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Very quick way of validating an idea to see if people pay for it

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Jul 3, 2018
Hi guys,
This is an interesting and fairly easy approach to testing if your new software idea will be attracting paying customers. It is applying the concept of the "lean startup method"
This is not new, but I thought I'd share it here because it works and gives you fast validation.
Of course, it might also work with other products. But I have seen it so far only with software.

So, what's it about?
The story of Joel Gascoigne, who founded Buffer for Twitter.

In summary, he used a landing page with a good clean overview of his product and then gave the option of paying for it. But at that time the software did not yet exist! People would see a 'nice to see you're interested, please leave your mail addy and you will be the first to know when it's finished'.
And that easily he gained very good feedback if people would be buying!

You may find the story and screenshots to his approach here.

The idea to post it here came to me when I found another webside which basically does exactly the same, just with another software. I was instantly reminded of Buffer and how genius and simple this actually is.
Maybe some useful knowledge for members who want to build a program to get fastlane.

Best wishes and please let me know what you think! If this is old news for everyone around here, apologies! But it is definitely a good tool to know ;)
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Jul 3, 2018
Im actually gonna do this right now, thanks for posting
Awesome. Please let me know how that went.
Mind that some people might be put off by that approach. The site I recently saw gave the option of opting in to the free beta as soon at it was ready. Might be another way of keeping people in the loop.

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