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Jan 5, 2018
I have read TMF , UNSCRIPTED and most of the Notable / Gold threads of the forum, I should have done my introduction long ago.

I am a 21 years old engineering student (in renewable energy systems and associated markets).

The engineering school system in France after high school can be summurized as : Working hard during two years 60 hours a week on theoretical materials (It's very academical), then you enter in a big exam and at the end and depending on your results you get one of the engineering school, most of the time not the one you want (Wtf). That's literaly 2 years of our life spent on academic stuff with really poor social life and poor skills application.

I don't really like my studies but the skills I'm earning will be valuables in this period of Energetic transition (in Europe) and it's almost free in France.

Beside my studies since last year I'm involved as a "team leader"(president) in an association called Enactus (google it, it's social entrepreunerial actions), basically I'm managing/helping 30+ voluntary students on 8 different projects,most of my work was building strong cohesion/motivation and helping students so they can empower other people, it was this association that led me to become interested in entrepreneurship (Books, meetings..).

That's the only "entrepreneurial environement" I have, and most of the people are not as interested on being entrepreneur as I am (it's more about helping people without that much financial return), I'm also living in a three way roomate not really interested in building business. I'm living comfy, all paid by my family.
I'm searching in this forum the people I'm missing in my current environment, for advise and build skills to build a business.

I didn't really had my FTE since I'm young and didn't worked that much. But I care about people, care about giving them value and hate those who don't, I don't want to work/live with people like this. (It's my F*** Them Process).

I'm not happy with that part of my life right now because I'm not building something.
That's why I'm in this forum.

Thank you to everyone providing value there, I'm curious about the INSIDERS I'm going to jump in.

(Do not hesitate to correct my english)
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