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Tired of paying for dead communities hosted by absent gurus who don't have time for you?

Imagine having a multi-millionaire mentor by your side EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. Since 2007, MJ DeMarco has been a cornerstone of Fastlane, actively contributing on over 99% of days—99.92% to be exact! With more than 38,000 game-changing posts, he's dedicated to helping entrepreneurs achieve their freedom. Join a thriving community of over 90,000 members and access a vast library of over 1,000,000 posts from entrepreneurs around the globe.

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Ready to take your business to the next level? I'll coach you.

Kung Fu Steve

Legendary Contributor
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Jul 8, 2008
Road Warrior
Hey guys,

It's time. I've been training with big buddy for over 3 years now and I'm ready to start my own practice. I have a 30-day coaching intensive for entrepreneurs I'm running as a pilot program to a larger practice I'm starting. I'm opening it up to anyone who wants to jump in but I'd recommend reading the copy below so you know what you're getting into.

The program will essentially be 4 group coaching calls (they'll be recorded and in your membership area), a short weekly video (or two), a facebook group to communicate, an accountability setup, and there's a few extra details in here. I will get you the results you're looking for in your business... and if you're not sure what you're after... this is where you'll find it.

It's going to be fairly advanced but everyone will be on their own paths. This is essentially "life coaching for entrepreneurs" ... on steroids... come join me. Let's get results.

If you have questions, feel free to post them below!


The sales copy page is here:


NEWSFLASH: “KungFuSteve finally agrees to create his own coaching practice!”
You want to do better.

You want to take action.

You want to make and keep more money.

You want to be even more successful.

You want to live on purpose.

You need a coach.

I can be that coach for you.

If you don’t already know me, my name is Steve.

I’ve been around this forum since (practically) the beginning.

And before I tell you the long-winded story about my years of homelessness, spending the last of my food money on a book that transformed my life, and ultimately finding myself learning the foundations of business from a guy we’ve all come to admire around here (thanks, MJ) …

…let me start by calling out…

All the BULLSHIT that “coaches” are tossing around…

You know the people…

… they post motivational quotes on their Facebook and call themselves a “life coach”…

… their LinkedIn profile lists them as a motivational speaker (when they’ve never spoke), a coach (when they don’t know the first thing about it), and an entrepreneur (when they’ve never had a business) …

… they claim to be experts in different schools of psychology they’ve never studied…

… they often tell people about the hundreds or THOUSANDS of SUCCESSFUL people they’ve coached (and obviously they are the sole reason they are successful) …

Let me clear something up…

This is not THAT.

I’m a professional coach.

In fact, it’s how I make my living these days.

I could tell you all about my years as a martial arts coach, how I built world champions, how I built my school, how I got into business with my heterosexual life partner (@GlobalWealth), or even my consulting practice…

…but I’m guessing all you really want to hear that proves I (might) know what I’m doing is that…

I am the national trainer for the number one coach on the planet.

All I’ve done day in and day out for the past 3 years is speak for, coach, and consult with Fortune 500s, business professionals, entrepreneurs, sales managers… the list goes on…

At this point I’ve done a little over 2,000 live trainings (and, no, that number isn’t even slightly exaggerated) with the highest performing companies to help them hit the next level… and also take the worst performing companies and turn them around.

I’ve been fortunate enough to be coached by the best and now it’s my turn to create a little practice of my own, so…

Here’s what I’ve got for you:

I’m doing a 30-day group coaching intensive for entrepreneurs.

We’re going to…

· Get extremely clear about what you’re after for the next month (and beyond). We’ll figure out customized metrics for you (so you can actually figure out if you’re progressing or not) …

· Explore what drives all decisions and how to take control of our lives (so you stop saying you want one thing but keep doing something else)

· Identify and tackle the B.S. (belief systems) that are holding us back (so you consistently take action towards your goals instead of stopping and starting over and over) …

· Build a new morning ritual that gets you laser focused on your outcomes for the day (if all you did in this program was this 5-minute thing for the next 30 days, your entire life would be different – that’s how powerful it is).

“How will this help me?”

First, it increases awareness. We take time to look at your life and business from the outside.

