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Upgrading to Fastlane by Teaching the Slowlane...Is It Even Legal?!

Anything considered a "hustle" and not necessarily a CENTS-based Fastlane


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Aug 25, 2017
Dominican Republic
This is my personal history.

I'm 21 and still living with my parents.

I happened to stumble across TMF about 8 months ago and decided to quit my job.

In my opinion, it was a good decision since I was only earning $US250/month part-time. (Yeah, that's above minimum wage in my country, which is Dominican Republic.)

Provided my geographical limitations and my budget (~$US1,000 in savings), I decided to give a couple of online business models a try.

Internet marketing was my decision, specially informational marketing and digital products since I'm not that attracted to the physical products' business models, namely, FBA, Shopify or Dropshipping (I fell at this point they're too saturated for me to make a difference and my budget was not that big).

From July 2017 to December 2017, I dabbled around affiliate marketing and kindle publishing along with social media and blogging. I created two websites that went nowhere and published a couple of books that made around 5 sales in total.

I knew I needed to focus, and with a budget next to 0, but all the time of the world, I turned to freelancing.

But knowing that is not what I'm going to do full-time over the long-term (+5 years) I came up with a slightly different approach.

I asked myself, "What's the #1 skill I need to build an online business? One skill I could offer as a service that has a high-income potential?"

After some thought and research, I settled on copywriting.

Being a non-native English speaker, the road to high-paid freelance copywriting career is not a walk in the park, but I feel capable of such.

However, knowing literally nothing about copywriting (perhaps not even 100% proper English) and needing some cash, I had to find something just to get by in the meantime.

I found the opportunity to work as a VA for an Internet Marketer for $400 a month and grabbed it (hey, it's on my field of interest and is more money than my previous job).

I have 2 months working for him and he has already told me that he wants me to deal with either his marketing or managing other VAs (since he's noticed I'm capable of more than just data entry and research).

On top of that and on top of aiming to become a high-paid freelance copywriter, I started blogging about my freelance progress in Spanish (which is my first language).

The purpose of that, is not only force myself to learn a little bit more of the other moving parts of an online business (SEO, Web Design, Email Marketing,...) but to also start to build an audience around that niche.


Here's the thing.

The freelancing niche (in Spanish) is mainly dominated by a brand called VirtualiaNet which sells a course with a bunch of freelance careers like Virtual Assistance, Web Design, Content Creation, Social Media Management, etc...

But I feel there's a gap between teaching people how to build up the skills and teaching them how to market themselves—and get paid decently.

Being a freelancer now, I've noticed communication and marketing (in which copywriting has its place) are the two main skills that will determine your potential—probably more than your main technical or creative skill.

I really feel there's a legitimate need for people to learn how to compete with their brains instead of compete with their rates.

So the whole selling proposition of the business I'd like to build in the future would be a mix of English communication skills, marketing skills and freelancing. Something like:

"If you know your craft, how to market it and how to communicate effectively, as though you are a native-English speaker, you can get paid like one—or even more."

Obviously, I have to do it first to teach it. That's my goal.
I have to make it a reality in my life before being be able to sell that possibility.

So here are my vague and optimistic projections—or expectactions, however you want to call it:

(1) Keep the contract with the marketer and be able to charge at least $1,500/m at the end of the year (negotiating my rates based on the value I add to his business or searching for other opportunities).
(2) Polish my copywriting skills. Build my reputation and work with a couple of clients here and there.
(3) Keep building an audience sharing my progress, my sucesses and my failures via blogging and reach the 100-visitors-a-day milestone by the end of this year.

(1) By January, I should be able to have enough copywriting experience (and confidence) to charge +$US40/hr and be able to earn at least $US3-5k per month on average.
(2) I expect to have consistent traffic, some affiliate sales and have reached a 'decent' 4-figure (5000-9999) email list by the end of year.

(1) Kick-a$$ copy (and maybe even some consulting). +$US100/hr.
(2) An information product launch based on my experiences and my subscriber's needs. Potentially in the $US497-997 range.

Some other ideas

  • At some point I may expand to the English market.
  • I've also thought about selling other things my target audience (a struggling freelancer) could need like (1) an office product business, (2) some sort of software as a service, (3) build a team of experts and teach each individual career in depth (Web Design, Programming, etc..).
  • I could end up building some sort of services agency related to marketing and copywriting if that's what 'sticks'.
I expect to work 60-70+ hours consistently for the next few years. Probably 40-50h freelancing and 20-30h on my business and slowly turning that around over time.

Is 2-3 years to start actually 'fastlaning' too much? Will I be shamelessly turning into a hypocrite fastlaner selling 'slowlane' strategies? Am I spreading myself too thin by trying to build two things at the same time (a freelance career and an internet business)?
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Andy Black

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May 20, 2014
Not sure why you’re asking if it’s legal.

Sounds like a similar journey to mine, except I chose (fell) into digital marketing instead of copywriting.

Get good at it serving clients.

Get paid to get good at it serving clients.

Write about what you’ve learned so others can do it too.

Have people ask for courses, so expand into the DIY market as well as the DFY market.

Sounds like you’re onto something working with that marketer.

Can you find more clients like him?

Can you use the marketing skills and knowledge that you learn with him to help people in markets using your native language?

Maybe your high ground will end up being your marketing skills and knowledge, combined with your native language?


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Aug 25, 2017
Dominican Republic
Not sure why you’re asking if it’s legal.

Sounds like a similar journey to mine, except I chose (fell) into digital marketing instead of copywriting.

Get good at it serving clients.

Get paid to get good at it serving clients.

Write about what you’ve learned so others can do it too.

Have people ask for courses, so expand into the DIY market as well as the DFY market.

Sounds like you’re onto something working with that marketer.

Can you find more clients like him?

Can you use the marketing skills and knowledge that you learn with him to help people in markets using your native language?

Maybe your high ground will end up being your marketing skills and knowledge, combined with your native language?

Yeah, is a personal thing, though. I just saw that my approach may be, as MJ calls it, a paradox of practice. Since my ultimate goal is teach it...but well, someone has to.

And you are right. Maybe some other skills end up being my strength.

To answer your first question, I will search for more clients once I'm comfortable with creating content on the blog and I can hit those articles relatively quickly.

I'm learning from an experienced internet marketer who is striving to provide a detailed training for free (supported via affiliate). His name is Ian (you can find it at and I've found it really helpful to anyone wanting to start from 0 building an internet business.

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