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idea analysis

  1. lifemaker

    What Do You Think?

    After getting a nice knuckle-sandwich for my poor execution, I sat down and did a Kinetic Execution Plan. (which I now understand I should have done 9 days ago...) The plan is posted bellow, if anyone would like to give it a read and maybe share view on the idea afterwards. Traditional Window...
  2. T

    An interesting idea that can be very useful

    Hello community of winners, I came with an idea that I have been thinking about since I absorbed knowledge from MJ's books and this community, and it is a website where the different plastic surgery centers, skin centers and beauty centers are agglomerated where people can find everything in...
  3. M

    A business that make CENTS, but perhaps unrealistic

    Hello everyone! I’ve got a business idea that makes CENTS, but I am afraid that my odds' ratio to succeed is very, very low. So, basically, I am in a WhatsApp group with fellow vegetarians and vegans. I have noticed that a lot of people are struggling to buy products that are in line with their...
  4. Ali B

    Fast Fashion -> Fastlane Fashion

    The other day, I was shopping and knew exactly what I wanted, but I couldn't find it. I thought, why isn't there a store where you can: Specify the type of clothing you want Feel the material on the spot to check the texture Choose the color Select from a list of designs Specify the kind of fit...
  5. Danil Zaderaka

    Need feedback from you! Something about AI-Assistant

    Hey! I'm writing this post to get feedback from you. My name is Danil Zaderaka, I'm 19 years old, and I'm from Ukraine. I'll provide a brief backstory so you can understand the bigger picture. I worked at a company, helping them with video editing and creating some 3D models in Blender (at...
  6. K

    I have an idea and working on it for some time but i have doubts that it will succeed

    I tried to differ some value attributes in the business sector i'm going to get in but i doubt that the difference i will make is going to be a value skew +(positive) or value skew - (negative). Is there a metric that i can use or the metric could changed by unpredictable customer choices? I...
  7. humthesongg

    Recent College Grad (introduction)/ Air travel Calculator idea

    Hey everyone, I finished reading the millionaire fast lane at the end of December 2023. I graduated from university back in May of 2023 after that I relocated from Indiana to Tennessee where I was offered a well paying job in IT. The job isn't bad or anything i get to work remotely most of the...
  8. Yanezez

    (Lawyer Services) Marketplace: Doable as a Startup?

    Hello Fastlaners, I am wondering how is a marketplace of services doable. Let's say of Lawyer-related services. - Would it be doable as a startup (not a full company to back you up)? - Is it even possible without the clients going around? - How would you charge a commission on services so...
  9. Sorrento

    Is this how you are supposed to sell on the internet?

    I recently realised I have a skill which probably only few people have, and Im trying to turn it into a course. In my school and now college, i was never and still am not a student who gets 99% in school/college but, I always compete with the top 10 in my class, i get around 70/80% . Whats the...
  10. Yanezez

    Idea Stress Test from You Fastlaners (boring idea)

    Hello all, First, thank you in advance for any critique / feedback. Instead of trying to come up with the next revolutionary idea, I thought of the following ‘back to basics’. I noticed in my home country that there is a growing trend for container homes/offices/bathrooms etc. However, very...
  11. P

    Rate this another idea : "SaaS to train people against phishing attacks"

    Hello everyone, I submitted a previous idea which was "P2P app to sell your food leftovers" . I realized quickly that not only the idea was stupid but also dangerous in terms of food regulation. And regarding the problem I tried to solved ? Fortunately, there are already charities and entities...
  12. P

    Rate this idea : "P2P app to sell your food leftovers"

    Hello everyone, after I finished reading the book "The millionnaire fastlane" and the "Great rat race espace", I went to search for ideas of business which could help people to answer their needs. After sometimes, I found this idea : "P2P app to sell your food leftovers" Let's imagine you are...
  13. Bells20

    Testing for App Concept - Thoughts?

    Hi! Idea here.... could use some honest feedback. It's a habit-tracking app, although it includes dashboard and trending features that are easily shareable to Social - think IG stories or FB groups. I've been tracking habits via a variety of different apps for years now, although I've yet to...
  14. Lochlan

    A leads generation business for hospitality via articles

    My idea is to start a website with articles like “50 best things to do London “ I don’t know if it is worth it though as trip adviser already exists and there is other articles online like that and to build a brand I would need loads of articles. I’d preferably like it to be lead generation...
  15. P

    My Introduction

    Hi Everyone, Although the majority of you will not see this, I wanted to introduce myself. I am 22 years old, fresh out of college and have been working a software sales job for the past month. Even though I have started my job a month ago, I already feel weighed down. I do enjoy what I do, but...
  16. J

    I WANT to know your thoughts on these solutions for this Fastlane problem (hair salons)

    Hey Fastlaners, So I recently came across a very valuable post by the user MTF talking about how to get infinite fastlane ideas through problems. Part of his strategy is e-mailing business owners and asking them formally about their biggest struggles with running their businesses. I sent around...
  17. G

    IDEA: Mailbox/Pack & Ship Store

    I have been thinking about launching a physical business for some time and would value other members thoughts or experience. The criteria I have for this business is: Low start-up costs Minimal overheads A simple business – one where the model is already proven. What can bring to be better...
  18. G

    Farmer turned Software Engineer Ideas

    Hi Guys! I grew up farming and ended up teaching myself to code on youtube and got a software engineer job that is my current 9 to 5. I have a passive income in a POD Etsy business (I know this isn't fastlane but it covers my grocery bills). I also freelance as a software engineer on the side...
  19. C

    Starting agriculture business - idea validation

    Hi, some time ago I bought 9000 square meters of agriculture land (approx 2.2 acres for people accross the pond ;)) because it was a bargain in comparison to normal land prices here. I've always wanted to start a business outside my profession (programming) and here I saw the next possibility. I...
  20. ZackerySprague

    Feedback Request from Fellow Fastlaners :D!

    Happy Sunday Fellow Fastlaners! For those who don't know, I am Zackery, nice to meet ya! Little backstory, back in December of 2022, I have purchased an INE from the Insiders Section and was working on the project for a bit of time. Now here's were I have to admit my faults, I have dropped the...