Second, it gets your emotions under control. Emotional management is imperative to making progress in your business and your life (not to mention the critical decisions we make day-to-day).

Finally, it demands massive action.

For 30 days, we’re going to make commitments and follow through for predictable results.

That’s it.

Here’s what this isn’t:

This isn’t therapy. We’re not going to explore your past or try to make sense of your childhood.

We’re simply going to start where we are and move forward.

It’s a future-focused, mind-blowing process.

Let me be clear:

I won’t be finding you a product to sell… I won’t be telling you what business to get into… I’m not going to do the work for you… and nor will I help you make life-altering decisions…

I’m going to hold you accountable but we’re not building dependency here.

My job is to teach you the tools, strategies, and distinctions that will empower you to finally do this stuff on your own.

Why am I doing this?

This is something I’ve wanted to do for a long time (my own private coaching practice) …

I love to be around people who actually want something for their lives…

Finally, this is a big ol’ test.

Shortly after we finish this program I’ll be launching a full-scale private group coaching business with some of the most successful business folks I’ve met from around the world.

With this being a test there are a couple of rules:

I’m only going to accept 30 people into the group.

The reason why is I’m actually going to personally track everyone’s progress for the month.

That’ll probably be a double-edged sword because you’ll get more personal attention from me… but I’ll be up your a$$ asking you if you’ve actually done what you said you were going to do…

No negativity.

Don’t bring your bullshit into the group. Toxic attitudes will not be tolerated. We’re doing this to build and grow and while I’m not the hugging and flower-giving type – we’re here to support each other and help any way we can.

When you hit it big, I’d like to share your progress with others.

Yeah, it’s a clever way to generate testimonials.

Of course you can tell me no – I will respect your privacy 100% (and I damn sure expect you do the same for everyone in the group)… but if you’re up for it, I’d like to get you ridiculous results and use those results to influence others to join the most expensive version later

So Here’s the deal…​

If you want to join and be my coaching client, here’s how it works…

First, you enroll by clicking the link and finding the button at the bottom of the page, and then you’ll get immediate access to the membership site.

You’ll see a couple of short videos (5-10 minutes – we’re busy and we don’t need to sit around all day watching training).

They’ll introduce the first couple of ideas and concepts we’ll be working on (including building out your metrics and how we’re going to track our progress) and then I’ll give you a couple of days to get that done.

From there we’ll do a weekly call (don’t worry, it’ll be recorded if you can’t make it). We’ll do live examples, live coaching, and set you up for the next week’s short video and action plan.

With the test group (that’s you) you’ll also have daily access to me for questions.

It’s a coaching program designed for entrepreneurs who want lasting change.

Cost is $197 for the month.

You can enroll below.

Your life is about to change.

You are the hero.

I’m the guide.

Don’t stay lost.

Follow me.


Go to the sales page and checkout here: 30 Day Coaching Program

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Gold Contributor
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Aug 24, 2015
Hey guys,

It's time. I've been training with big buddy for over 3 years now and I'm ready to start my own practice. I have a 30-day coaching intensive for entrepreneurs I'm running as a pilot program to a larger practice I'm starting. I'm opening it up to anyone who wants to jump in but I'd recommend reading the copy below so you know what you're getting into.

The program will essentially be 4 group coaching calls (they'll be recorded and in your membership area), a short weekly video (or two), a facebook group to communicate, an accountability setup, and there's a few extra details in here. I will get you the results you're looking for in your business... and if you're not sure what you're after... this is where you'll find it.

It's going to be fairly advanced but everyone will be on their own paths. This is essentially "life coaching for entrepreneurs" ... on steroids... come join me. Let's get results.

If you have questions, feel free to post them below!


The sales copy page is here:


NEWSFLASH: “KungFuSteve finally agrees to create his own coaching practice!”
You want to do better.

You want to take action.

You want to make and keep more money.

You want to be even more successful.

You want to live on purpose.

You need a coach.

I can be that coach for you.

If you don’t already know me, my name is Steve.

I’ve been around this forum since (practically) the beginning.

