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Imagine having a multi-millionaire mentor by your side EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. Since 2007, MJ DeMarco has been a cornerstone of Fastlane, actively contributing on over 99% of days—99.92% to be exact! With more than 38,000 game-changing posts, he's dedicated to helping entrepreneurs achieve their freedom. Join a thriving community of over 90,000 members and access a vast library of over 1,000,000 posts from entrepreneurs around the globe.

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Raja Kamil from Malaysia


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Jan 12, 2018
Raja Kamil from Malaysia.
The food heaven country.

3 food you must try if come to Malaysia :-
1. Satay and kuah kacang
2. Nasi Lemak Sambal Sotong
3. Roti Banjir & Teh Tarik

Bonus :
1. Durian
2. Manggis
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ZF Lee

Legendary Contributor
Read Rat-Race Escape!
Read Fastlane!
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Speedway Pass
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Jul 27, 2016
Selamat datang!

While food is good, I believe that Fastlaners want to know MORE about yourself rather than just the amazing foods of our country.

Here are some questions you can use as a guide to clarify your intro:
1. Why did you sign up for TFLF? Why choose entrepreneurship?

2. A brief background on where you come from, past education, work or anything you have done that includes marketable skills and value

3. What industry/business are you interested in, or are doing?

4. Do you have challenges in life you want to overcome? A low paycheck? Rising living costs? Lack of control over your dreams and value creation? Friends and family who give up too easily? Are you working on solutions to those problems?

Some threads to help you:
GOLD - Do You Have A Successful Entrepreneurial Premise?
Notable! - Manufacturing a FTE (F*ck This Event!)

Read the GOLD and NOTABLE threads, and do get The Millionaire Fastlane and UNSCRIPTED . The two books will help you understand what this forum stands for, and how we work hard to make our lives and businesses better.

Again, welcome, and take some time to have a feel around the place.

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