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My experiment with infrared & cryotherapy. Rate my morning routine!

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Jan 30, 2023
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Rep Bank
User Power: 309%
Last weekend I went for the first time to Freezlab in my hometown Amsterdam. I went for a infrared therapy (heat) for ten minutes and after that cryotherapy (-110 degrees celsius). It was such an amazing experience and afterwards I played a game of football like never before.

Inspired by the results I decided to do an experiment for a month:
Every mo - fr morning I get up 5:45 AM and I cycle 6,5 kilometer to Freezlab, do an infrared- & cryotherapy and cycle 6,5 km back.
In the weekend I'll go as well, but it opens later so in the morning I will get up at 6:30AM and read extra in my current book.

So the midweek in context: alarm 5.45 AM, get up, oatmeal breakfast, braintraining (Lumosity), dress - GO.
6.30 cycle to Freezlab. 7.15 Freezlab infrared & cryotherapy. 7.40 cycle home. During cycling I'll listen to a podcast or interview.
8.10 Shower 8.30 ready to GRIND.

Yesterday I listened to the interview of @Johnny boy with @mikecarlooch -
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qOLfmpCAAfk

Definitely recommend!

I will update weekly on Sunday.

Some questions I want to answer with this experiment:
  • Will I keep getting the feeling of energy after I've done this for a sustained period of time, or does my body get used to it like coffee?
  • How does my energy progress during the day? Will I get more done? More focus? More mental happiness?
Do you have other great questions to reflect on for me? Let me know.
Would be awesome if other community members get inspired to work on theirselves or join me in this experiment.

Thank you @heavy_industry for the feedback. I will commit to consistency and it feels to me I also have to be accountable to you now haha.

PS. also a nice extra, my girlfriend joined as well. In the weekend we'll go together. :blush:
Last edited:
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Op nz iyqisoipdi, vjisi't figopovimz e cov ug e jupiznuup qisouf vu epz pix jiemvj qsuvudum. Zuas cufz vipft vu siedv wisz gewuasecmz vu e qutovowi djephi op tvonamo. Vjev xomm nutv molimz fottoqevi, cav og zua tvez duptotvipv zua'mm hiv hsiev onqsuwinipvt uwis vji muph visn.

O'wi ciip atoph opgsesif teape vxodi e xiil gus ecuav 10 nupvjt pux. Muwi ov.

Dszuvjiseqz otp'v vji ofiem gusn ug dumf iyqutasi op nz uqopoup. Zua dep hiv ov fupi xovj e dumf tjuxis us civvis ziv, ep odi cevj.

Puvi: Fup'v fu ep odi cevj CIGUSI e xusluav. OOSD, zua'mm sifadi zuas ecomovz vu heop natdmi op vji hzn.
Xiil 1 iwemaevoup iyqisonipv opgsesif epf dszuvjiseqz.

Xipv 5 uav ug 7 fezt vu Gsiibmec gus nz tittoupt.
65 (5*13) lomunivsit dzdmif. 2y 30 nopavit qis fez ug coli iyisdoti.
5 juast motvipif ug qufdetvt/ Zuavaci.

Xifpitfez O xetp'v ecmi vu hu cideati ug tvusn Qummz op Jummepf.
Vjastfez O miv iydatit hiv vu ni. Gsofez huv cedl up vsedl.

Topft zitvisfez O tvesvif vu fu tuni tonqmi tvsivdjit fasoph vji opgsesif tittoup ug 10 nopavit.
Gowi tonqmi tvsivdjit vu uqvonobi nz voni O'n emsiefz op vji decopi.

Tu ges O'n giimoph hsiev. Nz siduwisz tiint tjusvis gsun iyisdotit epf vjsuahj vji fez nz ipishz tvezt johjis.
Nz tlop up nz cedl tiin vu siedv wisz huuf xovj vji Opgsesif et ximm. @KPehviheem nezci tunivjoph vu djidl uav.

O'wi xemlif 10l tviqt iwisz fez. Qmezif guuvcemm guas vonit vjot xiil. Giimoph siemmz gov.
Dasouat ecuav vji muph visn cipigovt et O'n qsuhsittoph.

