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ROI website tools

Marketing, social media, advertising


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Apr 25, 2015
Cumming, GA
I am currently doing research on how to calculate ROI for a website that will generate revenue off of advertisements as well as e-commerce and digital downloads.

Is Google Analytics sufficient, or what other tools are worth the price of integrating into the website?

Since some of the revenue is off ads, as well as selling products this will make the calculation more complex I believe.

I'm looking to calculate things like lifetime customer value, average profit per transaction, leads generated (from marketing), conversion rate, break even point.

The most important aspect up front would be the Return on Marketing Investment which I've read Google Analytics is sufficient for.
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Jul 13, 2013
I am currently doing research on how to calculate ROI for a website that will generate revenue off of advertisements as well as e-commerce and digital downloads.

Is Google Analytics sufficient, or what other tools are worth the price of integrating into the website?

Since some of the revenue is off ads, as well as selling products this will make the calculation more complex I believe.

I'm looking to calculate things like lifetime customer value, average profit per transaction, leads generated (from marketing), conversion rate, break even point.

The most important aspect up front would be the Return on Marketing Investment which I've read Google Analytics is sufficient for.
I'm a finance/excel guy, so maybe my answer isn't ideal for all people, but nothing beats a good excel model. I build out all my income statements, and analysis tools in excel and then just update the numbers on a monthly basis.

Most of my expenses are consistent so they are easy to track on a monthly basis, and then I just add in revenue from adsense, youtube, amazon, product sales, etc. at the end of every month.

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