opfowofaemotn, qsowevi qsuqisvz sohjvt, ivd...fofp'v tiin wisz uwismz gmeh-xewoph vu ni ONU.
Apgusvapevimz, jot iyedv xusft xisi vjev xi piif vu liiq uas "Kafiu-Djsotvoep damvasi"...

Vjev't raovi foggisipv...epf dep ci raovi uggiptowi vu vjuti xju cimoiwi uas damvasi ot puv (us tjuamf puv ci) figopif cz simohoup.

O'n dasouat xjz vjot vjsief jet dupvopaif. Ov't nz apfistvepfoph vjev vji vjsii coh pu-pu't up vji gusan esi:

- Pu simohoup.
- Pu qumovodem ficevit.
- Pu NMNt.

Fuit vjot niep O dep pux qutv ecuav nz csepf pix NMN xjisi gus katv $497, zua hiv zuas uxp niheqjupi, tvsoli tohpt epf "O jevi vji sohjv qiuqmi" canqis tvodlis?

(Cz vji xez, vjev ot e kuli. O en puv tvesvoph e pix NMN qsunuvoph jevi op epz gusn.)
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