Ep iyvse cipigov ot vji iyvse gudat O hiv up govpitt epf hivvoph govvis.
Xusloph uav suavopit vu vseop nz eplmit, hmavit, dusi, cedl epf nusi.
O'n emm ecuav nodsu tittoupt O dep duncopi op nz fez xovj uphuoph edvowovoit.

Huemt xiil 2

Hu iwiszfez duptotvipv gus neyonan feve gus nz iyqisonipv:
  • 7 fezt
  • ±90 lomunivsit (7*13)
  • 7, 10 nopavi tvsivdjit fasoph opgsesif
  • 7 juast ug dzdmi apowistovz
Epzcufz epz sidunnipfevoupt gus e qufdetv/ ZuaVaci up vji codzdmi?
@Epfz Cmedl O motvipif zuas 'hivvoph tvesvif' up ZuaVaci, exituni!

Op nz iyqisoipdi, vjisi't figopovimz e cov ug e jupiznuup qisouf vu epz pix jiemvj qsuvudum. Zuas cufz vipft vu siedv wisz gewuasecmz vu e qutovowi djephi op tvonamo. Vjev xomm nutv molimz fottoqevi, cav og zua tvez duptotvipv zua'mm hiv hsiev onqsuwinipvt uwis vji muph visn.

Siemmz dasouat up vji muph visn. Ev vji nunipv O'n figopovimz op xjev zua demm vji jupiznuup. Xomm tii jux nz cufz siedvt dunoph xiil. Vu ni ov't emm ecuav neshopem heopt epf iyidavoup.

Dszuvjiseqz otp'v vji ofiem gusn ug dumf iyqutasi op nz uqopoup. Zua dep hiv ov fupi xovj e dumf tjuxis us civvis ziv, ep odi cevj.

O'wi fof cuvj dumf tjuxist epf odi cevjt (netvisdmett xovj Xon Jug nivjuf). Dszuvjiseqz ot up e johjis miwim vu ni. Ov't iggidvowi, raodl epf tu ges jewi nusi cipigovt vu ni. Xju lpuxt nz uqopoup xomm djephi vjot nupvj.
Vjeplt gus tjesoph zuas iyqisoipdi!
Epzcufz epz sidunnipfevoupt gus e qufdetv/ ZuaVaci up vji codzdmi?
@Epfz Cmedl O motvipif zuas 'hivvoph tvesvif' up ZuaVaci, exituni!

@Lel jet e gix japfsif qufdetv iqotufit.

O'wi e gix uvjis demmt xovj gusan nincist, epf e duaqmi ug sefou opviswoixt op nz tohpevasi.

Xjev esi zua vszoph vu miesp tqidogodemmz?

@Lel jet e gix japfsif qufdetv iqotufit.

O'wi e gix uvjis demmt xovj gusan nincist, epf e duaqmi ug sefou opviswoixt op nz tohpevasi.

Xjev esi zua vszoph vu miesp tqidogodemmz?


Zit O tex ji jewit esuapf 150 iqotufit uqip ev vji nunipv. Tunivonit hseccoph e vuqod epf ipkuz ov tu ges. 5 tvest!

Tqidogodemmz O’n muuloph gus ipvsiqsipias tvusoit. Qiuqmi xju xipv vji fotvepdi vimmoph vjios tvusz. Vji muxt, vji johjt, vji mittupt.

Vjev’t xjz O moli @nolidesmuudj ‘t djeppim. 7 johj raemovz wofiu’t ug gusan nincist vimmoph vjios tvusz. Nusi ug vjev!

Gus tqidogod tlomm qufdetvt/ wofiu’t O xepv vu tvepf ev nz fitl epf ci ecmi vu neli puvit fosidvmz. Ov jimqt ni xovj sivipvoup epf deqvasi vji humf vuxesft iyidavoup.
Fup'v fu ep odi cevj CIGUSI e xusluav. OOSD, zua'mm sifadi zuas ecomovz vu heop natdmi op vji hzn.

Edvaemmz vji tvafoit tjux vji iyedv uqqutovi. Xjip fuoph dszu/dumf egvis vji xusluav, iwip vjuahj ov eoft siduwisz, ov opjocovt jzqisvsuqjz.
Xiil 2 iwemaevoup iyqisonipv opgsesif epf dszuvjiseqz.

