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Mckay Jolley

Mckay Jolley

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May 10, 2018
Hi everyone! I am Mckay Jolley I started an ecommerce product and training site about 5 years ago. This is a beauty professional site. It had nothing to do with my or my wife's background we saw an opportunity and jumped on it taking a 10k loan out to get started. We have been unscripted for about a year and generate 8 figures annually we have no debt and our business is growing rapidly. Its been a great ride but a lot of sleepless nights as I'm sure you all know. I am looking to get over the step from small mom and pop to corporation standards increasing our business to the next level. I was recommended the book unscripted from a friend and it resonated with me through and through.That was a years ago and I have recommended it to everyone I have come in contact with that wants to know the "secret to success". Shortly after finishing unscripted I read Millionaire Fast I'm here. I am grateful for this forum and look forward to learning new things and see what I can improve upon. Thank you MJ for all of the sound advice you have provided and keep providing. It has been life changing. I will do what I can to give back to the forum community.
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Mckay Jolley

New Contributor
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May 10, 2018
I didn't catch that I needed to tag you previously @MJ DeMarco I tried to edit my post but it pulled an error code.

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