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  1. Fox

    Is consistency the key to success? Part of it?

    Consistency really is king.
  2. Lyzmin

    My experiment with infrared & cryotherapy. Rate my morning routine!

    Last weekend I went for the first time to Freezlab in my hometown Amsterdam. I went for a infrared therapy (heat) for ten minutes and after that cryotherapy (-110 degrees celsius). It was such an amazing experience and afterwards I played a game of football like never before. Inspired by the...
  3. EatMan

    I haven't had my FTE, what should I do?

    In the book Unscripted, MJ DeMarco talked about a "F*ck This Event" (FTE) in which clarity hits you like a truck, and you're motivated to change and take action regardless of fear or social norms. I've never had this type of event, and maybe because of this, I'm having a real difficult time...
  4. Elise

    I QUIT

    Hi , Glad to join yall. You can call me 'E'. I currently live in the Houston area. My thread title is the two words I dream of telling my employer: I Quit. And it'll happen soon. I read the Millionaire Fastlane and Unscripted a couple years ago. But like all my other 100+ books, I tossed it...
  5. Christopher777

    Focus and Handling Distraction

    We know all too well what happens when we get distracted : We don't get things done. Aside from losing our focus towards the goal, we tend to get sidetracked and pulled into another direction. The point of this post is that distraction is a global issue. Everybody struggles with it. Even...