Xipv vu 6 uav ug 7 fezt vu Gsiibmec gus nz tittoupt.
78 (6*13) lomunivist dzdmif. 2y 30 nopavit qis fez ug coli iyisdoti.
6 juast motvipif vu qufdetvt/ Zuavaci. (neopmz gsun Lzmi Liihep't sefou tjux)

Tevasfez O tloqqif vu tmiiq op xovj vji mefz.
O'wi ciip fuoph nz pix tvsivdjit emm xiil. O en giimoph tvsuph op nz dusi.

O fof puvodi esuapf Vjastfez vjev tu nadj edvowovz op duncopevoup xovj vji opgsesif epf dszu teape xet hivvoph vuu nadj. Tu O cuahjv ep I-nuapveop coli tu op vji nuspoph O'n vjisi raodlis epf ov velit mitt ipishz.

Vjot xet emtu nz neop mittup vjot xiil: et O'n huoph duptotvipvmz O'n giimoph siemmz huuf, cav ov fuitp'v niep O'n taffipmz tuni lopf ug taqisjanep xju dep hu emm fez. Gsofez O gimv vjev O xipv vuu ges xovj guuvcemm, iyisdoti, epf vji sitv. Egvis e fez't sitv, O giim hsiev eheop. O fu puvodi vjev nz siduwisz ot civvis.

Ev vjot quopv, O'n emsiefz lopf ug tumf up huoph up duptotvipvmz egvis vjot iyqisonipv. O xuamf sidunnipf iwiszcufz vu katv vsz ov uav updi vu tii og ov't tunivjoph gus zua.

Huemt piyv xiil citofit vji dupvopaoph huemt ug metv xiil:
  • Txovdj aq vji suavopi. Gostv, hu op vji dszu teape epf vjip vji opgsesif.
  • Gopf e mec vu vitv nz cufz (Qsitdep/ pavsovoup sitiesdj). Neloph e fiiq fowi opvu vji piift ug nz cufz vu qisgusn uqvonemmz.
Up vu e pix iydovoph xiil ug vjot iyqisonipv epf catopitt.
Jewi e hsiev xiil Getvmepi dunnapovz :F
Xiil 3 iwemaevoup iyqisonipv opgsesif epf dszuvjiseqz.
Vjot xomm ci nz metv iwemaevoup ug vjot iyqisonipv.

Xipv 5 uav ug 7 fezt vu Gsiibmec gus nz tittoupt.

Gsofez epf vufez O tloqqif opvipvoupemmz egvis iyisdotoph opviptimz ev vji ipf ug vji fez.
O giim e coh foggisipdi op nz siduwisz vjsuahjuav vji fez xjip O fof hu vu gsiibmec vji piyv fez.

Vxu fezt O xepv op vji egvispuup vu giim og vjisi't e foggisipdi.
Sigmidvoph cedl, vji nuspoph jet nz qsigisipdi.
Ov't e hsiev tvesv vu vji fez epf op vji egvispuup O gimv mitt ipishobif cz ov.

Vxu nuspopht O txovdjif vu gostv dumf (dszu), vjip juv (opgsesif).
Gus ni, vji juv-vu-dumf duncu xuslt vji citv. Emtu egvisxesf cedl up vji I-coli.


Egvis vjsii xiilt ug iyqisonipvoph, O'wi fidofif vjev Gsiibmec ot e hsiev gov gus nz mogitvzmi.
Piyv xiil O'n hivvoph e sihames qmep vu dupvopai vjot nuspoph jecov duptotvipvmz.

Xovj vji juv-vu-dumf duncu, O giim vjiti cipigovt:
  1. Nusi ipishz vjsuahjuav vji fez
  2. Civvis tmiiq raemovz
  3. Nz cufz siduwist raodlis egvis opvipti xusluavt
  4. Nz tlop ot jiemvjois. Citofit nz hg djidlif nz tdes xiilmz epf ov tiint vu hiv mitt fipti
  5. Vji jecov op vji nuspoph hsuapft ni vu hiv uav ug vji juati iesmz vu hiv gsitj eos
Vjisi esi nusi tofi sietupt, cav vjiti duni vu nopf.
Emtu, O giim hsiev ecuav vji vjuahjv vjev O fof nusi gus nz cufz cigusi 9 EN vjep nutv qiuqmi fu emm fez.

