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Imagine having a multi-millionaire mentor by your side EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. Since 2007, MJ DeMarco has been a cornerstone of Fastlane, actively contributing on over 99% of days—99.92% to be exact! With more than 38,000 game-changing posts, he's dedicated to helping entrepreneurs achieve their freedom. Join a thriving community of over 90,000 members and access a vast library of over 1,000,000 posts from entrepreneurs around the globe.

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  1. F

    Accountability Thread: From changing habits to the joy of creating value

    Hello everyone, today I am starting my accountability thread. My intro was two months ago: INTRO - From bank savings lane, to slowlane to fastlane attitude , but a lot has happened in that time. I read Noah's book, went traveling with my girlfriend and changed my job. If I want to work on...
  2. Dufresne85

    Dufresne85 Digital Products Accountability/Progress thread

    Hi, I am going Fastlane with lots of time constraints due to having a family with 2 kids and a doing full time job to provide for them. My background story is here: INTRO - Intro Due to time constraints, I can only focus on building projects that can eventually run automatically. Projects...
  3. DonyaSze

    Video game development is my passion and I’m making it my fast lane strategy.

    I know that MJ said working on your dream isn’t the best way to make millions, but I’ve put together an explanation of why my dream project is a good idea to build based on the CENTS formula. Control: I have it allllll as the leader of the team and main developer. Entry: To some, the...
  4. R


  5. rolling78

    Accountability check-in

    Sunday 14 January 2024 Will post here on Sunday once a week. To document my journey. My goal is to reach the fastlane in 10 years. For 2024 I'm focused on: Buying an investment property or land overseas Buying an investment property in Australia Creating a business that adheres to CENTS and...
  6. naz10101

    An Aussie tries to build a successful business for the umpteenth time..... [Accountability thread]

    Starting this thread for accountability and feedback. I am currently attempting 3 things: 1) SAAS Product - Partnership between myself (non-technical) and a coder 2) Ecommerce - Pet Accessories - Testing initially via dropshipping 3) Build Personal Brand to improve a) network and b) Promote 1)...
  7. Aristoss

    Selling Sheet Music - Progress Thread

    It's been a while. After living in Idea Land for too long, I've finally embraced what I'm great at and that follows the CENTS framework: Making skillful musical arrangements and selling their sheet music online (Digital Product) It's a sector that is pretty saturated, But I'm planning to...
  8. Lex DeVille

    Lex's Digital/Physical Product Group Accountability Thread

    See this thread for more information on the what/how part of what we're creating in this thread. Accountability I decided to hold myself accountable for one year on my latest idea. I'm doing it in this thread in case you'd like to join in for group accountability. Goals: 1. To create and...
  9. EngineerThis

    30 Day Workout Challenge

    Hey guys, I do my workouts at home, as there's no gym in my city. But! I miss the camaraderie, found this cool free app, and made a 30-day challenge for Fastlaners to compete with me online in points... That's all! Join up, and I'll see you there
  10. KindleTheFlame.

    My execution thread.

    This will be my execution thread. I will update it weekly. Currently ? Me and my friend have a small instagram store set up. Niche ? Polaroids, printeds canvases. Posters etc etc. The store was originally created by my friend. Hes already ran ads before using pocket change. Good response...
  11. KindleTheFlame.

    My introduction

    Hi there, I've joined the Fastlane forum to keep myself accountable and document my journey of getting rich. i also live in pakistan and intend to leave abroad in the coming year (bachelors). After some recent life events i've come to realization that things need to change. I am working on an...
  12. JED253

    Good reasons to wait?

    First off, I need to take accountability. I'm 25% of the way through unscripted after reading fastlane a few months ago. In the book he calls out people like me who read fastlane, make a post or two, and then vanish. And I will be the first to admit that there is more I could have done in the...
  13. Lyzmin

    My experiment with infrared & cryotherapy. Rate my morning routine!

    Last weekend I went for the first time to Freezlab in my hometown Amsterdam. I went for a infrared therapy (heat) for ten minutes and after that cryotherapy (-110 degrees celsius). It was such an amazing experience and afterwards I played a game of football like never before. Inspired by the...
  14. A

    Gained an extreme confidence boost from execution

    I feel like I've finally earned the right to make a thread for myself. After I binge read "Unscripted", I found the Fastlane forum and it didn't take long for me to find @Fox's post for his web design course. I paid for the course and started binging on his content, and at the same time binge...
  15. Aristoss

    From Freelance to Fastlane - 1-5 steps a day, looking for accountability

    Following @fastlane_dad's advise on @NeoDialectic insightful thread, I'll write here everyday the 5 new steps I'm taking from Freelance to Fastlane. I'm originally a classical music composer, conductor and pianist, but I recently started a videography freelance business. I'm barely making ends...
  16. Prdgy

    Prdgy's Journal

    Inspired by my chat in the random chat thread (thanks @GPM , @thechosen1 , @Ing , @piano and @BizyDad !) , I've decided to write an open journal with feedback as a thread on here! I do also have a private journal that I write by hand, so this one will mainly just be for noteworthy things that...
  17. Spenny

    Week 10: ChemStencil V3

    This is an ongoing progress thread. See the previous week here. Whats Happened? ChemStencil ChemStencil V2 was produced (see below) & ChemStencil V3 was designed. Hoping to get it in the next week. Had a lot of things I needed to adjust & still some functionalities that dont work but I'm...
  18. Zygmunt

    Accountability thread

    As of today 2023, January 8th I finished reading UNSCRIPTED. I am creating this thread as an accountability tool and to mark my progress. My goal by the end of the year is to have made at least 1,000 euros through a business or side hustle, preferably game development or web development. I'm a...
  19. Spenny

    Week 4: Good Week!

    This is a continuation from my journey of keeping myself accountable every week. You can see the last thread here. This last week I set myself 4 goals. Goals: 3/4 Completed Do Chemistry 2 hours a day - COMPLETE This has been quality learning - been trying out the Pomodoro Technique. However...
  20. NMdad

    Building accountability to get sh*t done

    Hey, Fastlaners! I've been reviewing how I did on achieving this year's goals & goal-setting for next year, & want to create more accountability for myself. I've seen a few people post in the group about how they've done accountability groups, & there are some solid, simple ideas for doing it...