And before I tell you the long-winded story about my years of homelessness, spending the last of my food money on a book that transformed my life, and ultimately finding myself learning the foundations of business from a guy we’ve all come to admire around here (thanks, MJ) …

…let me start by calling out…

All the BULLSHIT that “coaches” are tossing around…

You know the people…

… they post motivational quotes on their Facebook and call themselves a “life coach”…

… their LinkedIn profile lists them as a motivational speaker (when they’ve never spoke), a coach (when they don’t know the first thing about it), and an entrepreneur (when they’ve never had a business) …

… they claim to be experts in different schools of psychology they’ve never studied…

… they often tell people about the hundreds or THOUSANDS of SUCCESSFUL people they’ve coached (and obviously they are the sole reason they are successful) …

Let me clear something up…

This is not THAT.

I’m a professional coach.

In fact, it’s how I make my living these days.

I could tell you all about my years as a martial arts coach, how I built world champions, how I built my school, how I got into business with my heterosexual life partner (@GlobalWealth), or even my consulting practice…

…but I’m guessing all you really want to hear that proves I (might) know what I’m doing is that…

I am the national trainer for the number one coach on the planet.

All I’ve done day in and day out for the past 3 years is speak for, coach, and consult with Fortune 500s, business professionals, entrepreneurs, sales managers… the list goes on…

At this point I’ve done a little over 2,000 live trainings (and, no, that number isn’t even slightly exaggerated) with the highest performing companies to help them hit the next level… and also take the worst performing companies and turn them around.

I’ve been fortunate enough to be coached by the best and now it’s my turn to create a little practice of my own, so…

Here’s what I’ve got for you:

I’m doing a 30-day group coaching intensive for entrepreneurs.

We’re going to…

· Get extremely clear about what you’re after for the next month (and beyond). We’ll figure out customized metrics for you (so you can actually figure out if you’re progressing or not) …

· Explore what drives all decisions and how to take control of our lives (so you stop saying you want one thing but keep doing something else)

· Identify and tackle the B.S. (belief systems) that are holding us back (so you consistently take action towards your goals instead of stopping and starting over and over) …

· Build a new morning ritual that gets you laser focused on your outcomes for the day (if all you did in this program was this 5-minute thing for the next 30 days, your entire life would be different – that’s how powerful it is).

“How will this help me?”

First, it increases awareness. We take time to look at your life and business from the outside.

Second, it gets your emotions under control. Emotional management is imperative to making progress in your business and your life (not to mention the critical decisions we make day-to-day).

Finally, it demands massive action.

For 30 days, we’re going to make commitments and follow through for predictable results.

That’s it.

Here’s what this isn’t:

This isn’t therapy. We’re not going to explore your past or try to make sense of your childhood.

We’re simply going to start where we are and move forward.

It’s a future-focused, mind-blowing process.

Let me be clear:

I won’t be finding you a product to sell… I won’t be telling you what business to get into… I’m not going to do the work for you… and nor will I help you make life-altering decisions…

I’m going to hold you accountable but we’re not building dependency here.

My job is to teach you the tools, strategies, and distinctions that will empower you to finally do this stuff on your own.

Why am I doing this?

This is something I’ve wanted to do for a long time (my own private coaching practice) …

I love to be around people who actually want something for their lives…

Finally, this is a big ol’ test.

Shortly after we finish this program I’ll be launching a full-scale private group coaching business with some of the most successful business folks I’ve met from around the world.

With this being a test there are a couple of rules:

I’m only going to accept 30 people into the group.

The reason why is I’m actually going to personally track everyone’s progress for the month.

That’ll probably be a double-edged sword because you’ll get more personal attention from me… but I’ll be up your a$$ asking you if you’ve actually done what you said you were going to do…

No negativity.

Don’t bring your bullshit into the group. Toxic attitudes will not be tolerated. We’re doing this to build and grow and while I’m not the hugging and flower-giving type – we’re here to support each other and help any way we can.

When you hit it big, I’d like to share your progress with others.

Yeah, it’s a clever way to generate testimonials.