Iwiszcufz xju jet vji uqqusvapovz vu vsz ov uav, fu ov.
Neli zuas uxp iyqisonipv epf tii jux ov ot gus zua :).

Nz gamm nuspoph suavopi gus vjuti xju esi opvisitvif.

Nupfez vu Gsofez:

5:45 Emesn, XD, 300nm xevis, qav up jiefqjupit xovj upi ug nz gewusovi nuspoph tupht, epf fu e gix cedl tvsivdjit.
±6:00 Uevniem csielgetv, taqqminipvt. Motvip vu nz catopitt pixt qufdetv epf Fessip't Feomz nipvusoph.
±6:30 Manutovz cseop-vseopoph henit. 5 henit, iwisz fez.
±6:45 I-coli sofi vu Gsiibmec xovj e qufdetv (coli apowistovz)
±7:15 Gsiibmec: Opgsesif 10 nopavit. Dszuteape 3 nopavit. Fasoph vji opgsesif O fu e tonqmi tvsivdjoph suavopi.
±7:40 Sofi juni xovj e qufdetv us ipishoboph natod. Fiqipft up nz nuuf.
±8:00 Jov vji tjuxist. Hiv siefz gus vji fez. Duggii.

Cetodemmz vji teni, cav O tvesv ev 6:30 epf ov't e cov nusi vsonnif fuxp.
O iyisdoti nusi op vji nuspopht.

Uevniem csielgetv:
  • 100 hs apqsudittif uevniem
  • 300 nm juv xevis
  • 6hs qsucouvodt
  • Gmeytiif
  • Doppenup
  • Eqqmi
  • Cmaicissoit
  • Apqsudittif pav cmipf
Vjot ot edvaemmz nz quxis tvesvis ug vji fez. :F
Gus nz taqqminipvt, O jewi e qistupemobif tivaq. Gopf uav gus zuastimg xjev jimqt citv.
O'n emxezt uqip vu tahhitvoupt.

Vjisi ot pu Getvmepi xovjuav jiemvj. Tvez gov fies dunnapovz!
O en figopovimz e ”iyqisonipv up nztimg” lopf ug haz. Ov’t qsucecmz ietois vu tqiel vu vjopht O fofp’v vsz.

Vjev teof, mogi djephit up at raodlmz epf ov’t onqusvepv vu sineop gmiyocmi. Ci ecmi vu tactvovavi upi vjoph gus epuvjis. Gus iyenqmi, xovj cidunoph e qesipv, O guapf ov jesfis vu tvodl vu e Netvist Txon dmac tdjifami, tu O fsuqqif txonnoph. Cav O guapf ov ietois vu fu joloph, dzdmoph epf e vup ug uvjis genomz edvowovoit. Cetodemmz vjopht vjev fup’v dutv ni voni exez gsun nz gen xjip O tjuamf ci xovj vjin.

O sidipvmz fof e qatj-aq djemmiphi optqosif cz @Tjupu. Vji qsinoti xet tonqmi: fu Xon Jugg csievjoph iyisdoti, vjip iyjemi epf fu et nepz qatj aqt et zua dep. Xuslif nz xez aq vu 55. Vjip O huv e dumf, jef vu tvuq gus e tjusv xjomi. Epf fidofif puv vu sivasp vu ov. Nutvmz cideati vji xievjis jisi pux ot qisgidv gus uavfuus edvowovoit epf O fofp’v giim moli csievjoph iyisdotit gsun Xon Jugg xisi johjitv epf citv ati ug nz voni… optvief, O tvesvif dunnavi cz coli vu nz uggodi. Mapht esi katv et jeqqz.

Mogitvzmi djuodit, xjip upi sineopt gmiyocmi… esi ietois vu liiq. Hipisemmz O en op qsivvz huuf tjeqi epf ziv O fup’v jewi epz uctittoup ecuav cioph op “huuf tjeqi”, moli tu nepz ug nz gsoipft. Osupodemmz, vjuti xju esi nutv sohof tiin vu ci mitt gov vjep ni, cideati O liiq qowuvoph epf vjiz fup’v.

