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The "Astonishing Secrets" Thread


With Great Power Comes Great Electricity Bill
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Jun 8, 2010
What’s up guys. Some of you may remember me from my thread in which I thanked zen******* for dropping wisdom bombs all over the world. If you haven’t checked that thread out, please take a look at it and get moving with learning copywriting so you can learn how to print your own money(legally).

I’m starting this thread because Z told me to share the ice cream with others. I have mad respect for the guy so naturally it had to be done. By golly, all I used to have was a little pint of ice cream for myself and now I have an ice cream factory for everybody to eat from! There is a seat reserved for you at the table of abundance, but it’s up to you to work for it.

I will be explaining the secret Zen side of the Dolphin that he never speaks of, but has become glaringly obvious to those who study the WHY and HOW behind his posts.

But before I dive into giving you some ice cream, a little bit about myself…

27 years old. Was a wantrepreneur for a long time, but didn’t even know it. Yup, I ain’t the sharpest tool in the shed. Started a bunch of different businesses for all the wrong reasons so I ultimately failed at each one. A few years into it, I finally hit the bottom and got sick of the shit life I was living so I wrote into my journal and started reflecting. It went something like, “I’m tired of who I am. Tired of the life I’m living. Tired of seeing all my friends get ahead in their corporate job while I’m here trying to figure things out. Just sick of my life in general”. Bottom line, I was at my lowest point and the fire under my a$$ was burning so hot that I had no other choice but to take some dedicated immediate action to get real results…or risk being forever frustrated in the hamster wheel of the 9-5.

Studied zen*******’s posts very closely and began to read in between the lines of what he was saying. I wasn’t looking for business strategies. I wanted to know and understand the mindset behind the madman. Why was he doing X? How was he doing Y?

Started learning copy. I read some books and copied some sales letters by hand for a few months. My day looked something like this: Work the 9-5. Go home pissed as hell at my boss. Drink, write copy, drink, write copy, pass out drunk. Repeat for a long time until I got a good grasp of writing copy. I don’t recommend drinking to learn copy…ice cream seems to work pretty well too. Drinking is fun though…I’d rather burn as bright as a 1,000 watt bulb and burn out in 10-minutes than live life like a 10-watt bulb for the next 40 years.

Armed with my new knowledge of copy, I set forth to start a software business. While interviewing many different people in many different industries, I discovered a real need that couldn’t be solved online but could be taken care of offline…I prefer offline businesses anyway so I jumped into it head first. You can start an offline business faster because you don’t have to spend months on software development.

30 days later my sales were in the low 5-figure range. Let me tell you…when you go from making crap money and barely scraping to get by, to suddenly making 5-figures a month the feeling is sweeter than a gallon of ice cream.

That’s my story in a nutshell. I left out a lot of the details of the mental struggle: broken heart, angry parents, isolated friends, etc.

I will respectfully decline any requests to disclose what my business is. This forum was once a close knit group of homies, but with the success of MJ’s book there are now tons of new members and a few took the liberty of stealing from some of the greatest contributors here. The mindset is 80% of the game anyway and that’s what I’m trying to teach here.

On to the lessons…
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With Great Power Comes Great Electricity Bill
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Jun 8, 2010
The greatest lesson of all...


The hell? This is a @zen******* secret? It is, and let me prove to you why.

When you love others with a genuine heart, you become more present to their feelings which include their pains and needs. You approach them from the position of, “How can I improve this person’s life? How can I add value to this person’s life?” as opposed to, “Where can I get money? COME ON GIVE ME THE MONEY!”.

This is the mindset I see a lot of people have: “The XYZ market is a $50B market and is about to explode 30% within the next 2 years. I’m going to get into that and get a piece of the pie!”. The ice cream shop has the right to refuse service to anyone and does not serve those with that mindset. We only serve ice cream to those who love others and solve their pains. Well, maybe we’ll offer plain vanilla to the 99% who don’t.

Do you think someone will tell you their pains and needs if you genuinely show them that you want to help improve their lives? Or are they more likely to tell you their pains if you approach them from the angle of, “Hey would you buy this product from me? Come on, buy it!”

When you love the hell out of others, you begin building a brand with a noticeable heart. Customers WILL notice this and you will develop a loyal following. They will tell their friends and post it all over Facebook. You notice how In n’ Out Burger has a loyal following of fans? That’s because they show love for their employees and love for their customers by striving to always satisfy everyone’s needs. It’s a hamburger joint with a friggin’ culture. I love it. The employees are always joyful as hell. The company has HEART and SOUL. Compare that to the majority of other fast food joints who are just a cold cash taker.

Sometimes it’s not always about profit. Love others first and the ice cream will come.

I’ve never met zen******* in person but his whole vibe OOZES of love, heart, honor, and integrity. He wants to help you better your life. He doesn’t fear the success of those he mentors. I would trust that guy with a $100,000 personal loan. He obviously doesn’t need my money, but you get my point. I bet you a bunch of people bring him deals and opportunities to partner up simply because of his vibe of love and integrity.

Love others. Drop the greed because it will blind you to opportunities for more ice cream around you. When you harness this mindset for a long enough amount of time, you will see the abundance of possibilities and realize the ice cream is everywhere. Fear and scarcity WILL be replaced by confidence and abundance.

@JackEdwards wasn't lying when he said, "The moment you stop caring about money is the moment you start making money". Respect to you, good sir.
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