Of course you can tell me no – I will respect your privacy 100% (and I damn sure expect you do the same for everyone in the group)… but if you’re up for it, I’d like to get you ridiculous results and use those results to influence others to join the most expensive version later

So Here’s the deal…

If you want to join and be my coaching client, here’s how it works…

First, you enroll by clicking the link and finding the button at the bottom of the page, and then you’ll get immediate access to the membership site.

You’ll see a couple of short videos (5-10 minutes – we’re busy and we don’t need to sit around all day watching training).

They’ll introduce the first couple of ideas and concepts we’ll be working on (including building out your metrics and how we’re going to track our progress) and then I’ll give you a couple of days to get that done.

From there we’ll do a weekly call (don’t worry, it’ll be recorded if you can’t make it). We’ll do live examples, live coaching, and set you up for the next week’s short video and action plan.

With the test group (that’s you) you’ll also have daily access to me for questions.

It’s a coaching program designed for entrepreneurs who want lasting change.

Cost is $197 for the month.

You can enroll below.

Your life is about to change.

You are the hero.

I’m the guide.

Don’t stay lost.

Follow me.


Go to the sales page and checkout here: 30 Day Coaching Program


Very Cool Steve! Good luck!

EDIT - Just signed up!
Last edited:


Legendary Contributor
Read Fastlane!
Read Unscripted!
Summit Attendee
Speedway Pass
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Sep 6, 2009
Hey guys,

It's time. I've been training with big buddy for over 3 years now and I'm ready to start my own practice. I have a 30-day coaching intensive for entrepreneurs I'm running as a pilot program to a larger practice I'm starting. I'm opening it up to anyone who wants to jump in but I'd recommend reading the copy below so you know what you're getting into.

The program will essentially be 4 group coaching calls (they'll be recorded and in your membership area), a short weekly video (or two), a facebook group to communicate, an accountability setup, and there's a few extra details in here. I will get you the results you're looking for in your business... and if you're not sure what you're after... this is where you'll find it.

It's going to be fairly advanced but everyone will be on their own paths. This is essentially "life coaching for entrepreneurs" ... on steroids... come join me. Let's get results.

If you have questions, feel free to post them below!


The sales copy page is here:


NEWSFLASH: “KungFuSteve finally agrees to create his own coaching practice!”
You want to do better.

You want to take action.

You want to make and keep more money.

You want to be even more successful.

You want to live on purpose.

You need a coach.

I can be that coach for you.

If you don’t already know me, my name is Steve.

I’ve been around this forum since (practically) the beginning.

And before I tell you the long-winded story about my years of homelessness, spending the last of my food money on a book that transformed my life, and ultimately finding myself learning the foundations of business from a guy we’ve all come to admire around here (thanks, MJ) …

…let me start by calling out…

All the BULLSHIT that “coaches” are tossing around…

You know the people…

… they post motivational quotes on their Facebook and call themselves a “life coach”…

… their LinkedIn profile lists them as a motivational speaker (when they’ve never spoke), a coach (when they don’t know the first thing about it), and an entrepreneur (when they’ve never had a business) …

… they claim to be experts in different schools of psychology they’ve never studied…

… they often tell people about the hundreds or THOUSANDS of SUCCESSFUL people they’ve coached (and obviously they are the sole reason they are successful) …

Let me clear something up…

This is not THAT.

I’m a professional coach.

In fact, it’s how I make my living these days.

I could tell you all about my years as a martial arts coach, how I built world champions, how I built my school, how I got into business with my heterosexual life partner (@GlobalWealth), or even my consulting practice…

…but I’m guessing all you really want to hear that proves I (might) know what I’m doing is that…

I am the national trainer for the number one coach on the planet.

All I’ve done day in and day out for the past 3 years is speak for, coach, and consult with Fortune 500s, business professionals, entrepreneurs, sales managers… the list goes on…

At this point I’ve done a little over 2,000 live trainings (and, no, that number isn’t even slightly exaggerated) with the highest performing companies to help them hit the next level… and also take the worst performing companies and turn them around.

I’ve been fortunate enough to be coached by the best and now it’s my turn to create a little practice of my own, so…

Here’s what I’ve got for you:

I’m doing a 30-day group coaching intensive for entrepreneurs.