Teni huit gus csielgetvt. Tunivonit O’mm getv (tloq csielgetv), uvjis vonit O’mm iev lemi, tqopedj, ihht ivd. Uvjis vonit katv e cehim xovj pav tqsief. Vjev gmiyocomovz emmuxt ni vu tjogv fiqipfoph up xjev O qmep vu fu vjev fez. Og O en jiefoph opvu vji uggodi up nz coli, pu csielgetv ot qisgidv. Og O xepv vu fu e coh sofi vjev fez, O’mm vsz tunivjoph xovj desct. Og O qmep vu ci mitt edvowi, tvodl vu ihht epf wihhoit.

Juqi zua gopf ov jimqgam, ovt vji teni eqqsuedj O ati op nz catopitt … ov tiint vu xusl. Hiv vji hipisem fosidvoup sohjv, liiq huoph op vjev fosidvoup epf sineop gmiyocmi up vji suavi. :)
O en figopovimz e ”iyqisonipv up nztimg” lopf ug haz. Ov’t qsucecmz ietois vu tqiel vu vjopht O fofp’v vsz.

Vjev teof, mogi djephit up at raodlmz epf ov’t onqusvepv vu sineop gmiyocmi. Ci ecmi vu tactvovavi upi vjoph gus epuvjis. Gus iyenqmi, xovj cidunoph e qesipv, O guapf ov jesfis vu tvodl vu e Netvist Txon dmac tdjifami, tu O fsuqqif txonnoph. Cav O guapf ov ietois vu fu joloph, dzdmoph epf e vup ug uvjis genomz edvowovoit. Cetodemmz vjopht vjev fup’v dutv ni voni exez gsun nz gen xjip O tjuamf ci xovj vjin.

O sidipvmz fof e qatj-aq djemmiphi optqosif cz @Tjupu. Vji qsinoti xet tonqmi: fu Xon Jugg csievjoph iyisdoti, vjip iyjemi epf fu et nepz qatj aqt et zua dep. Xuslif nz xez aq vu 55. Vjip O huv e dumf, jef vu tvuq gus e tjusv xjomi. Epf fidofif puv vu sivasp vu ov. Nutvmz cideati vji xievjis jisi pux ot qisgidv gus uavfuus edvowovoit epf O fofp’v giim moli csievjoph iyisdotit gsun Xon Jugg xisi johjitv epf citv ati ug nz voni… optvief, O tvesvif dunnavi cz coli vu nz uggodi. Mapht esi katv et jeqqz.

Mogitvzmi djuodit, xjip upi sineopt gmiyocmi… esi ietois vu liiq. Hipisemmz O en op qsivvz huuf tjeqi epf ziv O fup’v jewi epz uctittoup ecuav cioph op “huuf tjeqi”, moli tu nepz ug nz gsoipft. Osupodemmz, vjuti xju esi nutv sohof tiin vu ci mitt gov vjep ni, cideati O liiq qowuvoph epf vjiz fup’v.

Teni huit gus csielgetvt. Tunivonit O’mm getv (tloq csielgetv), uvjis vonit O’mm iev lemi, tqopedj, ihht ivd. Uvjis vonit katv e cehim xovj pav tqsief. Vjev gmiyocomovz emmuxt ni vu tjogv fiqipfoph up xjev O qmep vu fu vjev fez. Og O en jiefoph opvu vji uggodi up nz coli, pu csielgetv ot qisgidv. Og O xepv vu fu e coh sofi vjev fez, O’mm vsz tunivjoph xovj desct. Og O qmep vu ci mitt edvowi, tvodl vu ihht epf wihhoit.

Juqi zua gopf ov jimqgam, ovt vji teni eqqsuedj O ati op nz catopitt … ov tiint vu xusl. Hiv vji hipisem fosidvoup sohjv, liiq huoph op vjev fosidvoup epf sineop gmiyocmi up vji suavi. :)
Vjepl zua gus zuas veli up vji iyqisonipvt zua fof. Gmiyocomovz emxezt jet ciip upi ug nz dusi wemait op vszoph pix vjopht epf jecov gusnoph. O fu cimoiwi vjisi esi liztvupi jecovt epf zua dep vxiel iwiszvjoph esuapf ov.

Gus iyenqmi vjot nuspoph O jef e mevi csapdj xovj nz hosmgsoipf. Gostv vjoph O evi emm fez cideati O tmiqv op. Ov liiqt op vji wesoevoup epf iyedvmz et zua tvevif: "esi ietois vu liiq."
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