We’re going to…

· Get extremely clear about what you’re after for the next month (and beyond). We’ll figure out customized metrics for you (so you can actually figure out if you’re progressing or not) …

· Explore what drives all decisions and how to take control of our lives (so you stop saying you want one thing but keep doing something else)

· Identify and tackle the B.S. (belief systems) that are holding us back (so you consistently take action towards your goals instead of stopping and starting over and over) …

· Build a new morning ritual that gets you laser focused on your outcomes for the day (if all you did in this program was this 5-minute thing for the next 30 days, your entire life would be different – that’s how powerful it is).

“How will this help me?”

First, it increases awareness. We take time to look at your life and business from the outside.

Second, it gets your emotions under control. Emotional management is imperative to making progress in your business and your life (not to mention the critical decisions we make day-to-day).

Finally, it demands massive action.

For 30 days, we’re going to make commitments and follow through for predictable results.

That’s it.

Here’s what this isn’t:

This isn’t therapy. We’re not going to explore your past or try to make sense of your childhood.

We’re simply going to start where we are and move forward.

It’s a future-focused, mind-blowing process.

Let me be clear:

I won’t be finding you a product to sell… I won’t be telling you what business to get into… I’m not going to do the work for you… and nor will I help you make life-altering decisions…

I’m going to hold you accountable but we’re not building dependency here.

My job is to teach you the tools, strategies, and distinctions that will empower you to finally do this stuff on your own.

Why am I doing this?

This is something I’ve wanted to do for a long time (my own private coaching practice) …

I love to be around people who actually want something for their lives…

Finally, this is a big ol’ test.

Shortly after we finish this program I’ll be launching a full-scale private group coaching business with some of the most successful business folks I’ve met from around the world.

With this being a test there are a couple of rules:

I’m only going to accept 30 people into the group.

The reason why is I’m actually going to personally track everyone’s progress for the month.

That’ll probably be a double-edged sword because you’ll get more personal attention from me… but I’ll be up your a$$ asking you if you’ve actually done what you said you were going to do…

No negativity.

Don’t bring your bullshit into the group. Toxic attitudes will not be tolerated. We’re doing this to build and grow and while I’m not the hugging and flower-giving type – we’re here to support each other and help any way we can.

When you hit it big, I’d like to share your progress with others.

Yeah, it’s a clever way to generate testimonials.

Of course you can tell me no – I will respect your privacy 100% (and I damn sure expect you do the same for everyone in the group)… but if you’re up for it, I’d like to get you ridiculous results and use those results to influence others to join the most expensive version later

So Here’s the deal…​

If you want to join and be my coaching client, here’s how it works…

First, you enroll by clicking the link and finding the button at the bottom of the page, and then you’ll get immediate access to the membership site.

You’ll see a couple of short videos (5-10 minutes – we’re busy and we don’t need to sit around all day watching training).

They’ll introduce the first couple of ideas and concepts we’ll be working on (including building out your metrics and how we’re going to track our progress) and then I’ll give you a couple of days to get that done.

From there we’ll do a weekly call (don’t worry, it’ll be recorded if you can’t make it). We’ll do live examples, live coaching, and set you up for the next week’s short video and action plan.

With the test group (that’s you) you’ll also have daily access to me for questions.

It’s a coaching program designed for entrepreneurs who want lasting change.

Cost is $197 for the month.

You can enroll below.

Your life is about to change.

You are the hero.

I’m the guide.

Don’t stay lost.

Follow me.


Go to the sales page and checkout here: 30 Day Coaching Program

I can vouch for ole Steve. We've known each other for a long time and he's certainly been very helpful to me for the past few years though some difficult moments.

He has a talent for pushing you to focus on what's important and keep you at a mental state that is conducive to growth and productivity.

Very worthwhile.

Sent from my VTR-L29 using Tapatalk

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Imagine a multi-millionaire mentor by your side EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. Since 2007, MJ DeMarco has been the driving force of Fastlane, contributing on over 99% of days—99.92% to be exact! With over 38,000 posts game-changing posts, he's dedicated to helping entrepreneurs achieve freedom. Join 90,000+ members and access a vast library of 1,000,000+ posts from entrepreneurs worldwide.

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